Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: May 10, 2009 08:40AM

Greetings, Turning Point Leaders!

What a whirlwind week this has been for all of us! Whether you've just returned from the Philippines w/ Pastor Cyndi and I, poured yourself out for Easter service, started 2nd quarter SOMA NW, or helped Dr. Sam Chand to assess the health of our church, you have been instrumental in the advancing of God's Kingdom! Thank you!

Dr. Chand, Pastor Cyndi and I spent almost three hours together reviewing all that he learned during his two days with us. We talked through every one of the actual quotes (no names attached) of nearly 30 elders, key leaders, paid staff and volunteers concerning suggestions and observations, while also rejoicing over the many unique qualities that were identified in TPC. We are so proud of God for all the good and eager to improve in our weaknesses! Though this was certainly an assessment of our church, it was even more an assessment of me as the pastor, and for that I am very excited!

Please pray diligently for us as we intentionally work to improve on four important areas that Dr. Chand identified:

1. Communication: Improving TPC's ability to convey critical information internally and externally
2. Structure: Bringing greater clarity and flow to what we do
3. Assimilation: Finding ways to more effectively engage new people into life with Jesus and His Church
4. Growth: By inspiring and equipping each ministry to grow, we will continue to grow His church and His Kingdom

I invite you to join us in the Spirit of Unity and the bond of peace as we strive to even more effectively share the good news of Jesus Christ! Let me leave you with a quote from Dr. Chand, "The future of Turning Point Church World Outreach Center is bright and promising. The Lord has placed His plans for you in you already. Your DNA is obvious. I know you are ready for it."

I love you and thank God for each of you!

Pastor Mike

I've seen this business strategy before. It is designed to pay lip service to those who complain but does nothing to correct the original goal of the leadership. Later he will point to this and say "Look what I've done for you! What more can you ask of me?" But Buddy has it right. The real issuses are deliberately not being addressed. This is deceit.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: whatajoke ()
Date: May 10, 2009 11:11AM

It really sounds from the letter like this psycho professional dude is a Mike Villamor stoolie. Seriously, mike is in control of this whole thing in order to make it look good. It is not as if the elders were in a uproar over what is going on in the church or the church members spoke up and were being heard, and they hired some independent person to evaluate. This is someone who is being paid to support Mike. How arrogant is the comment about the good Doctor sitting down with Mike and Cyndi to talk about what he found out. The good doctor should have sat down with the elders and the common people of the church to discuss it. The four important areas identified are a joke and could cross over to any business or organization. It really sounds like one of our mumbo jumbo meetings at my work where they come out with a statement but no real meat to it. Why are the lies, manipulation, bad teachings being addressed. Turning Point people you really need to stand up and be heard or you will end up the way of Radiant Life which is a very quickly sinking ship. Pastor Tony is an outcast in the Sacramento area now and the whole spiritual community knows of the havoc he has perpetrated.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: May 10, 2009 11:36AM

Hmm...Let's take a look at those goals:

1. Communication: Improving TPC's ability to convey critical information internally and externally

Last time I checked, communication is a two-way street: Where's the listening part?

2. Structure: Bringing greater clarity and flow to what we do

They PAID someone to make this grossly general, pseudo observation/goal? Wouldn't the goal of "nailing green jello to the wall" be just as helpful, except for that it's more specific in that we know the color of the jello?

3. Assimilation: Finding ways to more effectively engage new people into life with Jesus and His Church wanna "find ways"? How about going back to what worked in the beginning, what has ALWAYS worked? Preach the gospel; meet in small groups (only make them open to real questions and concerns and life issues); as leaders, have a heart for people like you used to. This would go FAR toward meeting this goal. I wonder what bogus program they're going to try to implement to make it look like they're doing something on this front.

4. Growth: By inspiring and equipping each ministry to grow, we will continue to grow His church and His Kingdom

Nope! Only by preaching the gospel, loving people, getting back to the Bible, telling the truth, and exorcising the demon of greed will the church ever grow and become "His church" again, instead of Mike's personal money-making enterprise.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 05/10/2009 11:37AM by LearningPoint.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: May 10, 2009 12:49PM

Hmm...Let's take a look at those goals:

1. Communication: Improving TPC's ability to convey critical information internally and externally

Last time I checked, communication is a two-way street: Where's the listening part?

2. Structure: Bringing greater clarity and flow to what we do

They PAID someone to make this grossly general, pseudo observation/goal? Wouldn't the goal of "nailing green jello to the wall" be just as helpful, except for that it's more specific in that we know the color of the jello?

3. Assimilation: Finding ways to more effectively engage new people into life with Jesus and His Church wanna "find ways"? How about going back to what worked in the beginning, what has ALWAYS worked? Preach the gospel; meet in small groups (only make them open to real questions and concerns and life issues); as leaders, have a heart for people like you used to. This would go FAR toward meeting this goal. I wonder what bogus program they're going to try to implement to make it look like they're doing something on this front.

4. Growth: By inspiring and equipping each ministry to grow, we will continue to grow His church and His Kingdom

Nope! Only by preaching the gospel, loving people, getting back to the Bible, telling the truth, and exorcising the demon of greed will the church ever grow and become "His church" again, instead of Mike's personal money-making enterprise.

A little over a decade ago I worked for a law firm where the senior attorney/owner of the firm found themselves with a 400% turnover rate and with staff who started looking for an exit the minute they arrived. This attorney decided to bring in a consultant to identify what problems existed and what needed to be done to fix the problems so that the continual turnover of staff would stop. Unfortunately, this attorney tried to bias the consultant before they even arrived by writing a memo which included negative and obnoxious remarks about just about every single person that worked for them. I was the only person that spoke to the consultant that didn't know about the memo. It was somehow discovered and circulated to everyone in the firm while I was talking to the consultant. While the consultants recomendations were provided to the attorney, they were promptly ignored and life went on as normal. That firm continued to enjoy triple digit turnover annually.

The point I am getting at is this, this consultant spent two days at TPC and did this consultant meet with anyone who left TPC in the last year? Did this person speak to Pastor Jackie or the Deacons that left? The information provided to him was exactly what Pastor Mike and the Elders wanted presented. Learning Point is exactly right on each and every point. This is a cosmetic non-answer being done so that it will appear that Pastor Mike and the Elders tried to address the issues of those that are questioning Pastor Mike and the Elders leadership and they really have no intention of changing anything. The changes that Pastor Mike has been planning to implement since his sabbatical are already in place.

Daughter of Dorcas

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Miki ()
Date: May 10, 2009 01:09PM

Mike & Cyndi, give yourself a pat on your back! You have just succeeded in making yourself look worse off. The church has no money. You brought in someone who "gave" you what YOU wanted to hear! LOL..... what a joke! May you be trembling in your boots because GOD IS MOVING and He's MOVING FAST!!!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: belongs2Him ()
Date: May 10, 2009 01:47PM

**Change of topic for a moment**

What is TPC teaching to the youth? There was an incident at the Marysville cinema today. Several recognized TPC youth were watching a movie and were disruptive the entire movie. To the point where people constantly asked them to be quiet or leave. One 'wonderful God fearing' youth (identified by name) stood up and shouted at a man "Screw you! I'm 15 years old, you can't talk to me like that!" This person only asked them to be silent as they had continued to interrupt the movie to the point where people wanted their money back. Several people recognized them as popular, well known TPC youth who are seen at most TPC events and serve "faithfully" on Sundays. Is this the kind of behavior TPC teaches the youth? Behave on Sundays and Wednesdays and then go make a bad name for Christ every other day??
To those who still attend, is this how your youth will turn out??

Something to ponder...

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: May 10, 2009 03:08PM

TPWOC home web site at the bottom under discipleship conference front and center we have a pictures of the famous speakers, in the left top hand corner we have false word-faith prosperity postive confession pastor teacher I might come in my helecopter Casey Treat from name it claim it christian faith center, In the left bottom corner we have I want to be just like Casey, I made myself into a apostle prosperity pastor teacher Mike Villamor,in the right top we have I can't wait to be like Wendy Treat so I can move into a bigger house, Cydni Villamor.And in the right bottom corner we have the new guy, all the way from Ultimate Life church in florida,Dr. Prosperity Dave Martin. They are going to teach us on how to become master builders. I guess after every one leaves TPWOC the few remaining will have to become master builders to build Mikes empire back up! Then Mike will have everybody that thinks like he does and he will get rid of all the people who disagree with his false prosperity teaching!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: May 10, 2009 03:09PM

**Change of topic for a moment**

What is TPC teaching to the youth? There was an incident at the Marysville cinema today. Several recognized TPC youth were watching a movie and were disruptive the entire movie. To the point where people constantly asked them to be quiet or leave. One 'wonderful God fearing' youth (identified by name) stood up and shouted at a man "Screw you! I'm 15 years old, you can't talk to me like that!" This person only asked them to be silent as they had continued to interrupt the movie to the point where people wanted their money back. Several people recognized them as popular, well known TPC youth who are seen at most TPC events and serve "faithfully" on Sundays. Is this the kind of behavior TPC teaches the youth? Behave on Sundays and Wednesdays and then go make a bad name for Christ every other day??
To those who still attend, is this how your youth will turn out??

Something to ponder...

YIKES! Were you there, B2H? Not challenging your information, just wondering if you had to misfortune of witnessing this firsthand. What a sad, sad episode. I know of another youth who, a few years back, just didn't show up to work at times, didn't call in, didn't do his job well when he did show up, didn't think he had to b/c he's a "rock star" in the church "important persons" lineup. What you reported here brought that back to mind. I think I said in a post a long time ago that Turning Point has a habit of giving youth authority that they have no knowledge or ability to handle nor to wield maturely. It's a lack of wisdom on leadership's part to be puffing these kids up with high spiritual notions rather than teaching them to "keep in step with the Spirit" by day to day faithfulness in the little things.

The Church's (and I mean the entire body of Christ, not just Turning Point) reputation takes yet another blow with this incident. I just hope yet another soul has not been lost to the anger and arrogance Turning Point is breeding.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Mville04 ()
Date: May 10, 2009 05:53PM

Belongs2him and Turningpoint; you ask what it is that TP is teaching their youth? How they come to think this way?
Let us refresh our memories about the Youth credo from TP.

We are world changers!

Kindom carriers!

Empowered by the holy spirit!

To unleash heaven on earth!

Any questions?

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: tpcwocattender ()
Date: May 10, 2009 09:27PM

This is regarding the movie incident.

Are we really going to paint an entire church youth program with that broad of a brush, regardless of the church. He didn't yell out "I'm 15, go to church, so you can't tell me what to do!". This is a parental issue. I have witnesses, and have been personally (though it has been a while), disruptive youth and have recognized them as church goes. As a side note the four credos that were listed was from a great series on evangelism. It had nothing to do with being a jerk in public.

I know it sounds like I am defending tpc. I would say I am rejecting implications being made. This type of stuff is what can give this forum a bad name. It also devalues the testimonies of those who were hurt because people lump everything on this forum together.

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