Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: JRHebert ()
Date: September 14, 2010 04:30AM

Namaste indiaspark,

I've been a student of SwamiG for more than 3 years now (I'm part of the community and the ashram)

Kundalini is only subjective to those that have not experienced it... Here, Kundalini is quite an objective phenomenon as real as your emotions are and more real than your subjective thoughts about it! There are lots and lots of "symptoms" and experiences that come with Kundalini that are common and shared by those that have an active Kundalini. You won’t find this in scientific books; it is not a known phenomenon! Do you seriously think that everything has been covered by the scientific community? No more ground to be explored? The attitude of a good scientific approach is not to deny the existence of something rather it is to investigate deeply and leave all preconceptions and prejudice brhing, one needs to start fresh anew with a clean slate... Doesn’t mean you can’t have your opinion about it but be willing to put your opinions to the test! Have you investigated thoroughly Kundalini and its whereabouts? It has to be experienced firsthand.

I encourage you to leave all your preconceptions behind and start by asking with all of your heart and as opened as it can be, that the universe shows you what is Kundalini. Only you can experience it for yourself and only you can prove it to yourself. Even if you see the symptoms in others you will not be convinced of it, trust me I've been a big sceptical myself. Be determined to prove it to yourself with your own experiences that it either exists or not. For that, you have to bow down to the universe and acknowledge that you do not know... With all of your heart: dear mother universe please show me... Start meditating, find a guru and read what sages and others that are experiencing kundalini on a daily basis have to say about it.

All these people including myself that have experienced SO many phenomena and so on are deceivers and liars? Do you really think that I have any personal gain by writing this to you?

What are your real intentions?
Is it to really find out what is kundalini?
Do you long for this at all cost?

Or do you fear kundalini and will continue to blindly disprove it and discredit it at all cost?

I invite you to be like the real scientific and investigate deeply for yourself, not in books but with meditation and proper guidance and transmissions.


Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: September 14, 2010 04:51AM


The topic of this thread is "Guru Swami G" not Kundalini.

Please stay on topic.

Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: indiaspark ()
Date: September 14, 2010 10:42AM

@ Holly Hom - your account is another anecdote with false analogies. You are part of the running of her group. Your account has no credibility although you do try by throwing in discussions of physics etc like most charlatans do. You said - In an instant, I realized that I wasn’t “living life”, but that I was “being lived by life” - This is nothing but word play. You talk of subjective experiences, but that is not evidence of anything or that this "guru" is credible. I have seen this woman "Guru Swami G's " inane videos. Its like watching a mentally unstable person's flapdoodle. I am sorry but I cannot look the other way when I see cults like yours. These are harmful to unsuspecting people and takes away their ability to think for them selves. I have already posted an example of the nonsense this woman preaches calling for obedience.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2010 11:08AM by indiaspark.

Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: indiaspark ()
Date: September 14, 2010 10:54AM

@Jene - 'kundalini' is just an exotic sounding word for various subjective experiences and state of mind. There is nothing divine as you people claim dressed in saffron and eastern attire. The harm you are doing is that you are talking nonsense and confusing the mentally ill. Most people who come to groups like yours have mental problems for which they need a qualified psychiatrist. And from your statements it seems you too are experiencing these issues. So don't play word games with me and please do not tell me what to do.

You need to understand that you people are making the claim, so you need to show the evidence for this so called divine thing called the 'kundalini'. My intention? Its to expose charlatans like you and your group who cause harm to credulous believers of your nonsense.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2010 11:09AM by indiaspark.

Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: sarojini ()
Date: September 14, 2010 11:06AM


You are free to your views, opinions and beliefs. May they serve you well.

Thank you,, for allowing our replies to be posted.

OM Shanti

Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: wanderingcrow ()
Date: September 14, 2010 02:42PM

@ Holly Hom
You appear to be an intelligent,articulate and accomplished person. I can't seem to resolve how a person of your gifts cannot recognize when you are being deceived. Your Swami (who I realize you will defend endlessly) was there at the critical moment of your spiritual crisis/search and got that crucial foothold. That saddens me.
@Swami G
I can't help but wonder how you can delude yourself into believing the nonsense you peddle. How do you reconcile your conscience at night. The more I read here on RR the more I see how your spiritual buggery and those of your ilk can harm. What qualifies you above others in being the keeper/purveyor for peoples spiritual guidance/wellbeing. A passing knowledge of established religions and or cults? It's not enlightenment it's enslavement to one womans twisted interpretations. You would better serve in this "incarnation" by dropping the saffron robes and getting some secular counselling. I'm veering towards Indiaspark's conclusion. You madame need to check yourself in some where soon before you do irreparable harm to those deluded souls you have harvested with your illness. It's never too late to change.

Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: Oerlikon ()
Date: September 14, 2010 09:05PM

Guru businessmen and fashion seeking disciples create a society of the cheaters and the cheated

“Sometimes a big businessman or landlord may approach a spiritual master for initiation. Those who are materially interested are called visayis (karmis), which indicates that they are very fond of sense gratification. Such visayis sometimes approach a famous guru and ask to become a disciple just as a matter of fashion. […] One who accepts a visayi disciple is not a bona fide spiritual master. Even if he is, his position may be damaged due to association with an unscrupulous visayi.

If a so-called spiritual master accepts a disciple for his personal benefit or for material gain, the relationship between the spiritual master and the disciple turns into a material affair, and the spiritual master becomes like a smarta-guru. There are many caste gosvamis who professionally create some disciples who do not care for them or their instructions. Such spiritual masters are satisfied simply to get some material benefits from their disciples.

Such a relationship is condemned by Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura, who calls such spiritual masters and disciples a society of cheaters and cheated. They are also called baulas or prakrta-sahajiyas.
Their aim is to make the connection between the spiritual master and the disciple into a very cheap thing. They are not serious in wanting to understand spiritual life.”

(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Antyalila, 24.330, purport)

Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: indiaspark ()
Date: September 14, 2010 11:07PM


Take a look at this video to view the insanity that these people are into. Larry is now Rohan !

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 09/14/2010 11:09PM by indiaspark.

Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: Sandman ()
Date: September 14, 2010 11:59PM


Take a look at this video to view the insanity that these people are into. Larry is now Rohan !

Presumably that guy has just been on the receiving end of some shaktipat diksha. I wouldn't have minded seeing that in action instead of the after-effect. Seems like a self-induced state of bliss, confusion or mild hysteria manufactured out of certain religious observances that create imaginary emotional experiences interpreted as having some lofty meaning, but on a more base level, manipulation and exploitation at the hands of a fraud.

Re: Guru Swami G
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: September 15, 2010 12:10AM

Many neo-eastern groups rely upon some form of hypnosis or trance induction to make individuals highly suggestible. In this altered state almost anything can be suggested to the subject and then accepted as reality.

In this way feelings can be easily manipulated.

See []

Also see []

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