Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: June 20, 2009 12:41PM

People still at TPWOC believe what false apostle Mike teaches is in the bible. That is the reply I have received, "Its in the bible"! When I have challeged them to do the research to find out if Mike is teaching false doctrine! Then after you give them the truth about all the false teaching alot of the people say," I am staying and I support Pastor Mike"! Its like they are from another planet or something. No matter how many facts you give them that Mike is deceiving them, they still stay and keep drinking the kool-aid that he gives them. Its like they are blind and have believed all the lies by Mike and Jeff about the people on the forum and people who dare question their authority and teaching. Jeff Barnes kept saying,why are you here,why are you here,over and over again, when you disagree with the direction Mike is taking TPWOC.They want you to find a new church if you don't follow what they teach. Then they will spin the facts to make themselves look like the victims. On the false teaching of the Word-faith movement they do not know how to defend themselves from the false teaching. A reply I have heard from a Pastor, deacon and others at TPWOC to defend this false doctrine is " the word faith is in the bible"! What a pansy lame answer! They could at least use a couple bible verses. False teachers Valerie and Ken probably gave them that stupid quote. I still love all the people who attend TPWOC and know for a fact that there are some real special people still there. That is why we shall not give up sharing the truth with are brothers and sisters who are still under the spell of Mike and Cyndi Villamor. One TPWOC person I was sharing with was so brainwashed into worshiping Mike that when I shared how I had a hard time leaving and was still hurting. She said, well maybe God is telling you you should come back! Some People in a cultic church will stay know matter how much truth and evidence you give them. Its like they have been deceived and have to be lost again so they can get find the truth again and be saved!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: June 21, 2009 12:41AM

Actually, what I think really happens is when you walk into TP they love bomb and flock around you and welcome you into the fold and invite you to small groups. Everyone loves this because it makes them feel wanted and included (isn't this what everyone wants?). Once your firmly grounded and preped in your small group then comes the time to have a discipler. Then once that happens it's time for you to serve in some capacity then they want you to volunteer for other things give more and more of your time, talent and treasure to extreme measures until you no longer have time for your previous friends and family not involved in TP. Then TP becomes your family and everything becomes about the church family and worshiping Mike and Cydni and pretty soon your not thinking for yourself and Mike and whatever he says becomes your (idol) God. The reason people have such a hard time leaving is because they lose everything that TP has meant to them because they have left all their old friends behind and know that their TP friends will also leave them in time because they no longer have the link (commonality) that brought them together! If false apostle Mike can get you to attend his SOMA NW school then you do no have a life of your own anymore. Mike Villamor will control you, you will worship him.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: Brokenhearted ()
Date: June 21, 2009 02:09AM

Yes Buddy, that pretty much sums it up. Leaving is hard, but not b/c God wants you to stay at TP, it's that way *by design*.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: June 21, 2009 02:26AM

That's a blackout bingo, Buddy. You covered every aspect of the process in the seduction of a Turning Point attendee.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: buddy ()
Date: June 21, 2009 10:03AM

Oh, and if your lucky Pastor Mike would become your spiritual father and you could move into his fancy house as his spiritual slave!

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: June 21, 2009 10:15AM

Hi All,

God knew from the beginning of time what would happen at Turning Point. He knew the good and the bad that would come out of Pastor Mike's experiment in church planting. God also knows what will happen in the future and he is in control. So quit fretting about something your words cannot control or change and leave it in the hands of the ONE who can control all things.

I was emailed a link to a video for a song entitled Forgiveness by Ofra Haza. I would suggest everyone watch it and think just how insignificant our issues with Mike Villamor are compared to God's issues with Mike, the Elders, the Deacons, and Tony Cunningham. All of them are nothing more than a grain of sand in God's plan. Look at what has happened to false prophets and teachers throughout the Bible when they did not repent and God dealt with them, I know that God will deal with the leadership at Turning Point because God is faithful to take care of his flock.

We can vent but we are powerless to effect any change ourselves, but there is ONE who is not powerless in this situation. Our frustration and venting should be turned to the ONE who can and will handle the problems at Turning Point -- in HIS perfect time.

Our job is to forgive, let go of our anger, and look to the Lord for direction in moving on with our lives so we can live in his will and purpose for each of us.


Daughter of Dorcas

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/21/2009 10:18AM by Daughter of Dorcas.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: June 21, 2009 11:20AM

Informing the unwitting is different from fretting.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: June 21, 2009 11:28AM

Also, for those on the forum who have had the opportunity to reach the conclusion D of D has, that's wonderful.

But for those who are still sorting things out, it's OK to be working through it all. There's no shortcut for going through the genuine process of regaining your balance, healing, and ultimately forgiving. (Of course, as it has been said earlier, forgiving those who have hurt, offended, misled, (etc.) us doesn't mean we need to entrust ourselves to their care again, nor can we forgive things that are an offense against God, such as perverting the gospel and misrepresenting Christ.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/21/2009 11:29AM by LearningPoint.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Posted by: LearningPoint ()
Date: June 21, 2009 11:37AM

It seems to me, D of D, that we are not powerless. We can cry out to God for intervention, we can warn others, we can pray for the leaders, followers, and others at Turning Point. Those are all powerful ways we can act in behalf of the gospel, truth, and righteousness.

Even those who forgive can remain alert and able to help those who are coming out of the abuse. That includes being gentle and patient to teach, encourage, inspire, pray with, etc., our disillusioned brothers and sisters.

I'm sure you would agree with me, and I'm just as sure that by "powerless" you meant that we cannot MAKE TP leadership submit to the truth. And, of course, you would be right. I just wanted to preemptively clarify. If I didn't understand you, though, please post again to clarify. Thanks.

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Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
Date: June 21, 2009 12:07PM

I have watched the discussion on forgiving and decided to share my perspective for anyone who might be interested:

I left TPc back in 1996. I forgave MV and quietly moved on. I never spoke a word of criticism to anyone about TPc from the time I left in 1996 until October of last year. Last summer I was searching the internet and decided to google TPCC to see what was new at the church. I found the new site and was intrigued by what I saw on the TPCWOC site. I was actually happy to see that the church was "growing" and involved in the community. Then I started to reflect on my reasons for resigning my position of leadership at TPc and leaving the church. That decision was wholly related to the unusual influence of Tony C on Mike and what I deemed as an unhealthy sway over Mike and the direction of the church. So I decided to google TC's name as I was curious to what he was doing.

In the process I came across this site and read, with horror, the stories and testimonies on this site regarding TC abusiveness at his church. This got me wondering if Tony and Mike were still connected and how Tony's influence may have negatively influenced TPc WOC over the years. So it was with mindset that I started the TPC thread here on Rick Ross. I did not really know what to expect. For a while no one else posted on the TPc thread. I posted links and information about some of the false teachings happening at RLc wondering if these teachings were also taking place at TPc. Soon M&M responded to the thread and my worst fears were realized as others began to post their stories and experiences with TPc and false teachings.

At times I have had mixed feelings about starting the TPc thread. But all along the way it was never an attempt to control or try to change Mike. It was to warn others at TPc or those who might be considering attending TPc of the influence of Tony on Mike and TPc and how the hurt that has occurred at RLc could very well happen to those at TPc. There have been times when I have been compelled to call the leaders to repentance. But not out of anger, hurt or bitterness-but as a response to passages I had read in scripture at the time. I am compelled to continue to warn those who might be considering attending TPc...not to warn them away but to warn them to go in with open eyes and a mind willing to ask tough questions of those in leadership. If anything I have posted on this site has offended you or hurt you please let me know that I might make amends.

I hope that God has used this forum in your life as a way of healing and processing what you have experienced at TPc. I hope God has used this forum as a vehicle to connect you with others who have experienced feelings and actions similar to your own TPc experience. I am thankful that in some way this thread was useful in connecting several of you with a small group of others to study and learn about recovering from churches that abuse. I am grateful to M&M for being proactive and inviting many of you to join him in furthering your healing experience. I hope that others will have the courage to come here-not to bash and seek revenge- but to share their stories of hurt, disappointment, grief, and -ultimately- renewal and restoration. God is in control. He is the one who fights for his children. He will not abandon you or leave you even when your church leaders fail you.
Your stories have the power to connect with others who may be wondering, doubting, seconding guessing, thinking they are the crazy ones. Your story can make all the difference in the world.

My only regret-moving on quietly. And remaining quiet for so long. When something is wrong and we dont speak out ... others can be hurt.
And yet God is faithful and He still accomplishes His will and His plan.

Thanks for listening.
God's peace as you continue to heal and His wisdom as you consider how to proceed.


Also, for those on the forum who have had the opportunity to reach the conclusion D of D has, that's wonderful.

But for those who are still sorting things out, it's OK to be working through it all. There's no shortcut for going through the genuine process of regaining your balance, healing, and ultimately forgiving. (Of course, as it has been said earlier, forgiving those who have hurt, offended, misled, (etc.) us doesn't mean we need to entrust ourselves to their care again, nor can we forgive things that are an offense against God, such as perverting the gospel and misrepresenting Christ.)

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/21/2009 12:26PM by TurningPointReject.

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