Have to admit I have a tiny bit of admiration for Mr Camping after all this shenanigans- as well as feeling a little sorry for him. I hope he doesnt commit suicide or something over this.
After all is said and done, he had some guts.
Yes its true he very arrogantly and foolishly led his vast group of followers down the path of huge financial folly, followed by embarrasment and failure, and has to answer for leading people to give up their life savings, leaving their jobs etc... but at least Harold Camping did that rarest of things in this pentecostal mad world of claim after claim after claim haplessly thrown out into the congregation without any need any careful scrutiny or reflection - he made a claim that would be testable by EVERYONE.
How convenient and - indeed COSY !!! - for struthers leaders to carry on making claim after claim after claim from their pulpit, not to mention those claims that are in fact ACCUSATIONS, where such claims are conveniently framed so as to avoid or bypass any form of scrutiny.
Expressing ones faith in God because one has found through experience that God is faithful on one thing.
To conflate this talk of faith into an implication that this should lead to unquestioning faith in ones pastor, is quite another.
Too many pentecostal church leader- s as this forum can testify to, are only too happy to play “god” with peoples lives, whether of the Camping kind or the “anointed intuition” kind - while touting a “defence” along the lines of “God will be my judge - one day I will have to answer to him” - without acknowledging in slightest - that as pastors of their flock they truly are ALSO answerable to the judgement of their fellow man.
Heres an example of another pentecostal church “gone astray” with devastating consequences. They too, have a congregation willing to obey its leaders to the utmost. The difference between this church and the SMC is merely one of degree. The same oppressive principles are at play. So far in the SMC the negative effects only go as far as marital breakups and emotional and psychological harm, but how long before some decree from “on high” actually results on an death that could have been avoided ?
Heres the link:
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 05/24/2011 01:07AM by Clive.