Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Jeannika ()
Date: April 14, 2010 04:18AM

Observation -- Did any else notice James Ray DID NOT originally post his latest "I gott'a passion to teach and help humanity" video on YouTube? The link he posted on his Twitter page went straight to his website ... as do ALL the links on the email attached below.

This morning I did a quick web search and saw that he had only posted his video on his website, which seemed a little odd as he's previous posted videos en mass on every video hosting site on the net including YouTube - (Where he gets a lot of mixed comments).

So I sent him the following via twitter:
Jeanne0o0 @JamesARay What no YouTube link this time? Afraid of unscripted spontaneous interactions? You can only hide behind cyber walls for so long.

A few hours later his latest video shows up on YouTube. I don't get it. (Anyone who wants to watch and/or leave a comment can view it at: [])

Question -- Is it just my imagination, or is James Ray getting off on all the drama his twitter posts seem to generate? It's almost like he's feeding off all the negative energy being sent his way. I really don't understand his motives for posting what he does on Twitter.

A lot of JAR's twitter messages are too esoteric for the average person, or worse, twisted around so much from the original quotes as to leave the true message almost laughably undecipherable. Which is why I believe so many in the media downplay the content of his twitters as the illogical rantings of a desperate and broken man.

Is JAR trying to make other people look stupid, in order to build up his own ego and self image? Or does he actually believe these posts make him look like an insightful and intelligent man ... his greatness misunderstood and maligned by ungrateful masses of uneducated and unappreciative fools?

What's his game, and do his actions/words disturb anyone else as much as they do me?

Lastly, here's a copy of his latest email ... still promoting his retreats and his products. Does this guy EVER give up?
Love and Care to all,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: James Ray <>
Date: Tue, Apr 13, 2010 at 10:30 AM
Subject: High Velocity: How Can It Be Done?
To: jeannika

High Velocity E-Zine
How Can It Be Done?
Dear Jeannika,

How can you get where you want to go? Only allow your mind to focus on all the things you need and want to do, all the reasons why they can be done. And guess what? No idea is a dumb idea... even if it seems outlandish. It's a good idea as long as it's a method by which your goal can be accomplished.

I want you to adopt a question right now. I call it the question of champions. The question is, "How can it be done?" I have taught this question to a multitude of people and I promise you, as long as you keep your focus on what you can do, you will accomplish your goal. You will start to think outside the box.

Lots of success programs tell you what to do, but only the Harmonic Wealth Weekend shows you how to think and create the life you really want...
So the question to continually ask yourself is, "How can it be done?" And when you come up with any reason why you can't, you have to "Next!" it.

Thoughts are things and thoughts create. Your thoughts are the seeds that are planted into the garden of your unconscious mind. You can have no weeds... weeds choke out your garden.

You'll never get diamonds in your life by planting rocks! You'll never grow gardens of success by planting weeds. You must only focus on how can it be done. Have fun, hold yourself to the highest standard and you will amaze yourself with all the creative ways to achieve your goal.

To your continued wealth and happiness,

James Arthur Ray
James Ray International

P.S. Conventional wisdom is wrong again... Balance is bogus! Only harmony yields happiness and real wealth... Join me for two full days of complete immersion into insights and technologies that are guaranteed to help you achieve true Harmonic Wealth® in all areas in your life: Financial, Relational, Intellectual, Physical and Spiritual.

Reserve your seat early! Click for dates, locations and more information...

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Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Sparky ()
Date: April 14, 2010 07:44AM

Thanks, Jeannika.

Apparently Death Ray is still running a business while awaiting a probable life imprisonment stretch. I guess "You'll never get diamonds in your life by planting rocks!"as Death Ray said.

I would suggest he consider another anology: "If you don't break rocks for the man, you'll never get your bread and water in lockup".

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2010 07:45AM by Sparky.

Re: James Arthur Ray - mirror neurons, sociopaths and no empathy.
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: April 14, 2010 10:30AM

There is no question that James Ray does get off on the attention from all the people who are giving him the Twitter-STFU.
Gurus like James Ray, truly perceive themselves as being special and superior to others. They seem to really believe it, which is one of the reasons they can do such terrible things to others, and keep doing them.
After the Sedona deaths, James Ray kept on doing his seminars, only media pressure stopped him, otherwise he would not have stopped.

There is an excellent DVD class on the human brain.

Understanding the Brain, taught by Dr. Jeanette Norden

Many public libraries would have this DVD program on the human brain, 16 hours of accurate knowledge one can watch for free on DVD.
Its fascinating in a lecture in the course, the professor talks about how there are "mirror neurons" [] and how they have done studies where when a normal person sees another suffer, they often feel the same suffering, as the mirror neurons kick-in, so it seems that empathy is hard-wired in most people.
But here is the kicker.
They have done experiments on those who have committed murder, and other sociopaths, and they do NOT feel empathy watching others suffer, and those mirror neurons do NOT fire.
That is just a fact of some sociopaths, they literally don't care. That's why they are a sociopath.
And the slickest and sickest ones can FAKE that they care, but they don't as seen by their terrible behavior.

Its also so outrageous that James Ray claims to not have a company, yet is still sending out emails from his company, James Ray International.
No, he will never stop.
These types of Gurus literally never stop, until they are in the Gray-bar hotel (jail) or driven out of the country, and then they operate from some island or offshore from a boat.
That is not hyperbole, that's a fact. One could list countless disgraced Gurus, and if anyone can think of ONE that QUIT and repented, please post the name.
Even when they get out of jail, they start up again, although they are often a bit more careful then.

Here is another 'psychic' prediction, James Ray will never stop Guru-ing, unless and until he is compelled to.

(as a side-bar, there is a smaller sect just getting going recently, which is using some techniques that are also used by James Ray and many others, but its easier to spot as they are not as slick...yet.
They are called Desteni Productions, and are superficially about New Age "channeling" like Abraham-Hicks, but in reality they are really about trying to completely wipe the slate of your mind, vocabulary and mental concepts and beliefs, and then trying to re-wire your brain/mind (mental concepts) without you knowing what they did to you. Its a good object lesson in what to look out for).

Desteni []

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2010 10:36AM by The Anticult.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: April 14, 2010 03:32PM

'What's his game, and do his actions/words disturb anyone else as much as they do me?'

Jeannika, I think the reason that Death Ray persists in his guru posturing is spelled out right there in his email. He has trained himself over many years to see only the positive (ie what benefits him and his rosy view of himself) and to ignore anything that does not bolster this view.
That whole theme of his email and indeed of his 'teaching' is to take this one-sided view (a view that places James Ray at the centre of the world) of every thought, word, deed, intention and circumstance.

It is not a realistic view as anyone with life experience will agree. I think that is why most people find his distortions so disturbing. Any honest person of his age and life experience should be acknowledging the vast amount of influences that we can do little to change in the world-- other people, cultural expectations, laws and legislation that we agree to live by, our own human limitations.
What Death Ray is proposing is in fact what small children do before they gain a wider understanding of how the world works. Around the age of two, toddlers often put their hands over their eyes in the belief that if they cannot see the outside world then the outside world cannot see them.
It is a form of solipsism that most children grow out of once their understanding increases.

Death Ray is wilfully and consciously recreating that solipsistic worldview in himself and has been doing so for many years, because it has worked for him so well in the past. It only works for him if he can con sufficient others to also buy into that view, (of James Ray at the centre of the world) because he needs others to agree in order to support his infantile and elevated view of himself and to keep this false ball in the air.
If he were a true psychopath he would not need to work so hard to maintain this illusion, it would come naturally and he would be a loner without the need of support from others to justify his psychopathic motivations.

He clearly does have psychopathic motivations but at some point he decided to make those motivations his chosen way of life and his entire life and work have been structured to foster and maintain that illusion for himself.
His teaching is not so much about other people, he doesn't give a toss whether his followers actually live his teaching, just so long as he gets enough positive feedback to maintain his own illusions and to carry on with the belief that James Ray is the centre of the world.

This was a free and conscious choice that he made at some early point in life and he has never seen any reason to modify that choice. He wilfully ignores any red flags or pointers that he might be mistaken, as he explains in his email.
Even with his customers dead he still doesnt see any need to modify this choice, as can be seen from his email, as he has committed himself to the absurd notion that he is an island to himself and that if he thinks he is right and beyond judgement then his thoughts and needs take precedence and the rest of the world can only be wrong.

If this was a case where he had no influence over others I would be happy for him to continue in his absurdity, as there are plenty of others with crazy ideas--I've had more than a few myself--but he has set himself up to put his ideas into practice, and to explicitly persuade others, to their sometimes fatal detriment, to bolster his own view of himself and his illusions.

Any sane person would find that disturbing, such people are dangerous if they can gather a group of loyal followers and Death Ray has deliberately equipped himself with the manipulative and persuasive skills to collect and keep a loyal band of followers.
He needs the followers far more than any one of the followers needs him or his teaching.

Without the followers his world will collapse and he will be just another worn-out salesman. Because he has concentrated so strongly on the view of himself as 'James Ray, centre of the world' I doubt he has the mental resources to cope if he cannot maintain that view, hence his absurd desperation now to continue preaching his nonsense even though the gig is clearly up.

I sincerely hope that he is locked up for a very long time, he is so committed to his mental image of himself as infallible, regardless of how many people he destroys to maintain that mental image, that he will always be a danger to others.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2010 03:41PM by Stoic.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: April 14, 2010 07:48PM

I've been trying to think of a guru who quit and repented, to answer TAC's request. I can think of a number who 'retired' more or less forcibly once their game was rumbled but the only one who fits the bill as a true repentent is UG Krishnamurti.
He was groomed by the Theosophists, like his namesake J Krishnamurti, and spent the first half of his life travelling and promoting Theosophy. He had a conversion experience which he termed a 'calamity' and spent the rest of his life poking very rational holes in any belief system he came across.
He had a notable crossing of swords with Byron Katie and pegged her as a fraud and was also instrumental in freeing Andrew Cohen's mother and several devotees from Cohen's charismatic thrall. His collected talks (compiled by listeners as he refused to write and promote himself) are a funny and down-to-earth antidote for anyone drawn to the mystical. These books are available free to read on the internet as he scoffed at copyright as he scoffed at most of the houses of cards we build.
The site linked to below is a bit of a hagiography, his friends mourned his death, but his consistent lack of BS is very obvious in vids and the collections of his talks.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: April 14, 2010 08:08PM

A snippet of a story regarding JAR's attorneys attempting to subvert the rules of disclosure with regard to evidence.
I guess they have to justify their $million retainer by trying every trick in the book in the face of the glaring evidence of negligence and life-threatening disregard on the part of JRI:


Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: April 14, 2010 08:21PM

I had a response today from my email to San Diego PD. The email has a confidential disclaimer to it so I shall paraphrase:

The truly unfortunate incident was thoroughly investigated and determined to be a suicide. The case has been reviewed and SDPD is confident the findings are correct.

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: April 14, 2010 08:29PM

The latest JAR email I received:

Untitled Document Dear ,
I trust you’re enjoying the series on Seven Factors for a Fulfilling Life and that you’re getting very clear on who you are, why you’re here, and what you choose to accomplish.

Hopefully you’re also at minimum thinking about who can be a mentor in your life, and why it’s vitally important to have one… and if you’ve chosen that person that’s even better!

Now it’s time to put some of these discoveries into action. Please check out the next video in your series entitled Practices.

Click here to watch:

Have a magnificent and masterful day,

James Arthur Ray

P.S. I have a new partnership with Business Broadcasting for a new live and interactive internet radio show called “Living in the Flow” starting in May. Stay tuned for updates and information

P.P.S. What topic would you like me to discuss on my new show? What question do you need answered? Send your input to and I’ll be sure to cover your topic and answer your questions.

I think the obvious implication that I am to draw is that here in my inbox is the very mentor I have been seeking, hint, hint. (after he has insisted, uninvited, that I cannot function without a mentor and need to seek one)
I shall be forwarding a few topics for discussion in James Ray's new interactive radio show, the first being why he abandoned his injured and dying customers so swiftly to lawyer-up that night in Sedona.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/14/2010 08:32PM by Stoic.

Re: James Arthur Ray - mirror neurons, sociopaths and no empathy.
Posted by: wc ()
Date: April 14, 2010 10:45PM

The Anticult

There is an excellent DVD class on the human brain.

Understanding the Brain, taught by Dr. Jeanette Norden

Many public libraries would have this DVD program on the human brain, 16 hours of accurate knowledge one can watch for free on DVD.
Its fascinating in a lecture in the course, the professor talks about how there are "mirror neurons" [] and how they have done studies where when a normal person sees another suffer, they often feel the same suffering, as the mirror neurons kick-in, so it seems that empathy is hard-wired in most people.
But here is the kicker.
They have done experiments on those who have committed murder, and other sociopaths, and they do NOT feel empathy watching others suffer, and those mirror neurons do NOT fire.
That is just a fact of some sociopaths, they literally don't care. That's why they are a sociopath.
And the slickest and sickest ones can FAKE that they care, but they don't as seen by their terrible behavior.

Its also so outrageous that James Ray claims to not have a company, yet is still sending out emails from his company, James Ray International.
No, he will never stop.
These types of Gurus literally never stop, until they are in the Gray-bar hotel (jail) or driven out of the country, and then they operate from some island or offshore from a boat.
That is not hyperbole, that's a fact. One could list countless disgraced Gurus, and if anyone can think of ONE that QUIT and repented, please post the name.
Even when they get out of jail, they start up again, although they are often a bit more careful then.

Here is another 'psychic' prediction, James Ray will never stop Guru-ing, unless and until he is compelled to.

(as a side-bar, there is a smaller sect just getting going recently, which is using some techniques that are also used by James Ray and many others, but its easier to spot as they are not as slick...yet.
They are called Desteni Productions, and are superficially about New Age "channeling" like Abraham-Hicks, but in reality they are really about trying to completely wipe the slate of your mind, vocabulary and mental concepts and beliefs, and then trying to re-wire your brain/mind (mental concepts) without you knowing what they did to you. Its a good object lesson in what to look out for).

Desteni []

Fascinating stuff Anticult. Thank you. RE:mirror neurons. This was just published yesterday:

First Direct Recording Made of Mirror Neurons in Human Brain

Re: James Arthur Ray - 2 die at Arizona retreat's sweat lodge
Posted by: quackdave ()
Date: April 15, 2010 04:03AM

I had a response today from my email to San Diego PD. The email has a confidential disclaimer to it so I shall paraphrase:

The truly unfortunate incident was thoroughly investigated and determined to be a suicide. The case has been reviewed and SDPD is confident the findings are correct.

I find that depressing, in a way. Maybe they are just hoping to cover their asses. Judging from the firestorm that seems to be coming, re: JAR, a number of asses may not end up being covered, though.

According to some great postings on Steve Salerno's blog, a settlement was recently reached by the family of a man who plunged four floors to his death after a Lifespring course. Steve has some more interesting info on Lifespring (and it's new offspring, Legacy), and has also not spared his further inquiry into the whole JAR debacle. He even went so far as to register for an upcoming event, and shown that Ray is actually 'still in business', as at least one of the posters at this thread has.

Colleen may get her posthumous day in court yet.


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