The reason the Foursquare denomination has not pulled Rob from his throne is that he is a master manipulator - He tells people exactly what they need to hear to be alright with a given circumstance. Not only does he have the foursquare overseers so duped that they can dismiss any grievance brought to them against him, the denomination picked up the multi-million dollar tab of the Yale Street church.
(Ah...hello, the city did not do the demolishing...You need to get your facts straight 'truth' seeker...)Quote
rob is suffering a slow demise. here is a man who took hard-fought ministries away from people who labored from scratch and handed them over to his closest family members.
consequently, "God" (lets give honor where honor is due!) <i>god</i> has been taking things from rob.
he has lost 200 to 300 members since 2002.
the school has dropped in enrollment from 220 to maybe 110
the high-school is rampant with alchohol (Oh really? )
his number 1 disciple (john s) left this year
his number 2 right hand guy is suffering from mental insanity and has abandoned his wife and 4 kids this year (#2 right hand guy? He was just a church member...where do you guys get this gossip? LOL...Funny stuff)
he just lost his top family to texas (this week) (This is true...but they left for other reasons...)
and as a humorous daily reminder, the city of santa monica just demolished an illegal structure on the church property (this week)
Warrior4Christ(Ah...hello, the city did not do the demolishing...You need to get your facts straight 'truth' seeker...)Quote
rob is suffering a slow demise. here is a man who took hard-fought ministries away from people who labored from scratch and handed them over to his closest family members.
consequently, "God" (lets give honor where honor is due!) <i>god</i> has been taking things from rob.
he has lost 200 to 300 members since 2002.
the school has dropped in enrollment from 220 to maybe 110
the high-school is rampant with alchohol (Oh really? )
his number 1 disciple (john s) left this year
his number 2 right hand guy is suffering from mental insanity and has abandoned his wife and 4 kids this year (#2 right hand guy? He was just a church member...where do you guys get this gossip? LOL...Funny stuff)
he just lost his top family to texas (this week) (This is true...but they left for other reasons...)
and as a humorous daily reminder, the city of santa monica just demolished an illegal structure on the church property (this week)