Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: ThePetitor ()
Date: July 23, 2024 04:05PM

Hi Amazing Grace and thanks for your post.

Thanks also for graciously suggesting I may have misunderstood your point. You are almost right, but the truth is perhaps a little more stark - I took your point and diverted it to where I wanted to go. Apologies for that, I should have made any points I wanted separately without trying to hijack your very valid point.

I do not disagree with anything you say, I was more trying to point out what I see as the Christian aspiration, which is to think not just about ourselves but about others. I did introduce it by saying "the Bible points to another way for mature and committed believers" to let folks know this was a different point to the general one about personal support and healing and was closely tied to the Christian faith. I suspect for most folk the stuff you have spoken about is however much more relevant and helpful.

I tend to steer away from too much personal testimony on here as I think there are matters of principle that need to be raised, but since you have asked, no, I did not manage a smooth journey.

When I left I was quite simply bereft of all support. Those closest to me and those I looked to for support refused to talk to me. This was very painful and affected every part of my life - and it still does. I left my work, was close to suicide and did not attend church for a number of years.

I still wake up two or three times a week with nightmares or panic attacks, so I am not sure I have "reached a positive outcome" in one sense.

In some ways, I could probably stop all of that and reach more settled place simply by giving up and saying "these are horrible people, I want nothing to do with them", shutting them and my own thoughts out.

I have however retained my Christian faith and am now very active in the church. The reason I posted the stuff about caring for and being responsible for others is that is a big part of what I believe as a Christian, and a big part of what I am. I find I cannot "walk away" as that would be me saying "I am the hand and I want nothing to do with the foot". I personally cannot do that without renouncing my faith in Christ and in the Church as a single body of believers. (Others may of course find another path, this is just my personal story.)

I do not want anyone to think my life is miserable however - I have a wonderful life, with many things to be thankful for - family, health, career, faith. If the price I have to pay is a few nightmares, that for me is a small cost to retain my integrity.

Of course I think it is appalling that folk in Struthers do not reach out a helping hand, I literally have no concept of how they can be so callous and cruel. I am happy to point that out in the hope that they recognise the need to care for others, but their behaviour is ultimately between them and God. They are the ones that will have to stand before Him and say, "yes, we knew this person was suffering and it wold have taken very little effort to reach out to help, but we did not bother with things like empathy or good works, we were far too busy trying to sense your presence."

I genuinely worry about that and pray they will repent before they have to give account of their actions.

So that is a bit of my story. I hope that is of interest and doesn't distract too much from the more general question about how folks reached a positive outcome.

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: FalkirkBairn67 ()
Date: July 23, 2024 09:09PM

Amazing Grace thanks for your kind words .Your post some how always make me go off in deep thoughts.Its like your writing my thoughts at times.

Petitor your words yesterday was just what I was needed you answered alot what I was looking for answers for in more ways than I understand to the point.
Some of them I have put I'm my journal from yesterday to remind me in the future.So thanks for that.

SMC has ruined so many of our life's in the past .But how I'm looking at it today is if it wasn't for SMC I eouldnt be on the journey I am now I'm Better person with going through all I have in the past .I can understand how others feel and understand there thoughts. And if I hadn't went through what I had I wouldn't be able to help others. Relise things can get better they just need to take that hard step admit what happened or happening to them self and others.
so thanks SMC for given me journay you did .As I now know I'm doing the correct thing.

Another point I would like to Answer about my story of my time in SMC many folk say to me do you know you can report this to police still. I Hace it on police file what happened but I personally don't want charges brought towards the person who rapped me.You will all be saying" Why not " well my reason is I have seen what happens to a family who father .hubby is charged with something like this .I have seen the effect the wife and there kids who are the innocent ones. And I won't hurt destroy another female or kids life for there partners/ parents wrong doing in past yes it's wrong . He did wrong he should be held to question this wrong doings but his family does not deserve to suffer.Hench I won't press charges . He will need to answer for it before christ.And he has had to live with what he did to me. OK I have rambled enough at the moment.
Last thing I hope I can share soon what I have been doing these past months.But at the moment I can't.Just all hold on a little while longer

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: Amazing grace ()
Date: July 24, 2024 08:00PM

Hi Petitor
Thank you for your thoughtful response.
I really appreciate you talking about a more personal side. It was really helpful. I know it’s not easy. Like yourself when I left I was completely isolated, no friends, I still had family but I kept all the sorrow I felt to myself.
As a Christian, like yourself I felt it was wrong to express the depth of sorrow or really to describe what had happened as I saw that as criticism. But later I realised that’s the ‘Struthers’ way not the healthy Christian way. The despair I felt for years was pretty deep and I kept it locked away for years. My understanding of Christian living was totally skewed. It was as I watched real biblical teachers doing a proper exegesis of Bible verses, I suddenly realised I had a lot of scripture wrong.
That is one of the core problems with Struthers. Their interpretation of scripture is based on their ‘Holy Spirit’ revelation. I say ‘theirs’ because it certainly isn’t the true Holy Spirit that uses scripture to manipulate, to coerce, to break people, to publicly humiliate by telling a child of Christ their sin or they have demons in a service, to turn the mic off and then berate some poor soul who is not in the service or they get the congregation to follow a person and not Christ. That’s just a few!
Going back to struthers beginnings is where the root of the problem starts. Bad theology passed on from generation to generation. People trained by untrained ministers with a skewed understanding of the Holy Spirit and what it is to be anointed. Then they are let loose to continue the cycle. I truly believe that many are under a spirit of delusion and cannot see the truth even when it’s right in front of them. They deny again and again that their actions are wrong or the actions of leadership are wrong. They will defend their understanding of the Christian faith with all that they have.
I was like that! Then by the grace of God the delusion was broken.
As I’ve said I’ve been healed in degrees. The past few years really have been the important ones.
You said …’however retained my Christian faith and am now very active in the church’. That’s really what I was asking about. This is so encouraging to me…. what I really need to hear. That there is hope, even if it isn’t easy… Jesus says ‘take up your cross and follow me’ As a Christian we don’t or shouldn’t expect that life will be easy. You talked about thinking or caring for others more than yourself and this is the Christian walk and I believe your testimony is showing that’s the road you’re walking on.
I’m in a place where I haven’t settled in a Church yet.. through the years I have been to numerous churches but couldn’t settle. I now believe it’s because I didn’t deal with the pain and hurt and feeling of failure and was transferring it on to others. I am dealing and working through this for the past year or so. I deeply desire to settle in a Biblical Church which I can call family as the scripture describes. Serving the community and one another in the right spirit, the spirit of Christ. You have found that. Thank you for sharing your testimony.

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: Amazing grace ()
Date: July 24, 2024 08:23PM

Hi Falkirk Bairn,
Thanks for your response, it is very supportive.

Responding to

‘Another point I would like to Answer about my story of my time in SMC many folk say to me do you know you can report this to police still. I Hace it on police file what happened’

I just want to say I want to support you in any action you take with regards to the above incident. It’s not easy coming to a decision and then moving on. You have looked at different choices and their consequences. You have also looked beyond yourself to the impact your actions may have on others even if it means it may not lead to reparation for yourself legally in your lifetime. I pray that God continues to uphold you with his grace as you make this journey.

It will be good to hear what you have been up to when you’re ready to share, take your time.

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: FalkirkBairn67 ()
Date: July 30, 2024 10:26PM

Hi everyone I touch on I have put a formal complaint in to Struthers about my time in Struthers and how they handled.the situation about me telling them I had been rapped also my councerm about under 16 being talked about deliverance ect.

They answered a couple my question which I have asked further questions about but was emailed from Diana she was out the office 2 or 3 weeks ago but would get back to me soon still waiting.

But they have passed on the rest f my complaint to 31.8 to have a independent company to look into it. I have spoke to 31.8 and mentioned others in the forum that have been hurt and could tell alot more .They said there more than willing to listen to anyone's concerns about Struthers just email

Please folk it's time to speak up save anything like what happened to us not to happen again and get struthers to admit they did wrong in the pass .Hope some of you will email Dawn she is senior safeguarden in 31.8 and lovely to talk 2

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: FalkirkBairn67 ()
Date: July 30, 2024 10:29PM

Hi everyone I touch on I have put a formal complaint in to Struthers about my time in Struthers and how they handled.the situation about me telling them I had been rapped also my councerm about under 16 being talked about deliverance ect.

They answered a couple my question which I have asked further questions about but was emailed from Diana she was out the office 2 or 3 weeks ago but would get back to me soon still waiting.

But they have passed on the rest f my complaint to 31.8 to have a independent company to look into it. I have spoke to 31.8 and mentioned others in the forum that have been hurt and could tell alot more .They said there more than willing to listen to anyone's concerns about Struthers just email

Please folk it's time to speak up save anything like what happened to us not to happen again and get struthers to admit they did wrong in the pass .Hope some of you will email Dawn she is senior safeguarden in 31.8 and lovely to talk 2 we all need to speak up so somthing is done

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: TheGreek ()
Date: August 11, 2024 05:40PM

Once again we hear of rumours that the SMC leadership are spreading among their dwindling congregations the story that some or all of those complaining formally through the correct process about serious harm caused to their lives by Struthers are only doing so because they are mad people displaying their mental illness.

Only those who had hoped that Struthers may have changed will find this surprising. The rest of us have seen this tactic over many decades and it is disappointing yet again but comes as no surprise. As soon as someone – no matter how previously lauded and loyal to the Struthers cause – began to express valid questions or legitimate concern they are branded with a hot iron of vengeance. The pulpit and the private rumour mill are put into activation to make sure those in the pews hear gossip to blacken the character and spread lies and falsehoods about their former friends and fellow Christian brothers and sisters. The intent is that others will be fooled and frightened into not also asking valid questions about claims of harm.

The main way this is done is to suggest that the mental health of the person is the real issue and not the appalling, vile and unbiblical self serving actions of the untrained, unaccountable and bizarrely appointed leadership – who are failing on every biblical measure. It is never the result of ham fisted ministry poorly understood and badly explained by those performing it. Then when it fails, as the testimonies show it usually does, the blame and pain is loaded onto the poor victim. That lets the leader continue to be seen by everyone "ministering" – because that is supposed to show that they are close to God.

Those same leaders who do this damage are currently being quite properly judged by men. And according to their own teachings they will soon be quite properly judged by God.

So SMC leadership - what if this rumour you are spreading is not true and there are no mental health issues? Then is it simply a lie with which to con the people still there to keep supporting your church and your ludicrous claims of infallibility. Good luck with that. Go read a bible and see how that usually works out.

What if it is true? Then you are mocking those with poor mental health and encouraging others to do so. How does that play with the high percentage of your remaining members who also suffer from mental health issues? How does that make them feel? Can their concerns be mocked and belittled because they have a diagnosed condition? And if it is true what does that do to back up the testimonies of many dozens of people claiming on this forum that their mental health was devastated by callous and brutal treatment at your hands via your “discernment of their sins” and your claiming to speak to them in God’s name? If the mental health damage is real as they claim - and now apparently you also claim (!) - who is responsible for it? And who is defending those responsible?

Also if anyone does have a mental health issue that has no bearing on whether the facts in the complaints being considered by 31:8 and the Struthers Executive are true or not. It also has no bearing whatsoever on whether a leader named in a complaint has followed SMC safeguarding procedure or utterly failed in that duty.

It also raises another interesting question. Where do such rumours arise from? Surely hearsay is not enough on which to launch a mockery offensive. But if it is based on medical evidence how would that confidential information end up being discussed by the Struthers Executive? How would such confidential medical information be legally communicated to 31:8? Who would have access to confidential medical information on the mental health of former members?

Then separately, even if they did, what kind of Christian leadership would have the appalling indecency to use it in this heartless, callous and self serving way?

So it is either deliberate lies, deeply inappropriate gossip or illegally obtained information.


There are no such “mental health is the reason” claims being made and the complaints are being dealt with appropriately and professionally. Those in the organisation know what is being said privately and publicly.

It looks to me like Struthers Memorial Church need to decide what kind of church they want to be and appoint leaders that can behave in a way that guarantees the safety of the members (past and present) and who they believe can lead them out of the present myriad of crises and problems and not just continue to make them much, much worse.

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: blackwatch ()
Date: August 13, 2024 06:26PM

@TheGreek - you make a whole bunch of valid points but your issue is, you're using reason, compassion and logic. I'm sure you know this but you're not ever going to get the same in return. There's an entire historical record that tells us this.

In other news: Could the collapse of the school be imminent? I'm told that pupils are leaving in higher than normal numbers. Apparently there was a critical meeting taking place last night regarding the future of the school. Does anyone have any further insight?

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: FalkirkBairn67 ()
Date: August 13, 2024 06:31PM

Thank you Greek .I just can't belive the stories what there spreading about about me. "I have mental health problems and have had from a very young age."
Yes I have been treated for depression and panic attacks and have went through counselling and still going through counselling. But looking back on my life no wonder.They are to blame for alot off what have caused my mental health problems.Im not ashamed to admit I have had to ask for help.But who are they to make out I'm a crazy and insecure person as I can assure them I'm not.

I am and still am going through health problems. What's has made me look back on my life.I made the complaint and asked Struthers to answer a few questions to make sure if any my grandkids went to Struthers that they would be safe .And if the same thing happened to one of them that it would be belt with totally different tha it was back then 40 years ago.I really hope they listen to what we have all been saying here yes I have mental health problems but they were to cause for some of them in the first place.
OK rambled on enough here .

Thanks to everyone who has been there for me these past months it's meant alot to me .I have one regreàt why did it take me 40 years I should have spoke up sooner

Re: Struthers Memorial Independent Pentecostal Church
Posted by: blackwatch ()
Date: August 13, 2024 09:47PM

Cedars school confirms it will shut at the of September.


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