VO sounds more like a kingdom with a royal line than either a denomination or a church.
"King Sonny the First" will be followed by Jr.?
Based upon the very serious complaints that I have received about VO, its programs and pastors I would not recommend VO to anyone under any circumstances.
And rather than depend upon the next King Sonny to be benign, democratic reforms, bylaws and accountability would be better, rather than hoping that the next absolute ruler is nice.
It seems that pastors in VO are much like feudel lords under a king and that many have grown rich through VO and its programs.
The allegations of financial abuses within VO are quite serious.
See [
VO remains a controversial church.
Happily the overwhelming majority of other churches and ministries in the US have no such controversy and enforce accountability of their pastors.
Anyone interested in attending church or participating in church programs need only pick from that large number rather become involved in VO and/or wait and see if that organization gets better some day.