With all due respect to Durham.... [b:866be64835] has has not answered anything ! [/b:866be64835]
Yes, you are SO right. And SO eloquent. I can really see how unwittingly I've fallen into the Scientology recruitment trap: with no answers to rebut, a victim must go looking for answers; in looking for answers, the victim is made to feel he has questions. Questions become self-doubt, self-doubt can be solved; Scientology has the answers...
The socratic method I've adopted to discover information about the group is exactly what they require. They beg, "You find the answers, YOU find the answers..." Then they'll claim them as their own.
But Nutrino, you are right! Scientology has never shown me any proof of being able to provide any answers! NEVER! And even in this thread, durham fails to be able to provide any evidence of answers. Except that he no longer gets depressed if he loses his wallet. Man, if that's the outcome of all that outlay of cash and time, I'll pass. And what sort of zombie weirdo DOESN'T lament the lost of his wallet! It's a pain in the ass. Durham! YOU ARE LOSING WALLETS! WAKE UP!
Damned if I suspend my disbelief and allow myself to be subjected to a roomful of self-deluded freaks who believe they have the answers without being able to provide them. Why should a tech so supposedly almighty and powerful as that taught by Scientology be such a guarded secret! Why should anyone assume that L Ron Hubbard alone was the lone messiah able to see through the racket/game? If he can, I can. We all can.
Self-doubt is a virtue. Certainty at best is questionable, Scientologists!
What sort of worthwhile faith asks its followers to blindly concede that, "He [that man over there] has the answers [according to some others], [but not his son]?" None. Cults do that. And followers of cult movements are pathetic and pitiable.
Durham, if you want to break free, I suggest to read over this thread.