Christian Science
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: May 29, 2005 08:52PM

For any of those who were followers of MAry Baker Eddy, here is the full-text of The Quimby Manuscripts, which supposedly proves that she stole her ideas from old Quimby.

The Quimby Manuscripts
Showing the Discovery of Spiritual Healing
and the Origin of Christian Science

FOR many years a mass of documents of interest to Chris­tian Scientists and to their critics as well, has been withheld from publication, although earnestly sought. These documents were written by Dr. P. P. Quimby, of Portland, Maine, and contain his views regarding mental and spiritual healing. They became familiar to Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy when she visited Dr. Quimby as a patient, and it has been charged by her critics that many of the ideas later promulgated in her teachings were born of the Quimby theories.

In order to set this controversy at rest, many attempts have been made to gain access to the Quimby manuscripts, but heretofore without success except in piecemeal or disjointed form. The present editor, however, has been fortunate in securing from Mrs. George A. Quimby, owner of the manu­scripts, permission to print the documents in full. Many of them now see the light of the printed page for the first time. Others give a full and authentic version of material from which only short extracts have previously appeared.

This book is without question the most important con­tribution to the subject of mental healing ever published. It gives the history of the discoveries and practice of P. P. Quimby, whose researches began in 1840, and tells in his own words how he came to develop the silent method of healing and to acquire his theory known as the "Science of Health."

The book as a whole contains an adequate statement of Quimby's original theory as found in his manuscripts, 1846-65. The volume also contains the writings, hitherto inaccessible, which Mrs. Eddy borrowed during her stay in Portland as Quimby's patient. The editor is a son of Mr. Julius A. Dresser, who was the most active of Quimby's followers at the time Mrs. Eddy was under treatment and who loaned Mrs. Eddy the copy-books which made her acquainted with the Quimby manuscripts.
This was the way in which the author of "Science and Health" received her instruction. Mrs. Eddy, then Mrs. Patterson, had the full benefit of these exceptional oppor­tunities. Soon after she had sufficiently recovered from her invalidism to give attention to the principles of which she had witnessed such an impressive demonstration in her own case, she manifested great interest in the new truths. Mr. Dresser, who understood Quimby's ideas and methods par­ticularly well, talked at length with her, and later loaned her Vol. I of the manuscripts, printed in Chap. XIV. We learn from George Quimby who, as his father's secretary, was always present, that she talked at length with Dr. Quimby, in his office, at the close of the silent sittings. She was present in the groups of interested listeners above referred to. She heard essays read and discussed. Submitting some of her first attempts at expressing the new ideas in her own way, she also had the benefit of Dr. Quimby's criticism. Then too she had opportunity to copy "Questions and Answers," on which she was later to base her teachings. We have direct testimony on all these points from those in regular association with Dr. Quimby, and from those who knew Mrs. Eddy when she was noting down remembered sayings and modifying manuscripts preparatory to teaching. Here, in brief, was the origin of Mrs. Eddy's type of Christian Science as she later gave it forth in successive editions of "Science and Health." Her indebtedness was that of the student to the teacher with an original mind. Our interest is to note Quimby's power of quickening such responsiveness by sharing his insights, con­tributing his peculiar terms, and explaining his methods.
The reader will see why the Christian Science of Mrs. Eddy's type could not have come into being without Quimby's work as healer and teacher, but will as surely see that what Quimby meant by "Science" was something greater and nobler. What was most original with Quimby was his method of silent spiritual healing, with its dependence on the Divine presence. Without this method neither Mrs. Eddy nor any other follower could have developed the special variations of the theory known as Divine or mental science. The present­ day disciple of mental healing will recognize much that is familiar in Quimby's writings and will be deeply interested to learn how it all came to be; but will also notice that the language is different, and that far-reaching consequences will follow if this theory is taken seriously.

Christian Science
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: May 30, 2005 10:13AM

ok, i reviewed The Quimby Manuscripts.
If anyone wants to check out the origin of this Christian Mind Healing, then reading Quimby is a must.
He started as a Mesmerizer doing stage shows, and then moved into flat out "mental healing". The guy had a pathological hatred of doctors, and this started this whole "anti-doctor" insanity.

He did treat Mary Baker Eddy, and its obvious she stole his ideas and went with it.
Chapter 12 MRS. EDDY: 1862-1875 (1)

I also read a very funny quote where Ms Eddy was somewhat protesting the release of the Quimby writings, as it would show that she stole his ideas.
At one point, she mentions that "someone stole" some of her manuscripts, so she is implying that one of the Quimby folks stole her manuscripts and are saying they are Quimby's!
This Eddy was a real piece of work.

She was a nutcase. She stole Quimby's ideas, and then just changed them a bit. Then she set up an almost fascist organization.
She reminds me of Ayn Rand.

If you look at these Mental Healing people, almost without exception they are Grade School flunkies, and were out to make a buck, and promote their type of Christianity. (Quimby was uneducated, as was Ernest Holmes, and the Fillmore's were business people, etc)

It all makes perfect sense when you look at it objectively.

A bunch of crackpots and religious fanatics, irrationally afraid of doctors, also hucksters and salespeople and self-promoters who found you could make a lot of money by doing talks, and doing "healings".
The reality is that they MIGHT have gotten some local effects by using "waking hypnosis".

Here we are, over 100 years later, and there have not been any proper scientific studies to validate these claims.
My guess is that they tried to do some studies, but they only came out as effective as the placebo.
Could you imagine if they did proper studies at universities?
It would destroy their religion overnight.

Don't the people who follow this stuff ever consider that medical science would have tested this stuff?
After all, if Christ is the ultimate reality, then why bother with all this other stuff? Just do the Christian Mental Healing, and everyone's problems are solved!
Why not look at the disease rates of Christian Scientists agains the general population?

You know why?
Because i bet they have done it, and i bet that the CS disease rates are WORSE than the general population as they IGNORE their illnesses and do not get treated, thus small preventable illnesses can become very serious or fatal.

I really can't believe this crud has survived for over 100 years.
Hopefully it is dying on the vine.

But sadly, now they will come up with a new scam, and say "Quantum Physics" will heal you!
PAy me $300, come to my office, and i will pray for you.
Great business model.

This entire Mind Healing thing is a house of cards.
There are some effects from Autosuggestion and self-hypnosis, etc, but the idea that ALL ILLNESS IS IN THE MIND is a grotesque absurdity.
I do feel sorry for those who have been bamboozled by these salespeople, fanatics and blatant liars like Mary Baker Eddy.
That woman was a real nasty piece of work.


Christian Science
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: May 30, 2005 10:36AM

Haha! I just found this article about CS.
Maybe Coz has Supernatural powers!!!!
NOtice how they ARDENTLY RESIST testing CS. They know damn well it does not work.



Personal testimony of healings play a large part in organized Christian Science gatherings.

On the other hand, the Church ardently resists any attempt to test Christian Science in a scientific manner, involving blind studies and controls.

Gale Wilson was an autopsy surgeon for the coroner in King County, Washington, USA who studied death records in that county from 1935-1955. He (or she) found that Christian Scientists tended to die at a slightly earlier age than non-Christian scientists; that the cancer death rate for Christian Scientists was twice the national average, and that at least 6% of Christian Science deaths were medically preventable [Wil].

William Franklin Simpson conducted the study most devastating to Christian Science's health claims. He compared graduates of Principia College (a Christian Science school) to graduates of the University of Kansas, and concluded with high confidence that graduates of Principia died at an earlier age than the control group [Simp].

Yet another piece of evidence against Christian Science is its failure to protect students at Christian Science schools from disease outbreaks. For example, in 1985 a measles outbreak hit several US colleges. "Worst hit of all was Principia College of Elsah, Ill., a tiny Christian Science-affiliated school where at least 96 students have been infected and two have died, apparently from complications. (Rubeola, which tends to be more serious in adults than in children, can lead to pneumonia and encephalitis.)" [Time] Later a third student died [Shi2].

In summer 1989, 55 children came down with measles while attending a Christian Scientist summer camp. In fall 1989, 88 students at Principia Academy and 12 students at Principia College got measles

Based on this evidence, there is currently no reason to believe that Christian Science treatment is effective, and reasonable evidence to believe it may actually be harmful.

Christian Science
Posted by: Timmer ()
Date: May 30, 2005 01:26PM

Here is a fun chart, i have no idea if it is accurate.

New Thought History Chart
It's pretty accurate, although I would add afew things and some of the current organizational connections require updating. For example, there are about 4 branches of Religious Science now, and there may soon be another, as the Agape International Spiritual Center of Truth is divorcing from the United Church of Religious Science as of September 1. I suspect that this is so that Agape can become the same thing to Religious Science that Christ Universal Temple became to Unity, the seed of an offshoot movement.

Christian Science
Posted by: frogs25 ()
Date: May 31, 2005 01:26AM

To Timmer or anyone else seeking outreach, help and support from the emotional damage that Christian Science has caused you,

I would like to reccomend a forum I have recently joined. I was searching on the internet one day wanting to know if I was the only one out there feeling hurt by the religion I grew up in. I discovered the Christian Way. ( I like to participate in the forums and find great support both here and at this website.

Hope this helps :D

Christian Science
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: May 31, 2005 04:56AM

This page from that website is pretty good, but i can't speak for the rest of it.

They are more "Christian" than me in how the relate the origins of CS.

Eddy flat out lied about how CS was created.
She was treated by Quimby, and then stole his ideas, and changed them around a bit!

Maybe its a good idea for those who believe in Jesus to move into a moderate Christian religion.
The only thing i would caution would be to substituting one religion for another rigid bible group.
Try and make sure the new religious group is tolerant, realistic, and flexible, and lets you see doctors, and does not take over your life!

But a "normal" religion is much preferable to the CS craziness, in my opinion.


Christian Science
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: May 31, 2005 05:05AM


This page raises lots of red flags.
They claim the bible is inerrant, there is a literal Heaven and Hell, man has a sinful nature, etc.
That is pretty extreme fundamentalist stuff.

The bible is NOT inerrant.
It is an inspired book, that has been edited, translated, modified, censored and changed by PEOPLE.
The New Testament was written long after the alleged events happened.

WATCH OUT when people start telling you the bible is inerrant.
If it is inerrant, then read Leviticus, and try to take that literally. Pretty horrible stuff.

Who knows who is behind this group, there could be a specific fundamentalist religious sect behind this.

I would suggest much more MODERATE approaches.

Don't jump from the frying pan into the fire.


Christian Science
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: May 31, 2005 09:47AM

It appears that Calvary Community Church in Phoenix, AZ is behind the website.



It appears to be a fundamentalist bible-belt type of church.

There also seems to be some type of controversy over "Rick Warren" but i do not have the time to look into it.

Just be aware that these types of fundamentalist churches are very good at recruiting and "saving" people.

That is what the website is about. Its about converting Christian Scientists to their church.
They will even send you a "free" tape-set about Christian Science.

I don't have the time to look deeper into this, but that website is a little bit tricky...


Christian Science
Posted by: frogs25 ()
Date: May 31, 2005 11:35AM

If you had grown up in the Christian Science religion and had been doubting if for many reasons for a long time, you would naturally seek an avenue by which to identify with. I do not see this website as a conversion to get me into their fundamentalist outlook on the Bible. Not yet anyway. True there are some people participating in the forum who express their views more strongly than others. The forums are open to all both christian scientists and ex-CS, and really anyone who wishes to be christian.

I have not committed my self to the doctrines that they post on their website. They are just trying to sort out the differences between the way Christian Scientist were brainwashed to think, and how general Christian religions understand the life mission of Jesus.

This as a start has been very helpful to one who has had only one view on Jesus' mission, through the understanding of Mary Baker Eddys interpretation.

The reason my mother died when I was very young explains to me very clearly why I have every right to be angry with Christian Science. It's brainwashing is DESTRUCTIVE. It makes logical sense as to why my mother committed suicide. She found CS when I was born...I was her CS healing....In a nutshell she only wanted to continue practicing it because she thought my birth was a result of CS prayer. Her after birth challenges demanded that she seek medical assistance. She was trapped because she couldn't mix CS with medical practice, but she felt so bound to CS because I was the result. She couldn't take it any more....The religion failed her.......and there are many many more examples like that of other where that came from.

For someone who is confused and questioning the way I was a year ago, for me, the christian way so far has given me the freedom to think, evaluate my situation, help others based on my experiences, and follow up my thoughts with conviction on where I stand and why.

But hey, different strokes for different folks.

When the time is right for me, if it is right for me to connect with a religion, I think I will go with one that is established, none of this new age, mind thinking cult stuff, that will confuse me even more.

Yeah...time to stay away from those for awhile.


Christian Science
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: June 01, 2005 08:42AM

Hi Frogs, thx for sharing your story.
I am sorry about what happened with your mother.

CS is a very destructive religion, and to me it is a cult.
I was involved myself for a short while long ago, so i know how persuasive MBE can be. (i tried almost all these nutty things!)

I think it is a GREAT idea to stay far away from the New Age, New Thought, Mind Healing, Supernatural, yadda yadda Voodoo stuff for a good long while. Maybe forever.

Take a few years to slowly explore various ideas, and to think carefully about these things for yourself.

I can't imagine what it would have been like to grow up in a CS household. That could REALLY be tough.
I knew a girl who had that happen to her, and it was very difficult.

Eddy has harmed a lot of people over the years with her fanatical ideology, and cultic organization.

I have even done some reading where they claim Eddy was addicted to morphine in her later years, it would not surprise me.
She was a very dishonest person, by all reports...

Hang in there, and hold onto your Critical Thinking faculties!!


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