Hi everyone I touch on I have put a formal complaint in to Struthers about my time in Struthers and how they handled.the situation about me telling them I had been rapped also my councerm about under 16 being talked about deliverance ect.
They answered a couple my question which I have asked further questions about but was emailed from Diana she was out the office 2 or 3 weeks ago but would get back to me soon still waiting.
But they have passed on the rest f my complaint to 31.8 to have a independent company to look into it. I have spoke to 31.8 and mentioned others in the forum that have been hurt and could tell alot more .They said there more than willing to listen to anyone's concerns about Struthers just email
Dawn.Watson@thirtyoneeight.orgPlease folk it's time to speak up save anything like what happened to us not to happen again and get struthers to admit they did wrong in the pass .Hope some of you will email Dawn she is senior safeguarden in 31.8 and lovely to talk 2 we all need to speak up so somthing is done