You pretend as if you have made no accusational attacks. Just look at your finale, it's full of accusational attacks with no foundation. It's obvious you make endless excuses for yourself and others your are prejudiced for and attack others you are predjudiced against. Don't try to blame me for your [u:49d330a1e8]subjective[/u:49d330a1e8] predjudiced failure. The reason your leaving this debate is because [u:49d330a1e8]you lost the debate[/u:49d330a1e8], by showing your true colors. And your a quiter.
Galiban quote
I believe I will continue to ignore you. You have nothing to offer this argument.
False. Another unfounded accusation. I offered plenty of cult information on Thieme, before you arrived, some while you were here, and I'll offer more when you leave.
Galiban quote
I have learned in the past not to point to scripture and doctrine with an unbeliever. It is pointless. You have proven this yet again.
Well, according to your own internal logic/illogic you don't learn from your mistakes. However, it's not pointless for me and all the others now and in the future who will benefit from this debate. What I think is funny is you trying to "make logical points" when by your own words [u:49d330a1e8]you claimed[/u:49d330a1e8] any "rational arguement is pointless". That statement simply contradicts itself. Thieme is a cult from a secular point of view as well as a christian point of view. You get 2 points for the price of one.
Galiban quote
If a mistake of fatigue after hours of study is grounds for ruling out someone’s understanding, every old testament believer would be ruled out.
Your "fatigue after hours of study" just shows that you "forgot how long the fish was". You slipped up and showed your true colors. Everyone can see that. You can hide like an ostrich with your head in the ground, but people see the real truth.
Galiban quote
My friend your attacks negate you from debating. You cannot keep it civil. GeneZ was completely accurate in his discernment.
I am debating just fine. I just defeated you. I will defeat more like you in the future.
Galiban quote
Lastly, your discernment can not even Identify me as a male…….
Sorry your endless b ranting and whining about civility had me confused. Actually, I thought you were a little girl.
Galiban quote
Conclusion of this Forum. Thieme does not warrant a label of Cult Leader. Doctrine of right pastor teacher doesn’t do it. That being your best shot.
You mean Thieme's false doctrine of right pastor. And that's the conclusion your prejudicely subjective mind "feels" like concluding with, but you have shown no logical deduction or evidence for that. You have only shown a bias as every other cult member in the world shows for thier cult. You can't even find the scripture in the bible that gives 1 pastor sole authority over 1 congregation. Your only comment was:
Galiban quote
"The difference I gather is that Thieme believes, that a believer is assigned a specific pastor (The reason for the title Right Pastor-Teacher).
Thieme "believing it and stating it" or "not believing and stating it" doesn't make it a biblical fact. There is "no reason" for the title "right-pastor" it doesn't exist in biblical fact.
Per Dr. Wall
7 Another explanation for the plurals lies in the possibility that Luke and Paul have in mind all of the elders in a city, each overseeing a separate house-church. In either interpretation, nevertheless, there is a plurality of leadership that can serve one another and the local church in a "check and
balance" relationship. [b:49d330a1e8]Thieme's interpretation fails to recognize any leadership plurality, and thus opens the way for a pastoral abuse of power.[/b:49d330a1e8]
Per Dr. Wall
One thing is clear, the Scriptures do not single out one person with a particular gift and set him over a local body as an absolute ruler.
Also, you haven't seen my best shot.
Galiban quote
The moderator will hopefully close the forum.
This is what you hope for, but chances are it will be on the internet for as long as the internet lasts. People will see the truth for themselves, even though [u:49d330a1e8]you choose[/u:49d330a1e8] to ignore it.
You forced Thieme's cultic authority on the scriptures the same way Thieme does. The same way I, Dr. Wall, and others have said Thieme does. Your "fatigue after hours of study" just shows that you "forgot how long the fish was". You slipped up.
Galiban Quote:
[i:49d330a1e8][b:49d330a1e8][u:49d330a1e8]“The congregation should submit to his teachings as a slave to his master.[/u:49d330a1e8][/b:49d330a1e8][/i:49d330a1e8] They are to give a Pastor Teacher full respect. This verse states that if the congregation respects the Pastor Teacher they will not incidentally blaspheme his doctrine. The congregation that disrespects a Pastor Teacher is not worthy to judge a doctrinal viewpoint whether it be right or wrong…… 1st Timothy 6:1”
I need to correct this verse. God in his infinite power showed me this is inaccurate. I read the King James and did not look deeper and misunderstood it. This goes to proof that just reading the Bible is not good enough. You must study and let God guide and correct you.
Wow that must have been embarassing for you. The correct information has been presented to you. It is your subjectively predjudiced negativity that keeps you closed off from reality.