In 2006,I found myself in this sect : [] got me baptized and immediately told me to go on a 7 days fasting. Even though someone referred me to that church because of some troubling issues i had at that moment. I noticed from third day of my 7 days fasting and prayer I started
dreaming(lucid).First thing I saw was a lady that I met in that same church just appeared beside me playing with my manhood, I just woke up wet. That started the beginning of another troubling moment. Everyday from that moment, i had to see different evil things in dreams.
When i walk around during the day I started hearing some strange bird sounds which is always heard by me alone. I could always feel this that some forces are monitoring me anywhere I found myself. After 2 years I read on the Newspaper exactly same experience shared by another lady that went to that same
church. That got me confused and I started to research on this group. I found out they are cult group close to the Moonies(unifications church).I started going to different churches for deliverance again when i learn I went to the wrong place. Funny thing here was my sister has been foretelling this four years before this happened. So I called her one day unknown to her she put her phone on speaker and I could hear her kids saying if I'm dumb not to know they are behind all the troubles I'm having. Unlike in the Western world, witchcraft is practiced in its raw form in Sub-Saharan Africa. I have never seen anything good in the dream before except threats. At a time I was doing 3 days dry fasting with prayers and I slept then felt someone's hand around my neck trying to suffocate me.All these seems unreal.
After few years in this my dad also passed away which was not natural to me.I heard a voice one day in the dream asking me to sacrifice human blood.
No day goes by without different strange woman coming to molest me in the dream and anytime this happen no matter what i plan to do won't come to pass. I left Nigeria 13 years ago and only went back for 2 weeks and left again but it doesn't matter anywhere I found myself
I'm always experiencing same thing. Last year(2023)I was talking to a fellow on a site and we were like writing pals then I told him this and he asked me to be doing some prayers. I started doing that prayer, after a week, I saw in the dream a very large bird just landed turned to the formal President of Nigeria(name withheld) and went straight to meet the friend that asked me to start that prayer. I noticed it was when I was in his vicinity that this whole problem started. As the problem started, he rose from deputy Governor, they impeached his boss, he became the Governor, from there they made him Vice president, and then the President dies, and he became President.
Here is what happened, when I was a kid my mum passed away but it was also a witchcraft kind of killing, now leaving me and my brothers and sisters with my dad. They initiated my sister in a way and then she sold me out as a slave to this man.All what has been happening is glory transfer. Since the moment I saw him turning from a bird to human, he could not hide again. I now start to see him in my sister home anytime. Any moves or attempt to do anything he will start threatening with using members of his cabinet then, while he was the President to come and threaten me.Even this i'm writing on this forum,he's already warned me about it.Remember I don't stay in Nigeria.
Final mind freedom comes when i read Cults Inside Out: How People Get In and Can Get Out, followed by thought reform and psychology of totalism by Robert J lifton.All the processes is exactly what has been used on me for these numbers of years Instead of moving forward,my life has been on reverse gear,2 things has helped me greatly,spend an hour daily reading books and exercises
I still received threats daily in the dreams, I guess you in the west may think how could this be but everything i have said here happened to me and I'm just reducing his power by coming out.He has more power when he can do things in the secret.
I'm still learning more on how to get loose from this kind of enslaver and mind/thought manipulators, I will like readers to share their thoughts and ways forward to live a free life without someone's as captain of ship of my life. The issues are more deeper and I can't write everything since this started close to 2 decades already.