Loss of Intellect..?
Posted by: Tiredofthis ()
Date: December 05, 2010 02:44PM

Maybe a bit of a risque topic/iffy topic but does anyone feel that the New Age material while catering to giving you the "peace" and the high that makes you feel good inadvertedly comprises one's intellect or intelligence? I mean in terms of the ability to critically analyze, discern patterns, absorb/comprehend information, focus and stuff like that.. And i'm talking about material like ET's "The Power of Now" and other relevant literature. I'm a university student and I found that to, maybe, be the case and i want to get others' opinions about this.

Re: Loss of Intellect..?
Posted by: Crescent ()
Date: December 05, 2010 11:05PM

I think 'The Power of Now' was a pretty good read which offered me a new perspective on things: how we, as human beings, label everything, but often (when taking time off) are not present in a way that enables us to truly enjoy beautiful and simple things, like nature, without over-analyzing them. But, the more i progressed in the book, the more i got the impression it was just too radical for me, and too much of some kind of deep, dark abyss. I didn't believe 'living in the now' and not using your critical thinking facilities would somehow magically improve the world and myself, so i didn't finish reading the book. I read through it again at a later time, but again i didn't finish it. The different perspective this book offered was refreshing, and i'll remember these things, but i don't need to hear or read anything else from people like Eckhart Tolle.

Now that i'm critically analyzing 'spiritual teachers', since i started posting about them and reading through message boards like these about 3 months ago, i feel like i've learned much, much more than i have in the year i've spent reading New Age books and just consuming strange theories about strange stuff that i simply couldn't apply to my personal life. I feel much better about being finished with that kind of stuff now, as it turns out that the faith i was seeking, turns out to be a just a very simple and positive concept which doesn't require me to try and change anything about myself, or anything like that. I've also learned that many of these New Agers try to force others to accept their viewpoints, and if they don't, those people are somehow inferior or evil, though they'll never admit this of course. Why? Why should others think the same as them? Will it make the world better if we all try to detach ourselves from feelings and thoughts perceived as negative? Don't think so...

What i've learned the most through all this, is that we should never stop using our discernment, never stop critically analyzing strange claims people make, checking for background information, read testimonies written by former followers and all that. Just about all New Age 'spiritual teachers' tell their supporters to basically stop thinking, and to newcomers this may sound good and harmless (after all, they want to make themselves feel better and that's usually why they become interested in this kind of stuff) and they often just don't realize how much they are endangering themselves, and how they are not really contributing to making the world a better place.

Re: Loss of Intellect..?
Posted by: walter1963 ()
Date: December 06, 2010 04:47AM

Yes it does compromise your capacity to think clearly and logically and it's on purpose. The last thing authors/cult leaders like Tolle want is people to be able to think rationally about what they are engaging in. The want you to be dependent on them for "the answer" and the last thing they want are their followers to formulate their own answers and lose their dependence on the guru.

This goes across the board for the entire New Age/human potential movement IMO, they want you to become dependent on them otherwise they can't sell their books, expensive seminars, DVD's, etc.

Re: Loss of Intellect..?
Posted by: mikanike23 ()
Date: June 15, 2011 05:31AM

Yep, this happened to me and I don't no what to do. I'm 22

Re: Loss of Intellect..?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: June 15, 2011 09:15PM


A message board is not the place to get help.

Contact a psychologist or professional licensed counselor in your local area.

Re: Loss of Intellect..?
Posted by: rm ()
Date: June 17, 2011 09:52AM

I've found that too much of the New Age, E.T.'s Power of Now makes me feel spacey. So yes, at a certain point it does compromise intellect. Stress, worries, and such get the better of us sometimes, but constant "living in the now" is impossible. The mind naturally reflects upon past experiences. These reflections can be beneficial as in helping make better decisions in life.

Re: Loss of Intellect..?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: June 17, 2011 08:09PM

To whom it may concern:

This message board is for discussion not counseling and treatment.

If someone has a serious problems regarding the residual effects of group involvement they should see a professional, i.e. licensed counselor, psychologist etc. in their local area.

There are some mental health professionals that have specific experience dealing with cult recovery issues.

See [www.culteducation.com]

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