I'm okay. I am still looking for more information regarding Thieme type churches. I would like to understand why they have such high expectation of women but seem to give men a pass on so many things.
Re: R.B. Thieme Jr., Berachah Church Houston, Robert B. Thieme Jr.
Its clear that Thieme only looked at one side of the authority issue which is actually supposed to be a serving issue. Jesus came to serve the church. The man is supposed to love his wife as Jesus loved the church. In effect it's obvious the man and the wife are to serve each other. As usual RB brings in a false human authority notion because of the false authority cult of RB Thieme mixed with all his hours of notions. He created his own cult. The same as any cult leader. No doubt Thieme was a cult leader. You can say Elvis Presley was a cult leader. Manson was a cult leader. Hitler was a cult leader. They all have the basic cult characteristics as Dr. Lifton describes. However the difference is that Elvis was a benign cult and Manson and Hitler were death cults. So it's useful and of sound mind to say that cults range from benign to destructive to death cults. Thieme's cult mixed at times with truth makes it difficult for some to discern at times. Thiemes cult was not an immediate death cult, but he was psycologically, emotionally, mentally and not of sound mind destructive. People lost control of thier own identities. So Thieme definitely was not a benign cult when practiced as Thieme suggested. Also, if you search SpiritualLiberty on this forum you can free yourself of much obvious nonsense of Thieme's notions. I did not agree with everything SpiritualLiberty said but found many profound "freeing" truths.
Re: R.B. Thieme Jr., Berachah Church Houston, Robert B. Thieme Jr.
Yes. A great deal of damage has been done by pastors who twist Timothy's writings to suggest that God allows wives to be spiritually, emotionally, verbally and even physically abused--for the glory of God! The pastor at a church I attended in CT drew a line (sort of) at physical abuse but suggested that every other type of abuse was to be endured silently by wives. The effect of silence in the face of abuse by a "Christian" husband sends a powerful and evil message to young men who are watching their father abuse their mother and AT THE SAME TIME are told by their pastor that their mother is SUPPOSED to endure it silently. I don't mind telling you the pastor's name. David Roseland, at Preston City Bible Church.
Re: R.B. Thieme Jr., Berachah Church Houston, Robert B. Thieme Jr.
And that just leads to the woman and others breaking down on many levels. What this so called "pastor" is suggesting is not christian. Its not christian faith behavior emotionally or spiritually and mentally.
I hope this helps many other to become aware of this person and his false teachings.
I'd like to address this further when I have more time.
Thanks for sharing,
Re: R.B. Thieme Jr., Berachah Church Houston, Robert B. Thieme Jr.
And that just leads to the woman and others breaking down on many levels. What this so called "pastor" is suggesting is not christian. Its not christian faith behavior emotionally or spiritually and mentally.
I hope this helps many other to become aware of this person and his false teachings.
I'd like to address this further when I have more time.
Thanks for sharing,
Re: R.B. Thieme Jr., Berachah Church Houston, Robert B. Thieme Jr.
Other women are kept in the dark because this pastor hides his teachings on abuse. He would never dare spout his position from the pulpit! His counsel to endure abuse is done in private conversation. If this pastor is challenged or questioned, the woman is label "rebellious" or "disobedient". Fortunately I no longer attend that church. But the effects of this pastors counsel on my marriage and family was profound and highly destructive.
Re: R.B. Thieme Jr., Berachah Church Houston, Robert B. Thieme Jr.
I think the best thing that works best in these types of deceptive situations is the simple truth. Mind you want to pay attention to laws of each state which you might exercise video recording this person. However, a simple recording would debunk him immediately. You could create a website and load it up with his recordings to warn others. There are many forms of recording devices nowadays from video pens, video watches, and video eyeglasses (available on amazon) in which one could record. People tend to be more honest about thier behaviour when they "think" they are not being recorded.
Also for thiemites who think "human truth" does not mattter then I ask "Why do you ""rebound"" a human lie if human truth is no matter, but only "divine truth" matters? Thats just another inconsistent hypocrasy of Thieme "christian" falsehoods.