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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Posted by: peterg ()
Date: September 23, 2004 11:13AM

Hi, I'm a new poster.

I am unfortunately very familiar with the presence of morning star if not thier practices.
I have to put up with thier unidirectional propaganda every day at my workplace.
I have had no luck trying to get answers from the adminisrtation why this cult and others have managed to get offices and student money for thier B.S.
The top floor of the student centre has become what I can only discribe as as a 'cult mall'.
Morning star also practices the deception of pretending the students are organizing a rally or event when it is blatantly obvious people that have no affiliation with the university are calling the shots and financing the giveaways.
Belief is about need not truth.


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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Posted by: ulyankee ()
Date: October 02, 2004 04:30AM

Hi peterg,

Which Morning Star are you referring to... Morning Star International based in Brentwood, TN, or Morning Star in Tulsa OK?

If you are referring to Morning Star International based in Tennessee, I would be interested in hearing more about what you are seeing on your campus. I'm in higher ed and am working on an independent research project about this organization. I'm also a former member of a Morning Star church - I left after finding out what they really believe and practice. Unfortunately, this wasn't fully revealed to me until after I had become a member.



Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2009 12:05AM by rrmoderator.

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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Posted by: kat ()
Date: November 23, 2004 01:13PM

Wow, is is sure an overwhelming feeling to sit and ready some of the other experiences with Morningstar International. I was involved with a church in Canada for almost three years. Once i started to realize that everything that was unique about me and everything that once defined who i was had disappeared, been 'transformed', i knew i had to get out. When i went to the pastor with my concerns, he got really defensive and told me that i wasn't allowed to change churches because i wouldn't grow, i knew that i needed to run fast. I left shortly after and never turned back. you really have to rebuild your life after that. once i left i realized that i had abandoned all of my non-church friends when i started going there, i had no life outside this church, i even had to rebuild relationships with my faimly members i had neglected throughout that time. A friend who has also left this church emailed me with all of these links to all of these sites bringing people together who have had the same expereinces. I'm feeling incredibly reassured reading all of the other postings. Keep sharng your experiences, its helping fellow former morningstar members and possibly saving others from going through what we went through.

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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Posted by: weimer ()
Date: October 13, 2005 11:36PM

I appreciate the information, but just to our defense...Morning Star International is in NO way teaching or preaching anything unbiblical. We are no longer affliated with Maranatha, but some of our key leaders were at one time involved with the organization. As far as the issue of discipleship, we believe that we are to do what Jesus told us to do in Matthew 28:19, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you." Through discipleship, we do exactly that - teaching others to obey the commands of God. This is nothing weird. It's what Jeses told us to do. He said that "if you love me, you will obey my commands". So we do exactly that. If you have more questions, I will be happy to answer any questions about what we do and who we are. Thank you and God bless!

PLease advise me about Rev Reese Linnell.
Thank you

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/02/2009 12:05AM by rrmoderator.

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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Date: April 12, 2006 02:20AM

I to have seen the program on Morning Star Testimonaialchurch.I was vearry disturbed watching these people bindly following a man who has torn these people from there familys.He is a pastor of a church of God he has taken trust and the love of God and decived them.I can only pray that these people are touched by the light of God and are rescued from this man,Doug Riggs of the Morning Star Testimonial Church.I also pray that he realize what he has done and trys to mend these familys that he has unforchaly torn apart.

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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Posted by: TomCat ()
Date: April 12, 2006 09:41AM

I to have seen the program on Morning Star Testimonaialchurch.I was vearry disturbed watching these people bindly following a man who has torn these people from there familys.He is a pastor of a church of God he has taken trust and the love of God and decived them.I can only pray that these people are touched by the light of God and are rescued from this man,Doug Riggs of the Morning Star Testimonial Church.I also pray that he realize what he has done and trys to mend these familys that he has unforchaly torn apart.

The Morning Star Testimonial Church was just featured again on an A&E documentary on Satanism. Is this the one you are referring to?

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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Date: April 13, 2006 04:37AM

Yes,did you see it?what was your viwe on the A&E ?

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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Posted by: TomCat ()
Date: April 17, 2006 09:07AM

Yes,did you see it?what was your viwe on the A&E ?

I noticed that the attendance at the church was small and someone mentioned earlier that members have left this church. I remember the people being interviewed were the same ones interviewed in the HBO feature and talking about the same things.

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Morning Star Testimonial Church
Posted by: EmeraldMyst ()
Date: September 30, 2007 01:36AM

Ten years ago I watched a special on HBO dealing with Satanism. One of the segments was about this church in Tulsa which put emphasis on demonic possession and satanic ritual abuse. It is called the Morning Star Testimonial Church. The pastor convinces his followers that they have experienced satanic ritual abuse by their parents when they were small, but don't remember it due their minds "repression of it into their subconscious" - something like that.

Does anyone here know about this group?

I guess it makes sense, in a convoluted sort of way, that they would be so obsessed with demonic possession, given that they are worshipping the "Morning Star" (a.k.a., Lucifer).

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Re: Morning Star Testimonial Church
Posted by: Romans8 ()
Date: November 10, 2007 02:57AM

I sadly know too much about this group, having once been involved.. They have actually moved out of the area. The so called pastor still had several middle-aged single, never married women follow him and his wife to another state. One of the women that went had an indiscretion with the so called pastor. They claimed to have forgiven each other but the woman did not heed wise counsel and remove herself. He is very charismatic, very knowledgeable with Scripture but used it to control and condemn. He very cunningly kept people's brain, through his counseling ,in a state of trauma and chaos. He wanted people cut off from their family of origin b/c he claimed they were involved with SRA and no one would get through or out of it without severing those relationships. It is now believed that this sham pastor was trained to keep people from dealing with their real issues and keeping their minds, which were literally turned over to him for help, off of their true reality. He was under the delusion that most people in this group were bred out of European royalty bloodlines and hidden in the Body of Christ to carry on Satanic agendas such as bringing in the antichrist. He was convinced several high positioned women were mothers of nephilim creatures and thus he believed he actually knew the mother of the antichrist, the mother of the false prophet and the mother of the beast--all Christian women. Where is this in Scripture that there are mothers of the false prophet and mother of the beast? It is a great praise note that they have moved but hopefully he will never have the kind of control he had with the group he did @ Morningstar Testimony Church. It is also now known that he struggles with online pornography and it had been reported that he also sexually abused some of the females while they were in certain childlike parts. He also abused males in his counseling too. He has accused dear Christian brothers and sisters of ritualistic acts and have never been accountable for his own sick, controlling and manipulative, deviant behavior.

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