The sale of domain name
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: July 21, 2013 09:33PM

To whom it may concern:

See []

The sale of the domain name is for the domain name only and does not include any portion or part of the Web site archives. Everything within the Web site archives will remain intact and nothing will change. This includes the main archives and message board contents. They buyer of the domain name will only purchase and have access to the domain name and nothing else. What is now known as will become This will be a domain name change and nothing more. This will of course involve a change in all relevant link addresses within the archives and message board and this will temporarily affect search results as the various search engines note the change in link addresses. Eventually all the contents of the Web site archives and message board entries will once again become evident and appear within searches with the new domain name prefix.

Rick Ross

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/21/2013 10:08PM by rrmoderator.

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