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New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: notanantiGnostic ()
Date: March 26, 2010 10:29PM

Anyone know anything about the New Acropolis Cultural Association? Recently I have been noticing posters all over the city advertising for talks on Egyptian Spirituality, that seemed extremely new age. This group claims to teach philosophy but is clearly involved in more than that.

This is essentially the poster I have seen. []

This seems to be their Canadian based website. The whole thing seems rather misleading and they do not seem very interested in people really knowing about them.


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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: notanantiGnostic ()
Date: March 26, 2010 11:37PM

Sounds like a cult to me


I read a bit of this one and it might be useful.


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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 27, 2010 06:46AM

Just do a google. Lots of different chapters in different cities.

Here is material generated from a search on Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi, died in 1991, founder. The course offerings look enticing but here is info from a cached blog that refers to 'acropolitans'


Info from ex members from a french site


The sites say its been around for 50 years, but says nothing of its founder or early history. But lets use Wikipedia as a jump and then study names.


"From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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New Acropolis (NA), (official name - Asociación Cultural Nueva Acrópolis. is a worldwide non-profit organisation founded in 1957 by Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi (died 1991) [1] first as a school of philosophy and later on as an international organization devoted to philosophical studies and practice

Angel Livaraga Rizzi



"In 1956, he founded the magazine “Estudios Teosóficos” and in 1957, with Ada Albrecht, founded New Acropolis, an association intended to promote Philosophy, along the lines of the classical Schools of Philosophy, such as Plato’s Academy. Livraga began to expand New Acropolis to other Latin American countries: Uruguay, Chili (in 1965)[5] , Perú, Brasil and Bolivia.[2] Livraga's activities during this period consisted in writing the extensive course manuals which extends to seven cycles (the manuals cover such topics as psychology, eastern and western wisdom, theological sympbolism, oratory, history of philosophy, comparative religions, philosophy of science, metaphysics and esthetics, human evolution, cosmic evolution, astrology,and others)[6], as well teaching classes and giving public lectures.

In 1972, Livraga moved to Spain, to establish New Acropolis centers in Europe. At that time, two of his Argentinian students, Delia Steinberg Guzman and Fernand Schwarz, opened centers in Spain and in France, respectively. In 1981, Albrecht left New Acropolis to form her own organisation, Hastinapura.[4] New Acropolis has continued to expand and is present in over fifty countries across Europe, America and Asia.[7]

Corboy note: you could not just open an organization in Spain in 1972. Francisco Franco ruled Spain with an iron grip until his death in November, 1975. One could not successfully live in Spain and open centers ostensibly dedicated to secular classical learning, patterned on small groups, unless one could reassure the conservative and church dominated Franco government that you were A-OK, meaning conservative and supportive of hierarchical authority.


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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 27, 2010 06:55AM

This article refers to Rizzi and his being influenced, among others by Guenon.


Rene Guenon was an important early founder of a movement termed Traditionalism. It has taken many forms, has been ably analysed by Professor Mark Sedgwick. In some minds, this bias can support an elitist and paranoid stance and is the sort of thing that is reassuring to conservative autocratic governments with an elitist bias--which is probably why the Franco regime had no objection when Rizzi and others started New Acropolis outreach in Spain.

Traditionalism uses any belief system as a carrier for its own agendas. Key element is the stance the modern society is a devolution/inversion a falling away from an ancient wholistic wisdom that must be found and safeguarded by Those Who Know.


Guenon fretted about the Kali Yuga.


Rizzis other influence is Blavatsky. Guenon was influenced in his early years by Blavatsky material and then later added critiques and went his own way.

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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 27, 2010 06:55AM

One has to wonder whether the age of Aquarius/apocalptic beliefs of the group are stated, up front and plainly, at the newcomer events, coffee houses and lectures.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 03/27/2010 06:58AM by corboy.

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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: shakti ()
Date: March 30, 2010 12:32AM

One has to wonder whether the age of Aquarius/apocalptic beliefs of the group are stated, up front and plainly, at the newcomer events, coffee houses and lectures.

Insane Nazi cult, stay far, far away. Here is the real scoop on them from a former member, and longtime Massimo Introvigne enemy and exposer...


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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: notanantiGnostic ()
Date: March 30, 2010 06:35AM

Thank you both for helping me to fill in the details about this group. When I first noticed their posters I was highly disturbed to notice another poster from the Gnostic Movement [], were all over the posts down town I started ripping them down and realized there were just too many for it to worth my while. But I also noticed an even more misleading looking poster for this group. At first they appeared to just be offering a talk on Egypt and their way of thinking about the afterlife. It presented things as way too absolute and flaky at the same time.

Glad we have now added this organization to message board.

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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 31, 2010 01:55AM

From an article entitled The Rainbow Swastika--New Age Antisemitism

[] acropolis


6b. New Acropolis: Haifa and Tel Aviv.
This philosophical society is better known in Europe and South America than in North America. A movement founded in 1957 by Argentinian-born Italian Blavatsky disciple Jorge Agel Livraga, it is today headquartered in Brussels with thriving branches in Spain, Turkey, Italy, France, Brazil, Chile... and Israel. [If you click on the Israel site, be sure to look at their "pictures of... activities in Israel", one of which shows off their new Hebrew book promoting Helena Blavatsky.] NAer Bernardino del Boca, considered by some to be the founder of the New Age movement in Italy, once called it "one of the great hopes of the Aquarian Age." (quote supplied by a European watchdog group which requests anonymity) "New Acropolis" presents itself as an intellectual anti-racist club at the beginner level, but as disciples advance the lessons become more militaristic and mystical, a blend of Fascist romanticism which was emulated by the SS of the Third Reich. In Spain, a flyer authored in the 1970s by the New Acropolis leader in Turkey is entitled [translated from Spanish]: "For Madmen Only: The Virtues of the New Man", followed by a quote from Adolf Hitler and comments in defense of his vision for the New Humanity. According to Dutch researcher Michiel Louter, New Acropolis is considered by authorities in France, Belgium, Italy and Germany to be a dangerous cult working to undermine democracy. [More accurately, New Acropolis wants to return "democracy" to its original "purity". Students of Plato will remember that the classical Greek concept of a "utopian Republic" is a democracy ruled by an elite citizenry, which regularly weeds out weak or unproductive members, and honors the practice of homosexuality, pedophilia, eugenics, euthanasia and infanticide. The unrecognized fact is that the values of "democracy" so sought after in today's society - compassion for the weak, an impartial justice system and the equality of all men before a Supreme Being - are in reality derived from the Torah and were despised by the original "democrats" as intolerable weakness.]

According to two former Acropolis members [names withheld], the supreme source of their philosophy is "the Masters of Wisdom", who they believe were the architects of the Third Reich; Hitler's failure was due to his disobedience to "his Masters". High-ranking members are taught that the "Manu" [who Bailey identifies with Sanat Kumara] will aid them in destroying undesirable races. [One ex-member commented that he couldn't make sense of this kind of talk, but for my readers who have persevered this far these references will need no explanation.] They also report that special areas of the Acropolis schools had Nazi literature available, among them _Mein Kampf_ and _Mythus des 20. Jahrhunderts_ (The Myth of the Twentieth Century_). Other required reading for the Inner Circle is Miguel Serrano's _Adolf Hitler, el Ultimo Avatar_ which presents Hitler as a sun god. [Compare this with Savitri Devi's Hindu version of the same.] Higher-ranking members are taught the Nazi salute, as evidenced in the members-only magazine for the "New Acropolis Security Forces" [sic].

New Acropolis is not a newcomer to Israel; the group has been free to attract Israelis to its ranks for more than a decade. One former leader reports that the New Acropolis International Conference held in Rome in 1990 included Israelis, all of them dressed in black shirts and saluting an imperial Roman eagle, legionnaire style. Courses are regularly held in Israel on "The Key to Inner Wisdom" (all in Hebrew). The "Eastern Wisdom" category is Hinduism, Buddhism and Tibetan Buddhism; "Western Wisdom" is largely Greek Platonic and Stoic philosophy. "History" combines Greek, Roman, Egyptian and Hindu thought. Only in "Sources of Wisdom" does one find a brief pass at Judaism via Kabbalah, in the company of Greek mythology and New Age principles.



Subject: ACADEMY : Modern Alchemy and fascism
From: Jose Rodríguez
Date: Tue, 30 Nov 1999

Dear Catherine,

There is a neo-nazi group called "Nueva Acrópolis" conecting
fascism and esoterical ideas including achemy. It was founded in
Argentina and right now it has headquarters in many countries. It is
a dangerous group and in Spain they have a sect status because
they show sectarian methods and they teach agressive ideas
including racism and scorn against women. Their leader is a man
called Jorge Ángel Livraga Rizzi.

His web site is: []

In this site you can find some articles on achemy:

"Alquimistas en la Corte de Rodolfo II".
"Arnaldo de Vilanova. Médico, alquimista y visionario".

This sect has published books on alchemy too:
- El Alquimista
- Alquimia y Simbolismo en las Catedrales
- Giordano Bruno

There are interesting texts on his sectarian methods in those
two ULR address:


Other references in:



A recent example of a Blavatsky inspired cult is the New Acropolis, (see writings of Miquel Martinez)--a cult started by Jorge Agel Livraga, an Argentina born Italian. According to sources he taught his disciples in the use of weapons, put them in paramilitary units and used the Nazi salute. His ultimate goal was the violent overthrow of democracy. He said in one document that he wanted to weed out “everything weak and stupid” and to put “homosexuals in concentration camps”. He derived many of his ideas on race from Blavatsky.


It would be worth researching to learn whether Livraga and New Acropolis are at center, homophobic.

This article on 'Eternal Fascism' by Umberto Eco is a good way to evaluate risk potential for an ideology or group. Eco suggests if any one of these 14 patterns is present, it can suggest risk.


Note this one and compare with the observation from the Rainbow Swastika article.


10. Elitism is a typical aspect of any reactionary ideology, insofar as it is fundamentally aristocratic, and aristocratic and militaristic elitism cruelly implies contempt for the weak.

Ur-Fascism can only advocate a popular elitism. Every citizen belongs to the best people in the world, the members or the party are the best among the citizens, every citizen can (or ought to) become a member of the party. But there cannot be patricians without plebeians. In fact, the Leader, knowing that his power was not delegated to him democratically but was conquered by force, also knows that his force is based upon the weakness of the masses; they are so weak as to need and deserve a ruler.

We all must remember we each may someday become weak and vulnerable, through illness, accident, economic misfortune, war or if allowed to live long enough, old age.

We have reason to hope that whoever cares for us will not despise weakness and thus not despise us for being weak, and instead, take weakness as signal to respond with kindness and not with contempt.

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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: March 31, 2010 02:09AM

''deleted for re-editing

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/31/2010 02:10AM by corboy.

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Re: New Acropolis Cultural Association
Posted by: alonimus ()
Date: July 31, 2012 09:20PM

The New Acropolis is a sect, an esoteric sect! Destructive to human psychology and the life! I was there several years!

They show a pretty face means of propaganda, but not really what they are!

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/31/2012 09:48PM by alonimus.

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