This is regarding the movie incident.
Are we really going to paint an entire church youth program with that broad of a brush, regardless of the church. He didn't yell out "I'm 15, go to church, so you can't tell me what to do!". This is a parental issue. I have witnesses, and have been personally (though it has been a while), disruptive youth and have recognized them as church goes. As a side note the four credos that were listed was from a great series on evangelism. It had nothing to do with being a jerk in public.
I know it sounds like I am defending tpc. I would say I am rejecting implications being made. This type of stuff is what can give this forum a bad name. It also devalues the testimonies of those who were hurt because people lump everything on this forum together.
Whoa, Attender! You painted US with a broad brush, not we the youth program. I could give you a good many more examples of blatant and disturbing arrogance among the youth. These two instances that B2H and LP (myself) have called attention to are cases in point, not isolated instances. Also, who makes up the church? THE PEOPLE--the individual people! Unfortunately the youth are indoctrinated to think of themselves primarily as "world changers," "kingdom carriers," "empowered by the Holy Spirit," etc. That's heady stuff for a teen to be thinking about him/herself (and there is a TP promotional video in which YOUTH are saying these things about themselves, so obviously the points of the evangelism series have been embraced and are being implemented into the thought and culture of the youth program).
Anyway, when I was growing up in church, we learned "this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine," as opposed to "I'm a world changer, so you'd better get outta my way." Which one would be the biblical approach, Attender? I know young people make mistakes, but an entire group of professing Christian youth in a public place, refusing to respect the people around them by simply doing what one should do in a movie theater (i.e., be quiet) makes me wonder why there wasn't a single conscience among them to stand up and do the right thing. I think there is a serious gap, a disconnect, between all the spiritual hype and emotionalism the kids experience when they're at church, and instruction in the nuts and bolts of the everyday living out of their faith.
PS: And if this is a parenting issue, where are the "spiritual parents" Turning Point provides to ensure all the youth turn out like Mike and Cyndi? Oh! But wait! Sadly, it appears the youth ARE turning out like Mike and Cyndi.
Edited 10 time(s). Last edit at 05/11/2009 12:07AM by LearningPoint.