James Ray is not as stupid as he may appear at first glance, but as I said long ago, he really is a 3rd-rate manipulator/persuader. He is nowhere near the skills of the more advanced people, who are able to evade getting in serious trouble, and keep going for decades making millions.
James Ray was able to select easy-targets from The Secret and from being on Oprah, and ruthlessly exploit them. His sociopathic personality kept him moving forward, even after many injuries and the recent death of Colleen Conaway during his seminar. It seems the astounding arrogance of James Ray made him think he could get away with it, with disclaimers with a "death clause" in them.
James Ray ordered his "employees" not to talk to him, as that is his power-trip. Many of these LGAT guru's get their employees to do their laundry, clean toilets, and do anything they ask of them. That is part of the POWER structure. Its part of their training to lie for him too, when ordered. It makes James Ray seem like a superman to the employees, and they will do anything to please him and get his attention. It also makes sure all communication is ONE-WAY, from James Ray to them.
As far as James Ray not doing any interviews and fleeing the scene without talking to the police, that is how James Ray does it. For example, when Colleen Conaway died during his seminar, he got out of there fast, and they called their lawyers, and covered it up from the rest of that staff, which has been shown from many sources. James Ray knows when bad things happen, just get out of there, don't say anything, and deny everything, which worked for him until recently.
The Harmonic Wealth stuff to James Ray is just "content". He knows its hogwash, but you have to have a "content" to distract people's conscious minds. That is the first thing you learn...they call it Belief Systems or BS. So all of the James Ray Harmonic Wealth BS is literally just "content" meant to occupy peoples minds. Anyone who studies advanced persuasion learns that right away.
The overt "content" is not the real message, its actually a distraction, and is often used to create confusion and misdirection.
Like when a magician is telling you to look at his right hand, that is to allow the left hand to do the trick.
Watch this basketball video experiment to see this in action. [
James Ray knew people were dead after the sweat lodge, that is why he got out of there so fast.
Not speaking to the police on the scene or after, is actually a very clever thing for James Ray to have done, as James Ray knows that professional investigators are not going to be fooled by his Stories. He knows they will catch him up.
And why did he leave behind all that stuff? FEAR, he was scared shitless about what could happen to him, and got out of there probably on the advice of some attorney. The attorney probably would tell him, say nothing, and leave. James Ray is not stupid. He knows if his hired pro's can create enough fog, confusion, and uncertainy, he might be able to totally get away with it, even on a technicality.
The stuff above from Dave Lakhani, about James Ray's "intent" is doublespeak and misdirection.
James Ray had a seriously BAD INTENT to exploit vulnerable people for his own profit, no matter the cost to those people. He was one of the most deliberate, obvious, and vicious practioners of this level of persuasion and mind-control, who wanted to "experiment" and take it as far as it can be taken.
Of course James Ray didn't plan to spend the rest of his life in prison for 1st degree.
But James Ray knew many people had been SERIOUSLY hurt at his seminars in the past, and he knew Colleen Conaway died during his seminar which they covered up. Also, its now been proven that James Ray trained his salespeople to look for the vulnerabilites in his clients and ruthlessly EXPLOIT them.
He also was deliberately pushing people into "near-death" experiences, and one can think about the reasons for that. On top of that, he was dressing up like God, and ordering people to die, and the rest of it. So the POWER was going to his head.
Why push people to the edge of death? Why block them from help when they were in serious distress?
Why put a "death clause" in your contract? [
Why cover up a recent death during a recent seminar?
The only reasonable conclusion is this person was knowingly pushing people to the edge of death, and even into death, for his own reasons. Maybe he thought having a "death waiver" [
forum.culteducation.com] would allow him to conduct seminars in which people died.
Maybe he thought that since people die climbing Everest, then why can't they die at his seminars?
After all, nothing happened to him after Colleen Conaway died during his seminar.
Anyone claiming that James Ray had any type of good "intent" to his clients/victims, is either willingly delusional, or is being dishonest. Obviously, James Ray's "intent" was to find vulnerable people, and then exploit the hell out of them at all costs. ALL costs.
Read his disclaimer, they knew exactly how people were getting injured physically, financially, and even dying.
To try and reframe that into any type of postive or non-exploitative "intent" is despicable.
Every crook claims good "intent", and some of them believe it. The car-jacker didn't "intend" to shoot you, he says its YOUR fault for trying to resist.
Even people who start wars always claim their "intent" is self-defense of their country. That is called propaganda.
This nonsense about "intent" is a deliberate Red Herring, a self-righteous attempt to say...those other guys are bad because I say they are, but me and my buddies have a Holy "intent" and are thus OK...so buy our stuff.
Every single exploitative persuader and manipulator claims they have a positive "intent" to help people. Even when busted red-handed, and convicted to sent to the grey-bar hotel, they still keep claiming they were innocent, were framed..etc.
If people are being EXPLOITED, that is what matters, not the imagined "intent" of the persuader. Every single one of these persuader-manipulators tells the public they have a positive "intent".
Name one who doesn't?
StoicA good blog on Ray from Salty Droid info, The Anticult gets a mention. Disclaimer: the language can get a bit ripe on this site so be warned:
salty droid blog(Ther is an imbedded vid on Ray here, visit the site to watch)
salty droid blogWhy?
1. Maybe he’s block stupid? I know that The Anticult is going to be all like :: “No he’s not! These are sophisticated techniques that can’t be pulled off by your average person. There are sophisticated criminals behind all the fronts and facades.” Okay :: true enough … usually. But :: but :: his employees aren’t allowed to talk to him. He’s yet to do a single interview {doesn’t he love the sound of his own voice?}. He didn’t seem to notice people were dead after the sweat lodge. One of the “five pillars” of Harmonic Wealth is “relational” {holy sheesh that’s dumb!}. He said nothing in his own defense to the police :: and then left his passport :: steroids :: and anti-herpes medicine behind.
The Droid thinks that maybe a few of the clones of clones :: like Death Ray here :: do have some of the stupid in them.
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 01/14/2010 02:35PM by The Anticult.