Re: "The Game" "Pickup Artists" and "The Seduction Community"
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Date: August 23, 2009 03:38AM
If you'll forgive me, I can't help but feel badly for people who get caught up thinking the kinds of thoughts you've expressed here. It's a kind of do-gooder mentality which, in my experience, is usually a cover in it's own right. In other words, it goes around pointing the finger at all of these "evil-do'ers" but not without real love, consideration and understanding of people.... but because it builds a kind of power in its own right -- a power from self-righteousness.
Before this "speed seduction" stuff ever hit any kind of radar, I was naturally using similar techniques without even knowing it. Women would get a glazed over look on their faces and their eyes would seem to be asking me for more. I was a bit conflicted by it, naturally, because one part of me enjoyed it and saw that the women enjoyed it, too; while another part of me felt there was something wrong about it -- that it felt manipulative.
So, I asked a trusted mentor, "Doesn't everybody lie, in a sense, when they go out looking to meet someone? After all, they dress in ways they don't normally dress. Wear colognes to be attractive that they don't normally wear around the house. They never come out, immediately, and offer up information like, 'oh, by the way, im a recovering alcoholic with 17 children to 10 different women'.... so, aren't most people, generally, lying when they're trying to hook up with somebody? Aren't we all, basically, trying to sell an image of ourselves?"
His reply, as usual, was unique, and food for thought...
He said, "Well, in most cases, there's 2 kinds of result of which you want to be aware: first, when you seduce the person, they have a great time and are very interested in another visit/experience; the second, they go along with you because the seduction is still very persuasive but they're not really excited about it, and, when all is said and done, they don't want another go-around."
In other words, people can be seduced past a potential bevy of irrational fears from, perhaps, past unpleasant experiences, movies/tv soaps, etc.... into having a very pleasant experience. While the kind of PUA you describe is like putting a very powerful set of tools into the hands of people with undeveloped, or sleeping, conscience.
So, not all seduction is bad... and not all people who use said techniques are doing so with evil intent, or without proficiency. When a very good looking girl, a little impressed with her own looks, sits down next to me and I tell her that her nails still look good even though I can tell they are fake (called a "neghit"), I'm just, as they would say, "puncturing the bitch shield." One doesn't have to take all these things from the juvenile, or disgruntled, mindset.... but such terms, and actions, reflect psychological states that do exist and how to use them to your advantage before the sociopathic biker dude with 50 tats and piercings gets to her far less skillfully and damages her for the rest of her life.
Lastly, for what it's worth, I really don't like the commercialization of such wisdom. It IS wisdom in it's original form. When it gets packaged and sold, it reaches people who respond to it like it was crack cocaine and, from the very first moment, they are hooked for life.
S.O.B. (Side of Bacon)