Re: Turning Point Church World Outreach Center-Tell Your Story
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Date: April 26, 2009 01:47AM
I've been asked to put my thoughts about the apostilic ministry into writing. That, and the few new posters here over the last couple of days has got me to thinking. Pershaps it's time to *review* the issues at TP, so that those who are new here don't have to wade through 100+ posts in order to gain the info. Of course, I would still encourage those new to this site to read through the threads, as I think that it gives great insight into the history of many of the posters here.
For my family, the apostolic movement was *the last straw*. We had many issues (some that were very valid, but had been dismissed by leaders) over the years, but just continued to stick it out. We knew that we would never find a church that we agreed with 100%, and agreed to disagree with many things. We believe though that following a false apostle is a sin issue, and something that we could not agree to disagree but support by staying at TP. When the truth about this came to light, we knew that it was time for us to leave.
After making that decision, I found out about this forum. As I read the testimonies of the people here, I realized that the issues that I had with TP were not so small and trivial, but that there was a wide spread problem. I realized that the things I had been taught (that questioning authority was prideful, that having my feelings hurt when trust was broken was selfish, etc) was abusive, and a tactic that was used to keep me under *control*.
I realized that the questions I had about the finances, others had too.....and our concerns were valid, as we've since received some answers. There are some very real financial issues at TP, and I believe that they might need to be addressed legally!
The prosperity doctrine? I will be honest that I'm still on the fence. But what I am confident of is that there are some very real dangers in the doctrine, and that TP has exhibited very clearly why it's so dangerous.....the emphasis on works and perfection, the need to be seen in worship and giving....the idea that one can buy his way into heaven!
The lack of pastoral care was another issue. The excuses given by leadership for why they are lacking didn't make up for the damage that was caused. The size of the church doesn't give Mike a free pass to cut himself off from the body.
At TP, everything has become about image. Leadership wants to give the *image* of being united. You need to look good while in worship, you need to be seen while giving, you need to be seen while ministering at this event or must be at every function, every meeting, involved in every ministry in order to be considered worthy.
Everything cost money. I'm surprised (I'm only half joking) that they haven't started charging admission on Sunday mornings!
SOMA? What is a SOMA education worth? Do you know what they are teaching those students? How to worship the great Aposlte, Pastor Mike! You pay a pretty penny for that privledge. How many young people have given up college education for SOMA? How many young people are within a term of having an actual diploma from a *real* college? What about people who start then *quit* SOMA? Does anyone have any insight on how a person is treated when that happens, how their family is treated?
And honestly, I think that every issue that TP faces can be summed up with one word. Pride. Pastor Mike has been seduced by pride. His staff and elders are kept in place by having their egos strokes (or threatened if they get out of line). Only pride would have someone tell others to stand up and praise him (hime being Pastor Mike, of course). Only pride would stand in front of a thousand people on Sunday and proclaim what a good job preaching one is doing today. Only pride would have one believe that they deserve a $10,000 a month salary while things like the benevolent ministry in his church is being cut. Only Pride would make one believe that only a select group of *holy* individuals hear from God. Only pride would make one think that he is so important that he doesn't have to take the time to visit a dying servant, doesn't have to pay for building 1/3 of his own home, doesn't have to do is own laundry, or cook his own meals, or clean his own toilet (nor does his family)..........
I'm not a writer, or an elquent speaker. I'm sure that there are other issues, but I'm out of time right now, lol. I hope that others will expand on this, and that those of you reading this forum, who are still unsure, will research these things, get answers. Seek the truth, read God's word, is what you are being taught at TP line up?