I'm hope to be able to reach somebody that has experience John MacArthur's Church he has a man called Justin Peters that is in a wheelchair and supposedly he is a pastor and a minister of John MacArthur's Church or connected deeply with them could it be possibly that John MacArthur is just using him as a front because he is disabled? I hope and pray not because Justin Peters seems like a very nice person and maybe that's why John MacArthur has him continue to bow down to him he is growing and his church is growing on YouTube and that's concerning. He says that he did not tell people that they can take the mark of the beast and still go to heaven he says that that was taken out of context but was it? And I guess the worst thing was the fact that many people are saying that there has been sexual misconduct taking place in the church and John MacArthur has not corrected the people until other people have been hurt in the church. Personally I don't think that that is a pastor or a Shepherd of the flock is somebody is having a problem with a sexual sin they need to seek help and John MacArthur has done nothing from what many people are saying but cover it up why? And why is he so arrogant towards people stating that people like Paula White just needs to go home to me that sounds really legal like legalism is also in there including maybe Hebrew Roots movement I don't know? I just know now that many people are running to John MacArthur's Church and Justin Peters is leading them there and that bothers me it's becoming very popular on YouTube as Justin Peters has a Justin Peters ministry and Justin alone receives at least a couple million dollars a year and he states that he doesn't make as much as other people but he still receiving money from John MacArthur and donations and this bothers me so I avoid John MacArthur's preaching because I think he's an arrogant man that is Rich and he says that he's entitled to be that rich because he said he earned it but did he? Any any helpful words or maybe a testimony of someone that has come out of this church or they say it's a cult maybe they could respond I think that he's using the internet to become more and more powerful and that's bothersome and by the way why would someone create a Bible and expand on that and say it's their Bible when it's not that was the most bothersome of all