Hi Concernedmother
I take your point about not tarring people with the same brush, you are quite right not to assume that everyone in a particular group has similar belief or behaviours. There are one or two things to note however.
I would for example suggest you start by applying that to the idea of not tarring things with the same brush to the word “church” as well. Just because an organisation has the word church in its title does not mean that it can be compared to other organisations that use the word church. I was a member of Struthers for many years, and there are many, many differences between Struthers and other mainstream churches - including Pentecostal ones.
So, when considering whether your daughter should attend, do not start with any assumptions about what Struthers is because it happens to have the word church in its title. In other words, do not tar Struthers with the brush you would use for other churches!
One of the things you probably underestimate is how insular Struthers is. Pauline may well have a different approach, but that is actually fairly unlikely as the whole Struthers movement consists of the 6 Directors (Pauline is one) and around 300 people who attend the church 5 times or more a week. You can see an estimate of the overall numbers at [
Members of Struthers also go to full weeks of camp in summer and “conferences” at other holiday times, so any variations in approach are “corrected” there. If your daughter or others do get involved, they will be expected to attend camps and other events in Scotland, and would be strongly discouraged from attending other churches, although you won't be told that initially.
In addition, almost all members have no social life, do not take part in sports or other activities and have cut contact with any family who are not part of the movement. This means they have no real contact with other people and have a very different set of assumptions about life. For example, Pauline will probably not have attended any Bible School or other training and may not ever in her life set foot in another protestant church. (Attendance at any other church is not encouraged as it is considered as backsliding and opening yourself to temptation.)
I do not know this about Pauline of course – she may be an exception to this rule, but the whole model is that the church leaders are “anointed” by God and that is that – no other training is required, no understanding of theology or doctrine and certainly no training in counselling or other interpersonal skills as these things are seen as detracting from the pure work of the Holy Spirit. Leaders are prepared for leadership by attending Struthers meetings and having existing leaders pray with them while “laying on hands” coupled with a sort of apprenticeship of preaching and laying hands on others. This is all very authoritarian with no-one ever being allowed to question who is chosen to do what. As is witnessed by the Struthers thread on this forum, the greatest sin possible in Struthers is to question the leadership.
When you take all of this together, you will see why I think it is unlikely that you are dealing with an individual pastor with individual views, strengths and weaknesses – you are actually dealing with an organisation that is totally authoritarian and homogenous. The result is that the leaders and indeed the members of the congregation act the same way whether is it in Greenock, Gorebridge or Aylesbury. While many individuals are sincere, they have to conform with these practices and expectations if they want to remain part of the movement.
One final thing to be cautious about, and that is how to manage the situation if you do decide to try to extricate your daughter. Chesterk55 may well be right that the leaders “do not tend to lie”, but there are cases that they not only lie, they instruct young people to do so. I recall the case of a young person who went to the Falkirk church. Her parents decided she should not attend and, after a few very intense arguments, banned her from attending. She still spoke to one of the leaders of the church on the phone almost every day however, and this leader also regularly drove quite a distance to sit in the car with her during her school lunchtimes. On the instruction of the leaders, she lied to her parents about this.
You do not say how old your daughter is but, whatever the age, she will need a lot of support if she is stopped from attending.