Re: Dave Lakhani, Boise Idaho, Bob Weikel, Kit Furey
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 27, 2010 12:28PM

The blog posts say something about Ben Mack being into NLP, in the abusive sense of using it to try to control, manipulate and influence others.

Smells like more bullshit, that would have to be looked into.
Ben Mack put himself in an NLP listing for Idaho.
Ben Mack
Boise, ID USA
...My last book was a #1 Amazon Bestseller for 4 days. I am new to NLP....

Notice the tricks. That is not a real NLP listing, anyone can sign themselves up.
He even brags about how these guys can manipulate the Amazon lists for a few days with cross-shilling.
But Ben Mack is NOT a real NLP practioner. He clearly took a course or two, and then just pretends to know something.
Notice that Dave Lakhani and Ben Mack are both listed as being from Boise, Idaho.

Did Ben Mack and Dave Lakhani take some local NLP seminar, and then decide to start calling themselves NLP experts to try and dupe the ignorant public?
Just because you enjoy swearing at people, over-eating, and being angry, doesn't mean you can also be Richard Bandler.

There are others who claim NLP in Boise Idaho.
Bob Weikel
Kit Furey

Ben Mack, #1 Amazon Bestseller for 4 days, lies lies & internet scams
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 27, 2010 03:21PM

That quote by Ben Mack is very suspicious.

QUOTE: "...My last book was a #1 Amazon Bestseller for 4 days. I am new to NLP....

He is not just saying it was a so-called Amazon bestseller, but a #1.
#1 in what? Which micro-category?
For 4 days? That is not believable.
Again, no dates, not even the title of the book. No facts. No proof of anything.
Just bullshit.

They must mean the book,
Think Two Products Ahead by Ben Mack [] Sales Rank: #594,371 in Books
This book was NOT a bestseller, it sold terribly. How much worse could it sell?
This graph says that means it sold LESS THAN .5 BOOKS PER WEEK, which is 25 books a year. [] The book has been out for 4 years, so that would mean they sold about 100 books, if that.

And of course Dave Lakhani is shilling his heart out for the book on Amazon.
The top review criticizes the book as just spam to collect emails on a website.
QUOTE: "If only zero stars were an option...This book and website are a waste of time. There are much better books covering the same topic. Don't waste your money on this one."

Good advice.
Some people in the internet marketing game/scam will just lie. They will lie lie lie lie lie.
They open their mouths and lie their asses off.
The stuff coming from these internet marketers cannot be trusted, none of it, not one sentence. Anything they say or claim has to be proven with hard objective facts. Everything else is bullshit, spin, and outright lies.

What Ben Mack says about Dave Lakhani Subliminal Persuasion, in this case is accurate including the Lakhani tactic of trying to do a Pattern-Interrupt.
[] QUOTE: "Dave Lakhani demonstrates how to pre-frame a prospect to step into your greased chute. Dave explains why and how you NEED to lead your prospect by the hand into your sales-system... which can't look like a sales system."

That is EXACTLY what Dave Lakhani and many others do. They deceive you and pre-frame the sales prospect (you) and lead you by the hand to take a tiny step into their concealed sales-system, then you fall down the GREASED CHUTE of their hidden sales system. These guys think its terrific...extreme manipulative deception and lies to take your money.

As said before, Ben Mack supports the terrible infomercial of a so-called "documentary" on Werner Erhard.
Transformation: The Life and Legacy of Werner Erhard []
A review here. Informercial propaganda for Werner Erhard []

Re: Dave Lakhani, Ben Mack, NLP, Success University, Twitter
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: January 27, 2010 11:13PM

The Anticult
The blog posts say something about Ben Mack being into NLP, in the abusive sense of using it to try to control, manipulate and influence others.

Smells like more bullshit, that would have to be looked into.
Ben Mack put himself in an NLP listing for Idaho.
Ben Mack
Boise, ID USA
According to his Twitter account, Ben Mack is currently located in Atlanta, GA. From what I've gathered online, he'd been located not that long ago in Boise, ID, and also Ft. Myers, FL. Seems he's been moving around.

Mr. Mack made a little statement on Twitter (a "Tweet", for those who don't know the lingo) just yesterday, as if he's been reading our posts in this forum:

they tease w/ "More to come on 'Dr.' Ben Mack...." i go by "Dr." Ben Mack. i swiped the Dr. tactic from Edward Bernays []
about 24 hours ago from web


So he perceives us as teasing? ("they tease w/ 'More to come on 'Dr.' Ben Mack....")

No. We are not teasing. We are concerned citizens/consumers engaged in investigating.

Also.... he says he "swiped" the Dr. tactic?

So.... Mr. Mack is NOT A REAL DOCTOR.

(What a coinky dink.... "Mack" rhymes with "Quack".)

The "Call Me Dr." website is run by buddy Warren Whitlock, who says of Mack:

"Dr. Mack received accredidation from Success University but does not always use the prefix as his professional name… but I always refer to him as Dr. Ben Mack."

Soooo.... he is "accredited" by "Success University"! LOL

Let's get real about "Success University"....

[[url=]Success University SCAM!![/url]]

Be aware people, Success University has started their scam business in South Africa!!!
They are nothing else but a pyramid scam, where ordinary people don’t make any money; in fact the only ones who do are those greedy at the top of this pyramid! Also, I’ve looked though their web – you actually have to pay a joining fee AND a monthly subscription!!! These people really know how to rip off others!

Be wise! Protect yourself!

I can tell you this. If you get on their mailing list it's IMPOSSIBLE to get off! Plus they use "fear of loss" marketing, so you get hundreds of emails letting you know that "so and so has just joined and he could have been under you!" which, as we all know, means nothing in these types of marketing ploys, but is really deceiving to folks who don't know better.

Keep your money in your pocket.

I tried Success University for 35 days – what a lot of bullocks that company is! How can I ensure that my mates are going to pay their bloody fees every month!!!

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Meanwhile Mr. Mack's site, "Be The Legend", tries to grab customers with this nonsense (my opinion):

Dr. Ben Mack's BONUS is the best kept secret since Houdini...

"Learn REAL MAGIC...
The Way of The Bad Ass
Being a Bad Ass Will Enrich Your Soul,
Delight Your Heart, and
Make You More Money"

FREE=> $67 product


Um, "the way of the badass"? Is this even for real?

And there's that bogus "Dr." business again.

Yeah right, he's a "Dr".... of "success".... it's a TACTIC to try and get YOUR $$.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/27/2010 11:15PM by helpme2times.

Re: Dave Lakhani, Ben Mack, NLP, Persuasion, Boot Camp, Abuse
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: January 27, 2010 11:31PM

The Anticult
The blog posts say something about Ben Mack being into NLP, in the abusive sense of using it to try to control, manipulate and influence others.
Some interesting comments to that blog (see link above) criticizing the ESP BootCamp....

You did every thing the proper way. To be treated like that, I'd leave too and never look back!

He doesn't deserve respect when he cannot give it.

However I feel there is a fundamental difference between what I suspect Ben does and what I currently do.

I seek to control or influence very little, and contribute tons.

I've done the control game, trying to stay in control, to trying to control or "influence" others.

The Control Game is a loosing game, one driven by fears and insecurities. One that many NLP players and guru's get sucked into.

But as long as he's playing the game that I suspect he is, it's gonna be more of a circus than real fulfilling show.

Very strange indeed. Maybe the person took their anger out on you because they were already upset for not having things done on time. This does not excuse the behavior. You said it was the organizer who said this? Not the actual speaker?
If It was me, I would have answered back, "Yes, I am afraid to walk in front of a video camera that is filming because it is RUDE to do so AND I WILL NOT get out...I paid for this and I have a right to stay and to hear it".

I guess I'm just jaded ... always have been ... but I never bought into any of those "think yourself rich" claims.

Let's face it. Anyone putting on seminars, making cd's, selling information is doing it MOSTLY for one reason -- MONEY. I'm sure there are good people out there that honestly want to help others, but mostly it's a "business".

I think the host (organizer's) behavior was abominable. Not at all mature and respectful of another fellow human being.... I would not have let some irresponsible and misplaced abusive comment put me out after I had driven all that distance. I would have also confronted him on a break and told him he owed me an apology. Ben has made comments to me on calls that I had to make a decision right then whether to be offended and feel hurt or just let it go and roll off. I chose the latter. I noticed I had less gusto for participating the next time.

He looked bad....

Ben Mack uses a fake/bogus "Dr" title to try to appeal to authority
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 27, 2010 11:53PM

Well, Ben Mack is just another internet scammer.

Of course Bernays talked about using "authority" in advertising, the appeal to authority is one of the main aspects of persuasion.
Another example is when they put actors in white coats to pretend to be doctors in TV commercials.

What guys like Ben Mack don't tell people though, is when you use a FAKE and bogus "Dr." title personally, and people find out about it, then you lose all credibility.
Like "Dr." Joe Vitale, the guy is not any kind of "Dr." he is a scam artist.

Or when Dave Lakhani tries to claim he is an NLP Master Practitioner, no he isn't. Maybe in his own mind he is, but not in reality.

When you lie in your marketing, then you lose all trust of the customer.

Don't expect Ben Mack to say things that make sense, he deliberately messes around with weird ideas to try and mess with peoples heads. Not too many people are going to fall for his bullshit, a few might.
Its the old baffle them with bullshit method.

That being said, what he said about Dave Lakhani is quite accurate.

What Ben Mack says about Dave Lakhani Subliminal Persuasion, in this case is accurate including the Lakhani tactic of trying to do a Pattern-Interrupt.
QUOTE: "Dave Lakhani demonstrates how to pre-frame a prospect to step into your greased chute. Dave explains why and how you NEED to lead your prospect by the hand into your sales-system... which can't look like a sales system."

That is EXACTLY what Dave Lakhani and many others do. They deceive you and pre-frame the sales prospect (you) and lead you by the hand to take a tiny step into their concealed sales-system, then you fall down the GREASED CHUTE of their hidden sales system. That is what Byron Katie does too.
These guys think its terrific...extreme manipulative deception and lies to take your money.

Re: Dave Lakhani, cult mind control tactics, covert manipulation
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: January 28, 2010 02:14AM

'Its the old baffle them with bullshit method.'

Which pretty much sums up all these guys and all their ploys and methods.
I have to dust off my critical thinking hat and keep it on my head!

Re: Dave Lakhani, Ben Mack, NLP, Success University, Twitter
Posted by: buffman ()
Date: January 28, 2010 05:44AM

Mr. Mack made a little statement on Twitter (a "Tweet", for those who don't know the lingo) just yesterday, as if he's been reading our posts in this forum:

they tease w/ "More to come on 'Dr.' Ben Mack...." i go by "Dr." Ben Mack. i swiped the Dr. tactic from Edward Bernays []
about 24 hours ago from web


Just a warning--when I tried going to in Firefox, it came up as a reported attack site. See []

"What is the current listing status for

Site is listed as suspicious - visiting this web site may harm your computer.

Part of this site was listed for suspicious activity 1 time(s) over the past 90 days.

What happened when Google visited this site?

Of the 37 pages we tested on the site over the past 90 days, 4 page(s) resulted in malicious software being downloaded and installed without user consent. The last time Google visited this site was on 2010-01-26, and the last time suspicious content was found on this site was on 2010-01-26.

Malicious software includes 5 exploit(s). Successful infection resulted in an average of 1 new process(es) on the target machine.

Malicious software is hosted on 2 domain(s), including,

1 domain(s) appear to be functioning as intermediaries for distributing malware to visitors of this site, including

This site was hosted on 1 network(s) including AS21844 (THEPLANET).

Has this site acted as an intermediary resulting in further distribution of malware?

Over the past 90 days, did not appear to function as an intermediary for the infection of any sites.

Has this site hosted malware?

No, this site has not hosted malicious software over the past 90 days.

How did this happen?

In some cases, third parties can add malicious code to legitimate sites, which would cause us to show the warning message."

Run a good anti-spyware program like AdAware or Spybot Search and Destroy as well as your Antivirus program if you visited that site.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2010 05:47AM by buffman.

Re: Dave Lakhani, Ben Mack, NLP,
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: January 28, 2010 06:09AM

Mr. Mack made a little statement on Twitter (a "Tweet", for those who don't know the lingo) just yesterday, as if he's been reading our posts in this forum:

they tease w/ "More to come on 'Dr.' Ben Mack...." i go by "Dr." Ben Mack. i swiped the Dr. tactic from Edward Bernays []
about 24 hours ago from web

Just a warning--when I tried going to in Firefox, it came up as a reported attack site. See []

I use a MAC computer, so this sort of thing isn't an issue for me.... but for PC people, this could be bad news.

Sorry, folks.

Thanks for the heads up, Buffman.

Warren Whitlock, Ben Mack, NLP, Viagra for sale
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: January 28, 2010 05:49PM

The has admitted the site was carrying malware, malicious software.

QUOTE: You may have recently seen a Security Warning for this site.
...We have Wordpress Blog software installed in an unused folder and it was not up to date.
Hit by badware which we removed and clean up. Days later, we were still seeing the warnings due to caches. ....

Should one believe them, that it was an accident? Dubious at best. Maybe it was a mistake, probably it was intentional.
Some of these sites allow malware for tracking purposes on their sites, they can make money off that.

That website, ironically, is also trying to covertly install mental viruses in people, not just software viruses.
For example, he has written the phrase...

QUOTE: "I suggest you head over to the Teleseminar Nation web site now"

That is a standard, typical attempt at embedded command language patterns. He even uses the word SUGGEST and NOW, which are from hypnosis, which can been seen in many others places as well.

Also, they are using some type of SPOOFING on that website.
For example, if you search Google for their website
something weird happens.
The title page says...
[This is Google's cache of []. It is a snapshot of the page as it appeared on 18 Jan 2010 11:05:24 GMT]
free generic viagra, viagra for sale in kansas city
viagra on sale
cheapest viagra uk
viagra tabs
viagra side effects
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Then there is a HUGE list of links selling viagra.
Right below the dozens of viagra links is the Warren Whitlock website. So the viagra sales links were inserted above the website, to make money off link click referrals.

So someone is spoofing the website with viagra links to make money, they are inserting mental viruses in people's minds to try and make money, so its only logical they deliberately inserted the malicious software on the website to make money.

Its very likely that most of the covert persuasion techniques websites are also using covert malware on their websites as well. They are actually very similar.
They are slipping programs into your mind/computer without your awareness to make money. If they will try to slip the mind-viruses into your mind without your awareness, of course they will try to slip computer viruses into your computer to make money, if they think they can get away with it.

Want proof?
Search Google for these terms, and you can see the website before they changed it:
Search Google for these strings:

"free generic viagra, viagra for sale in kansas city"

"free generic viagra, viagra for sale in kansas city" warren


"Warren Whitlock" viagra

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 01/28/2010 05:56PM by The Anticult.

Re: Warren Whitlock, Ben Mack,,
Posted by: helpme2times ()
Date: January 28, 2010 09:40PM

The Anticult
The has admitted the site was carrying malware, malicious software.
I found this on Warren Whitlock's Twitter:

"while the is nothing naughty on [], we are on every badware list out there. bots please have mercy on my site"
~about 11 hours ago from HootSuite

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