The ministers or workers have a high status in this truth group! They are seen as closer to God than the "friends" or professing people.
When a main speaker is speaking from the platform at convention, he is seen as a messenger from God. Friends must submit to a worker or they will be kicked out of the fellowship. And members believe you cannot go to heaven if you aren't taking part (speaking and praying in meeting).
Early workers like George Walker, Jack Carroll, James Jardine, John Hardie, Sam Jones, William Irvine, John Long, Eddie Cooney and others did go out by faith! Some of these workers almost starved to death! Many walked long distances and slept in school houses, tents, hay stacks or barns. Most of the large missions in the "truth" took place from 1903 until say 1925.
Today's workers have a network of homes that they can stay one or two nights in before moving to another professing home. I feel sorry for the workers though most of them feel God "called" them to be a homeless preacher and they believe they will get a worker "reward" when they die.
Workers claim to be preaching like Jesus sent his 12 and 70 in Matthew 10. They believe their ministry is the only right ministry on earth!
Workers spend time away from their fields (territory assigned to them by head or regional head workers) in the summer or fall just before convention (preps).
Friends donate their time and energy to getting the farm ready for convention.
Workers have a companion of the same sex that they spend one or more years preaching together.
Workers rent town buildings for gospel meetings several nights a week in order to recruit outsiders who might someday "profess".
Workers are seen as a step closer to God. Professing people will pray for them in meeting (usually referring to them as 'God's Servants'). Workers appoint meeting homes and assign the friends to attend a meeting.
It is taboo to criticize or question a worker. Brother workers usually wear a tie when visiting and preaching. Sister workers always wear dresses, their hair in a bun and stockings.
Growing up, I had so much reverence for this ministry called "the workers'! What they said was absolute and I DARED question them! While friends might invite the workers to their home, workers usually decide which night to visit the friends and the friends never object in most cases. Workers have visited the friends without calling ahead! Even today, some workers will stop by and visit the friends unannounced.
They influenced issues like marriage, clothing, location of a meeting home, friendships, lack of entertainment, visits etc..