Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Date: March 19, 2011 06:16PM
Well, since everyone seems to be listening to the sermon of 12 March, thought I would get in on the act too. I have just listened to the sermon and noted a number of interesting points and phrases.
1) The preacher actually says, “seeds of bitterness”. Now what is that? Is it bitterness or isn’t it? From what I know about people who have left Struthers, including what I read on this forum, there is no bitterness, just a desire to help others live without constant fear. But the speaker does not say bitterness, she say “seeds of bitterness”. This appears to be another example of the claimed discernment that says, “see, you do not think you have any bitterness, but I can see the seed there just waiting to grow.”
2) “If you hear a revival that is not spoken against, have another look to see if it a revival.” Fair enough, but all bikes have 2 wheels. That does NOT mean that all things with 2 wheels are bikes. Being criticised does NOT mean you are doing things right. Struthers is frequently claiming an affinity with some of the great Christian movements or individuals while practicing the opposite.
3) “Amy Carmichael was criticised… when she sought to right wrong” Absolutely! But what wrong is Stuthers trying to right? The only wrong I can ever see them trying to right is the “wrong” of questioning the leaders. They are not standing up against child abuse, slavery or oppression, they are baking cakes for coffee shops. If Amy Carmichael was in Scotland today, the injustice she might be standing up against is the injustice recounted by many of the contributors to this forum.
4) “If you have a question, you can come and ask about it”. Not in my experience, and obviously not in the experience of many others. Struthers has effectively rewritten a number of verses in the Bible.. Verses like, “If you bring a gift to the alter and realise a brother has something against you, leave the gift and go to apologise to them” has been rewritten as “if you are speaking to a brother and realise they have something against you, leave the brother and go to the alter”.
5) The first 20 minutes is spent emphasising how God will protect His work and His Church. I have no problem with that – seems a perfectly reasonable thing for a church to say. Later on however, there are references to how God will protect Struthers in particular. Other than the (presumably legitimate) claim to be part of the overall Church, there is absolutely no link between the two that I could find. The final statement is “the protecting wings are here” so confirming that all of the general rhetoric about God protecting His work is now being specifically applied not to the Church in general, not even to Struthers in general, but to the specific meeting. Once again, there is no attempt to explain how Struthers might be following God, complying with His guidance, but an unsubstantiated assertion that God is on their side.
6) “We have made mistakes” OK, so what are they? Are we talking about accidentally spilling a cup of coffee or of ruining lives? Would you like to name some of these mistakes, so that we know what you are talking about? Do any of these mistakes relate to people on this forum? If so, why not join the forum and apologise directly?
7) I think the final point made by CovLass is really important. Struthers spends a huge ant of time criticising other churches - remove the log from your own eye before removing the spec from others!