I am wondering what Tony Cunningham is going to teach our soma students about what has happened down at Radiant Life's crumbling kingdom, where most of his staff has resigned. It had to be serious for Tony to lose his Spiritual son Brandon Miller. Maybe the resigning of Pastor Jackie is just the begining for Pastor Mike and Cindy's crumbling kingdom. Look around, families are starting to leave. It is very noticable to many of us. It has to be serious for Pastor Jackie to resign. Knowing she has been the heart of TPC for the last 11 or 12 years. Who will take her place, Pastor Cindy? Cindy is one of the coldest women I have ever met. I tried for years to talk to her, but she never gave of herself one time. I have one issue that just tears me up, when they returned from their supposed rest filled sabbactical how she flaunted their buying a new harley for her. Didnt she understand that so many were not even able to put groceries on their tables. It must be nice for the Pastor Mike to make over 100,000.00 a year and the rest of us are trying to just make ends meet. The church is in financial trouble, yet the senior pastors make an inexcusable salary. What has happened that we cant buy kleenix for the sanctuary and yet we send groups down to Lebanon and pay for gas, and food all from church funds. Where does the money come from? Mike and Cindy's salary? I do not know what Pastor Cindy makes, but I know it is more than all the other pastors and she doesnt work full time. Why does the church hide staff salaries? would we be shocked? I myself am shocked at the salary the Pastor Mike makes. And I know that if you included his soma salary it would be much more. What is going on? Who leaves next? I am hurt and do not trust leadership anymore. I can barely pay my rent and it is not because I havent prayed for increase, I always tithed. But God is fatihful and has supplied all our NEEDS!
in these ecconomic times..... a Harley?