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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 18, 2011 11:30PM

I have some knowledge of Mike Douglis, the Operations Manager at the New Brunswick, NJ office. He was arrested in that raid in NY. I asked him about it and he said it was "all lies." I asked him what the whole thing was all about and He said, "How should I know it was all lies?"
The owner of his building got reports that he was sleeping in the building. He categorically denied it. He is full of balony. His superior and I talked, Mike Petteys told me that he took care of it and wrote a letter.
They also have an office in Trenton, NJ. They own the building. Noelle O'dell staffs that office and she used to live and work with Mike Douglis in the New Brunswick office. I wonder what's going on in Trenton.
The police might be reticent to do anything because they have money. I think this whole thing needs to be blown wide open.

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 19, 2011 01:01AM

In the old days, they helped me a little. I was highly esteemed and a legend in ESWA. They brought me from my home in Woodbridge township in NJ. Once, I ran out of food on my birthday and Mike Douglis made telephone calls all day to get someone to run food out to me. I lived about 12 miles from the New Brunswick office. The person who delivered the food was reticent to give it to me. I did a lot for ESWA even back then.
Last year I was under a lot of self imposed pressure. I came out of the hospital, went to the office and Mike suddenly was getting me to do paperwork that I had not done in years. I was still recovering, not stabilized yet. I felt it was some kind of indentured servitude. And they complain about capitalism.
Mike claims all he wants is for workers to make a living wage. Seems fair to me too. But ESWA does not have any real solutions and certainly is not winning its battles locally.
The 11 point benefit program is a joke. The lawyer quit and laughed at me when I told him about my father's abusing me. The other benefits aren't in motion. I backed out.

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 19, 2011 02:06AM

I went to the office a few months ago, and as I came in eveyone was laughing at me. Why did I help them so much? What was in it for me? I cut out from Diaspora Yeshiva when Rabbi Goldstein didn't want to pay me. I got some things from ESWA but very little. More later.

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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Posted by: ghostwriter1984 ()
Date: April 19, 2011 12:05PM

Mike D worked at the national office for several years. It's hard to say that any one person recruits another person, or at least it was back then when recruitment flowed through a systemic process. I consider him one of two persons who was key in my development as a cadre. He was always a true believer, one who "knew" the organization would win.

It's not surprising he felt the stories about the 1996 raid were all lies. When you're in, you live the "we versus them" mentality. Anyone who wasn't "us" was the enemy, which wasn't necessarily bad. Those who simply didn't know could still be offered the opportunity to learn and join. Most of "them" were the authorities. Not all funds went to support the local organizing drives, the open fronts to the masses. Many funds were siphoned off to other apparatus including the business operations (for profit but keeping costs to a minimum using donated resources and donated labor) and even the military wing. There were also the private coffers of the leaders. Off shore accounts including Turks & Caicos with sham business operations, bank accounts in Switzerland, I don't know how much money.

I didn't know Mike P was back working with the group. There was a time when the organization tried recruiting back former cadres (called Operation Retread) but it was my understanding that Margaret preferred to abandon former cadres altogether. Some were dropped off on street corners with no place to go; others simply driven out either physically or after years of abuse they just couldn't take it anymore. Margaret stole control in 1995 after Oldie's death. She preferred the "better fewer but better" mentality, which meant anyone who opposed her was chased out.

There is so much that can be said about this group. They do instill as much fear as possible in former members to keep us silent. While it's not the size of some more notorious cults, the damages are just as severe.

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Re: ESWA:This a site of a former leader who got burned.
Posted by: richardmgreen ()
Date: April 19, 2011 10:36PM

They tried to ruin his subsequent career too. []

Fight back against mind control, manipulating leaders and those who would exploit you. Take control of your own destiny. Before you get involved with a religious movement, investigate it thoroughly first.

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