Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: ResearchingTruth ()
Date: February 09, 2010 12:48AM

@PrescotteNews just tweeted:

"Evidently, there will be no bail hearing on Friday for James Arthur Ray, according to staff in Judge Darrow's office. Hmm... wonder why?"

James Arthur Ray - "private and confidential financial information"
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 09, 2010 12:49AM

Fascinating about the protective order on James Ray "private and confidential financial information".

If they lower the bond, then obviously the guy has stashed millions somewhere not in his name.
(Or he was lying and exaggerating about how much JRI was making to make himself seem like he was a bigshot)
Its probably both.
As stated, these LGAT seminar Gurus always try to hide their money in various complex trusts and who knows what.
This will be a test case to see if all of their "hide your money" techniques work, or if they are also scams.

James Ray wants to hide this information from the public, because if he really doesn't have any assets in his name, then even his own fans are going to question all of the "wealth" claims he's made for years, bragging about his millions. James Ray can't "cry poverty" like others and get away with it, due to his own marketing of his business.

Maybe some reporters will get their hands on that information at some point.
But its probably a combination of exaggeration and hiding money. These LGAT Gurus always exaggerate how "rich" they are as that is their salespitch to their customers. They talk about their homes, cars, and everything, but often all of that stuff is leased, or in hawk.
At the same time, they are hiding assets in the name of their cat offshore, with their brother, and anywhere else they can.

Wasn't there a quote from James Ray's people trying to walk that fine line, first saying something like, James Ray is not a wealthy man, and then trying to fudge that?
They are caught in a double-bind.
Anyone else could just say they are broke.
But not the phoney LGAT seminar Guru who has bragged about being rich for years, they have to try to make their fans believe they are rich, and the judge believe they are broke, and keep that information secret.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2010 12:59AM by The Anticult.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: ResearchingTruth ()
Date: February 09, 2010 01:04AM

Those LGAT gurus love to say, and instill "Fake it till you make it". Perhaps he's been faking it all along, and now he's just "made it" to jail.

Re: James Arthur Ray - "private and confidential financial information"
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 09, 2010 01:08AM

Name Lynne LaMaster
Location Prescott, AZ []

Maybe she will be able to find out why there is no bail hearing?

Re: James Arthur Ray - "private and confidential financial information"
Posted by: ResearchingTruth ()
Date: February 09, 2010 01:11AM

The Anticult
Name Lynne LaMaster
Location Prescott, AZ []

Maybe she will be able to find out why there is no bail hearing?

Maybe, would be nice to know. But that could prove difficult with the protective order on his financial details.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: February 09, 2010 01:18AM

I noticed also that there are reports on twitter of people still receiving promotional emails from JRI for upcoming events--this could either be a pre-programmed autoresponder sending out an email string or could indicate that JRI intends to continue trading, no matter what happens to DeathRay.
There is clearly some financial fancy footwork being attempted here.

Incidentally, I've been reading up on how Scientology responded to a death in their care, Lisa McPherson, in the mid nineties:

NY Times Lisa McPherson

and it seems Rays attorneys are copying the CoS in presenting their evidence (the Whitewash Papers) before an arrest has been made.

'The church hired its own medical experts. Its lead lawyers in the criminal case, Ms. Vaughan and Lee Fugate, said in an interview that those experts disagreed with Dr. Wood. By their account, the church's doctors determined that Ms. McPherson's death was unrelated to her stay at the retreat. The lawyers declined to identify the experts. '

"Police officials declined to discuss their findings, but the results are expected to be turned over to the prosecutors in December.

State Attorney Bernie McCabe, the chief prosecutor for the county, will decide whether criminal charges are warranted. Before making his decision, Mr. McCabe said in an interview, he will take the unusual step of allowing Scientology's lawyers to present the results of their investigation, including analyses by several forensic pathologists.

''Does it happen every day that the defense presents its evidence before charges are filed?'' Mr. McCabe said. ''No. But not to avail yourself of an opportunity to review the defense's evidence before making a decision would be foolish.''

James Arthur Ray "lust to control" Froma Harrop, women hypnosis Oprah
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: February 09, 2010 01:52AM

Its really hard to believe that the bond is going to be lowered, with so many reports that JRI made 9 million in the last year. Its his company, James Ray International, but who knows, maybe the company is in his brothers name or something, or maybe the company has burned through all its money with complex money games.

If Death Ray gets out on bail, then are they going to allow him to still run seminars? Because these things move so slowly, if he gets out on bail, he could be running other seminars, even wilderness seminars, and bilking more people to pay his costs.
And if James Ray International is still running seminars, and people get HURT at those seminars, then what?
What if someone attends a James Ray International seminar, even without James Ray there, but using his methods, and something happens to them and they get injured?

But the current James Ray inner circle and remaining fans are going to PAY PAY PAY. They are going to be bilked and milked of everything JRI can get from them.

Here is an interesting article below, where the writer STARTS to see some of the perverse dynamic going on with these New Wage Gurus...especially how often the targets of the New Wage predators are female. That is no accident, many women (not all of course) can much more susceptible to hypnosis and trance techniques, and there are hundreds of techniques out there now on this.
(Search Google for: hypnosis women)

She also uses a good phrase below..."lust to control" on the part of the New Wage Guru. That is very very accurate, and its even greater than that. The New Wage Guru has a perverse and sadistic lust and fetish to control.
Sadly, that also seems to play into certain vulnerable persons regressive instincts to be controlled, as she also hints at.
One would think that more well-known advocates for women would speak up about the dangers of getting lured in and exploited by these male and female New Wage Gurus, and exactly how they do it, and get that information printed in mainstream media.
But no, instead, those mainstream media do what Oprah did. They do the exact opposite. Like Oprah, they put the obvious predators like James Ray on their TV shows, and shill for them. Oprah released a statement saying she didn't know anything about James Ray.
First off, that is bullshit, as even the Oprah message boards had SERIOUS COMPLAINTS about James Ray BEFORE he appeared on her TV show. That was found in 5 seconds and posted here years ago.
February 17, 2007
"Oprah just crowned this sleazy salesman James Ray the new Werner Erhard. There were some horrible complaints about this guy on the Oprah boards, people getting ripped off 10K, and lots of people burning their feet in his "fire-walk" and not being allowed to go to the hospital."

The Oprah producers don't read their own message boards?
They don't do any research?
No, they all want a piece of the action themselves.
And the media lays off Oprah, for their own corporate reasons.
Meanwhile, the complaints about James Ray were on Oprah's own website message boards, and Oprah and her producers gave NO WARNING and asked NO QUESTIONS to James Ray.
That is not a mistake, its their policy, they do the same with Scientology. No critics allowed.
Oprah and her producers served up thousands of vulnerable people to James Arthur Ray, and they don't care, they just deny everything.

Froma Harrop
Off in the New Age

"A growing business in New Age travel serves a largely middle-age and female clientele. The itineraries include such "energy hot spots" as Stonehenge, the Egyptian pyramids and Sedona, famous for its gorgeous red rock formations...

The New Age gurus are mostly men, who attract mostly women with their sensitive veneer and exotic air. Some have long hair. Some wear flowing robes. Ray has X-ray eyes. These master marketers try to exude a mystical power and induce others to put their faith in them.

A lust to control on the guru's part seems to combine with the follower's desire to be controlled. (Where rigorous ritual ends and cult begins is not always a clear line.) In one exercise, Ray tells people to put an arrow against their necks and then lean on it. (Before starting a dangerous exercise, he has participants sign a waiver freeing him of all liability should they get hurt.)
Anyone could have left the Sweat Lodge early, but Ray had warned that anyone who did could not return. His devotees did not want to cross their leader.
History is full of intelligent and prosperous people doing very self-destructive things at the commands of self-made gods....

From The Detroit News: []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2010 01:59AM by The Anticult.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: February 09, 2010 01:56AM

The charges, after protracted legal wrangling, were eventually dropped in the McPherson case:

wiki McPherson

Re: James Arthur Ray - nonprofit organization?
Posted by: JimmyProfit ()
Date: February 09, 2010 10:06AM

In addition to the 'institute,' Ray also has this:


It's "The Institute of Balanced and Integrated Spirituality." The website claims it's a non-profit. James Ray's 'Modern Magick' event seems connected.

Here's a quote:

The IBIS Vision

We are a spiritual movement dedicated to the experience, mastery and integration of the four worlds of existence—transpersonal, intellectual, emotional and physical. We accomplish this intention by incorporating and utilizing a wide variety of traditions and esoteric thought to merge timeless truths and customs with modern technology and insights. Members are taught to explore, experience firsthand, and deepen their personal relationship with their Creative Source through study, discipline and ritual.

The IBIS Purpose

Knowing we all come from the One Source and are therefore all connected, we transform the planet by transforming the individual. As we are lifted up, we lift up the entire world."

What's your take on this?

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: February 09, 2010 04:42PM

YCSO seek a gag order, and the hearing to drop the amount of bail is postponed (from Prescott enews):

gag order

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 02/09/2010 04:43PM by Stoic.

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