The Flow is the Thing – by Quan Yin
Sunday, April 15, 2012 19:48
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(Before It's News)
Dear Ascension Pioneers,
Welcome to yet another transformative and expansive day of soul evolution on Earth. We have been receiving a lot of feedback on my most recent video "Natural increase in psychic ability & telepathy due to Pleiades DNA reconnection" that was posted on YouTube on Imzaia's official channel:
This is the description that was released together with the video on 14 April 2012:
Quan Yin (www.imzaia.com) shares an update with ascension pioneers for 14 April 2012, which would normally only be shared on the premier subscriber section of imzaia.com. However, because of the global effects described within this video we felt to share it globally in this fashion.
Many of our beloved friends at the Pleiades have reported that a geometric alignment has started happening as a result of the tachyonic storm that affected our part of the galaxy for some weeks a while back.
The geometric alignment between our solar system and the Pleiades is making it so that, within our human DNA structure, Pleiadean codes (as one of the human birth races) will be triggered and activated NATURALLY, for all human, animal, plant, mineral and energy beings on Earth. In short, that means that everything, EVERYTHING is about to blend with you in your mind stronger than before.
Isn't it a funny thought to consider, that true first contact with our current civilisation, is actually happening from WITHIN?
Yes, that might be the plant singing next to you, or the tree talking… Or how about that cat, what is she saying? Kidding aside: be prepared for a strong psychic increase in all of humanity in the next couple of weeks. It will come on unnoticed, but once it is strong enough, the concept of "there will be no more secrets" seems to be getting another practical notch in the right direction!
More news will be shared as it comes in. For now it seems that the earliest sensations of this "psychic, geometrical cloud" should be reaching the most receptive ones among us in Europe's late afternoon, early night. It will touch everywhere at once, even unnoticed in many cases.
Enjoy your heart, head and belly opening up as never before — and when it happens, say 'hi' to our Pleiadean sisters & brothers that are putting a lot of effort in to make sure what is a natural assistance is made more empowering even, because of simple heartfelt focus of Oneness.
Only a few so far have posted their own experiences publicly, but privately, in our YT inbox, we have the pleasure of reading many stories of exactly such increases as the video discusses taking place! In our next public Tele-Conference, I will be sure to collect some of the best experiences of human expansion to share with you.
Of course, cosmically speaking, happenings such as have been reported recently by ascended perspective, i.e. 'mind particles' decaying, tachyonic storms causing a geometric alignment between our solar system and the Pleiades and the like, are not ALL that is going on right now. In fact, you do not need ascended senses to know that much is going on. Take our sun, for instance. Mainstream science has reported the enormous solar flare released by our sun April 9 and touching Earth fully on April 11, just four days ago. Noticed anything happening inside of you and others around you since?
The point is: we are in a metaphorical cosmic pressure cooker, although one of our own design; a voluntary experience that we chose to step into and that is destined to propel all of consciousness into an unforeseen evolutionary pattern that is born into humanity's make-up itself. Face it, folks: we are here to evolve everything with us. As humanity shifts, so does everything else. A more restrictive and 'cult'ural paradigm would have you believe things are quite the opposite, but they are not.
Yes, I am indirectly telling you that the solar flares we are experiencing, the earthquakes, tachyonic storms and more is there because WE are placing it there for ourselves… and it is waking up a hell of a lot of people right now.
Do you know why you are emoting so much, why you are mood swinging, why one moment you are depressed and the next you feel ready to fly, why you feel the need to sigh deeply even though you feel perfectly happy, why sometimes your heart space can feel like an abandoned stage yet at other times it's like Woodstock in there, or why -no matter how hard you try- you cannot sleep when you are supposed to and you fall asleep at the most inopportune moments?
EVERYTHING that you have come to Earth to 'hold' within you, is being released. You, the container of everything you came down with, is open for business… and it's all flowing through you, baby! YES, that's right: all of that cosmic activity waking people up is coming in THROUGH YOU and many millions of others like you that are waking up every day. You are the catalyst. "You are the one you have been waiting for" is quite the practical statement, it turns out!
All of that to say that what is happening right now is not an exact science, not quite. In truth, the fact that your body is in any state of cohesion and that, no matter the sense of shifting, everything 'seems' to be business as usual around you, is a miracle, some would say. I would say it's some good cosmic planning and engineering (not to mention teamwork that stretches across star systems and millennia!) but that is just my opinion of course.
The flow's the thing. Lao Tze, yesterday, asked me to release a short little statement in the form of a picture, with the words: "Only love flows. Everything else penetrates its way into you." This is why these days the internet is rampant with messages of surviving these times by getting into your heart. We literally are being turned inside out, into another dimension of ourselves, and the access gate, mainly, is the heart kakra. It's the key to 5D.
Where we are all going, flow is key. It's also one of the true messages of the heart, rhythm being another one. In this journey to our new Home within ourselves, we learn to approach everything we have ever known differently than, well, everything we have ever known in this lifetime. We are learning to flow with time, space, form, death, exchange and separation: once called the 'grand illusions' while, in truth, it has been humanity's stubbornness that is the real illusion that made a prison or matrix out of these concepts. If our matrix existence here is indeed defined by the square of 'mind, body, spirit and ish' than think how differently we can be when it comes to the illusions that we are learning to deal with cosmically rather than linearly. Linearity, after all, is not a constant – not cosmically, and definitely not inter(n)dimensionally. Not where we're going!
The linear cover-up is failing, it's falling apart, and all you need to do to cope is breathe through it… and watch/read a lot of sci-fi to help you break the mold (that last suggestion is a joke; your imagination will do!).
You can help yourself through this evolution easier by willingly breaking up your linear segmentation. That's what thoughts are for, after all: in their true, pristine (tonal) condition they are not as the mental vultures that you have recently come to know them as. Instead, they are like magical carpets that can take you anywhere, if they are processed through the entire holographic brain (a topic for another day). So, imagine yourself more fluid and less solid in every single way, and you will see what a true magical ride you are on. One day you will say you would not have missed this for the world.
* * *
Given some of the things I have pointed out in this letter, I would like to invite you to take time often in the coming weeks and to use your imagination to flow into a more fluid state, as described above.
A good way to do so is to join Imzaia's regular Tele-Conferences and Merkava Trainings, by becoming a Premier Subscriber at only $4 a month!
What we create together during those trainings is a light-ship, a ship-of-thought, a geometry connecting our individual light-bodies (mer-ka-ba's) in one whole. In short, a merkava is a dimension that we create, which is stable, permanent and can be accessed through your inner dimensions at any moment until such time you would decide to move away from it. While the creation of it cannot immediately be seen by most humans in the physical universe, I can assure you that the structure of it exists and is real once we will have created it.
I hope you will all have a great time with your imagination today. In closing, I like to share some more of our recent short video releases with you all:
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Be Gentle with Each Other, we are One Heart together.ove, kindness & well-being,
Quan Yin