"John of God" SCAM-ARTIST promoted on ABC
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: February 19, 2005 05:15PM

ABC News did a fluff piece PROMOTING a health scammer "Miracle Man" from Brazil.
James Randi exposes it here.

Now the Networks are going to cash in on promoting these scammers. What's next?


"John of God" SCAM-ARTIST promoted on ABC
Posted by: glam ()
Date: February 20, 2005 03:58AM

I watched this program -- it was disgusting. People are traveling from all over the world to be "operated on" by this charlatan -- who jams forceps up people's noses to "cure" them -- and ABC did a fantastic job of making it look like he just might be performing "miracles." For instance, the one doctor they consulted for a second opinion," Dr. Mehmet Oz, is little out there himself.

He's touted on Oprah's site.

And they offered no proof whatsoever that anything "John of God" has ever done has ever actually helped anyone.

"John of God" SCAM-ARTIST promoted on ABC
Posted by: Cosmophilospher ()
Date: February 20, 2005 06:57AM

This is my take on it.
They made the show ambiguous at best.
Why would they do this?

Right now, reality shows are tanking, and some of these new "supernatural" TV shows seem to be the new wave.
So the network puts out stories like this, to create some FASCINATION for the credulous unwashed masses. So its just cross-marketing for their supernatural TV shows.

Also, advertisers LOVE credulous audiences. They will believe anything.

So it seems pretty obvious to me that they have a positioning agenda, and are looking to create a fertile climate for supernatural type TV shows involving "life after death" subjects. After all, John of God, says he is "channelling" these dead guys, so that's the Life After Death angle.

Hey, if people will believe that crap, they will certainly believe that Tide makes your whites whiter, and Crest will help you find love.

Remember, TV is all about Money. (when its not about politics).

Also, they could have done a show about the possible effects of Belief on health, and psychosomatic effects.
Or, they could have showed people who have gone there and then died.
There are "spontaneous regressions" for tumours, but lots of people die too.

This is really sad.
Right now, mark my words, many people with grave illnesses are on a airplane to this John of God's compound in Brazil, and get scammed.

I wrote an email to ABC from the link to Randi's feature article on this.

These networks will do anything for money and ratings.
Sometimes i think we are slipping into a New Dark Age of humanity. Seriously.


"John of God" SCAM-ARTIST promoted on ABC
Posted by: ULTAWARE ()
Date: February 20, 2005 10:38AM


I agree on alot of your post. George Orwell would be proud of seeing the manipulation and control that TV & marketing have done in relation to his forsight writing....

I have, for many years uttered this after witnessing/sensing some weird stuff we humane beings do.[ "WASASS" (Modi 1997) = we are such a strange species ] :shock:

A girl I used to work with in the past expressed an idea that encompasses Mulders "The truth is out there. She said, ya know, it's all based on greed, the bottom line (prob why called 'bottom') is greed - be it $$$$$$, power, manip, sex, etc..." :twisted:

INO, cults exist for that reason, some churches also (hiding the fact that they are, IMO, really a retail store, as are banks, insurance companies and financial advisers, amongst so many more.....

The US society is based on the republican (not party) of the "jungle arena"...anything goes "for profit"...

Somehow I do feel that those who do appear to be 'asleep' are still awake enough to sift thru the unconscious messages that tease their brains (perhaps why alcoho/drugls are a major player in humans existence?????) about the fact that their enjoyment of lots-o-shit is based on the labor "off the backs of others (cheap off-shore produced products just feed the media-controlled machine. Listen to conversation anywhere-work or coffee shop or pub-and see what concerns most people...it will probably trivial TV crap...then there is the radio banter..."Oh I am so concerned about people not 'wiping-off' their grocery - cart snot before placing it in the cart-corral"

When I told people about me ex's being SO influenced by LEC, they had the same "zoned - out " attitude in relating...similar to " Thank god I don't have to deal with something like that" "Go away, you are causing us disttress....it does not compute (anyone old enough to remember that movie? :? )

Ok, I have enough for now off - focus... point is...the barracuda (as any predator is able to) is able to sense a victim and then seize it with it's own methods...funny tho how the techniques are so similar eh?


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