Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: July 03, 2011 05:45PM

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: July 04, 2011 03:30AM

A first-hand, inside view of the court process from an ordinary observer, the sound technician who worked the sound for the video feed. There are some interesting first hand comments on her impressions of brief brushes with DeathRay:


'Dennis our cameraman who was working the courtroom throughout the trial also worked the outside trailer on Mondays since the judge had ruled Mondays would be a day off in the courtroom. Greg had told me that I’d enjoy working with Dennis, that he would make me feel right at home cause he made friends with everyone easily, always making it his business to know everyone in the wherever he worked. I was also warned that he was a prankster and quite a comedian.

Greg couldn’t have been more accurate! The first day I worked with Dennis on the LIVE hits in the outside trailer, after admitting that I was not a fan of bugs, he quickly disappeared to his car to grab a hand full of plastic black cockroaches and upon his speedy return to the trailer, strategically placed a few of them on the seat that I was planning to sit on. Scared the hell outta me — BIG laugh for both of us!

In the courtroom, he had the very strict bailiff in the courtroom and everyone else, cracking up with his replies during her instructions on conduct after each recess. After a while, I think the bailiff actually looked forward to his antics. The barking cell phone, the hard candies he’d flaunt, blurting out choice comedic comments that all of us wished to say but didn’t have the guts to!

It’s safe to say that Dennis had said Hi or casually chatted being friendly to everyone for the exception of jurors and witnesses who were off limits by law. Dennis had gotten to know the whole working staff at Starbucks in Camp Verde plus folks working at the Out Of Africa Park, by name (tigers included) and most likely visa versa! Clearly, everybody loves Dennis!

I ran the audio in the trailer when one of the Court TV producers interviewed James Arthur Ray’s mother. No matter how one stands on their opinion on whether JAR is guilty or not, one could only feel compassion for his mother. She, like most moms out there, loves her son deeply and it was obvious by what she said, along with the emotion she displayed, that she could not even fathom how anyone could find JAR arrogant, let alone guilty. She stood firmly on her belief that it was all an accident and that her son never meant any harm. I felt her sincerity and sadness as she openly expressed for the victims and their families.

I remember making eye contact with James Ray for the first time in the courtroom. It was odd. The look was almost like he knew me and I felt very uncomfortable and turned away. I’m sure my knowing what he was being prosecuted for as well as having my own feelings about it promoted my discomfort but as the weeks went I never found his eyes soulful — for me, they were more like a shark’s eyes — nothing there. They were far from alluring.

Gotta add this — I found James Ray’s energy peculiarly strange, dark and yet overtly charismatic — more than the dangerous type — the kind of man that one could imagine women fawning over due to his presence. When he’d walk into the courtroom you knew it. I often imagined how he must have been when he was conducting his seminars when he was really “on” running his own show. What could he have been like with an air of power, fame and financial wealth when he was really riding high? The kind of authoritative figure that could trigger certain people to do whatever was put in front of them in order to make him proud of them. There were several witnesses that confirmed my original feels with their testimony to this. Wanting to show off for him as to get recognized out of the crowd so as to meet his approval. Even under the tensions of the circumstances in the courtroom, a bit of arrogance emanated from him.

Passing by JAR in the hallways, his opening the courtroom door for me once as well as walking down the stairs of the courthouse on the last day shoulder to shoulder with him, I felt oddly uneasy. I found myself taking precautions not to make eye contact with him but tried my best anyway to at least act relaxed and casual around him as my cohorts appeared to be but had no success with it. I never casually chatted with him either, unlike our producer Jim, cameraman Dennis and some reporters who were with us each day waiting in the hallway with JAR and his team before the courtroom doors opened every morning or during recesses. I never had a desire to chat with him.

Despite my own take on everything with the case and at times feeling abhorred by what I heard he did or didn’t do, I found myself feeling a bit of compassion for him — just couldn’t find my way into maintaining eye contact with the man. One day back in May, while many of us were waiting in the hallway to get back into the courtroom after lunch, someone on his team made a joke about something that had been said in testimony regarding the talking to ants. There were lawyers and reporters laughing out loud about it and I took a glance over to my left where James Ray was sitting about 6 ft. away from me reading a book to see if he was amused. He only looked over at them briefly and then stoically continued to read. What could he have been thinking, I wondered? (What book was he reading?) For a moment, I actually felt sad for him — his team laughing while his life, freedom and reputation were all on the line — just seemed a bit callous on their parts under the given circumstances with their client sitting right there. I found it inappropriate and distasteful.

During May and June, the courtroom was full of the same faces. Not just media and family members, but people who I guess wanted to be there every day to watch how all of this unfolded. Must mention that there were several Lakota tribe members sitting on our side of the courtroom for weeks. Many were taking notes besides listening to the accounts stated by witnesses. It became quite apparent over the course of the weeks of testimony that, James Ray’s so called “sweat lodge” was in truth a heat endurance test of some kind. I can only imagine the anguish and distress that all of this has brought upon the Indian nations. Some must feel extremely violated in that something so sacred as a sweat lodge, which is part of their history and spiritual beliefs, had been perverted into a heat endurance exercise where people needlessly lost their lives.

While I worked on this trial from April on, I overheard many people around me discussing their opinions on “sweat lodges,” and no offense, but most of their comments came out of ignorance. On occasion, I’d put my two cents in, trying to explain that James Ray’s version of a sweat lodge was not by any means even remotely close to an authentic lodge. As I did my best to describe the differences, they listened with nary a response.

For those who wonder or don’t know first hand, real authentic sweat lodges are safe when conducted by people who’ve put years into being students of sweat lodges and have studied with Indians. Those people understand their true spiritual and traditional meaning and absolutely know that it has very little to do with how hot you get the lodge. Back in 1999 in San Diego, Tom and I, my sister, several friends and others experienced a sweat lodge together. Tom and my sister had a history of having some experiences of their own been in sweat lodges and they were good ones. The person leading this lodge had studied the sweat lodge traditions with Indians for over 30 years.

There were 12 of us in the one we all attended, which included the leader. It cost us $30.00 each which paid for the space and the campsite we slept on that night. We were taught about the sweat lodge most of the day, we even made the sweat lodge ourselves with breathable blankets. We were also instructed and encouraged over and over again throughout the day by the leader of the lodge that if for any reason at all if we needed to leave the lodge, even during a round, all we needed to do was to say so and we would be let out. As a matter of fact, during the first round, one person did ask to leave and was excused without hesitation. The lodge was hot but not scorching as to feel your skin burning or not being able to breathe. It was more like a moist hot sauna and for me, it felt quite calming and nurturing. Four to five rocks were brought in at each round and before every round we were all led out of the lodge to drink water, splash water on ourselves and cool down before returning if we wanted to continue. There was never any peer pressure to go back in or not to leave. I believe we did six or seven rounds. This was not a heat endurance event. It was always about prayer, sharing intentions around the circle and other times just being in that still quiet space that felt relaxed and safe. No one became unconscious, (nor was warned they would), or dragged out of the lodge and no one was hosed down by someone else with the possible shock of cold water.

During the weeks we heard from witness after witness with coinciding recollections, doctors and medical examiners with graphic reports. For weeks the first two rows behind the prosecuting lawyers were filled with friends and family of the victims who had flown from across the country to be there. A lot of what we heard from the witness stand was distressing and how family members and friends managed to endure some of it was beyond me. We not only heard audio recordings of JAR explaining to the participants that day about what they were to expect in his version of a sweat lodge including all of his “rules” but we also heard audio recordings of a few of the deceased victims. These tapes were eerie to listen to but were all telling about the characters of the people speaking.

It was obvious to everyone who heard these recordings that the victims were intelligent, loving, caring individuals. The audio recording of James Shore really stands out in my memory as he stated his intentions of the kind of person he was focused on being in this lifetime. He was obviously living his intentions. It was stated several times by witnesses that despite his own weakened state, James Shore had been seen dragging an unconscious participant out of the tent himself, past JAR who was sitting near the door. Upon coming back into the tent, he bumped his head in which left a nasty bruise on his forehead that later the examiner would note. Exhausted and not feeling well himself, he returned inside the tent to sit/lie down next to Kirby Brown and spent the rest of his life — literally — comforting her. We learned that he had called out for help twice and both times denied. Many of the witnesses told the same story of how he held Kirby’s hand while hearing him say “sweet” encouraging things to her that everything was going to be fine. We all realized, as this information came pouring out of witness’s mouths, that while Kirby laid there dying, James took his last breaths alongside her filling his intention of wanting to be of service. It would be fair to say that James Shore lived his intentions of conducting his life with pure love, compassion and integrity right up to the moment he passed — God bless him.

The arguments, discussions and the composing of statements agreed by both parties with the judge to “fix” inappropriate things said by either party in front of the jury was educational. There is a lot that the jury did not hear. I’m sure this is fairly common although I learned from the people I was around that some of this was excessive. In these moments, I learned some things about how our judicial system works in a courtroom and it answered a lot of questions I had regarding why certain pieces of information were not allowed to be included in this case. Not hard to note that a few of the lawyers couldn’t stand each other and some of what they put on the record sounded like preteens fighting.

The discussions with the Court TV crew, CNN producers and correspondents during these months were just as, if not more, stimulating. Most everyone I worked with had been with Court TV for 10, 12 and 18 years. One producer Jim Kyle, who is a terrific guy, had worked with NBC and Dateline for many years as both an editor and producer. They’d seen it all and their comments, stories and opinions regarding everything to do with this case as verses other trials they’d worked on, was an education unto itself. I loved it. I found everyone from Court TV/CNN crew to be upstanding, honorable and respectful professionals.

I think I counted four times in which I heard the defense request a mistrial and from what I learned about the law, the judge could have easily granted it to them especially the first time they asked back in April. It was all the buzz back then on Court TV. All the correspondents were completely convinced that the judge was no doubt going to call a mistrial due to a Brady Rule offence. Description reads — “Suppression of exculpatory evidence in a criminal case — the failure of prosecutors to reveal exculpatory evidence to defendants and their attorneys which may result in an unjust conviction.” The defense team made sure that this hung over the prosecuting lawyers throughout the rest of the trial. Regardless of what side one thinks is just, there are rules to how our judicial system works and certainly none of us would want to be a defendant subject to a court in which rules were broken thus possibly in the end, being wrongly judged.

Running sound the days of the closing arguments was like watching a TV courtroom drama. The defense’s closing arguments was dramatic — not too far off from something we’d see on the show Boston Legal. I happen to be a fan of such TV dramas so I was certainly wide awake during that part! As far as casting, if the actor James Spader were Asian, he would have done a find job playing the defense lawyers Luis Lee. I have to say, Lee’s was dynamic in his closing.

My last day working with Court TV/CNN was the day that the verdict came in on Wednesday, June 22nd. When we learned that the jury had a verdict it was close to 2:30PM. News of the verdict coming in, worked its way down the crowed hallway from one person to the next and all of us quickly filed into the courtroom. The jury was due in at 2:50PM with the clerk announcing the verdict and as stated, the jurors came in only a minute or two shy of that.

We all listened quietly — James Ray’s parents, brother and entourage of friends and cohorts on one side, with family and friends of the victims on the other side in front of where we were set up in the back. The other media such as Dateline, Phoenix TV reporters, a photographer and press from the Arizona Republic Newspaper and other reporters including the L.A. Times, were there poised at their laptops. It felt like the room was holding it’s breath in anticipation before the verdicts were read.

After the clerk announced not guilty on the first count of Manslaughter but then guilty for Negligent Homicide, we all became aware that the jury had no doubt decided this on all three counts. As our predictions came true with the clerk continuing to announce guilty of Negligent Homicide, the defense team was visibly shaken. There was a sense of silent despair and shock from that side of the room. The side we were on, the victim’s family members and friends were quietly crying, consoling one another. One woman couldn’t help but discreetly stretch her arms up above her head several times with a gesture silently that conveyed “Yes! Thank you!”

Had I been a juror — you might ask me, did I agree on their decision?


The trial continued on June 28, 29th and the 30th without Court TV there to capture the scheduled witnesses who testified in front of the jury regarding the aggravating factors. These testimonies were extremely important in the jury and judge’s decision regarding the severity of James Ray’s sentence. In the end, the jury could only agree that James Arthur Ray was guilty on only one of the three counts of the aggravating factors in which was extreme emotional harm to the victims and their families plus one additional factor – that Ray had a unique position of trust – in the case of Liz Neuman. The judge finally dismissed the jury on the 30th and now it’s up to him to determine what the sentencing will be. The next court date is scheduled for July 25th although we are hearing that the sentencing might not take place until August. That means that JAR will have at least most of July to mull over what his life may be facing next. He may be given as little as probation, serve a few months or years in prison or face the full maximum sentence of nine years. The maximum eleven years was changed to nine years due to the jury’s verdict on the aggravating factors.

Many of my friends have asked me, do you think James Ray will be acquitted?

I think that if James Ray is sentenced to serve time in jail, his attorneys will definitely implore an appellate court and they might have substantial evidence on record to be granted one. Remember though, James Ray, if sentenced to serve time, will be in jail during this process. If an appeal is granted, his business will never be the same. He has been hit and his practices exposed.

Like maybe some of you reading this, I’m definitely into self introspect, wanting to learn, grow and expand more spiritually as well as alleviate anything within me that might hold up my successes in areas of my life in which I wish to attain. I’ve never been a self help junkie although I have admired many motivational speakers barring James Arthur Ray, whom I hadn’t heard of him prior to this tragedy probably cause I’m the only one on the planet who didn’t see the movie The Secret…lol. Being that I’ve been conducting my life with Religious Science of Mind and Unity practices, when The Secret came out, I just laughed and said, “Secret? The Secret is there IS no secret!” Religious Science of Mind and Unity have been teaching the law of attraction since their inception!

I’ve enjoyed my share of good self help like books. In the past, Tom and I both finished the whole Tony Robbins 25 audio program a few times, we’ve written in countless journals of gratitude, our thoughts and experiences for years. We studied Reiki, EFT and a few other modalities from some qualified individuals.

You would not find either of us spending $10,000 to attend a retreat such as James Ray’s Spiritual Warrior event. If we had a spare $10,000, we wouldn’t be spending it on a seminar believe me!

One of the ways in which I’ve been affected from having been amidst all of this for several months is – I don’t look at the Self Help world quite the same way anymore. Not that I ever thought that some motivational speaker was the end all answer. I’ve known way better than that. I just don’t think I’ll ever be signing up to fire walk or hot coals. Although one day, when it’s with a credible Native American leader, if I’m ever invited, will participate in a sweat lodge again.

Bear in mind that these statements below are to remind myself of things I’ve either known or have come to a deeper understanding of during this time. The following statements are in no way declarations of some kind of dogma or truth for you or anyone else — only for myself. People just keep asking me… did you learn anything from this experience. Here we go! AND If you’d like to add to this list, go for it! I’d LOVE for you to share them with me!

1. Keep your head about you and your heart open no matter how awesome people think you are. Any and all of us are subject to making wrong choices when we allow our ego to run amuck and guide our lives.

2. Stay conscious with your own set of boundaries. When you see red flags — wait, think and breathe…”Do not pass Go.” No one knows you like YOU know you. Follow your own instincts. AND always remember, it’s okay to say no OR yes regardless of other people pushing you one way or the other.

3. If you take on a leadership role, best to be a responsive and responsible one by putting those people who you are leading, first. No matter what, if you’re the leader, you are the person people are depending on and with that, you better be totally aware, on your game and ready to face anything head on responsibly.

4. Best to teach/preach/motivate by being the example or don’t put yourself in that position. You will be watched and you most likely will be judged.

5. The answers are not out there somewhere or from someone outside yourself. Messengers may have terrific messages but they themselves are not the answer. Most of those kinds of answers can be found by being still and quiet in prayer or/and meditation or just being out in nature on a hike or walk. If it’s about finding yourself, look in a mirror!

6. BALANCE. Anything in extreme is unnatural and will find it’s way back to the state of balance. You will find balance in environments of nature, our bodies and the Universe as a whole. Life is about balance. If continually pushed out of balance, circumstances will arise by taking extreme means in returning things or you, to a state of balance.

*I’ve viewed several clips of shows that James Ray had been on and over and over he states that he does not believe in “Balance.” Perhaps this is part of what this whole tragic scenario has been about for him as well as the events he’s held.

Being an optimist, I firmly believe that amidst this horrific tragedy, there are some positive things being born from it. Corrections are taking place. Balance is being returned and acknowledged. This tragedy shed light on and literally stopped the continuation of JAR events being held in which people have been harmed. Perhaps a true understanding regarding sweat lodges will come forth with some new respect to our Native American brothers and sisters. Hopefully this will start to end Charlatans from abusing this sacred ceremony for financial gain. With this, James Shore, Kirby Brown and Liz Neuman did not die in vein but rather heros to be celebrated.

If you want to keep updated on this case, visit the Tragedy of Sedona Facebook page. You’ll find info, comments, videos and updates on what James Arthur Ray s up to. A lot of people are watching his every move. Here is a recent post.

“JAR sent an email through the National Speakers Association’s email link (to the group of speaking professionals that have the Certified Speaking Professional designation) begging for his fellow speaker colleagues to send letters of support to the judge in testament to his character and commitment to doing good works.”


It will be fascinating to see how all of this pans out. Thank you for taking the time to read this. My best goes out to all the friends and families of the victims.'

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2011 03:31AM by Stoic.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: July 04, 2011 03:59AM

Another first hand account from a court observer regarding the tossing out of the aggravating factors.
'How Can He Do That? (Judge throws out aggravator)':


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2011 04:00AM by Stoic.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: July 04, 2011 04:29AM

Well, I've finally been converted. I believe in the LOA, here's the proof, reposted by Lousy Canuck from Twitter user @swskeptic (Rose Garcia) who has, so far, intended a guilty verdict. We have to wait on the chain gang outcome:

'Until the verdict comes in, I’m going to be focusing on manifesting for James Arthur Ray the opportunity to learn from another very charismatic leader who also has strong opinions about how people should live their lives. If there’s any justice in this country then by next week, James Arthur Ray should be playing full on with Arizona’s own sheriff Joe Arpaio. I think it’s fitting that a man who prescribed extreme experiences for other people should have an extreme incarceration experience himself. Therefore, I’m sending my intention out to the universe that James Ray will be given the opportunity to experience a transformation in the Arizona desert this summer with the harmonic justice of sheriff Joe. After listening to James Ray’s ‘teachings’ for 3 ½ months, I know he wouldn’t want me to send out some weanie intention to some wussy white collar prison. No. I think James Ray has attracted an incarceration as extreme as his workshops, and Sheriff Joe is the just the extreme kind of man for the job. Sherrif Joe’s ideas on justice are about as skewed and James Ray’s ideas on spirituality, so these two should attract each other. Instead of dealing out justice to the poor and the marginalized people of Arizona, my intention is that sheriff Joe use his sadistic skills to provide James Ray with a truly intense incarceration experience. And that’s at the bargain basement price of $2.00 / day.

The forecast for today in Maricopa County is 114 degrees, so this is the perfect time for a man who believed that intense heat was a path to a spiritual break-through can break through Sherriff Joe’s chain gang.'

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2011 04:31AM by Stoic.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: July 04, 2011 03:52PM

When the jury was released the judge asked them all to stay and talk to the press if they were willing. Only one apparently took up the offer:


"It all goes down to the jury's instructions. That's all we have; that's our bible," Lepacek said. "And if we can't, without a reasonable doubt, go after this reckless manslaughter, then you have to look at the next charge, and everybody was happy with that."

Dr. Matthew Dickson, who reviewed autopsy records and medical reports of the participants for the prosecution, gained major points with the jury because of his experience with heat-related illness and exposure to pesticides, Lepacek said.

Dickson testified he was 99-percent sure that heat caused the deaths, and that the signs and symptoms of the victims were inconsistent with exposure to organophosphates, a pesticide compound.

"It was a no-brainer there was heat," Lepacek said. "These people were baked."

Jurors heard four months of testimony that, for Lepacek, forced him to rearrange schedules for his children, miss out on some of their activities and stay seated for much of the day with back problems. He said he filled up six notebooks with notes from testimony.

Judge Warren Darrow did a "fantastic job" explaining to the jury what it could and couldn't consider, he said, and jurors picked the right person as foreman.

"It was amazing the diversity in which people could bring this up, go to their notes, talk about it and either eliminate it or use it," he said. "I couldn't get an education like this from going to college. This was something different. You got educated real quick."

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2011 03:59PM by Stoic.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: July 04, 2011 07:22PM

Interesting vid from FoxNews with an attorney (not particularly anti-Ray) discussing the trial and verdict:


Interesting that this criminal lawyer openly admits that he is involved in a 'choreographed' piece of theatre when in court defending a client.

A few more snippets of JAR getting ready to hear the verdict also, fascinating.

The attorney, a professional persuader with a degree in it no less, is of the opinion that James Ray can make this outcome a positive thing in his life, rehabilitate himself and carry on with his 'teachings.'

We have been forewarned.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 07/04/2011 07:38PM by Stoic.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: July 05, 2011 01:38AM

Stoic, thanks for the updates. Interesting to see the jurors pov.

Re: James Arthur Ray - Hare Psychopathy Checklist
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: July 05, 2011 01:41AM

Hare Psychopathy Checklist []

The two factors

Factor 1: Personality "Aggressive narcissism"

Glibness/superficial charm
Grandiose sense of self-worth
Pathological lying
Lack of remorse or guilt
Shallow affect (genuine emotion is short-lived and egocentric)
Callousness; lack of empathy
Failure to accept responsibility for own actions

Factor 2: Case history "Socially deviant lifestyle".

Need for stimulation/proneness to boredom
Parasitic lifestyle
Poor behavioral control
Lack of realistic long-term goals
Juvenile delinquency
Early behavior problems
Revocation of conditional release

Traits not correlated with either factor

Promiscuous sexual behavior
Many short-term marital relationships
Criminal versatility
Acquired behavioural sociopathy/sociological conditioning (Item 21: a newly identified trait i.e. a person relying on sociological strategies and tricks to deceive)

Re: James Arthur Ray - Hare Psychopathy Checklist
Posted by: objektivist ()
Date: July 05, 2011 08:13PM

I've been following this thread since the beginning. I am currently reading M. Scott Peck's "People Of The Lie," and I came across a passage I feel is relevant here .... from page 136, last paragraph :

"We can see then that their narcissism makes the evil dangerous not only because it motivates them to scapegoat others but also because it deprives them of the restraint that results from the empathy and respect for others. In addition to the fact that the evil need victims to sacrifice to their narcissism, their narcissism permits them to ignore the humanity of their victims as well. As it gives them the motive for murder, so it also renders them insensitive to the act of murder. The blindness of the narcissist to others can extend even beyond a lack of empathy; narcissists may not "see" (quotes not added, direct quote from text, ... interesting) others at all."

Re: James Arthur Ray - Hare Psychopathy Checklist
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: July 05, 2011 09:47PM

'narcissists may not "see" (quotes not added, direct quote from text, ... interesting) others at all." '

I think the above encapsulates the ordinary person's experience of the narcissist/sociopath---the slow realisation that other people just do not figure in the mental landscape of the narcissist at all. The narcissist certainly sees them as he sees a table or a chair or any other thing, but other people have no autonomous reality, no meaningful rights to a separate existence from him, they are just a means to whatever ends he has set his sights on.

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