You know, I'm all for second (and third and forth....) chances. I have already dealt with my own anger. I am willing to give J&K a chance. But, I would be lying if I didn't say that Jeff's little speech on Sunday would have been more meaningful if it had happened a week earlier, before Jackie made her statements public. It now appears as though Jeff continues to do damage control. I hope I'm wrong.
The only problem with the idea of giving folks chances when they are leading a whole flock of people is that leadership is not the right place for a learning curve on basic issues of character. Let Jeff and Kim devleop their character outside of the arena of leadership of a sizable congregation. Churches need proven leaders who know the difference between sound doctrine and false teaching. I know even the best leaders are flawed people, yes, but they ought not to be stumbling around in high levels of personal insecurity that render them incapable of doing what's right when they need to.
I'm not trying to bash Jeff and Kim. I'm just saying they're going to be chewed up and spit out by the pressures of leadership if they don't have the courage and conviction to walk in uncompromising truth (without authoritarianism) and the humility to be accountable to a REAL elder board as well as to the people for how they lead, including what they teach.
As a leader, if a pastor can't sort out what's wrong within himself and the church he's leading, if he needs to call in a professional consultant to do that, then he probably shouldn't be leading the church. Buddy was right--I think it was Buddy who said it--all Jeff needs to do is come on here and read to get all the clues he needs about where to begin making changes, but he's still under the impression that the people here are gossips and slanderers. He's still infected to the core with Mike Villamor's values and skewed perspectives on church body life. He may wish not to be, but he'll need a time of detox, serving in a healthy church before he'll ever know how to lead a church into a healthy existence. That's just the nature of how brainwashing works--you gotta be deprogrammed to see clearly again.
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/08/2010 12:35AM by LearningPoint.