I found this story on a newsgroup posted today:
[b:9695af98b8]Scientologists have rock group in their sights[/b:9695af98b8]
The Church of Scientology has moved to silence a Scottish rock group who have helped lift the lid on the secrets of their beliefs. In a song entitled ‘Message from Xenu’, ‘The Truth Rockets’ detail the bizarre belief system of the religion based on the writings of L Ron Hubbard. Scientologists believe the ‘Xenu’ referenced in the title of the song was an ancient intergalactic overlord responsible for the murder of trillions and is still held in a prison on another planet. The Church keeps these beliefs secret from the public, it is thought in an effort not to put off new recruits. Hollywood star Tom Cruise is perhaps the most famous follower of scientology and ‘Message from Xenu’ takes the form of a fictitious message that Xenu has escaped and is coming to ‘get’ him and ‘all the other scientologists’.
It is thought that The Church of Scientology first became aware of The Truth Rockets after news of their song surfaced in June of this year. It was widely reported across the internet that after hearing ‘Message from Xenu’ Tom Cruise had hired extra body guards ‘just in case’. The Church is famously litigious and in 2002 succeeded in having anti-scientology web sites de-listed from Google. They are demanding that The Truth Rockets remove the song from their album or replace the lyrics with new ones deemed inoffensive to Scientology. A source close to The Truth Rockets said that they were laying low and pondering their next move.
More information can be found at The Truth Rockets’ website, [
www.thetruthrockets.net] and at ‘Operation Clambake’, www.xenu.net