Seeking information on Tilak Fernando
Posted by: scrambledeggs ()
Date: July 23, 2010 01:55AM

I just searched the forum and found only one brief comment. Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Seeking information on Tilak Fernando
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: July 23, 2010 02:39AM

Did you find this article?


Re: Seeking information on Tilak Fernando
Posted by: scrambledeggs ()
Date: July 23, 2010 03:39AM

No I didn't - Thanks Sparky!

Re: Seeking information on Tilak Fernando
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: July 23, 2010 08:24AM

Glad to have you aboard! Did you experience this crazy cat "Tilak"? Were/are you or a loved one/friend involved? Any information you can bring to this forum, even personal ancedotes, is valuable to all.

Re: Seeking information on Tilak Fernando
Posted by: scrambledeggs ()
Date: July 23, 2010 10:20AM

I just found out that someone I know is heavily involved with him. I confided in her about my involvement with and recovery from the Byron Katie cult* and she seemed sympathetic, but never said a word about having her own "guru"! I'm so shocked and yet I can't really find much info about him on the web, only the New York Magazine article from 1993.

Has he gone underground, changed his name, or what?

[*my story is here: []]

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/23/2010 10:26AM by scrambledeggs.

Re: Seeking information on Tilak Fernando
Posted by: CoffeeLover ()
Date: September 17, 2010 08:15AM


Are you still looking for information? He is alive and well, has not gone underground, the recruitment continues. Let me know what info you are looking for. I ma be able to help.

Re: Seeking information on Tilak Fernando
Posted by: Dena ()
Date: February 08, 2020 06:03AM

** BE ALERT OF TILAK the sex offender!
Dear Dr Ross and all the victims, I highly admire you for your daring revealing and exposing this Charletan & the scam artist, Tilak Senarth Fernando [] (born in Sri Lanka, India on 10/30/1943), Tilak Brennan or many other names he goes by. Currently he does resides in LasVegas. Everything you wrote about him person is true. I know this person from many many years doing all these corruptions, as a CON ARTIST molesting and doing sexual abuse to so many vulnerable young girls, women, even and boys, with his tricks and he tricks them to have has sex with them claiming that he opens the path to enlightenment when they have sex with him! I was the witness of many innocent girls in his house who he had sex with them and they were at his service to do anything he wanted them to do for him at all time! They even believe him and are brainwashed by his tricks and taking advantage of their vulnerabilities. He is a predator going after vulnerable, young, fragile, innocent naive victims who can not do anything even when they realize that! He owns many many properties in Las Vegas, New york, New jersey,... He used to do his Frauds in New york which he was caught by the authorities so he moved to Las Vegas inorder to be able to continue to do his Frauds with his managers BARBARA MILLER, JOANNE E SIMMONS, ETC... who were his FRAUD partners making a lot of fortune from innocent people for a long time and still continuing with all the corruptions. TILAK is a CON ARTIST, miserable old ugly man who limps, he had polio when he was in India and has problem with his breath and he has to plug himself to the Oxygen container every night and to get energy through sex from young innocent women. He call himself as a guru or a spiritual healer. But he is Nothing more than a CHARLETAN (TILAK BRENNAN or TILAK FERNANDO, Tilak Senarth Fernando TILAK and people working with him belong into JAIL, NOT TO MOLEST or take advantage of Naive young innocents! []. ALERT ALERT ALERT! CAUTION. TILAK IS A RED FLAG .

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