Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: sistersoap ()
Date: June 22, 2008 01:15PM

Hi Testy, thanks for your reply to me given below....My comments are in {{{{xxx}}}.

Sistersoap TO TRUTH TESTY re the EEG test for human life and the Thieme based beliefs
Well, that was not all they said, but telling me that the life in the womb was simply "reflex motility" settled the issue for them because that was what Thieme taught them, and he said it, therefore it must be true is the definition of cultic hero worship.

Truthtesty: I agree, it is cult hero worship. They could have, if they had been edified properly, researched(Berean researched) Thieme. They could have simply compared and contrasted what Thieme said with looking at the internet or other medical professional sources. ie:

BOC 1979 RB Thieme JrTherefore, the heartbeat is not a reliable and conclusive sign of the presence of life. Medically speaking, instead of the electrocardiogram (EKG), the electroencephalogram (EEC), which measures the electrical impulses generated in the brain, is the true indicator of life or death.


Handbook of Clinical Child Neuropsychology By Cecil R. Reynolds, Elaine Fletcher-Janzen: Human fetal EEG activity has been recorded as early as day 43 (Berstine, Borkowski, & Price 1955). Fetal EEG activity...


{{{It is AMAZING to see the date of that statement! 1955! It seemed perfectly logical to me to understand that if doctors routinely used the presence or absence of brain waves to help determine if a person is DEAD, the same should be used to evaluate the HUMAN LIFE OR LACK OF SAME IN THE WOMB. BUT noooooooo! That is not at all evident or even logical to Thiemers because Daddy Thieme said otherwise. And they laugh at you and at women suffering after miscarriages or abortions! No wonder some people leave Thieme teaching never to darken any church door ever again. No empathy for other people's suffering AT ALL. It was Thieme's own attitude caught and passed on like a disease to all his faithful followers.}}}

Truthtesty: So, "impulses generated in the brain" was measured in pregnancy, as early as day 43, in 1955. That's about 8 1/2 months before birth!

Sistersoap At the time I never spoke up about this in my taper group because I KNEW nobody would agree, and I might possibly be ridiculed for differing from Thieme.

Truthtesty: That's a tough thing. I understand. A lot of these people are NRA fantics and they carry loaded weapons in thier briefcases. But, unfortunately as difficult as it may seem, that is the time to say something in public and then leave. Steven Hassan wrote something to this effect in combatting cult mind control. You know you won't change everyone, but you will definitely get some people to think for themselves and maybe they will begin to question what is being said. It will take time. After a while, when they eventually burn out, they will start questioning more and seek help, but they will remember you.

{{{Thanks for your understanding. Now I see that speaking up will ALWAYS be remembered by some, whether they change their minds or not. There is enough baloney coming from church pulpits and ministries these days to make it a full time job to stand up and say NO, or EXCUSE ME, or WHAT ABOUT THE SCRIPTURE THAT SAYS...and so on. It is seldom welcome, as I am sure many here already know. }}}

Sistersoap When women we knew of had miscarriages and mourned their loss of the baby, they were LAUGHED AT by members of the taper group, especially by the leader's wife. This was Thieme's rep for this whole state! What an example of insensitive hardness of heart toward a major life crisis all because Thieme said this was not a human yet, because HE SAID it was not a human till it had taken its first breath outside the womb, therefore a woman having a miscarriage should not be affected by the loss!

Truthtesty: Thieme has hurt and dysfunctionalized so many lives. Grieving is necessary in life and so is comforting those who grieve. I know the cold-hearted "empty conscience" approach of thiemites to other christians, who are in major life crisis. Thieme relentlessly attacks any human emotion with extreme predjudice. But Thieme did not get that from Chafer:

Dr. Lewis Sperry Chafer Vol. 2, Page 194 2. Sensibility. This, another function of the immaterial part of man, is properly classed, also, as an important theme of psychology; yet there is much that is emotional in both God and man which is theological. In this respect man reflects or images that which is true of God. How vast is the love of God, and how real is the love and devotion of the human heart! Again, the human emotional nature, like the human intellect, may be wrought upon and enlarged experimentally by the power of the indwelling Spirit. “The love of God is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Ghost which is given unto us” (Rom. 5:5). The Scriptures declare that the divine compassion may find expression through the Christian and that it arises, not in the Christian’s capacity, but from the Spirit who indwells him. “The fruit of the Spirit is love” (Gal. 5:22; cf. 1 Cor. 13:1–13). The Christian, loving with divine love, will love those objects which God loves. The extent of such a possibility is limitless. This divine love being the actuating force, the emotions and life are lifted to the plane of that which is supernatural.

{{{Thieme had a way of REDEFINING Bible words and concepts and ended up eliminating them or turning them into something the Bible did not say at all. In addition, his attitudes, his mannerisms, his colloquialisms, his favorite swear words or euphenisms (sp?) became de rigeur for Thiemers and this was part of the CULT-SPEAK one learned very quickly in those circles. It makes it easier to recognize a Thieme related group when you find those same terms showing up. }}}

Truthtesty: They remind me of Darkseekers in the movie "I am legend". Only the darkseekers had a legitimate excuse, they had a biological virus! Thieme and thiemites have no excuse. You try to help them and they try to bite you. These thiemites live in an aquarium, disassociated from the real world. The real world has alot of pain in it. They think they are "10ft wide and bullet-proof", but they are not. It is very likely though that one day they will feel enough pain that they too will realize the value of thier own tears and thus learn the value of helping others in pain.

The woman who was the "state leader", is/was just plain sick.

{{{That woman was the wife of the state Thieme rep in whose home we had a weekly taper meeting. You know Thieme would not chose a woman as a LEADER for his groups! You slipped a bit, there, Testy. :)

I never saw I AM LEGEND so I don't know what Darkseekers are. But the Thieme teaching is like a virus when once you are infected, that becomes your truth and your reality, with no outside opinions or even facts allowed. You get so accustomed to it you think it is normal. As most of us have found, it is not at all normal, and it can be very traumatic to get rid of that "infecton." }}}

Sistersoap So rev up those engines, Testy! It is lock step all the way once you are well trained in this Thieme group.

Truthtesty: LOL I was taking a jab at how thiemites relate everything in a absurd silly fashion to the military.

{{{Right. You are absolutely right about that. I support our military and its Constitutional mission. But Thieme ran his church like a platoon, and I don't see that in the New Testament.}}}

Sistersoap It IS shocking to see that reasonable people cannot reason their way to any conclusion different from that of Thieme no matter what evidence is presented to them from other sources. One the most shocking replies in that Delphi group was from a NURSE. Gave me chills, it did.

Truthtesty: It is shocking, but even though people are intelligent enough to get a degree or an advanced degree, they are still often susceptible to the coercive cult group dynamic. I think most know something is wrong, they just can't identify what is wrong. I remember how we were always to pretend everything was ok, but it wasn't ok. The nurse sounds "freaky".

{{{Yes, she was, and I shuddered to think that a Thieme nurse might be in charge of MY LIFE SUPPORT some day.}}}

Sistersoap Because of Thieme I kept my mouth shut far too long. Not any more. I think that is one test of recovery progressL the ability to SPEAK OUT against error and wrong when it is appropriate.

Truthtesty: Bravo! I completely agree. And I do speak out.

Sistersoap I visited that Thieme group to experience whether or not their attitudes and rational abilities were what I remembered mine to be when I was still a convinced follower. They were the same. I was exactly the same! It was a healthy humbling experience because I could see myself in all their answers.
Hard hearted to say the least.
Following man beyond what God's wrods say is idolatry.

Truthtesty: It is idolatry. "The Colonel" falsely and coercively EQUATED his concept of the authority of his words AS EQUAL to the authority of God's WORD, with no respect for the position of "The Generals" of God's heritage before him, in the audience. In doing so, Thieme invalidated "The Generals" place and confused many a General, as to thier own personal authority and responsibility to study for themselves, DIRECTLY to God's perfect authority. Thieme failed to differentiate the hierachies of biblical authority and gentile authority. Instead Thieme tried to create an extremist militant imperial gentile-oriented political institution.

As Jesus said:
Luke 22:24 And there was also a strife among them, which of them should be accounted the greatest. 25 And he said unto them, The kings of the Gentiles exercise lordship over them; and they that exercise authority upon them are called benefactors. 26 But ye shall not be so: but he that is greatest among you, let him be as the younger; and he that is chief, as he that doth serve. 27 For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meat, or he that serveth? is not he that sitteth at meat? but I am among you as he that serveth.

Truthtesty: Yes Thieme should have submitted to you. (Submit one to another). Thieme should have walked the isles and helped people learn. Thieme should have shook hands afterwards. Thieme should have found a way to humble himself. But instead Thieme created his own "kingdom of heaven" (on earth) for himself, coercively joining the commands of "Kingdom law" into Thieme's law.


Testy, it could have been so wonderful to have a man of learning willing to go systematically through the Bible and truly honorably use his "scholarly tools" as tools to explore what was actually written, but he CORRECTED the Words of God according to his own personal opinion and passed it off to us as the reliable results of dedicated study of the "original languages" which NOBODY TODAY HAS. We have COPIES, not original manuscripts.

When I found out just how much information there was out there about the manuscript issue and the history of the English Bible that Thieme never mentioned, I GOT SO MAD!

Now I know why. Teaching both sides of the Manuscript question, and the history ALL OF IT of the English Bible and the big bait and switch operation that happened in the 1880s with the first Revised English Version of Westcott and Hort would have exposed Thieme's shoddy scholarship and the fact that he bought the same ungodly line from his teachers who did not know or ignored the problems with that whole process, and it would have bolstered my confidence in my English King James Bible, and I would have tossed the Bob Thieme VERSIONS made up as he went along!

It would have freed me a lot sooner.

But there were other things I had to learn first before I would have listened to a defense of the King James Bible and the problems with the modern versions. I had to learn that I was TOTALLY FORGIVEN at the Cross, which Thieme denied, and he used his Rebound Technique to keep us controlled with fear and guilt. I had to learn to lay aside that same fear and guilt so I could be ready to let God teach me Himself from His word.

I just love it:

unlike the dense, tangled, dark jungle of the Thiemepark!

I am so glad I am OUTTA THERE.


Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: Truthtesty ()
Date: June 23, 2008 10:08AM

Sistersoap to PTISG2M:

Have you personally reached Spiritual Maturity yet? If you have not, then you should know that YOU ARE PSYCHOTIC according to

Thieme in some of his later teachings. Yes, friend, the IMMATURE BELIEVER IS PYSCHOTIC. Straight from Bob Thieme! I bet you did not know that, did you?

Truthtesty: What!? More intimidating pressure using fear intimidation and guilt inducement for thiemites to increase thier irresponsible submission to Thieme's authority. So if thiemites feel like thier going schizo or having emotional problems they are too think that it is not Thieme's farcical drivel, but thiemites are too think it's because they are immature. Thiemites are to think that it is thier own fault. Thieme doesn't even have the guts to admit when he has made a mistake and take responsibility for the induction of self-destruction into thiemites lives. What a coward. What a vicious circle of self-destruction!

I actually know of a thiemite who did become psychotic. She thought that "they" were out to get her. She thought that "they " had little cameras in the wall and were wacthing her every move.

Where is Thieme's degree in psycology? He doesn't have one does he? Thieme should have gone to a psychiatrist long ago.

That must be in Thieme's latter year "shock talk" rants. It does not deserve any respect whatsoever. Thieme is totally disrespecful of sound teaching. In military jargon, Thieme IS AWOL! Derelict of duty! Thieme went AWOL long ago and this latest rant shows just how far into the dark jungle he went. Thieme should have faced a "military-court martial" and been removed from command and dishonorably discharged from service.

Sistersoap to Truthtesty: That woman was the wife of the state Thieme rep in whose home we had a weekly taper meeting. You know Thieme would not chose a woman as a LEADER for his groups! You slipped a bit, there, Testy. :)

Truthtesty: You are correct. Thanks.


Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Date: June 23, 2008 10:56AM

back after a break.

Basically, the idea of spiritual maturity within this system can be boiled down to...

"There is an outside threat waiting at the door (commies, hippies, russia, liberals, etc. etc. - place Thieme Jr's pet devil here). If you don't make it to spiritual maturity (i.e. keep listening to tapes, or come to Berachah every night we are open), we are doomed."

Again, this type of threat is used in many abusive groups.

Here is an excerpt from the early 1990's, in which Thieme Jr. keeps this threat going. Notice how at that time, according to him, there were only approximately 100 spiritually mature people in the United States, and that was the only reason why God was not going to destroy the country...


To: SisterSoap,

Can you remember where/when you heard the "psychotic" speech?

Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: sistersoap ()
Date: June 23, 2008 11:07AM

Hi Testy,
Thanks for your answer. It was very hard for me to read the teensy green letters, but I think I got it all anyway.

I believe I recall the IMMATURE BELIEVERS ARE PSYCHOTIC from some posts on this thread. I printed them out because it was so extraordinary. He kept saying basically the same thing over and over with few changes, yet thought each new "doctrine" was NEW, when it was not really.

Thieme picked up miscallaneous stuff from others without fully understanding the subject, turning it to his use, thinking he was "clarifying" things introducing this non biblical stuff to his followers, when it was not only just a waste of time, it was actually 180 degrees from the truth. Why would he conclude FROM THE BIBLE that "immature believers were PSYCHOTIC?" He could not, so he took some stuff from the DSM of psychology like definitions of psychosis and mixed it into his understanding of HIS CONSTRUCT of human psychology and of CHRISTIAN HUMAN PSYCHOLOGY. And we were supposed to buy this as BIBLICAL.

I really think this was a product of his oncoming dementia, I really do, and how long did it take them to get up the courage to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT? Now that would be an interesting study which will probably never happen, because it would be "disrespectful" to the Colonel. No it would be very enlightening as an account of what do you do when a leader, an authoritarian leader, does bonkers slowly? Where do you draw the line? This is not the President here, and there were no checks and balances in this congregation that we know of.

I will see if I can find this teaching and give a link. it is really something. It shocked me the first time I saw it.

That is why it is so important to have Biblical arrangements for a church and FOLLOW THEM. If a pastor consistently takes material from the world and incorporates it AS IF IT WERE THE WORD OF GOD, then something is definitely wrong. But if I had been sitting in Berachah itself all that time till he came out with that Psychotic stuff, I probably would have sat through it, too, just like I did all the rest of the stuff he came up with.

The training was that good! {Bad, actually.}

Back as soon as I can....


Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: sistersoap ()
Date: June 23, 2008 11:10AM

Hi Orange,
I am looking for it now. I think it was a post on this thread somewhere....


Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: sistersoap ()
Date: June 23, 2008 01:05PM

Hi Orange,

Did you perhaps send me the item about IMMATURE BELIEVERS BEING PSYCHOTIC?
I can't find my printed out version, I know I have it SOMEWHERE, but can't find it any time soon. Same with my records on my hard drive. It has to be there somewhere, but I am still not 100% reorganized since changing Internet Providers. I will keep looking because it is important.

It is so frustrating when I can't lay my hands on something I know is around here somewhere!


Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: sistersoap ()
Date: June 23, 2008 01:23PM


I am having such a hard time running this down. I wonder if it would be easier if I wrote or called BERACHAH for their help?

Surely they would remember something like this.

Meanwhile, in looking over some things, Orange, you sent me several documents about ARROGANCE and I recall that in those there were some statements bordering upon what I was talking about.

Some of the topics were:

See next post...


Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: sistersoap ()
Date: June 23, 2008 01:27PM





Text: James 1:8 A double minded man is unstable in all his ways. (KJV)

(Any person involved in psychopathic arrogance is a double-minded person.)


Some might want to call what I’m going to say a “breakthrough” in an understanding of some facet of Scripture that has been heretofore forgotten or never understood. I would not be so brazen as to say that I have had a breakthrough in Scriptural understanding, but I would not hesitate to say to you that what I am about to teach you is insight that has recently been illuminated to my mind by God the Holy Spirit.

Since human history and human life are about resolving a spiritual battle between God and Satan, the following statement is true:

Until an integrated, unified, cohesive personality is developed in any human being, the status quo personality of that human being must be considered abnormal.

If the preceding statement is not understood, people will just play head games with themselves, considering spiritually abnormal behavior and the spiritually abnormal people associated with it, so normal, that, for them, the disintegration of a nation and its people has no spiritual explanation, and in fact, is not even a consideration.

Now, I will expand the preceding statement:

Until an integrated, unified, cohesive personality is developed in any human being, the status quo personality of that human being must be considered abnormal, and that abnormal personality will manifest itself in any one of three ways: (1) normal abnormalcy, (2) neurotic abnormalcy, or (3) psychotic abnormalcy.

Since we are using the word abnormalcy, we must also acknowledge the word normalcy.

Normalcy defined and described: Normalcy is the condition in life that God demands of every human being. The demand is found in such verses as 1 Peter 1:16 and Matthew 5:48.

1 Peter 1:16 Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. (KJV)

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (KJV)

Normalcy in life is godliness, holiness, the condition to be manifested in every life in every life situation, through the moment-by-moment function of the integrated, unified, cohesive personality, which personality is developed only in the human being who has been saved; is confessed up to date; is consistently and correctly applying the principles, promises, doctrines, and techniques associated with the unique Church Age; is yielded to God the Holy Spirit so as to be the recipient of His seven manifestations, manifested only within the life of a yielded believer; and walking by means of the Spirit. The function of the five preceding factors in anyone’s life results in an integrated, unified, cohesive personality, and anything less than the function of these five factors produces an abnormal personality.

Look at the mechanics of (how to develop) the integrated, unified, cohesive personality again:

1confessed up to date
2consistently and correctly applying the principles, promises, doctrines, and techniques associated with the unique Church Age
3yielded to God the Holy Spirit so as to be the recipient of His seven manifestations, manifested only within the life of a yielded believer
4walking by means of the Spirit

Normalcy is the condition of the function of the normal spiritual life. Since there are three stages of development in the Christian life, namely, babyhood, adolescence, and maturity, normalcy is only experienced by the babe and adolescent on those occasions when they are meeting the following criteria: they are confessed up to date; they are correctly applying the principles, promises, doctrines, and techniques associated with the unique Church Age; they are yielded to God the Holy Spirit so as to be the recipient of His seven manifestations, manifested only within the life of a yielded believer; and they are walking by means of the Spirit. The difference between the babe, the adolescent, and the mature believer is the consistency with which the criteria are being applied. Increased consistency is determined by volition and the applications of pertinent metabolized doctrine--you cannot apply what you do not know. The mature believer knows more and is applying more than the adolescent and the babe, and the adolescent knows more and is applying more than the babe.

Normalcy is the constant condition and manifestation of spiritual maturity in a Church Age believer’s life.

It is also important to understand the following definitions:

Abnormalcy defined: Abnormalcy is any thought, speech, or overt activity conducted under the influence of the old-sin-nature, with or without cognizance of doing so.

* Cope defined: The ability to deal effectively with and handle the stresses to which one is subjected.

Note: This is a cosmic (worldly) definition implying that stress is inevitable, and that there are worldly solutions to effectively handle stress. This definition would acknowledge that there may be such a thing as “Christian coping skills,” but would not limit coping skills as being solely Christian in nature. The issue would go like this: “Are you handling your stress, and if you are, who cares what measures you take, Christian or non-Christian, just as long as you are effectively coping?” This is human viewpoint at its best and must be rejected from a spiritual point of view.

* Coping defined: A measure of an individual’s resourcefulness and ability to deal with the stress of daily life and unusual challenges posed by chronic disease, disability, and pain.

Note: This also is a cosmic (worldly) definition implying that stress is inevitable. It also generalizes an individual’s resourcefulness, implying that the nature of that resource is unimportant just as long as it provides the ability to deal with the stress of daily life and unusual challenges posed by chronic disease, disability, and pain. This is human viewpoint and must be rejected from a spiritual point of view.

* Definitions taken from Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary, 1989

Consider my descriptions associated with the word “abnormalcy.”

Normal abnormalcy: The first level of mental disorder that the world calls “coping.”
Neurotic abnormalcy: The second level of mental disorder when coping skills begin to fail.
Psychotic abnormalcy: The third level of mental disorder when coping skills completely fail.

The following are capacities of cosmic coping skills associated with the stresses of life:

None: “basket case”--psychotic abnormalcy
Some: neurotic abnormalcy
Complete: normal abnormalcy

The totally integrated, unified, cohesive personality manifests the character of Christ through the application of the appropriate fruits of the Spirit in any given life situation.

There are two basic reasons why any person will fail to manifest an integrated, unified, cohesive personality: (1) ignorance of the mechanics (how to) of producing an integrated, unified, cohesive personality; and (2) willful disobedience manifested by knowing the particular fruit of the Spirit that needs to be applied, but choosing not to make that application.

What is the mechanic (how to) of applying a particular fruit of the Spirit to a life situation? (See Changing Clothes in the spiritual life series).

How many abnormal people do you think there are in life?

Spiritual Christians understand the following principle of life:

Principle: Adversity that is inevitable and that stress is optional.

Spiritual Christians use the eleven problem solving devices as the FLOT line (Forward Line Of Troops) that are resident in their soul’s stream of consciousness to handle all adversity, so as to keep stress from ever entering their souls. Coping is a human viewpoint term and a human viewpoint function that should be eliminated from Christian vocabulary and Christian function.

The ninefold fruit of the Spirit characterized the integrated, unified, cohesive personality of the humanity of Jesus Christ. The ninefold fruit of the Spirit is found in Galatians 5:22-23 (NAS).


Consider the following definitions:

Integrated: The bringing together of the various parts or functions so that the various parts function as a harmonious whole. Application: These characteristics should not be viewed as independent contractors. They WORK as a team.

Unified: to make into a unit; cause to become one; unite. Application: They COME TOGETHER as a team.

Cohesive: sticking together. Application: They are BOUND TOGETHER as a team.


When the ninefold fruit of the Spirit are in the believer’s spiritual clothes closet, having been placed there through the metabolization of doctrine, the end result is an integrated, unified, cohesive personality that manifests a Christ-like personality in the life of the believer.

There is one other important note that should be considered before beginning the body of this document:

Distinguish between organic disease (SDB)* that leads to neurotic and psychotic mental disorders and mental disorders whose source is the locked-in arrogance (SDB) associated with cosmic one, gate #1, which I will refer to as locked-in motivational arrogance that results in normal abnormalcy, neurotic abnormalcy or psychotic abnormalcy.

* (SDB) found throughout this document means “see the definition(s) below,” listed at the bottom of this document. The italicized words will be defined.

This document focuses on those mental disorders that are the product of locked-in motivational arrogance rather than focusing on mental disorders that are the product of organic disease.

Body of Text


Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: sistersoap ()
Date: June 23, 2008 01:30PM


Body of Text

1. Psychopathic (SDB) arrogance is a volitional drive toward unreality.

2. Under normal conditions, the emotions of the soul are under the control and domination of the mentality of the soul.

3. Normally, a person’s emotions blend with his mentality so that his emotional life does not disrupt his ability to think rationally.

A. The emotions are designed to respond to the content of information contained in the soul’s right lobe (SDB).

B. Emotion has no ability to think, no ability to rationalize, and is not related to any field of cognizance.

C. By divine design, emotion is a responder, not an aggressor.

4. In the psychopathic person, the normal subordination of emotion to mentality is not present because of cultivated arrogance associated with cosmic involvement and its resultant drive toward unreality.

5. The psychopathic believer lacks the ability to realistically evaluate the object of his emotional responses or reactions.

A. Arrogant preoccupation with self excludes reality and leads a drive toward a false object.

1) For example, a psychopathic woman may fall in love with a male in her periphery, making him the object of her hallucinations (SDB) and fantasies (SDB).

2) Pursuing this pseudo-love with arrogant fanaticism, the arrogant psychopath loses all objectivity, reasoning power, and moral stability.

3) This means that the psychopathic believer under the influence of the cosmic system pursues a false object with irrationality, unpredictability, and abnormal behavior.

B. Psychopathic arrogance has no capacity for true love.

C. Because of an incapacity for true love, the psychopathic believer becomes occupied with some form of self-gratification which interrelates with the other cosmic one gates, including sexual arrogance.

6. Locked-in arrogance in the psychopathic personality results in several categories of psychopathic personalities:

alcoholic psychosis organic psychosis
depressive psychosis polyneuritic psychosis
drug psychosis post-infectious psychosis
exhaustion psychosis postpartum psychosis
functional psychosis senile psychosis
gestational psychosis situational psychosis
involutional psychosis toxic psychosis
Korsakoff’s psychosis traumatic psychosis
manic-depressive psychosis

7. Considering the psychopathic personality, particularly, the manic-depressive (SDB) personality:

A. Arrogance as a catalyst in manic-depressive psychosis is obvious.

B. In the manic phase, the believer may be very self-righteous, very self-satisfied, and even arrogantly aggressive.

1) He may be childish, proud, intolerant of criticism, irrepressible, uninhibited, effusive, and often unconventional in speech and manner.

2) Such a person may court the limelight as boastful, flippant, argumentative, with wandering thought patterns, be easily bored, lacking the ability to sustain anything, and never having an enthusiasm sustained for very long.

B. Arrogance in the manic phase may be characterized by hostility toward members of one's own family, combining arrogance with unreasonable and unprovoked anger.

1) Oscillation of emotions is very common.

2) In the middle of exuberance, the person may suddenly burst into tears.

C. The manic may be self-righteous, officious, and meddlesome.

D. Hallucinations in manic excitement are usually arrogant illusions (SDB) as the manic builds himself up in order to interfere and straighten out everyone.

E. Therefore, the manic depressive believer is characterized by alternating mania and mental depression (SDB).

F. He goes from being depressed to being very excited and self-righteous.

G. In the mild depressive state, the manic may have physical complaints that have no organic basis.

1) This may be followed by a lack of confidence or a lack of a sense of destiny; instead, he has a sense of inadequacy and is unable to stay with a job.

2) Above all, he is unable to realize that God has a plan for his life, and that he is alive by logistical grace so God's plan can be fulfilled in his life.

H. In his depressed state, there may be a desire for violence and crime.

When a homicide is committed by a manic-depressive Christian, the victim is often a member of his own family.

I. This person may seek to take his own life, so that suicide becomes the ultimate arrogance.

8. Psychopathy is a general (non-specific) term for mental disturbances or mental disorders. (SDB)

A. However, psychopathy is also used specifically (not generally) for certain mental disorders characterized by emotional instability, perversity of conduct, undue conceit, suspiciousness, lack of self-control, lack of social feeling, lack of truthfulness, lack of common sense, and lack of persistence.

Note: Let’s be clear here. The following are considered mental disorders:

emotional instability considered a mental disorder
perversity of conduct considered a mental disorder
undue conceit considered a mental disorder
suspiciousness considered a mental disorder
lack of self-control considered a mental disorder
lack of social feeling considered a mental disorder
lack of truthfulness considered a mental disorder
lack of common sense considered a mental disorder
lack of persistence considered a mental disorder

My Note: Isn’t it amazing that the cosmos (world) is calling these symptoms mental disorders. They are mental disorders because they characterize a spiritually fragmented personality. Any one of the above is inconsistent with an integrated, unified, cohesive personality. Any one of the above is a manifestation of the “double minded man” in James 1:8. It should also be clear that these mental disorders are not cured by medication. These are spiritual problems cured only by the use of the mechanics necessary to produce the spiritual life in the person manifesting any of the above forms of mental disorders. Everyone of the above mental disorders are cured by Bible doctrine resident in the soul, and we will never fully appreciate the plan of God for the human race, nor will we understand the present depravity of the United States of America until we are willing to recognize and label the above conditions as mental disorders. When you finally come to grips with this labeling issue, you will begin to realize that there are not many sane people in this country, and one of the main reasons for any person’s unwillingness to make such an acknowledgement is that “the pot doesn’t want to call the kettle black.”

B. The psychopathic personality (SDB), now referred to as the antisocial personality, (SDB) likes to surround himself with others who also lack common sense and who are also moving toward unreality.

Note: Remember that a lack of common sense is described above as a mental disorder. Today, we might say to the person who manifests no common sense, “Man, you’re just not thinking straight!” We have just described a mental disorder!!

C. Arrogance under pressure produces psychopathic behavior.

D. Psychopathic believers are characterized by the motivational arrogance of gate #1, cosmic one, and the arrogance factor that motivates them may be any one of or combination of the following: vanity, pride, jealousy, hatred, vindictiveness, implacability, a guilt complex, fear, anxiety, abnormal modus operandi, or constantly seeking revenge.

Note: Let’s be clear here. The following are characteristics of the psychopathic believer:

vanity characteristic of the psychopathic believer
pride characteristic of the psychopathic believer
jealousy characteristic of the psychopathic believer
hatred characteristic of the psychopathic believer
vindictiveness characteristic of the psychopathic believer
implacability characteristic of the psychopathic believer
a guilt complex characteristic of the psychopathic believer
fear characteristic of the psychopathic believer
anxiety characteristic of the psychopathic believer
abnormal modus operandi characteristic of the psychopathic believer
constantly seeking revenge characteristic of the psychopathic believer

Note continued: Remember that the term “psychopathic believer,” here, describes a believer who is functioning in cosmic #1, gate #1, a person who is motivationally arrogant, and whose personality is split, and thereby considered a person with a mental disorder. This mental disorder is not corrected by medication. This is a spiritual problem cured only by the use of the mechanics necessary to produce the spiritual life. Everyone of the above mental disorders are cured by Bible doctrine resident in the soul, and again, we will never fully appreciate the plan of God for the human race, nor will we understand the present depravity of the United States of America until we are willing to recognize and label the above conditions as mental disorders of a psychopathic believer.

E. A society of arrogant people naturally breeds psychopathic personalities.

1) Psychopathic personalities are prevalent in our fragmented society today.

2). As a result, America's psychopathic persons find the environment in which they live so filled with categories of arrogance that their drive toward unreality seems perfectly normal to them!

Today, you might hear someone say, “Chill out, dude! Everything’s cool.”

F. Quite often, people who are psychopathic are driven there by arrogant people, especially by people who are arrogantly self-righteous.

G. The arrogance of legalism, also referred to as self-righteous arrogance, is one of the greatest contributing factors to this problem, namely, the production of psychopathic believers.

9. Psychopathic persons are abnormal, and therefore, spiritually abnormal, and some are extremely sensitive, making them susceptible to religious emotion.

10. A religiously emotional environment is provided by well-meaning believers who themselves manifest the arrogance of ignorance, or blind arrogance, being ignorant of sound doctrine or distorting sound doctrine--who are totally mixed-up.

11. The psychopathic believer lacks the ability to evaluate realistically the object of his emotional responses or reactions.

A. Arrogant preoccupation with self excludes reality and leads a drive toward a false object.

B. For example, a psychopathic female may fall in love with a male in her periphery, making him the object of her hallucinations and fantasies.

C. Pursuing this pseudo-love with arrogant fanaticism, the arrogant psychopath loses all objectivity, reasoning power, and moral stability.

D. This means that the psychopathic believer under the influence of the cosmic system pursues a false object with irrationality, unpredictability, and abnormal behavior.

E. Psychopathic arrogance has no capacity for love.

F. Therefore, because of this incapacity for true love, he becomes occupied with some form of self-gratification that interrelates with the other cosmic one gates, including sexual arrogance.

G. This is often the source for criminality and the explanation for rape.

12. Psychosis (SDB) refers to a mental disease that manifests a serious mental derangement.

Note: When you use this term to describe a person’s condition, be thinking in terms of a person who has “lost contact with reality.” This is a very serious problem.

13. Psychosis in believers.

A. While the term “psychosis” occurs in homosapiens in general, this study deals only with psychosis in born-again believers.

B. The psychotic (SDB) believer is the product of his own arrogance and multifarious bad decisions from a position of weakness, that is, residence in cosmic one.

1) An environment for bad decisions is provided by certain elements of Christianity, namely, the pentecostals, the charismatics, and the legalistic fundamentalists.

2) These groups provide an environment of significant unreality that is an incubator for bad decisions.

C. Once locked-in arrogance (SDB) occurs, the believer enters a state of mental disorder, sometimes gradually, sometimes rapidly.

D. In a psychotic state, by definition, the believer can no longer recover through spiritual means. He has crossed the line, and first requires psychiatric treatment.

1) Whereas the implementation of the mechanics required to produce the spiritual life brings about spiritual recovery from many bad decisions, this cannot bring about recovery from a psychotic condition.

2) Until such a person receives psychiatric treatment, there can be no recovery.

E. The field of psychiatry has experienced tremendous advances in the field of medications so that a psychotic person can once again function in a nearly normal manner.

1) It is not normal to require the use of medication to function in a normal fashion, therefore, it is the need for medication that generates the following statement: the psychotic person can function in a nearly normal manner.

2) Without the use of medication, it is impossible for the psychotic believer to learn doctrine, regardless of how much and how often he listens.

3) There can be no recovery from the psychotic condition without medication!

F. It is the tendency of those who have provided the environment of unreality through legalism to try to resolve the psychotic believer’s problem through prayer.

1) You will never resolve this problem through prayer.

2) Prayer cannot reverse the process by which a believer has become psychotic.

3) Even if God did perform a healing miracle, the mentally disturbed Christian would go right back into the arrogance process—healing doesn’t cure the old-sin-nature.

4) Therefore, a thousand bad decisions cannot be reversed by fervent, daily prayer.

5) That is not the purpose of prayer; it was never intended to reverse the law of volitional responsibility.

6) You cannot coerce the volition of someone else and make him well through prayer.

7) This, however, is a typical prayer of the legalistic believer who has little to no understanding of the spiritual life.

G. When a believer lives in cosmic one for a prolonged period of time, influenced by motivational arrogance, it is unreasonable to expect God to instantly reverse a situation compacted and compressed from hundreds and thousands of bad decisions that were made from a position of weakness.

H. Parents who function in cosmic one, gates #1, #2, or #3 can rear their children under legalism from the time the children are in the cradle, creating for the children the environment of unreality, so that if the children have the same predilections as the parents, the children will move, step by step, toward a psychotic condition.

I. Arrogance has produced a cult (SDB) of people in this country who reject authority, and the size of the cult continues to grow.

1) This begins in childhood where personality is dominated by primitive basic drives to the exclusion of rational behavior.

2) This is seen in children who have excessive tantrums, are destructive, are allowed to sulk, are deceitful, obstinate, boastful, shameless, and erratic.

J. Sometimes psychotic conditions are irreversible because a person’s arrogance causes them to reject available medical help; and though they may seek spiritual help, spiritual help cannot help them.

K. The road to recovery demands certain things that will make recovery possible.

1) Proper medication prescribed by a competent doctor.

2) Taking the prescribed medication properly and consistently.

3) The consistent use of rebound for cosmic one involvement.

4) Constant yieldedness to God the Holy Spirit

5) Persistent perception of doctrine becomes a factor only after the patient has undergone such treatment so that he can now listen, concentrate, and actually metabolize the doctrine.

6) The application of pertinent doctrine to all of life’s situations.

L. Under the law of antithetical arrogance (SDB), a person reacts arrogantly in one state of unreality, and loved ones react in arrogance in the opposite way, so that no one ever reaches a solution.

1) Arrogant children will react against parents in some form of arrogant unreality, and the parents will then react against their children in a different form of arrogant unreality.

2) Apart from Bible doctrine, the reaction always goes from one state of arrogant unreality to another state of arrogant unreality, never finding the solution.

M. You cannot resolve problems while you are reacting against someone else.

1) After reacting against someone for years, it is inevitable that this drive toward unreality will take the person doing the reacting into a neurotic (SDB) or psychotic condition.

2) The tragedy occurs when it becomes too late to pick yourself up because the reaction process has become so deep-seated and ingrained.

3) At this time, all decisions made in one state of unreality are no more than reactions against another state of unreality, and Bible doctrine has never been given a chance to work.

4) People in this state who continue to listen to Bible doctrine listen only as a ritual rather than for momentum in the plan of God.

5) Doctrine cannot solve a problem when a person’s momentum is within the world of unreality!

6) This is why it is so important to reside inside the divine dynasphere, yield to God the Holy Spirit, learn doctrine for epistemological rehabilitation, and begin using the eleven problem solving devices.

7) Reaching the point of using the problem solving devices is what causes the break with unreality.

Q. There can be no break from unreality apart from objectivity and teachability associated with humility, enforced and/or genuine, for the function of the three R's--reception, retention, and recall.

1) Regarding function inside the divine dynasphere, a believer’s function in gate #3 (humility gate associated with objectivity and teachability) and gate #4 (metabolization of doctrine gate) will eventuate in reaching gate #5, (personal love for God associated with spiritual self-esteem) and precipitate a complete break from unreality and initiate the beginning of true spiritual normality, including inner happiness (+H).

2) When the believer begins to function in gate #6 of the divine dynasphere, impersonal love for all mankind and its attending spiritual autonomy, the believer has reached the total state of spiritual reality in interaction with people.

3) Impersonal love gives a believer the capacity for tolerance, wipes away all legalism from his life, and gives him +H (inner happiness) as a major problem solving device that makes it possible for the believer to move on to maturity.

R. However if there has been drug involvement, and too many brain neurons have been destroyed so that there are no more microcircuits on which to print doctrine, the case is hopeless apart from God performing a miracle to manufacture additional neurons in the brain. (God can easily do this, but miracles are not generally a part of the protocol plan for the Church Age.)

S. The decision to become involved in any kind of drug use is the worst thing that can happen to a human being; it is chemical self-destruction.

1) Eventually, that person will become physically incapacitated, possibly reaching a vegetative state (SDB), a testimony to the disaster that can occur from the negative repercussions of the law of volitional responsibility.

2) So be warned against both drug abuse and arrogance; the two can destroy you.

T. Remember that the human brain is the vehicle God uses for your spiritual growth.

U. Psychiatric treatment requires analysis, treatment, perhaps hospitalization, and perhaps being committed to a qualified institution for effective medical treatment.

14. The pre-psychotic personality is the problem.

A. The pre-psychotic personality is subjective, inhibited, worried, stubborn, intolerant, inflexible, and lacks a sense of humor.

B. The pre-psychotic personality is unstable and may oscillate among such things as the following: rigidity that acts as a neurotic defense, self-righteous arrogance, perfectionism, and/or the guilt syndrome.

C. The pre-psychotic personality may be irritable, peevish, querulous, complaining, unable to concentrate, depressed, and full of paranoid ideas.

peevish: irritable; fretful; cross; hard to please

querulous: 1) inclined to find fault; complaining; fretful; peevish; 2) characterized by complaining.

D. The pre-psychotic personality may be full of anxiety and may have a tendency toward hypochrondria (SDB) manifested by a morbid anxiety about his own health, accompanied by the conjuring up of imaginary illnesses.

E. The pre-psychotic personality has the ability to parlay arrogance in cosmic one into illusion and hallucination.

F. The pre-psychotic personality may possess an arrogant hypersensitivity of being slighted where slighting does not occur.

G. The pre-psychotic believer may blame others for his failures and avoids taking any responsibility for those same failures.

H. It is not surprising that arrogance becomes the catalyst for arrogant reactions such as jealousy, implacability, lack of forgiveness, resentment, bitterness, or delusions (SDB) of persecution.

15. Locked-in arrogance also results in schizophrenia.

A. Basically, schizophrenia is loss of contact with reality by the disintegration of the personality.

B. An erratic sequence of behavior in the schizophrenic Christian is ambivalence, having simultaneous attraction toward and repulsion from an object, a person, or an action. It's a love and hate, affection and hostility function.

C. The schizophrenic Christian may be full of hallucinations which are expressed in ambivalent arrogance, in that the Christian may deny or reject a lust or desire, but he expresses that lust or desire through delusion and hallucination.

D. Schizophrenia may explain how persons consciously resist an evil impulse, but at the same time under demon influence, become involved in other evil things.

E. Psychopathic ambivalence is one of the problems of schizophrenia.

1) Ambivalence is generally defined as uncertainty of fluctuation, especially when caused by inability to make a choice.

2) In spiritual ambivalence, the believer cannot decide between Bible doctrine and the cosmic system.

F. Ambivalence may also be defined as the simultaneous desire to say or do two opposite things.

G. Psychologically, ambivalence is the coexistence of positive and negative feelings toward the same person, object, or action.

H. An ambivert (SDB) is a person whose personality type is intermediate between extrovert and introvert, possessing some tendencies of each.

I. In psychopathic ambivalence, the psychopathic personality lives in a world of fantasy with unrestrained expressions of lust and arrogance related to the cosmic system. As a result, he can reject his evil and sinful experience, moral degeneracy and immoral degeneracy in the world of reality.

J. This arrogant ambivalence finds in the fantasy self-justification for sin and evil done in the world of reality, therefore, retreat from morality and virtue of the world of reality results in justifying one's actions of sin, evil, and moral or immoral degeneracy in the world of fantasy, using the world of fantasy to justify the evil functions of life.

16. Inevitably, suicide often becomes the answer to psychotic arrogance. Two categories of psychotic arrogance are vulnerable to suicide: the manic-depressive and the schizophrenic.

A. The manic depressive's mental disorder is characterized by alternating extremes of excitement and depression.

B. The schizophrenic's condition is characterized by withdrawn, bizarre, and sometimes delusional behavior, plus intellectual and emotional deterioration.

C. Since believers who live extensively in the cosmic system are prone to these two categories, it becomes obvious that Christians can and do commit suicide.

D. Certain believers whose residence in gate #1 of cosmic one, if unchecked, become prone to manic depressive or schizophrenic activities, and in certain cases, they do commit suicide.

E. However, the Christian who commits suicide cannot lose his salvation.

1) There is no sin or failure that the believer can do to cancel the fifty-one irrevocable things he receives at the point of faith in Christ.

2) While suicide is a maximum expression of arrogance, it does not cancel the saving work of our Lord on the cross.

3) Every suicide is a sin, but it is a sin for which our Lord was judged on the cross.

F. Certain believers may take their own lives.

1) Motivation for doing so can be found in gate #1 of cosmic one, namely, motivational arrogance.

2) Such things as bitterness, jealousy, hatred, self-pity, revenge, implacability, and vindictiveness can motivate suicide, all the result of cosmic involvement and preoccupation with self.

17. Psychiatry has developed a whole system of “why’s” that provide people with self-justification (here’s the reason why I did what I did) for their psychopathic behavior (also referred to as sociopathic (SDB) behavior.)

A. The problems with this approach:

1) The plan of God does not permit self-justification as a rationale for sociopathic/psychopathic behavior.

2) This approach violates the law of volitional responsibility and places the blame on someone else or something else.

B. Sociopathic/psychopathic behavior is the result of one’s own bad decisions.

18. Egocentricity is typical in psychopathic arrogance.

A. The cult (SDB) of preoccupation with self reaches its peak in psychopathic arrogance.

B. It relates everything to self, which eventually divorces that person from reality.

C. The difference between normal and abnormal is found in one word--reality.

19. As arrogance increases, it will eventually affect every facet of a person’s life, until there is total divorcement from reality, so that in the extreme cases of demonization (SDB), you have a psychopathic personality.

20. Demon possession and demon influence are both related to psychopathic behavior. Demon possession is the focus of Mark 5:1-20.

Definitions Associated with This Document

abnormal: Deviating from normal.

ambivert: An ambivert is a person whose personality type is intermediate between extrovert and introvert, possessing some tendencies of each.

antithetical arrogance: Antithetical arrogance occurs when “Person A” reacts toward a circumstance of life with some form of arrogance, and “Person B,” often a loved one, reacts with an opposite form of arrogance toward the arrogance of “Person A” so that a solution is never reached by either party.

antisocial personality: A type of personality disorder characterized by disregard of the rights of others. It usually begins prior to age 15. In early childhood there are lying, stealing, fighting, truancy, and disregard of authority. In adolescence there are usually aggressive sexual behavior, excessive use of alcohol, and use of drugs. In adulthood these behavior patterns continue with the addition of poor work performance, inability to function responsibly as a parent, and inability to accept normal restrictions imposed by laws. This type of personality disorder is not due to mental retardation, schizophrenia, or manic episodes. It is much more common in males than females.

character: The total qualities, especially those of the personality, thought, and morality, as evidenced from an individual’s speech, writings, and actions, that distinguish one person from another.

characteristic: The trait or character that is typical of an individual.

compensation: Escape from the consciousness or revelation of an inferiority by accomplishment resulting from compensatory ambition. A defense mechanism. Ex.: The short man may strut. The incompetent may brag.

conflict: (1) Opposing action of incompatibles. (2) In psychiatry, the conscious or unconscious struggle between two opposing desires or courses of action. A technical term applied to a state in which social goals dictate behavior contrary to more primitive (often subconscious) desires.

cult: devoted attachment to, or extravagant admiration for a person, principle, etc., especially when regarded as a fad: as the cult of nudism.

defense mechanism: A method of unconscious behavior used to resolve or conceal conflicts or anxieties. Ex.: compensation; denial; projection.

demonization: There are two categories of demonization. demon influence or demon possession. It can be said that demonization has occurred in the life of a person who is demon influenced. It can be said demonization has occurred in the life of a person who is demon possessed. Demonization can occur in both believers and unbelievers, however, the believer can only be demon influenced, and never demon possessed, but the unbeliever can be demon influenced or demon possessed.

denial: Refusal to admit the reality of, or to acknowledge the presence or existence of something; keeping out of conscious awareness anxiety-producing realities. A defense mechanism.

delusion: A false belief brought about without appropriate external stimulation and inconsistent with the individual’s own knowledge and experience. Seen most often in psychoses, in which patients cannot separate delusion from reality. Differs from hallucination, in that hallucination involves the false excitation of one or more of the senses. The most important delusions are those that cause persons to harm others or themselves.

depression: Mental depression characterized by altered mood. An estimated 3% to 5% of the world experiences depression on any given date. There is loss of interest in all usually pleasurable outlets such as food, sex, work, friends, hobbies, or entertainment. Diagnostic criteria include presence of depressed mood every day, markedly diminished interest or pleasure in most or all activities, and 3 or more of the following: (1) Poor appetite or significant weight loss; or increased weight gain. (2) Insomnia or hypersomnia. (3) Psychomotor agitation or retardation, (4) Feeling of hopelessness. (5) Loss of energy, or fatigue. (6) Feelings of worthlessness, self-reproach, or excessive or inappropriate guilt. (7) Complaints of or evidence of diminished ability to think or concentrate. (8) Recurrent thoughts of death, suicidal ideation, wish to be dead, or attempted suicide.

disease: Literally the lack of ease; a pathological condition of the body that presents a group of clinical signs and symptoms and laboratory findings peculiar to it and that sets the condition apart as an abnormal entity differing from other normal or pathological body states. The concept of disease may include the condition of illness or suffering not necessarily arising from pathological changes in the body. There is a major distinction between disease and illness in that disease is usually tangible and may even be measured, whereas illness is highly individual and personal, as with pain, suffering, and distress. A person may have a serious disease such as hypertension but no feeling of pain or suffering, and thus no illness. Conversely, a person may be extremely ill, as with hysteria or mental illness, but have no evidence of disease as measured by pathological changes in the body.

fantasy: The mechanism of creating in one’s mind that which is unreal and may be disordered and weird; may also be creative.

fragmented life: Every believer has an old-sin-nature, therefore, by analogy, every believer is a walking hand grenade. The grenade is the old-sin-nature, and the pin of the grenade is negative volition. The moment the believer makes a choice to succumb to the influence of his old-sin-nature, he has pulled the pin on the grenade, causing it to explode, and thereby fragmenting his life. The fragmented life is clearly evident by noting the form(s) of arrogance manifested by the believer in his varied life situations. The form(s) of fragmentation move in the direction of the believer’s old-sin-nature’s trend--either asceticism or lasciviousness. The fragmented life produces immediate involvement in either cosmic dynasphere #1 or cosmic dynasphere #2 and produces immediate entrance into reversionism.

hallucination: A false perception having no relation to reality and not accounted for by any exterior stimuli. May be visual, auditory, or olfactory. Judgment may be impaired and the patient will not be able to distinguish between the real and the imagined.

hypochondria: Abnormal concern about health with false belief of suffering from some disease.

hypochondriac: The person who suffers from hypochondria.

ideation: The process of thinking; formation of ideas. It is slow in dementias, depressions, and other organic diseases, and in narcotic intoxications, but quickened in the early stages in some types of intoxications. It is unduly active in manic depression states.

illusion: Inaccurate perception, misinterpretation of sensory impressions, as opposed to hallucination, which has no source in fact. Vague stimuli re conducive to the production of illusions, but essentially it is a disorder of ideation. If an illusion becomes fixed, it is said to be a delusion.

illusion, optical: A visual impression that is inaccurate wit what is available to be seen.

locked-in arrogance: locked-in arrogance is an attitude of arrogance as opposed to an arrogant blip on the screen (infrequent manifestations of arrogant behavior).

mental disorder: An imprecise and quite general term that may be described briefly as a clinically significant behavioral or psychological syndrome or pattern typically associated with either a distressing symptom or impairment of function. It is important to bear in mind that different individuals described as having the same mental disorder are not alike in the way they react to their illness and how they will need to be treated.

mood: A pervasive and sustained emotion that may have a major influence on a person’s perception of the world. Examples of mood include depression, joy, elation, anger, and anxiety.

mood disorders: A group of disorders in which the disturbance of mood is accompanied by full or partial manic or depressive syndrome.

mood swings: Periods of variation in how one feels, changing from a sense of well-being to one of depression. This occurs normally, but may become abnormally intense in persons with manic depressive states.

neurosis: (The definition of this term is controversial as the world would attempt to define it, therefore, the following definition is one that is selected from among the world’s definitions that most closely defines the term from a doctrinal point of view.) An unconscious conflict that arouses anxiety and leads to maladaptive use of defense mechanisms that result in symptom formation. TREAT: Psychotherapy, tranquilizers, and sedatives. It must be remembered that in general, a symptom due to a neurotic reaction to a situation is just as real to the patient as if it were due to organic disease. Usually such a symptom is more difficult to treat than it would be if due to organic disease.

Note: This last sentence is extremely important to our understanding. The world is acknowledging that it is far more difficult to recover from locked-in arrogance than it is to deal with manic-depression whose etiology is a lithium imbalance.

neurotic: (1) One suffering from a neurosis; (2) nervous.

neurotic disorder: A mental disorder in which the predominant disturbance is a symptom or group of symptoms that is distressing the individual and is recognized by that person as being unacceptable, undesirable, and alien (ego-dystonic). Reality testing is grossly intact and behavior is socially acceptable. This disorder does not imply that there is a special etiological process.

normal: (1) Standard; performing proper functions; natural; regular. (2) In psychology, free from mental disorder; or of average development or intelligence.

officious: offering unnecessary and unwanted advice or services; meddlesome.

organic disease: Disease resulting from recognizable anatomical changes in an organ or tissue of the body.

paranoia: This term indicates a person who shows persistent persecutory delusions or delusion jealousy; emotion and behavior appropriate to the content of the delusional system; the disorder has been present at least one week; symptoms of schizophrenia such as bizarre delusions or incoherence are present; no prominent hallucinations; a full depressive or manic syndrome is either not present or is of brief duration; the illness is not due to organic disease of the brain. This disorder usually occurs in middle or late adult life and may be chronic, often includes resentment and anger that may lead to violence. These people rarely seek medical attention. They are brought for care by associates or relatives.

delusional systems:

erotomatic paranoia: A form of paranoid delusion that one is loved by another. The delusion is more nearly one of romantic or spiritual love, rather than physical; the object is usually someone who is of a higher status or famous, but may be a complete stranger.

jealous paranoia: The unfounded conviction that this person’s spouse or lover is unfaithful.

My Note: It all begins with jealousy and suspicion. Call it what it is, brethren—jealousy and suspicion leading to paranoia—a psychopathic disorder.

litigious paranoia: Paranoia in which this person institutes or threatens to institute legal action because of imagined persecution.

somatic paranoia: The delusion that one’s body is malodorous, or infested with an internal or external parasite, or that the body is misshapen or is unduly ugly.

paranoid ideation: Suspicious thinking that is persecutory, accompanied by feelings that one is being harassed, treated wrongly, or being judged critically.

personality: The unique organization of traits, characteristics, and modes of behavior of an individual, setting the individual apart from others and at the same time determining how others react to the individual. Personality refers to the mental aspects of an individual, in contrast to physique.

personality disorders: These conditions exist when an individual repeatedly uses certain coping mechanisms in an inappropriate, stereotyped, or maladaptive fashion. A large number of personality disorders are recognized. Some are paranoid, schizoid, histrionic, narcissistic, antisocial, borderline, avoidant behavior, dependent behavior, compulsive, and passive-aggressive personality disorders.

projection: Distortion of a perception as a result of its repression, resulting in such a phenomenon as hating without cause one who was dearly loved, or attributing to others one’s own undesirable traits. A defense mechanism. Characteristics of the paranoid reaction.

psychoneurosis: Emotional maladaptation due to unresolved unconscious conflicts. This leads to disturbances in thought, feelings, attitudes, and behavior. There is little, if any, loss of contact with reality, but the patient’s effectiveness in performing his or her usual responsibilities is handicapped. Psychoneurosis is a major category in classifying mental illness and is classified according to symptoms that predominate. The patient usually recognizes that the altered thoughts and feelings are abnormal and indeed unwelcome. This is in contrast to the patient with a psychosis or character disorder.

psychopathic: (1) Concerning or characterized by a mental disorder; (2) Concerning treatment of mental disorders; (3) abnormal.

My note: In this document, the use of the term psychopathic may either refer to the neurotic behavior or the psychotic behavior, the distinguishing difference being divorcement from reality. Psychotic behavior is completely divorced from reality.

psychopathic(includes but distinguishes the latter as divorced from reality):

psychopathic personality: An obsolete term. See antisocial personality.

My note: In this document, the use of the term psychopathic personality may either refer to the neurotic psychopathic personality or the psychotic psychopathic personality, the distinguishing difference being divorcement from reality. The psychotic psychopathic personality is completely divorced from reality.

psychopathic personality (includes but distinguishes the latter as divorced from reality):
7neurotic psychopathic personality
8psychotic psychopathic personality

psychopathy: Any mental disease, especially, one associated with defective character or personality.

My note: In this document, the use of the term psychopathy includes neurotic psychopathy and psychotic psychopathy, the distinguishing difference being divorcement from reality. In psychotic psychopathy, the person is completely divorced from reality.

psychopathy (includes but distinguishes the latter as divorced from reality):
9neurotic psychopathy
10psychotic psychopathy

psychosis: A term formerly applied to any mental disorder, but now generally restricted to those disturbances of such magnitude that there is personality disintegration and loss of contact with reality. The disturbances are of psychogenic origin, or without clearly defined physical cause or structural change in the brain. They usually are characterized by delusions and hallucination, and hospitalization is generally required. This condition is manifest in the behavior, emotional reaction, and ideation of the patient, who fails to mirror reality as it is, reacts erroneously to it, and builds up false concepts regarding it. Behavior responses are peculiar, abnormal, inefficient, or definitely antisocial. All this does not include amentia because defective intelligence merely lessens comprehension of reality but does not distort it. The psychopathic personality reacts badly because of intrinsic emotional differences playing upon an undistorted world of reality.

My note: In this document, neurosis and psychosis are both considered psychopathic conditions, but psychosis is a more severe condition than neurosis.

psychosis (includes but distinguishes the latter as divorced from reality):

psychotic: Pertaining to or affected by psychosis.

My note: In this document, neurotic and psychotic are both considered psychopathic conditions, but psychotic is a more severe condition than neurotic.

psychotic (includes but distinguishes the latter as divorced from reality):

real: existing or happening as or in fact; actual, true, objectively so, etc.; not merely seeming, pretended, imagined, fictitious, nominal, or ostensible. 2) authentic, genuine. 3) in philosophy: existing objectively; actual (not merely possible or ideal), or essential, absolute, ultimate (not relative, derivative, phenomenal, etc.)

reality: 1) the quality or state of being real. 2) a person or thing that is real; fact. 3) the quality of being true to life; fidelity to nature. 4) in philosophy: that which is real.

reality principle: Awareness of external demands and adjustment in a manner that meets these demands, yet assures continued gratification.

reality testing: The attempt by the individual to evaluate and understand the real world and his or her relation to it.

schizophrenia (schizophrenic disorders): A group of related disorders of unknown etiology in which there is a special type of disordered thinking, affect, and behavior.

sociopathic behavior: antisocial behavior, especially manifested through an antisocial personality.

souls right lobe: This is the spiritual heart. The spiritual heart has seven compartments and is referred to as the right lobe of the soul’s mentality or as the soul’s stream of consciousness. The seven compartments of the soul’s mentality: 1) memory center; 2) frame of reference; 3) vocabulary storage area; 4) categorical doctrinal storage area; 5) conscience; 6) the momentum compartment or the compartment of spiritual growth; and 7) the wisdom compartment or the launching pad.

sublimation: Sublimation substitutes a higher social goal that gratifies the infrasocial drive by replacement, rather than going to the opposite extreme in a camouflaging manner.

trait: A distinguishing feature; a characteristic or property of an individual.
unreal: not real or actual; fantastic; imaginary; fanciful; visionary; insubstantial.

unreality: 1) the state or quality of being unreal. 2) something unreal. 3) a tendency to be visionary or fanciful.

vegetative state: An imprecise term indicating a patient who was previously comatose, but whose eyes are now open and give the appearance that he or she is awake. It is properly characterized as a severe dementia due to global damage to the cerebral cortex. There is complete inability to respond to stimuli or to communicate.

~ Sistersoap

Re: R.B. Thieme Jr.
Posted by: sistersoap ()
Date: June 24, 2008 05:11AM

back after a break.

Basically, the idea of spiritual maturity within this system can be boiled down to...

"There is an outside threat waiting at the door (commies, hippies, russia, liberals, etc. etc. - place Thieme Jr's pet devil here). If you don't make it to spiritual maturity (i.e. keep listening to tapes, or come to Berachah every night we are open), we are doomed."

Again, this type of threat is used in many abusive groups.

Here is an excerpt from the early 1990's, in which Thieme Jr. keeps this threat going. Notice how at that time, according to him, there were only approximately 100 spiritually mature people in the United States, and that was the only reason why God was not going to destroy the country...


To: SisterSoap,

Can you remember where/when you heard the "psychotic" speech?

Hi Orange,
I clicked on the link above and got a group on GOOGLE, I believe, that quoted the Rice University Student's fine description of his/her visit of observation at Berachah Church, R.B.Thieme Jr "central."

I did not find specific info on the subject you suggested, using threats about spiritual maturity as a part of the method of keeping followers in fear, though that is certainly a valid observation as far as Thieme's teaching is concerned.

I THINK the article I posted above about PSYCHOTIC ARROGANCE GATE 9 contains an observation by Thieme that

THERE ARE ONLY ABOUT 100 MATURE BELIEVERS IN THE USA RIGHT NOW and that is why God is not presently destroying the USA now.

The maturity carrot was continually being revised and upgraded by adding new hurdles to jump over as Thieme "discovered" new "breakthroughs." We must make it to MATURITY in order to preserve our own lives, our nation's life, and the world in general. Otherwise immature believers will die miserably "when the balloon goes up." The method of maturing was always the same:

TAKE IN ALL THIS "BIBLE DOCTRINE" STORE IT IN THE RIGHT LOBE OF YOUR SOUL, APPLY IT TO DAILY LIFE.....Listen to me, learn what I say, apply it...... This was supposed to be ALL BIBLE DOCTRINE.

As nearly anyone can see from that long article I posted above in two parts, the contents come from some outside reference work, whether the MERCK MANUAL, or some other one....I suspect much of it is from the DSM, the psychology industry's "Bible." With Thieme comments thrown in of course, and his "helpful" list of "definitions" given at the end......

It is a terrible tangle. Why did I sit still for this stuff? So much wasted time and energy! Imagine what he might have accomplished if he just stuck to the bible itself.

More to come.....I plan to call Berachah tomorrow....too late for today, they quit answering the phone there at 3:30 pm CENTRAL DAYLIGHT TIME. I still can't find my source records for the IMMATURE BELIEVERS ARE PSYCHOTIC, but sure got some interesting results entering those words in a search engine!

~ Sistersoap

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