Not from Sovereign Grace. But what a lot of happy smiley people with perfect homes and dinners and friendships and couldn’t get over all the equipment for the church plant. The stuff for the creche etc looks way better than the stuff we’ve got at my old church!
The Louisville apparently can afford nothing but the best when they have SGM’s “pope” C.J. Mahaney with them who I am sure is the final say on where the SGM money goes and how it is spent. A shame to hear reports of this “start up” getting much better equipment than typical “start ups.”
How fitting it is that they have to do all the work of set-up and take-down, just as we all used to do for years…and years..and years. It will probably take all day for them to do that each Sunday and some will need to be up at dawn to’s hard labor and it’s EVERY week. There sure is diminutive worship team down there. CLC has several rotating worship teams and a few worship leaders so, that crew down in L’ville is going to get a work-out. Was that really Sasser on the drums? Interesting twist. I guess everyone down there needs to wear multiple hats. The sound equipment is state of the art but, they sure have LOTS of tots in children’s ministry. It may take most of the new ‘congregation’ just to fill the volunteer slots. Ha, they might start missing CLC and all the extra hands, by about week 2. There won’t be any substitutes if you can’t make it to church, guys!
I even replayed parts of the videos that showed them laughing and acting (?) particularly happy or enjoying themselves. I watched in fascination as they ‘celebrated’ and enjoyed meals at what could only be the Hotel Kauflin, for it is truly an ENORMOUS structure. I tried not to be envious of the beautiful furniture (and furnishings) and the back-yard that looks like professionally landscaped park or athletic field. This might sound so petty and unimportant but I also noticed that in one of the washtubs outside (during a celebration/get together) there was bottled water and cans of expensive, Italian lemonade. One of the children (in the video) wandered over and fishes out one of the cans of lemonade. I sat there and thought of all the times my children asked me (in the past 20 years) for something that wasn’t in our budget -- like inexpensive juice boxes. I would never wish evil on or for these people (especially their children) but watching the videos made me physically ill and angry at the extravagant waste and expense. It made me angry that while we tithed and scrimped and went without these families lived in fine houses and vacationed in huge beach and lake houses. What kind of people do this? Do all pastors of large ministries live this way? I look at Francis Chan’s life and I think, no they don’t. I long for the day to be free of this hurt, this sadness, and this anger.
It all had the feel of a very nice upscale party. Even the way the food was laid out showed that no one appears to be hurting for cash. It’d be interesting to know how much money this church plant has at its disposal, and what is being paid out for salaries. If the move to Kentucky really is all about economics, what they might be saving in housing costs is going out the window for no-expense-spared decisions about little things, like buying the higher quality coffeehouse-style paper cups with secure lids for coffee time.
Yep, just decided. After watching the rest of the videos, I am going to L’ville for the food. The bottled water is worth it alone. Must be nice to be king and get all that stuff. Not a care in the world for anyone you left behind.
OK, I made it through that video without screaming, or breaking my keyboard with fierce pounding. Here are my thoughts: After going on a church plant for SGM, and doing setup and tear down for 10 years, this video makes me angry. The amount of money that must have been spent to get this church to their first day, must have been staggering. The Portable Church equipment they had is mind blowing expensive. We built our own cabinets for our stuff. The cost of that auditorium must have been extravagant. The food, the state of the art sound board and such. Disgusting. It amazes me what it takes to “do church” in America these days. I also didn’t notice any of the pastors/elders in the setting up part of the video. That’s repulsive. I guess they are too important to setup and tear down everything.
The stranger who happens to stumble into their midst is going to sense the group’s insularity, simply because of everyone’s years and years of “This is how we do it.” I’m a girl, so of course I was particularly fascinated to catch the glimpses of how the Louisville women set everything up for a get-together. (Anyone else noticed the cute little tags tied with twine onto the different dishes of sauces, labeling which sauce was which?) This prissy Pottery Barn perfection is effortless to these SGM women after all the years of teachings and striving to be like one another, but to an outsider, it’s going to feel like stepping into another world. So is the way they talk to each other. They are by definition CJ’s most hardcore followers, so of course none of them has ever engaged in much critical thinking when it comes to SGM and the SGM culture. None of them has a clue about how weird their SGM catchphrases sound, especially when taken collectively. The visitors might enjoy the love-bombing. They might be impressed by the artful paint jobs, the casual-chic home furnishings, the Martha Stewart-ish buffet spreads, the bottled water, the expensive lemonade. But in the end, something about the whole enterprise is going to make many of them feel strange.
As an outsider, I thought the whole video was a slap in the face. See how happy and successful we are, look at our beautiful food and smiling faces…our beautiful home and many friends. The beautiful people…all looking very much the same. It looks to me that God is allowing them to very much enjoy their rewards in the here and now…complete with beautiful, fancy equipment for their beautiful (on the outside) church.
PCI flies in a consultant to tour the facilities and comes up with a complete turn-key church set-up that not only includes sound but stuff for children’s ministry, reception (those new coffee urns), signage, etc. Everything looks brand spankin’ new. Not like the hand me downs or meager sound system budgets other plants received for years. But… Things shifted some time ago as SGM started using PCI for plants. South Carolina for example. In the SGMs we participated in for 20 years, I think we spent 8 of those “On the Road” and we never had equipment or facilities that nice. Ever. It’s good to be the King, I suppose.
This is a start up church with many of the people on staff at SGM. They tithe to the SGCL. The income from the tithers supports the pastors (some of which have an income from SGM, in which case they don’t need an income. So, the “new plant” does not need to support a pastor, which in this case is many pastors, because several already have SGM income. When you add housing allowances to all this, it is just bizzare. NO ONE starts churches like this. What a joke. What a smack to all the people who have moved, looked for jobs, had no pastors on staff, met in homes with no facility, etc., etc., etc. Come to think of it, is ANYONE at this “new plan” unemployed? This is like watching “Steppford Church.” It is in the realm of some “other world.”
I watched this video with much sadness. Everyone was so happy yet the folks at CLC are so sad. These are people we loved and served with for decades. They were our pastors and friends. We babysat their kids. They were our neighbors. And yet they left with nigh a word. They left accusing us of gossip and slander. All for the gospel.
I wondered if they would seem even the slightest bit uncomfortable with what had happened and continues to happen in SGM and in SGM churches? I wondered if they would feel or act awkward as they set up their ‘play church’ in the perfectly landscaped and appointed academy (no regular, run-of-the-mill middle school or jr. high for this church plant, mind you) that is the (for now) home of SGCL.