Here a little more about how the advanced NLP persuasion people think.
James Arthur Ray has studied their methods very carefully.
Richard Bandler's partner is John La Valle, who is also co-author of the book Persuasion Engineering. The advertising material out there by John La Valle is really disgusting, frankly. He uses a lot of deliberate Confusion and embedded suggestions about "not being in a deep enough trance yet" to take advantage of naive people in the public who have no idea of what he does or can do.
Below is a taste from an online chat about so-called DHE, which is along the same lines. There is so much deliberate distortion and being intentionally vague, with of course the goal to lure people into the expensive seminars, where you have NO IDEA of what these guys are really doing to you, and how they are rearranging the core concepts in your mind.
What is interesting here is that Ross Jeffries from Speed Seduction is in the chat. Ross Jeffries is discussed on this forum, as Speed Seduction comes right out of the NLP persuasion area.
"The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community" []
Rest assured that James Arthur Ray studied all of the NLP based "Speed Seduction" as well, and modified it to groups of people, and for one-on-one use with his own staff.
Notice below the contempt that Ross Jeffries displays for the "dim-wits" who fall for the DISTRACTION and miss what is really going on. The "content" is the distraction. In this case, DHE is the distraction.
Of course, they reframe it as a "gift" which is the identical language used by Tony Robbins, for example.
In reality, the CONTENT is the DISTRACTION, while the engineering of unconscious consent is what is really going on. The content is meant to occupy and distract your mental focus, EXACTLY in the same was as shown above.
Inattentional blindness []
John La Valle of course knows that is what is going on, and he thinks it hilarious, as he says below...ROFL, Rolling On Floor Laughing, to the comments about people being dim-wits.
At least Ross Jeffries admits that he really believes the NLP students/clients are dim-wits.
Guys who do this stuff for a living for years on end, they do think its absolutely hilarious what "dim-wits" people are, as they just believe and follow the CONTENT, utterly clueless about the real persuasion engineering occurring.
They can't see the 800 lb gorilla right in front of their eyes, as they are caught up with the deliberate misdirection and content distraction.
That is what Byron Katie does, with the nondual hocus pocus, its a cognitive distraction to occupy the conscious mind.
But the public are not dim-wits, although the raw IQ intelligence of the persuaders is very high.
But the people are not dim-wits. They are just UNTRAINED and have been deceived and lied to. If anything, the people are just way too TRUSTING and decent people, who would never think that their Speaker-Guru-Trainer is lying his/her ass off all day long.
Its like putting a civillian in the ring with a trained martial artist, and they will get clobbered. Its not that the civilian is a dim-wit, they are totally untrained in the martial art.
But the NLP advanced persuasion perpetrator calls them dim-wits, when in fact the fault lies in their own lying and exaggeration to the public, to make more sales.
If the NLP students/clients are dim-wits, then the NLP trainers are manipulative slime-balls and professional liars.
That is literally, exactly, precisely, what James Arthur Ray does. All of his "content" is simply deliberate misdirection. That is the model he has used to do what he does.
Sadly, as the public/media has no training or awareness in these areas, they don't see it.
That is what the professional persuaders find so hilarious, they roll on the floor laughing.
(John La Valle is "PureNLP")
RossJ Uh... well... I always chunk up and ask, "What is Richard really attempting to do as he distracts us with something that we THINK it is really all about?"
PureNLP Ross, that works.
RossJ That's my way of understanding him... he leads us by what we can accept all the while sneaking in the real magic... and all the while the dimwits are thinking the distractions are the heart of it... never realizing just what a gift he is giving people....
PureNLP Real magic?
Jonathan Not really dimwits ;) lets give people credit for being amazing learning machines....
RossJ Taking people beyond what they expected so they can then ask, "What do I want to design in now?" Jon: they are dimwits IMHO
PureNLP He's been doing it for years
Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 11/15/2009 06:12PM by The Anticult.