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Ramana Trust
Posted by: matilda ()
Date: August 18, 2010 03:32AM

Has anyone heard of this organisation ?

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Re: Ramana Trust
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 18, 2010 11:29AM

Most seekers who hear of 'Ramana' would associate that name with the celebrated and now deceased Advaita guru Ramana Maharshi of Tiruvanamalai, India. He lived for many years on or near Mount Arunachala.

Maharshi did not teach in groups or lead group seminars. Quite the contrary. He lived in a cave, following the pattern of renunciate gurus, was born into the Smarta Brahmin class, and was looked after by a householder in the neighborhood who later helped build a simple ashram for him.

Ramana Maharshi taught methods of self inquiry. He left no disciples, contrary to the claims of some who followed him, such as HWL Poonja (aka Papaji)

You can look up Ramana Maharshi and learn more about him.

The Ramana Trust sounds like something different, some sort of group program.

One can Google Ramana Maharshi and learn more.

(Am just pointing out contrasts--am in no way endorsing Ramana Maharshi, just giving background information for research purposes Corboy)


Doesnt sound like there is much except for this

[quoteThis is Google's cache of []. It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on Jul 23, 2010 08:50:30 GMT. The current page could have changed in the meantime. Learn more

Full versionThese search terms are highlighted: ramana trust
Contact Us Testimonials The 7 Steps Home
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(name omitted) Coordinator for the Empowerment group

I chose The Ramana Trust because I have heard so much about the organisation and I once attended a very powerful session with them and was impressed with what I took away with me.
From the very first session I could see the meaning and the purpose of the delivery and why they would teach the learners in a very gentle loving way. As the group unfolded and I began my own journey into the unknown I was absolutely blown away. I was both shocked and amazed at how little I knew myself. I was overwhelmed with both sadness and happiness, joy and pain.
The session that sticks out the most for me is CHOICES. I am aware I have choices, but not to the extent I discovered I had, everything I do , everything I am is down to the choices I make. Since the group I have continued to work on my higher self. I believe life’s journey is exactly what it says it is A JOURNEY FOR LIFE.
I cannot thank the facilitators enough for what they have given me. The delivery methods they used were perfect. The feedback from the rest of the group members has been wonderful and we all have so much to be grateful for. I am organising more empowerment groups for the future and would love them to facilitate again.

Jules Mambu, Chair of TARA (Tameside African Refugee Association)

Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to recommend The Ramana Trust for their outstanding contribution during the workshop at TARA. The theme I AM SAFE was delivered and it aimed to raise children’s awareness of personal safety and security. Many studies have shown that children harbour misconceptions about safety. These may be developed by children absorbing ideas through popular media, some of which may be erroneous. The Ramana Trust has developed the concept of I AM SAFE to help children and adults alike to develop the internal sense of safety. The workshop was curtailed around fun activities such as drawing personal symbols of safety, imaginary climbing of a colourful staircase in 7 steps, building an artificial tree and relaxing under its shade, and planting seeds that every participant took home to care for. This was an inspirational learning experience for all of us at TARA and wish to recommend this thrilling programme to as many people that will find it interesting for their wellbeing.

Janu, Age 15

Before I did the Programme I was miserable and gloomy. I was attracted to it because of Ramana. Since doing the Programme I am all positive and unconditional. I like the Programme because it brings light into darkness. I like Ramana.

Satchi, Age 7

Before the Programme I was dark and dense. I was attracted to it because it’s spiritual. Since doing the Programme I am happy and more spiritual. I like the mantra – it’s fun!

Eesha, Age 7

Before I did the Programme I was shy and I didn’t have a lot of friends. I wasn’t quite happy and I didn’t speak in groups. I was attracted to the Programme because of Ramana, because she does it and she made it. I like the steps and I like the colours. Since doing the Programme I feel happy, I have more friends and more confidence. I’m not shy and I’m not sad anymore.

Suresh, Age 3

(What was your life like before doing the Programme?) Spiritual. (Why do you like the doing the Programme?) I want to learn. (What have you learnt?) Consciousness. (Why do you like the Programme?) I like the classroom.

Remi, Age 9

Before doing the Programme, my life was not nice. I felt invisible, self-critical and self-hatred. It was messy and we were not a family. I like the Programme because you get to be with Ramana. It tells you about your life and who you are. It helps people. It makes me feel excited, happy, scared and generous. Its Supercalifragalisticsupercalidoshus! My life now is different, I have got my mum back. I am more myself.

Ruby, Age 9

My life was very scary and conditioned before I did the Programme. I never talked in a group, I was very shy. I really did not like myself. The Programme is exciting, healthy and nurturing and is always different every day. It makes me feel happy and loved. My life now is creative, exciting and more truthful. I love myself more.

Ade, Age 9

Before doing the Programme, my life was miserable, mean and not nice. The Programme is fun. Since I have done the Programme I feel happy, happy and happy and joyful too.

Keogh, 8

I felt like no one listened to me, and felt left out before I started the Programme. I think it is fun and incredible. It makes me feel better, supported and very loved. Since doing the Programme, I am much, much, better. It has made me want to be me. I am accepted.

Anand, Age 42

Before I did the Programme life was depressing. I had lots of thoughts and was caught up in the world. There were no breaks in my mind. I was attracted to the programme because I got to do things that I wouldn’t normally do, fun things. I get insights and awareness. In a group I like learning things from other people. Since doing the programme I have a fantastic life, wonderful. I like the guided imagery and group activity. I like the idea of having a symbol instead of two pages of text. I like the use of the subconscious mind. My gut tells me that visualizing a symbol is very, very powerful.

Nev, Age 35

I was very self-destructive before I met Ramana and started working with the programme. I worked 50 plus hours a week and would drink almost every night just to slow the traffic in my mind. I could not identify the root cause of the sad-emptiness I carried everywhere. I was often aggressive, moody, and unapproachable. I could feel alone in a room full of people, yet no one would have guessed as I had a facade for every occasion. I felt I had to be whoever people wanted or expected me to be. I went out of my way to please other people, often at my own expense; it was exhausting! I read many personal growth books, and did every course I could find on the subject. I was desperately trying to find answers to questions I had about myself and the world. Nothing I found had any depth or substance – it was all just hot air! Since working with Ramana, and the programme, my life has changed completely. I hardly ever feel sad or isolated anymore. I am softer and more gentle and loving with myself and other people. I don’t have so many questions. The program has enabled me to change from the inside, which has enabled me to see life from a new and more positive perspective. I make better choices now, for example, I live in the country, instead of the city. I have a much healthier diet and lifestyle. I make time each day to be by myself and enjoy peace and quiet. I work much less. I like myself more. I am more creative and less analytical. I know myself more, and my mind is much quieter.

Spencer, Age 29

Before I did the Ramana Awareness programme I was a completely different person to who I am today. I was very scared – but was not even aware of it. I was quite detached and very controlled – I would not let myself go at all…. I was quite heady and I used to get a lot of my self-esteem from the people I was connected to. I always wanted to help make the world a better place, but ultimately I suppose I was searching for love for myself. I wanted to find that love in community, but I never really did. I never felt like I had the time to do the things I really wanted too and there was a certain emptiness in my life – I felt unhappy. I devoted my life to a cause that I now see as fanciful and wishful thinking – I did not allow myself to do what made me happy. I worked very hard at trying to make my relationship make me happy, but I never seemed to “get there”….I was not really being myself – who I really am, but rather acting out the product of my conditioning. After I did the programme my life was completely different. I feel so happy and fulfilled and that I’m no longer searching for what it is that I am looking for in life. I have a sense of myself that I’ve never really had before – I feel so much stronger in my sense of who I am, what I like, what I would do in certain situations. I feel much less scared and more able to assert myself, less passive and I am much more honest now. I don’t just do things to please others anymore. I try to do what is right for me. I do struggle to share, but I’m learning, and when I do I feel complete. I am much lighter now, much more able to acknowledge the truth of what might be going on for me in any particular moment, especially the stuff I might judge as “bad”… I am more capable now, much more decisive and clear in my decisions. I’m less heady and more practical.

Rachael, Age 32

If I think about my life, before meeting Ramana and starting the programme, It did not feel like a life really. I was never present in any moment. I was always wanting for something: an event, a job, whatever to say this is my life! It was sad, I suppose, boring, and did not have any meaning; just doing the same things as everyone else. I had no confidence or belief in myself; like I had no control over how things in my life were. I was powerless and limited by old thoughts and feelings. I was always looking outside to find happiness, piece of mind, self-worth. The programme was like a bolt of lightning to me. It woke me up and allowed me to see life in a different way. My life now is an adventure – learning about myself more each day. I am more able to make powerful choices that come from what I have learned about myself, and not from old thoughts and feelings. I am generally happier in myself. I don’t need as much approval from others, or need to fit in to what other people think. I have inner peace and meaning. I feel like life is for the taking and I can create it.

Pauline, Age 43

My life before I met Ramana was shallow and meaningless. At the time, I had just finished yet another course - a degree in counselling, and still was not sure what I wanted to do with my life, or feeling satisfied. I had twins after 15 years of having my first child, an attempt at having a relationship. I was still empty and not satisfied within myself. Feeling depressed and lonely and unhappy, I felt or believed that somewhere there must be more to life than all the things I had tried – that society said was what I was supposed to do to believe I was someone. I went to a workshop one day that Ramana was holding. I went on to work with Ramana on a one to one basis and working with the programme. Since then I have been able to see myself as a whole person with more understanding and loving interactions. I have respect for myself. I am more open and less fearful. I have more joy and peace in my life. I am more aware of the positive things about myself. I can be myself without compromise.

Barrington, Age 45

I have been participating in the Ramana Awareness Programme for the last three years. Before using the programme I can say that I was not aware really of my own internal world, and what that actually meant. I used to have these conversations in my head that would take up lots of time and space. Most of them were not very pleasant, but I could identify different peoples voices and sayings; I thought this was quite normal. I was also quite cut-off from how I actually felt about myself. I identified with my roles in life, such as: Son, Father, Job, Ethnicity – basically all the things that society defined as my roles. I never questioned them with any conviction. I had experiences that did not make any sense to me, but had nowhere to take them. I had lots of questions about why we exist, and the meaning of life. I was searching for something, but did not know what really. At times I would be grumpy, aggressive and arrogant. I basically did what I thought were the things people wanted me to do; basically I was a people pleaser! I got my sense of esteem from being everybody’s mate – yet no ones friend – my work, and going out at the weekends.Since the programme I have changed so much. I am much more caring and considerate. I am able to share myself with others in more honest ways – without feeling that I am wrong. I am sensitive and shy – attributes that I did not acknowledge and honour. I have learnt skills such as: true responsibility, empathy, co-operation and consistency. The programme has taught me to be able to differentiate between my thoughts and feelings and what impact my environment has on my well-being. I have changed lots of “habits of a lifetime” in a relatively short timeframe. I am able to make better choices for myself and create a life I would like to have – rather than doing what I would normally do. In essence it has changed my life!

Sandra, Age 42

My life before Ramana and the programme was empty, lifeless. I was miserable, depressed and often suicidal. I was a Mother and had a family and yet felt like a non-person. I could not get up in the morning most days as there was nothing to get up for. I was scared of life and living, scared of people and lonely. Life was meaningless and pointless. I blamed people for my life and the way it was, and my inability to change it. I searched for meaning in many places: food, money, shopping, drugs and people. I drank and smoked. I tried to find it in my partner – in sex? Now I know happiness. It’s true and it’s possible: for anyone, everyone. I didn't know what meaning and purpose were before. I can get up in the morning – even early. I feel more like I have a reason. I am able to be more responsible for the choices that I make and have made, and accept them. I don’t really have any vices anymore - like I don’t drink or smoke. I don’t feel a need to anymore. I feel a bit more like: I’m here, I’m present! I don’t hide away. I can stand up and be counted. I want to live, to see what is around the corner, and not just face it, but welcome it with open arms. I am more capable to deal with what life throws at me, and not put on some false “I am alright” face. I AM ALRIGHT! I can get help and support in a way that feels real and honest - for practical things as well. I worry less. Life feels much more doable.

Claire, Age 35

Before I found the Ramana Awareness Programme, I had tried allsorts of methods to help me, things like The Secret, Hypnosis, Healing and Holosync meditation too. I just wanted to be peaceful inside, I was always anxious and worried about anything and everything. I was unhappy inside and wanted to find out why I was like this, I wanted to be free and to have less stress in my mind! I needed help………

The Ramana Awareness Programme was a brand new experience, dynamic and fun and was really simple to do. It really helped me to see myself clearly and taught me how to realise things that I’d never thought would be me. I have found that I am strong and still, confident and much more aware of myself in my life and my interactions. It has helped me to be more of an individual and has given my happiness inside. In a short space of time I have experienced much more than I have ever done before and ………I feel free!!

© The Ramana Trust Ltd 2010 - All right reserved. Registered Company Number 6822710. Registered PO Box Number 301, Rossendale, BB4 0FJ. Telephone 01706 221 005
Website Design by Devote Associates/quote]

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Re: Ramana Trust
Posted by: matilda ()
Date: August 18, 2010 05:44PM

Thank you Corboy.


The Ramana Trust, collecting in Bristol Posted on July 5, 2010 by Joanna| 1 Comment I was stopped on the way home by Anya from the Ramana Trust who offered me a fairy cake in exchange for a donation. I handed over 62p and asked for what purpose she was collecting. The Ramana Trust promotes a program of self awareness and the next goal is to help spread its influence into schools as well. They say they are an organisation promoting positive change in both individuals and society. They work to raise people’s awareness of themselves, helping people to become aware of their positive attributes and realise their innate potential. There is a seven step program based on the attributes: consciousness, energy, spiritual, intuition, emotion, intellect and physical. The Trust is not a charity but a private limited company registered February 2009 with Companies House. The Lancashire based Trust are in Bristol for two days spreading awareness and raising money. [url[/url] Anya collecting for the Trust outside, and behind, the Watershed. This entry was posted in Bristol and tagged collection, donation, empowerment, Ramana Trust. Bookmark the permalink.]

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 08/18/2010 05:49PM by matilda.

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Re: Ramana Trust
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 19, 2010 12:12AM

(Disclaimer--what follows is a description and not in any way an endorsement. Many are using Ramana Maharshi as a way to get attention.

Note: What Americans call 'cupcakes' are called 'fairy cakes' in areas where British English is spoken.

Ramana Maharshi did not ever, in any way, lead group programs of any sort. Never, ever. People often visited him in groups, but he never had a trademarked programme. And he died in 1951.

However, since RM has died, those who maintain the Ramana Maharshi ashram do get income from those visiting both the ashram and the old guru's tomb--the place has become one of the imporant places of pilgrimage in India.

The poor gentleman is no longer around to speak for himself.

For those wishing to research further one can read this.


However, remember the topic of discussion here is the Ramana Trust.

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Re: Ramana Trust
Posted by: rob ()
Date: August 19, 2010 06:14AM

I found this short piece on []

"The Ramana Trust helps people to experience a completely different way of being in the world. It was founded in 2001 by our teacher Ramana. Her name means "Loveable". As a group of adults and children, we are now sharing what we have learnt through our"

And one negative reaction on []

"I was involved in this organisation for a year. It is seriously dodgy and I would not recommend getting involved. It ticks all the boxes on The Cult Information Centre Website."

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Re: Ramana Trust
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 19, 2010 11:34PM

Note concerning Ramana Maharshi of Tiruvanamali:

He did not lead group programs of any kind.

It does not appear that he taught children. most of the stories and descriptions of Maharshi were from adults, not those who saw him as children (unless these accounts do exist but have not yet been translated into English)

Now, lets look at testimonials quoted above.

There may be a selection bias in which only those that are complimentary are chosen.

Fair enough.

But amongst complimentary testimonials one might expect a variety of content. Instead, 14 of the 17 follow a very definite before after pattern (life was grim before and life is Transformed after).

It is especially interesting that the testimonials quoted from quite young children follow this dramatic Before/After pattern.

Lets look at the number of testimonials.

Total number (N=17)

But out of 17 quoted testimonials 13 of that number show a dramatic before and after pattern and in some cases, devaluation of ones pre-Ramana program life.

Ones prior life has to have had something worthy if it led a person to find something that helped them.

Anything that estranges us or allows us to devalue our past lives cuts us off from our own roots and inner history. One can learn from past mistakes, but not have to toss one's prior life into the rubbish bin.

The remaining 4 testimonials seem to praise the effectiveness of RT compared with modalities the person tried earlier.

However, note that some very young pre-teenaged children give testimonials and they mostly report how grim and unhappy their lives were prior to exposure to the program.

This sounds powerful enough to affect peoples mood, so it gives pause that young kids are included in these exercises.

Testimonials that follow Before/After Format

1) Before I did the Programme I was miserable and gloomy. I was attracted to it because of Ramana. Since doing the Programme I am all positive and unconditional. I like the Programme because it brings light into darkness. I like Ramana. Satchi, Age 7

2) Before the Programme I was dark and dense. I was attracted to it because it’s spiritual. Since doing the Programme I am happy and more spiritual. I like the mantra – it’s fun! Eesha, Age 7

3) Before I did the Programme I was shy and I didn’t have a lot of friends. I wasn’t quite happy and I didn’t speak in groups. I was attracted to the Programme because of Ramana, because she does it and she made it. I like the steps and I like the colours. Since doing the Programme I feel happy, I have more friends and more confidence. I’m not shy and I’m not sad anymore. Suresh, Age 3

4) Before doing the Programme, my life was not nice. I felt invisible, self-critical and self-hatred. It was messy and we were not a family. I like the Programme because you get to be with Ramana. It tells you about your life and who you are. It helps people. It makes me feel excited, happy, scared and generous. Its Supercalifragalisticsupercalidoshus! My life now is different, I have got my mum back. I am more myself. Ruby, Age 9

5) My life was very scary and conditioned before I did the Programme. I never talked in a group, I was very shy. I really did not like myself. The Programme is exciting, healthy and nurturing and is always different every day. .... Ade, Age 9

6) Before doing the Programme, my life was miserable, mean and not nice. The Programme is fun. Since I have done the Programme I feel happy, happy and happy and joyful too. Keogh, 8

7) I felt like no one listened to me, and felt left out before I started the Programme. I think it is fun and incredible. It makes me feel better, supported and very loved. Since doing the Programme, I am much, much, better. It has made me want to be me. I am accepted. Anand, Age 42

8) Before I did the Programme life was depressing. I had lots of thoughts and was caught up in the world. There were no breaks in my mind. I was attracted to the programme because I got to do things that I wouldn’t normally do, fun things. I get insights and awareness. In a group I like learning things from other people. Since doing the programme I have a fantastic life, wonderful. I like the guided imagery and group activity. I like the idea of having a symbol instead of two pages of text. I like the use of the subconscious mind. My gut tells me that visualizing a symbol is very, very powerful. Nev, Age 35

9) I was very self-destructive before I met Ramana and started working with the programme. I worked 50 plus hours a week and would drink almost every night just to slow the traffic in my mind. I could not identify the root cause of the sad-emptiness I carried everywhere. Spencer, Age 29

10) Before I did the Ramana Awareness programme I was a completely different person to who I am today. I was very scared – but was not even aware of it. Rachel, Age 32

11) If I think about my life, before meeting Ramana and starting the programme, It did not feel like a life really. I was never present in any moment. I was always wanting for something: an event, a job, whatever to say this is my life! It was sad, I suppose, boring, and did not have any meaning; just doing the same things as everyone else Pauline, Age 43

12) My life before I met Ramana was shallow and meaningless. At the time, I had just finished yet another course - a degree in counselling, and still was not sure what I wanted to do with my life, or feeling satisfied Barrington, Age 45

13) My life before Ramana and the programme was empty, lifeless. I was miserable, depressed and often suicidal. I was a Mother and had a family and yet felt like a non-person Claire, Age 35

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Re: Ramana Trust
Date: September 17, 2010 09:43PM

This organisation is a cult. I was one of Ramana's (formerly Rachel) clients for 4 years and then moved there and was involved intensely for a year before I finally left. She did the 'Cutting the ties that bind' work developed by Phyllis Krystal. She was a devotee of Sai Baba for years before apparently being told by him that she was a spiritual teacher in her own right? All her devotees (11 at present I believe) are also her old clients, and so she knows all the ins and outs of their psyches and uses this knowledge to manipulate, emotionally blackmail and control them. She splits everyone up and seperates people from their families, friends and discourages you from confiding in or spending time with partners and even your children.
Members have donated over £150,000 to put down as a deposit on a farmhouse and 22 acres in Rossendale and the members spend most of their time baking cakes and selling them to raise money to pay for the mortgage, Ramana's 'vegan farm' (!) and her and her family's bills. They sell it as a centre where "you can learn to be yourSelf", "be more loving", meet Ramana who is a "self realised being and all loving" etc...They raise atleast £1000 per month. They have also run workshops in the past - 'The Ramana Awareness Programme' - a sort of self-development model which uses several prominent mind control techniques and is a way of recruiting new members.
Ramana considers herself to be 'God' and to have no ego. She 'reflects' your thoughts, feelings and conditioning as well as your 'real self'. In practice this means that Ramana can say or do anything and then later say she was merely 'reflecting' the individual or groups energy, emotions or thoughts etc. There is no room for personal intuition, thinking or beliefs. You are told what you are thinking or feeling and how to dress, where to work, who to date, how to bring up your children, if and when you should visit outsiders, what house to live in etc....Any questioning is considered to be that person 'trying to be in control or 'interrogating God' etc.
Members live nearby in shared houses, but spend most of their time fundraising or doing 'tasks' at Ramana's land. She is married with 4 children and they do seem to believe she really is their Guru?
When I did some research into cults, I soon realised that she uses every mind control technique as listed on The Cult Information website and others I have since come across. It would take me way to long to list specific examples but I am open to questions.
If you are a friend or relative of anyone involved, I would love to hear from you or even someone who have been to workshops or met one of those involved. I just feel very frustrated as I have loved ones who are still there.

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Re: Ramana Trust
Posted by: dawson ()
Date: November 14, 2010 08:59PM

A friend of mine has become closely involved with this organisation.

There is no longer any doubt in my mind that Ramana is a cult leader and this organisation has highly questionable intentions and practices.

I have deep misgivings about them and would love to hear from anyone who can share any more information.

I am still in shock that this is actually going on. Please get in touch as I am highly concerned for the welfare of my friend.

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Re: Ramana Trust
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 19, 2010 12:12AM

Tips for persons doing computer searches

Ramana and Trust are very frequently used words for a much wider variety of topics than the group being discussed here.

A person faced with a Google search that churns up thousands and even millions of results can be tempted to give up.

As they said in Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, Dont Panic.

What you do enxt is--use strategies to narrow your search.

Go to Googles Advanced Search.

Put Ramana Trust into the exact phrase slot

Put other words into the 'all words' slot

1) Use other words in your search term, such as cities where this group is reportedly active, such as Bristol. Then put in Manchester and repeat the search. See if other cities than those two are mentioned on the activities list and put each of those towns or cities or boroughs into the all words slot.

2) Use words such as programme*, workshop 7 Steps or Seven Steps, interactive

(In the US one would spell it out as program)

3)try Ramana Awareness Programme in the all words slot

4) put yoga or children or kids into the all words slot. That way one can see if outreach is being done to yoga classes whose members have health in mind and would prefer not to add any long term group affiliation to their lives.

If outreach extends to persons too young to decide for themselves, thats worth knowing aboutse days parents are busy and often dont have time to do background checks.

Bear in mind a group may change its vocabulary, so keep this in mind so you can keep the search strategy up to date.

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Re: Ramana Trust
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: November 19, 2010 12:36AM

It should be noted that a yoga program, whether for adults or children, can be itself quite good and not actually be tied to a group that comes up in a search. Yoga classes often have to rent space where ever it is convenient and reasonable.

The key thing is that anyone teaching a yoga program should offer just yoga.

It is not good to use any yoga class to recruit for any religious or human potential group, the same way physicians are never to use their practices or surgeries as points of recruitment for their churches or gurus or outside political projects.

A successful yoga class, especially of the restorative variety, results in relief and replenishment. One naturally feels grateful to the teacher and ones classmates, and this should be respected and people allowed to go home in peace.

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