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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: November 12, 2020 03:12AM

Hi BrokenbyCheryl. Sorry that you've been through such a bad time. It was a bad place I know. The way people were treated was abysmal. They could have acknowledged this and apologised but we won't hold our breath eh?
I pretty much know the initials of the main culprits in your case.
Some of them I quite got along with but that doesn't diminish the harm they did to you. A few of them though were pretty nasty characters but his it pretty well as you get with narcissists.
Billy Turner wasn't a nasty person just a bit deluded he did have his favourites though. Never believed in his seeing Angel's nonsense. I'm sure he had his own issues and wanted to be acknowledged. If he was nice to you that's the main thing. I hope you're doing well now that's the important thing I hope you are. The gall of people coming on here in the fellowships corner is despicable this forum isn't here for them so please jog on loser!
There is a mouthpiece belonging to them who is very irreverent and doubtful if the person is a Christian. Pretending to be a scaly and holy at tHe same time just usurped their place in the hierarchy.
Thanks for the videos rest assured people will be checking them out petrified of being called an apostate and ceremonialy banished.
If only they knew the blissful release he? Ha.
I believe you.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: November 12, 2020 04:25AM

Thanks, Icansee,
Not being believed when you have been spiritually abused, takes you to a whole new level. I believe Cheryl handed me over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh on her own. There might have been some other leaders involved too! That is there own karma not mine. But know this!Those who did this to me and many others, your day of reckoning is here!
And for the record I was told it wasn’t of God, the job I wanted to do. They said I was too ill physically hah! I didn’t listen to them because I knew in my heart of hearts it was right! 35 years later I am still doing the same job!
Stop carping about who prophesied what? It is apparent on this site that KCF, Heaven sent (white-wash name)is a malignant cult, therefore everything was OFF, especially prophecy. I remember who you are now, and you were very argumentative and difficult then, especially with me! So get lost! It’s all your own stuff! as usual! No change there! Jog on!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: November 12, 2020 05:24AM

Hi Brokenbycheryl
Tried send you a PM but says your inbox is full.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: November 12, 2020 08:57AM

I haves cleared my inbox try again!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: November 12, 2020 08:08PM

brokenbycheryl Wrote:
> I haves cleared my inbox try again!


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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: November 13, 2020 12:13AM

Mork stop projecting your stuff on to me!

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: November 13, 2020 12:22AM

I’ve guessed who you are Mork...

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: Mork ()
Date: November 13, 2020 01:46AM

Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: November 11, 2020 03:40AM
Actually you haven’t a clue what we have been talking about, because you have not experienced it.

Posted by: brokenbycheryl ()
Date: November 12, 2020 04:25AM
Not being believed when you have been spiritually abused, takes you to a whole new level.

Hmm, a day later. I can't figure out if you are being cruel deliberately? I am not your enemy but I feel like you are setting me up to be.

"Mork stop projecting your stuff on to me!"
Can you tell me what it is I have said that is projection?

I’ve guessed who you are Mork...

*Shrugs*. Congratulations, I guess? You could probably ask people on here who I am and they would tell you. I am not your enemy. If you do know who I am you'll know that my family have gone above and beyond to support you over the years. Don't do them and all they have done for you a disservice here.

"I remember who you are now, and you were very argumentative and difficult then, especially with me! So get lost! It’s all your own stuff! as usual! No change there! Jog on!"

Its unclear who this is aimed at?

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: I can see ()
Date: November 16, 2020 10:55PM

Don't allow anyone to define your life or reality your life is your life and you up to a point decides it.
Some of you no doubt remember early days of someone coming into your life sometimes they did but you were told God had told them that person wasn't for you and you were made to feel ashamed stupid and disloyal.
Then you looked around maybe you still do at the old buffers that live in hope of meeting someone but not you I think you know what I mean, thanks but no thanks. The kcf recorded of semi arranged marriages and relationships isn't too encouraging as I'm sure you can remember. The odd outside suitor didn't hang around very long seeing through the battyness unfortunately.
There are some good outsiders yes really!
You don't need anyone to define your life for you. I know I labour this point I live in hope some of you realise liberation eventually who knows. But beware of the chin less spineless ones. I promise you kcf is not the centre of the universe!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/16/2020 11:07PM by I can see.

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Re: Kirkby Christian Fellowship
Posted by: ALongTimeAgo ()
Date: November 17, 2020 09:47PM

I first saw this cartoon about a year ago and it really struck a chord.

It’s perfectly possible for people to have very different ideas of people in their head depending on how they were treated by that person.

So for one person, Bill Turner might have been a nice, kindly man, maybe a little too fundamentalist, but still a decent person with a moral compass. For another, however, he could have been yet another controlling arm of KCF.

I’m sure there were thousands of people who would have said Rolf Harris, or Jimmy Saville, were wonderful people. In fact I recall many people leapt to the defence of the former, refusing to believe such a huge figure from their childhood could have been guilty of anything so heinous, and the latter was often lauded for his charity work. And yet the truth came out in the end.

Please believe me I’m not accusing Bill Turner of the same crimes as those two. But I am saying it’s possible that he was lovely to some, and less lovely to others. It’s very important to realise that your experience is not the same as everyone’s.

Personally, I remember feeling in awe of Turner. I certainly felt he was less strict and full-on than Cheryl or the other leaders/wannabe leaders. However I also remember some of his teachings on The End Times were absolutely terrifying, and not the kind of thing, really, that should be said to children. I had so many nightmares. (It wasn’t the worst thing done by KCF and their associates, but it’s still a very clear memory.)

A few years ago, out of curiosity, I googled him. I found a load of his teachings on YouTube. I started to watch one of them. Well, to me, as someone who is very much NOT any kind of evangelical/charismatic Christian any more, they seemed absolutely off-the-wall ludicrous. It brought back a lot of memories. Not good ones. Perhaps those of you who still have leanings in that direction might find them less strange than me. I don’t know.

I actually have fond memories of a handful of people who were in the fellowship the same time as me. I think most of them have since left, but I suspect one or two are still there. However, I’m also very aware that other people may have had very different experiences with those same people.

I can definitely think of examples the other way around. There are people who others think of as wonderful, funny, kind and quirky, but I know what they’re capable of.

And perhaps some people have changed. However, and I don’t want to speak for anyone else here, but I suspect most of us won’t believe that until we have an apology or admission of guilt or even regret.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/17/2020 10:03PM by ALongTimeAgo.

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