Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: September 18, 2002 02:03AM

I joined a number of movements that went ballilstic after I joined them. The Hickman church (Shoresh Yishai) in the mid 70's, the Chabad circa the late '80s, and my affiliation with a noted Jewish folksinger and his followers. The Int'l Church of Christ also tried to sign me up. By that time, I was pretty well innoculated against all of this.
The best suggestion I can give anyone, in ANY endeavor is to do a lot of checking out what you're doing before you make any hasty decisions. With the internet around, you can check out pros and cons of anything at all from religion, to business, etc..

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: October 13, 2002 06:00AM

Since I spent 5 years with Hickman, 4 of which were unknown to my parents, a lot of ill will was generated. And as I mentioned elsewhere. my ties to the Jewish community were strained.
Currently, I live miles away from a strong Jewish Kehilla and I'm not involved in any type of worship service. All of this has left me jaundiced towards religion, especially from the battle between Judaism and Christianity.

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: Claire ()
Date: November 02, 2002 02:32PM

I think you need to just search things out on your own with an honest heart.

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: VTHokie ()
Date: November 02, 2002 10:54PM

[i:f0d31e60c6]All of this has left me jaundiced towards religion[/i:f0d31e60c6]

I used to feel the same way about blacks for the same reason but you eventually get beyond it.

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: Claire ()
Date: November 03, 2002 12:10AM

Maybe it is a self-fullfilling prophecy. Women who think all men are jerks end up with jerks, etc. Richard, you might think about why you are attracted to authoritarian type religious groups. For example, the Gothardites, like others, are looking for someone to make their decisions for them and take responsibility. Many of these groups idolize a leader. I've seen people who go from one abusive group to another, just as I've seen women go from one abusive relationship to another.

Beyond influences of upbringing, I think there is something intrinsic within us that prefers the golden calf to the invisible God.

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: November 03, 2002 12:25AM

I think you need to just search things out on your own with an honest heart.

I studied other religions, went to college, got books on biblical criticism. I got away from organized religions. I can see some of what they say, but I can't buy the whole enchilada of any major religion. Or minor ones either. And if you mess up your life, don't expect some guru, priest, rabbi or minister to be able to patch it up for you.

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: November 03, 2002 02:03AM


Beyond influences of upbringing, I think there is something intrinsic within us that prefers the golden calf to the invisible God.

Actually, I think I'm on the level this time. I'm not kowtowing to anyone elses contingencies on how I have to deal with them on their level and not mine.
The last time I got involved or rather reinvolved with Chabad and the Carlebach movement it was when I lost my job and needed to get back up on my feet again. That's what got me in trouble again, instability in my life. Now I know how to use the charity network if ever need be again, and I wouldn't need to go to Israel, or Crown Heights etc.

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: Claire ()
Date: November 04, 2002 02:04PM

I'm glad things are going well for you.

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: November 17, 2002 02:49AM

[i:89849eead6]All of this has left me jaundiced towards religion[/i:89849eead6]

I used to feel the same way about blacks for the same reason but you eventually get beyond it.

While religion has some benefits, like binding people together within the group, giving them something to do etc., I see the current world picture as very disturbing. Religion is often a jump off point for hate groups and hatred of people outside the group.
For example, the New Testament calls people who reject Jesus as "antichrists". And I'm Jewish and my people were branded as "Christ-killers", "deiciders", etc...
I think it's going to have to get to the point where someone comes up with a new religion which will reconcile all the old faiths and the wisdom in them.

Penchant for joining destructive movements
Posted by: VTHokie ()
Date: November 18, 2002 09:53PM


Religion is often a jump off point for hate groups and hatred of people outside the group.

Opposite. Religion is often a tool for groups to pursue their own agenda. A Christian "Hate" group is like a Jewish Anti-Semite Society. It is an illogical use of a faith for personal reasons. Jesus didn't whip out an Uzi on the cross and start blasting. Jesus didn't burn down a gay bar. Christianity is not responsible for a person who uses Jesus as a reason for UnChristian behavior.

Calling someone an "AntiChrist" means nothing. A person who is going to act against you doesn't need a reason like religion but will often shelter his actions with a belief. That belief can be religion or it can be another philosophy. Some people hear what they want to hear. An atheist can read the Protocols of the Elders of Zion and reach the same conclusions as a Christian.

People have the right to dislike Christians or Jews or homosexuals. That's their business. When a person acts violently against a group, their reasoning is irrelevant. Attempting to blame their reasons is validating those reasons. I don't want to do that. I don't like the idea of persecuting people for their thoughts.

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