Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: February 22, 2006 04:22AM

UPCI pastors fit the pattern of tyrants as they have no meaningful accountability the members of their congregations.

Can your father be fired by an independently elected church board?

Does your father publish an annual financial report that is independently audited detailing his salary, all salaries or compensation paid by the church, any expenses and the status of all the church accounts?

Is there a democratic process within your father's church to elect church boards. That is, every church member has a vote and they elect a board and officers to direct the church's affairs.

Which UPCI churches can you name in Oklahoma specifically or anywhere else that fits this description and has such accountability features currenly in place?

What independently audited financial reports that detail a UPCi church's salaries and expenses can you copy and send to me?

Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: smithjlee ()
Date: May 06, 2006 11:11PM

i am so glad to have found you and see that people are joining togehter against these religious tyrants like my girlfriend's dad. these pentecostalists are controlling and dont let people think for themselves. i noticed that kkbird7 wrote <the gospel prosperity part and emotional faith is a little disturbing> i say it's more than disturbing, it's wrong. i lost my girl to this cult - they ruined my life. i made a donation to this site because i dont want others to go thru this and i see you are doing work to help people like me and i will let all my friends know about this site and anyone i meet who has been a victim of this so called religion. thank you.

Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: ohmygosh ()
Date: May 07, 2006 08:53AM

to the RRmoderator:

funny you should mention financial statements

I have a great deal of material that I could send to you that pertains to the financial situation of the UPCI, all of it taken from their own publication, the Pentecostal Herald.

They take in millions, upon millions of tax free money.
They have foundations set up.

All 100 % U.S. tax exempt.

I am concerned that they might be in violation of the 501C regulations regarding church tax exempt status, specifically the rule against endorsing political candidates,

specifically politicians that promise them 87 billion in faith based funding

and there is Apostolic Congress.org
Upton is licensed with the UPCI

The President gave them their very own branch of Congress
with weekly White House briefings, and gave consent for them to use the Great Seal of the United States.

All of that is against Constitutional Law,

I have lots and lots of material

Do you know anyone that will do anything about all of this

how much do they have to flaunt the law before someone will do something?

How many people do they have to abuse before something is done.


Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: kpchouston ()
Date: June 14, 2006 03:34AM

Reading the comments posted on this subject, my heart sank. There are so many people that would sow bad seeds and try and tear each other down. Bless you Brandon for standing up for your beliefs. In my opinion, you just wanted to open up some dialogue and you were nearly crucified. I'm a former UPCI member and I won't ever go on the side of bashing the church. I won't tell you that it was easy, but I learned that all that God really wanted from me was relationship.

Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: thunderbyrd ()
Date: June 30, 2006 05:10PM

Brother Brandon: i want to be careful and be respectful to you, i have no doubt whatsoever that you are a sincere and Godly man. i have great respect for men and women who answer the call of ministry on their lives. but my respect doesn't mean i always agree.

I will keep my post reasonably short - there is one set of questions i honestly want to pose and i wish for an answer please. The denomination which you belong to has existed since about 1933. Do you, Brother Brandon believe that all Christians who lived before that time who "in error" believed in the Trinity are now in hell suffering eternal torments because their beliefs were wrong?

to expand the question just a bit: a certain seemingly very Godly woman whom i knew very well died 3 years ago. She believed in the Trinity. She never spoke with tongues or considered it important to seek after tongues. She occaisionally wore trousersand make-up. Is there any possiblity she could be in Heaven, or is she most likely damned for all eternity because of these offenses?

and one last part of my question: there are supposed to be about a billion Christians in the world today - but i would say only about 100,000 or so believe in the "oneness" doctrine. and very few of that billion Christians will ever convert to "oneness". According to your denomination's teaching, are they all damned to eternal torment, because they believe in the Trinity?

Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: kpchouston ()
Date: June 30, 2006 11:21PM

Actually, there are several million people worldwide who believe in the "oneness" doctrine. I wouldn't put Brandon on the spot to judge another christian. Doens't the Word say judge not lest you be judged?

Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: thunderbyrd ()
Date: July 01, 2006 03:42AM

well, i will wait for Brother Brandon to address my post, if you please. God Bless.

Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: Lutherius ()
Date: July 05, 2006 07:08AM

Reading the comments posted on this subject, my heart sank. There are so many people that would sow bad seeds and try and tear each other down. Bless you Brandon for standing up for your beliefs. In my opinion, you just wanted to open up some dialogue and you were nearly crucified. I'm a former UPCI member and I won't ever go on the side of bashing the church. I won't tell you that it was easy, but I learned that all that God really wanted from me was relationship.

Nobody is being persecuted here. This persecution complex is a standard tactic used by these people to deflect a serious question because they know that they do not have the answers. Answer the moderator’s questions. Tell us where we can see a financial statement of your church. You are not being persecuted; you are being called to behave yourself in a civilized fashion and within non-profit organizations, civilized behavior means published financial statements.

And also we notice the term “bashing” you used toward the moderator. This is another instance of your persecution complex and a ploy at dodging the question. Duplicity outside of your organization is not appreciated, and is generally associated with less-than moral behavior. You can intimidate people by using your position of authority in your church, and you can use ploys to dodge questions of weak willed people in your churches, but it will not work on the outside, such as here. We are not impressed.


Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: Lutherius ()
Date: July 05, 2006 07:18AM

My father is the pastor in spiro and he is anything but a tyrant.

in fact every pastor in oklahoma that i know isnt a tyrant.

THe fact that a few are tyrant once again does not prove that all UPC pastors are tyants.

God Bless
Brandon Tittsworth

I think that posters on forums by people within the UPC agree that the Oklahoma District and the Kansas District are possibly among the more extreme with regard to holiness standards (dress requirements such as women must wear dresses at all times, and such) and also more extreme in their control over the congregations. This is what internet forums reveal that have several UPC posters.

But, I think the crux is that, why would you want to be part of such an organization? Where is your self-respect? Do you wish to keep these institutions going with your support? Why will the pastors not subject themselves to a Board of Directors which can hire and fire the pastor when they deem it necessary to preserve their institution? Why do the pastors refuse to publish their financial statements? Is there something to hide?

If you are an honest person, you must answer these questions.


Opinions about the UPCI
Posted by: Jerrellman ()
Date: July 19, 2006 05:37PM

in fact every pastor in oklahoma that i know isnt a tyrant.

[b:7cf8fd3ec4]I'm just going to blow my whistle and toss a yellow flag on the field after that statement. I grew up in the UPC in Oklahoma (but also attended a UPC church in CA when I lived there as a young child and when I visited and I attended one in VA for several years while I was in the Navy). Now that I am not a player in the game, I see very clearly how tyrannical UPC ministers are. Especially in Oklahoma.
Your father may be a good man, I've never met him, but the majority of UPC ministers I've known in OK fit the "tyrant" label whether anyone wants to admit it or not.


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