If not the ROC, then WHERE ?
Posted by: MyJesus ()
Date: November 08, 2009 12:08AM

Noone is Perfect. If not the ROC, then Where? Especially a Church that lifts up Marriages.....Lifts up The Wife in a Marriage? Gives comfort to the Marriage in "addiction".....What Church offers Christian Council for that? Talking is fine once a month....BUT, if not the Roc, Where?
I do believe the ROC does help People...Many People...Perhaps not Allll the People. What Church does?

Re: If not the ROC, then WHERE ?
Posted by: rrmoderator ()
Date: November 08, 2009 01:50AM


The overwhelming majority of churches don't have the complaints and problems that ROC seems to have.

Fining a church where there are bylaws that provide for genuine democratic church government is a good start. There should be an elected board voted on by the general membership and serving fixed terms. The board can hold the pastor and staff accountable, manage the money and if necessary discipline or fire people, including the pastor.

Financial transparency is a good safety measure. That is, annually published budgets that disclose in detail how all church funds are spent, including all salaries, compensation and expenses. This should be distributed annually to all contributors.

Educational requirements for staff is also helpful. Most churches require an accredited college degree and post graduate work at a seminary before ordination. This insures that pastors know there bible and understand the context and history of scripture. Training for counseling is also important for pastors who counsel families and married couples.

Most major evangelical denominations also have an added layer of organizational accountability. This provides another check and balance. Member churches are also expected to doctrinally sound.

Some of the evangelical Christian denominations that don't generate serious complaints like ROC and do have these safeguards are the Evangelical Free Church, Southern Baptist Convention, Assemblies of God, Church of the Nazarene, American Baptist Convention and Missouri Synod Lutheran Church.

Thankfully there are so many churches to choose from in virtually any city or town in the US. And they typically have bible studies, outreach, support groups, couples counseling and so many other community projects.

Re: If not the ROC, then WHERE ?
Posted by: elbruce ()
Date: November 10, 2009 01:27AM

Frankly, almost all Christian support and provide comfort and counseling for marriage and addiction issues. So to answer your question, just about anywhere, that's where.

Re: If not the ROC, then WHERE ?
Posted by: Darleen ()
Date: November 10, 2009 05:17AM

Noone is Perfect. If not the ROC, then Where? Especially a Church that lifts up Marriages.....Lifts up The Wife in a Marriage? Gives comfort to the Marriage in "addiction".....What Church offers Christian Council for that? Talking is fine once a month....BUT, if not the Roc, Where?
I do believe the ROC does help People...Many People...Perhaps not Allll the People. What Church does?

Re: If not the ROC, then WHERE ?
Posted by: Darleen ()
Date: November 10, 2009 05:27AM

looks like no........NOTHING is PERFECT..........anything that goes strictly by the Bible will be quesitoned..........
I love The ROC because it is for "real people" with "real issues" - keepin' it real...........why do most Pastor's try
to lure their congregation with sideskirting types of messages to promote and massage man's ego and elevate
the congregation with false expectations and ideas that promote the numbers, but are just serving those attendee's and not going out to do what God's word really says to do...........answer that one and if that ain't a cult then I don't know what is.............anything promoting something good is of God.............I like where I can feel like I am accepted and loved regardless of my faults and sins.........for we all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God............
we all breathe the same air and we all have the same stuff to go through...........there's not one person that could ever be perfect enough to do precisely what the Bible says to do........but, we must at least give it our best shot.........I love going to The ROC and hearing a message like I am in a Police Precinct getting my assignment..........am I gonna be perfect at it?! Probably not........anyone that says they are perfect is not attending The ROC.....Jesus was it and anyone that says otherwise is operating under some cult like fanatical............................
how about Christian Scientists or Catholics.........................it's really what is inside of a person that God really is after and all is answered at The ROC......................I am attending a place where my Pastor is the most humble and loving man who is driven to do what the bible says.................is that a cult?! or a crime............sometimes people can't handle the realness there..........I am tired of attending churches that are fake and phony..............The ROC is it for me!!!

Re: If not the ROC, then WHERE ?
Posted by: NowIsee ()
Date: November 30, 2009 10:35AM


OH PLEASE!!! You are apparently new to the ROC. God bless you and your efforts. Continue to serve others until God uncovers your eyes.
If you are ok with serving god at a place where the leadership is involved in everything from: Immorality, adultery, misappropriation of funds,
lying, cursing......the list goes on and on, then you go right ahead and stay. Most people are more comfortable at a "church" where they are
accepted for who they are and can continue in their sin without being held accountable. Study at any web site the 10 characteristics of a
CULT and you will find that the ROC covers 10 out of 10. If you don't see it yet, its only because you're not deeply involved yet. You say
your "pastor" is "the most humble man" that does what the Bible says...humble huh? That would explain his face plastered on the side of
trailers. Not to mention that he made hundreds of copies of a nomination form for a Richmond magazine and passed them out for everyone to
fill out with his name on it.......Real Humble. Oh..you did'nt know about that, did you. Thats ok...you're new, it will come to you.

My JESUS starts with a "J" not a "g".

Stay focused on CHRIST.

In Christ,


If you have more post please post it on the original massage board of The Richmond Outreach Center

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