Re: Self-Realization Fellowship
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 17, 2011 11:05PM

Corboy note: It is possible that part of Yogananda's liking for Hitler and Mussolini arose from his being an Indian patriot. Some Indians wanted a radical approach to Indian liberation and believed the best way of fighting the British was to support the Axis powers.

One Bengali politician, Subhas Chandra Bose, first tried to get help from the Soviets and when the Soviets were not interested, got support from Adolf Hitler and with Hitlers direct and personal endorsement, created an Indian Legion as part of the German Army, composed of Indian POWs who had served in the British forces and were captured by Rommel's troops in North Africa.

A very full description of this is given by Agehananda Bharati in his own memoir, The Ochre Robe.

Here is a small essay "When Dharma is Fake-Turning Citizens into Peasants"

These gurus want us to surrender the ability to look at power objectively.

In the Hindu mindset, Power = Divinity. If you have power it means you have a fortunate rebirth, and there's now quarrelling with karma. There is no way to discuss whether power is derived legitimately or dishonestly. Power IS.

This is a mindset that in the West was modified through a long gradual process. To ask us to surrender our ability to think consciously as citizens about the legitimacy of power, whether power is used benevolently or abusively, is to tell us to go back to being children..or peasants.

This cannot support spiritual progress--it just supports a guru or the organization he left behind.



Historian Norman E Cantor, said this about the difference 14th century people's
mindset and our own, regarding attitudes toward power and leaders.

Edward III of England waged cruel and merciless war against France, bringing suffering and death to thousands. He beseiged the French city of Calais into starvation and
when six citizens from the city, staggered forth offering their own lives in a plea
that the surrendered city not be subjected to wholesale massacre, the king would have
had them killed, had his own queen not thrown herself at his feet and begged mercy.

Edward also raped an English noblewoman after sending her husband abroad on a mission to get him out of the way. He funded his wars by taking out hefty loans from a
series of Italian banks, and then defaulted on the loans causing a financial collapse in

By our modern standards, Edward III was an abusive monster. But here is what
Professor Cantor tells us:


That today we may look back on the English king of the fourteenth century as a kind of destructive and merciless force, while to nearly all articulate and literate contemporaries he was a constitutional king and very model of chivalry and aristocratic honor, illuminates a gap between our world and fourteenth century Europe.
Fourteenth century people lacked the moral catagories that could transcend traditional political and social roles. They lacked a critical value system that judged rulers by consequenes and not the formal catories in which their behavior was structured.

In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made, page 39

There was no way to step outside of the situation and evaluate the kings job performance.

But, in the New Wage and Dharma Lite scene, we risk having our modern citizens minds and the hard won capacity for analytical and critical thought replaced by this medieval mindset that lacks a critical value system that judges rules (and gurus and roshis) by consequences of their actions.

The arguement that enlightenment means a guru or roshi's behavior is beyond the reach of conventional evaluation is another way to return us to the feudal peasants mindset that serves the interests of the Neo Brahmins and New Wage barons carving out their fiefdoms via Twitter, Pocasts, etc.

These Neo Brahmins and New Wage barons claim to be postmodern and 21st century but they're as preoccuppied with hierarchy, especially those who prate of Vertical Hierarchy as any medieval chancellor or scholastic.

They represent a regression, but all dressed up in modern garb to disguise it.

If we become elegantly dressed peasants and keep our noses dutifully aimed at our own little gardens, we will not catch on to all this--and thats what the barons want.

Re: Self-Realization Fellowship
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 17, 2011 11:35PM in the website is text from the first edition of Autobiography of a Yogi. Go to the site and you will find the live links.

As Pat Benetar sang, 'Fire awaaayyy!'


Paramahansa Yogananda
Autobiography of a Yogi, 1st. ed.


Table of Contents Yogananda Propaganda: An Overview
Distribution of Words in the Book
Accommodation Forms
Petals and Disyoga Tricks
Luxury Preface

• Preface: W.Y. Evans-Wentz – xiii (vii)
• Author's Acknowledgements – vi (ix)
1. My Parents and Early Life – 3 (3)
2. Mother's Death and the Amulet – 13 (15)
3. The Saint with Two Bodies (Swami Pranabananda) – 19 (22)
4. My Interrupted Flight Toward the Himalaya – 25 (29)
5. A "Perfume Saint" Performs his Wonders – 37 (43)
6. The Tiger Swami – 45 (52)
7. The Levitating Saint (Nagendra Nath Bhaduri) – 53 (62)
8. India's Great Scientist and Inventor, Jagadis Chandra Bose – 58 (68)
9. The Blissful Devotee and his Cosmic Romance (Master Mahasaya) – 66 (78)
10. I Meet my Master, Sri Yukteswar – 73 (86)
11. Two Penniless Boys in Brindaban – 83 (96)
12. Years in my Master's Hermitage – 91 (107)
13. The Sleepless Saint (Ram Gopal Muzumdar) – 118 (139)
14. An Experience in Cosmic Consciousness – 125 (147)
15. The Cauliflower Robbery – 132 (155)
16. Outwitting the Stars – 142 (167)
17. Sasi and the Three Sapphires – 152 (179)
18. A Mohammedan Wonder-Worker (Afzal Khan) – 158 (186)
19. My Guru Appears Simultaneously in Calcutta and Serampore – 163 (192)
20. We Do Not Visit Kashmir – 167 (196)
21. We Visit Kashmir – 172 (202)
22. The Heart of a Stone Image – 181 (212)
23. My University Degree – 187 (219)
24. I Become a Monk of the Swami Order – 194 (227)
25. Brother Ananta and Sister Nalini – 202 (236)
26. The Science of Kriya Yoga – 207 (242)
27. Founding of a Yoga School at Ranchi – 216 (253)
28. Kashi, Reborn and Rediscovered – 224 (262)
29. Rabindranath Tagore and I Compare Schools – 229 (267)
30. The Law of Miracles – 233 (272)
31. An Interview with the Sacred Mother (Kashi Moni Lahiri) – 244 (285)
32. Rama is Raised from the Dead – 253 (296)
33. Babaji, the Yogi-Christ of Modern India – 261 (305)
34. Materializing a Palace in the Himalayas – 269 (314)
35. The Christlike Life of Lahiri Mahasaya – 281 (328)
36. Babaji's Interest in the West – 292 (341)
37. I Go to America – 301 (352)
38. Luther Burbank -- An American Saint – 308 (361)
39. Therese Neumann, the Catholic Stigmatist of Bavaria – 313 (367)
40. I Return to India – 321 (376)
41. An Idyl in South India – 328 (385)
42. Last Days with my Guru – 340 (399)
43. The Resurrection of Sri Yukteswar – 352 (414)
44. With Mahatma Gandhi at Wardha – 369 (435)
45. The Bengali "Joy-Permeated Mother" (Ananda Moyi Ma) – 385 (455)
46. The Woman Yogi who Never Eats (Giri Bala) – 390 (461)
47. I Return to the West – 400 (473)
48. At Encinitas in California – 404 (478)
49. Added Material (This Edition)

"This particular website adds links to further details, resources, and information to help one's understanding around the text in the book." - SK

This is a searchable British English text of the Autobiography of a Yogi, with added material for clarifications etc. To search the text, write into the search box both "kjagl" and the word(s) you are looking for, and you might succeed. This version incorporates the complete Autobiography of a Yogi (1st edition, New York: Philosophical Library, 1946) that was prepared by Paramahansa Yogananda and monastics of the Self-Realization Fellowship.

Yogananda, Paramahansa. Autobiography of a Yogi. 13th ed. Los Angeles: Self-Realization Fellowship, 1998 and 11th edition, 1971. (Page references)

USER'S GUIDE to abbreviations, the site's bibliography, letter codes, dictionaries, site design and navigation, tips for searching the site and page referrals. [LINK]
© 1999–2011, Layout, added information, illustrations, Tormod Kinnes. Autobiography text in the public domain. [E-MAIL]

Re: Self-Realization Fellowship
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 17, 2011 11:46PM


Yogananda filled the minds of simple readers and listereners with seeking talk.


Most interesting page on the website--the author gives a content analysis of Autobiography of a Yogi.

As this book occuppied such an important place on aspirants' bookshelves, even many who didnt go on to join SRF, what is written here is worth looking at.



Word Distributions
The column to the left below shows how often words are encountered (their frequencies) throughout the whole book when footnotes are kept out of it. The column to the right shows words and word parts.

Word distribution tends to reveal patterns - There are some comments on the word count below the table.

Master Is the Top Card (Word)
Frequency Words
463 Master, Masters (3)
419 guru* (including 8 'gurudev'*)
372 yoga* and yogi*
316 God'*
265 sri (holy)
241 divine
213 great*
199 saint*, saintly (15)
189 -ji (suffix)
167 mind, minds
157 swami* (Hindu 'monk')
123 sir
115 Kriya (handy gasping and further)
112 meditat* (can mean contemplate, contemplative, contemplation)
96 Lord
72 consciousness
64 wisdom
61 develop* (30), evolut* (24), evolv* (9)
55 West
43 sacred, sacredness (0)
43 dear
42 holy, holiness (2)
40 Christ
34 universe, universes (3)
32 sage, sages (3)
31 bliss
31 ego* (most often negatively charged)
29 monk
27 East
27 lips
24 modern
23 art, arts (5)
21 Krishna
19 intellect*
17 Christian, Christians (3)
15 divinity
13 monast*
13 wise
11 Christlike
11 fish, fishes (1)
10 silk
9 follower*
7 blossom
6 Blessed, blessedness (1)
5 South
4 clever
4 pond
4 philosopher
4 artist, artists (3)
3 Christs
3 tenaci*
3 gay
2 cramped
2 fool
2 cherry, cherries
2 couch
2 rational
1 humor
1 little children
1 consisten*
1 shepherd
1 Kung Fu (earlier: Confucius)
1 polar bears
1 artist
1 artistic
1 frivol*
1 make love, have sex (with variants in present and past tense), "live together as man and wife only once a year, for the purpose of having children." (1)
0 holy cow
0 disc jockey
0 Tao*
0 fishing
0 North
0 handiness
0 penis (incl. 'linga', 'lingam')
0 Hawaii
0 infamous
0 homosexual*

The asterix (*) marks a group of letters that may be found in various words. Thus, Tao* above is found as Tao itself, in Taoism, Taoist and Taoistic. There are no mentions of any of them in Yogananda's Autobiography.

❖ Terms most often found, can reflect deep attitudes of the author -

Possible Significance, or "What all this could mean"

Christ and Christs are mentioned 40 times. Hm.
Heuristics has many outlets. Here are my rather tentative considerations:

Master versus Christ - the proportion is about 11:1 in the book. Yogananda excelled in calling kriya yogis Christs. In the East, what goes along with 'Master' can be 'student' or 'disciple' - in another setting.

To be spiritual is to be attuned to Spirit. That comes first. And to be authentic ("the one you were to begin with without reading a book") begins it.

For studying the table, these hints may come in handy: (a) On top of the table are words that could serve personal submissiveness (near to giving up oneself). (b) In some loosely understood median range we find words used 100-200 times. Such words reflect in part things Americans once hoped to get into. (3) Toward the bottom could be words that intimate solutions against bossism (authoritarianism) and servility.

The words that are used more than, say, thirty times, show marked preferences in presenting things. Interestingly, the author speaks over twenty times more of "gurus" and "masters" than "Christ(s)". For what you listen to or read most often, may settle in the memory by the force of amassed repetitions of impressions. In other words, impressions build up.

In a book that for one thing talks for egohood development into godhood by shortcut method like kriya yoga, we might expect much and sound further presentation aligned to that sort of development, god-making. But no. More often we find disappointing teachings on attacking he ego. [Link]

As for the table above and its discreet uses, we cannot be completely sure of what everything means or signifies from mere raw data. When it comes to interpreting them, we are on the outlook for meanings that might lie hidden - more or less hidden - in the gathered material. It could become easier to understand what Yogananda is up to if you consider in this way:


Well, if the text spans almost 500 pages, footnotes included, then it signals that a blend of some of these terms can be met with on almost every page throughout: Master, guru, yogi/yoga, God, sri (holy), divine, great, saint, swami (Hindu monk), kriya, Lord - and so on.
(Look at the table).


The ugly troll search
Yogananda filled the minds of simple readers and listereners with seeking talk. In the first edition of his autobiography, the footnotes included, seek* figures 68 times, and search* 26 times, travel* is used 64 times and journey* 14 times. His book is about a "seeking, searching traveller" not wholly unlike John Bunyan's traveller in the allegorical The Pilgrim's Progress in some respects. The protagonist gets onto the "straight and narrow" King's Highway - in Yogananda's case it is "learns kriya yoga", gets greetings of peace, and meets with some sorrows too on his travels toward the other side. [Wikipedia, s.v. "The Pilgrim's Progress"]

Many other "seek and search" examples can be found in books of assembled guru talks, for example by those who seek a lot - A word count in his Journey to Self-realization [Jse], footnotes included, but not end matters, reveals the use of journey* (words starting with journey) 14 times, travel* 23 times, seek* 167 times and search* 22 times. There is a lot of talk of seeking and a bit on travelling, then, spread throughout the 413 pages of text, introductory matter, and page notes, and this is not an autobiography; it is more about what he tells others is good. [Jse, etc.]

If we look closer into themes of Yogananda, many "ugly skulls" may be seen. Not only did he forsake the original teachings surrounding kriya, he changed the original kriya yoga too. He took to talk, talk, for many years, and often contradicted himself on vital issues like ego and ego handling, and more. He meant that unmarried followers were to abstain from sex totally. That too can be seen, along with how he changed his kriya hype to make its prospects many, many times better-looking - much and often without good evidence. [

Re: Self-Realization Fellowship
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 17, 2011 11:48PM


A puzzle is how the author of the Autobiography advocates development through self-effort and self-surrender. Self-effort with skill in accordance with wise teachings is helpful, whereas self-surrender looks suspicious.


Always submissive, is that the plan?


So if you hunger for words that definitely indicate you are to take a deeply submissive stand in front of the holy monks of India - or one of them - or if you long for development of deeper parts of your mind or for freedom or more liberation in that way - this book goes into such themes pretty well, but not full well, and it does it with a "submitting attitude" by an expert of submit-and-clinge, and user of lots of useless slogans. That seems fair to say.

The problem with that sort of presentation is that the gullible may be wholly or partly led to believe it is spiritual and all right to become great clingers too - devotees is the word - always submissive to be considered fit in the guru's circles. A "submission deal" has its back sides, which manifest slowly with the years. There is reason to suspect that desperate clinging and attachment in the name of yoga makes us ridiculous. There are many sides to clinging: you may find you have been clinging (attached) to hopeless ideas, to indoctrination, to fantasies, to fanaticism, to improper opinions, unnecessary rites and ritual and undue self-importance. So let us say you have been cherishing the idea that "gasping for air" (kriya yoga) in a semi-ritual way for gaining divine importance, and starts getting misgivings. The fit step of yoga meditation is to go beyond such petty things into the blessed realms and gather wisdom andmuch else of value to your being. Conclusion so far:

Much talk of God, Masters and sacred fellows does not help a man full well, nor does authoritarian submissiveness training starkly against the non-attachment the Gita talks for. Submissiveness tends to hurt personal interests after time; maybe your character - and further development depends largely on your flourishing own interests, according to psychodynamic understanding.
Now, a rather simple word distribution study can help in suggesting some disguised, alarming themes that often escape the attention of lots of persons initially. There is more on it below.

❖ The total impact of a book consists of value-charged words too, not just quantitative repetitions.

Word Distribution Again
Words can be ranked and grouped and classified in more than one way, for example:

The words that are often used can reveal much of interest, but we often have to study the phenomenological "charge" of the words, to be able to say something accurate.
Words that are in 'medium' use and moderate use, may reveal a more or less hidden humdrum (of activities) the writing is on top of, yet it depends. Qualitative study has to go into it.
Words that are hardly ever made use of, or not at all, may not reflect attitudes in vogue there and then, and they could thus contain liberating and still not outmoded solutions somehow, believe it or not.
So from the table on top of the page is it feasible to sniff at some of the author's communicated stances, attitudes, servility problems, sexual strength (bluntness, we presume); position-taking; attitude-formation to gurus and fence-building efforts. What we come up with may not be accurate, but still useful for certain tasks.

Much "qualitative research" in these days rest on peculiar strategies and the ability to form one's own opinions. It helps to become good at ascertaining. There are methods to go into for it.

Market Concerns

"Brag is a good dog ..." (Proverb) - Offhand mentions may be hard to tackle and deal with later.
Acclaimed books reflect preferences of acclaimers.

Most often terms used in a work reflect ideas and norms that are commonly thought highly of among those it adresses, in this case the public in North America in the 1940s and 50s. The book was written in southern California. One aim of the autobiography was perhaps to inspire acceptance for Indian gurus and yogis by terms like "saints" and "christs" and "holy" and so on. Yogananda goes a long way it the use of such terms.

Similarly, in the book variously named The Master Said, Sayings of Yogananda and now Sayings of Paramahansa Yogananda, a "Great-Master-reverence" glows throughout. I do not say it is unfit, I just express what is easily found from perusal of the book. [Cf. Ms; Say; Spo]

Religiousness can lead to spirituality

Meditation must be practiced every day. Start now! Yogananda. [Jse 407]
A problem with series of of appeals, exhortations, and importunities is that they are not conductive to personal development at length. It is quite a "top-dog" thing, too. As means to individual development, exhortations have defects. The early Yogananda tried to persuade persons into it, by giving plausible reasons.

Yogananda also taught, "Let us concentrate on That from which our being emerges: Know thy soul [Jse 200]." That is also a bit from his higher teachings, so often drowned in "seek-God" ideations and the like. According to Jung, a developing human becomes more unlike others, more unique, as a result of the process call individuation. Lots of general exhortatations may go against the unfolding of individuality. A spiritual person may not conform to religious cult-like behaviour. The spiritual individual may have to dispense with and also go against blind-folded common beliefs.

A truly liberating education had better offers good food for what is essential to nourish, also in the humanistic fields. Liberating self-help education and guru-dictated ways of training oneself and of conforming to a church, for example, may not always go very well together.

This is not an attack on religiousness in itself, for it is often rooted in basic friendliness, and can be very useful for tiny sprouts that need some fencing, or for twigs that need lenient enough support.

A puzzle is how the author of the Autobiography advocates development through self-effort and self-surrender. Self-effort with skill in accordance with wise teachings is helpful, whereas self-surrender looks suspicious.

Re: Self-Realization Fellowship
Posted by: Tormod ()
Date: August 28, 2011 10:59PM

Merry members,

There is a PDF copy around of that part of the old SRF Magazine where the guru Yogananda says "the average man needs the master mind of a Dictator in order to think right and do right," and that "A master brain like that of Mussolini does more good than millions of social organizations of group intelligence." "Interview", East-West, February 1934, p. 3.

The copy can be downloaded:

It is fine to get the documentation.

The guru's stand evokes many troubled questions among democratic-minded followers. For example, "If the guru wanted to create success and was infallible as SRF likes to think, why haven't SRF continued that policy?" As it is, the passages quotes may create shocks and mental unrest in SRF devotees that have been bottle-fed with other "divine" guru-sayings otherwise.

Where should Yogananda's outlook take SRF, where would that path lead, if followed? (Shudder).

Re: Self-Realization Fellowship
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 28, 2011 11:15PM

Here is a discussion in which SRF people discuss matters such as Yogananda, Hitler and persons who dissent from SRF.

Quote on Hitler? (dissidents omitted) help...?


i read recently a very disturbing rant about our Guru, from, i believe, a very disturbed individual. he was going on about all kinds of things suggesting Master was a fraud. whatever. i was curious about was the quotes he picked out of Master's, where it seemed Master was praising Hitler. has anyone heard or came across such quotes and words of Master's? i just want to understand a little better the thoughts of Master's, and whether anyone can validate these actual quotes at all. his name i think is tormod kinnes. anyone hear of him? wow! has he some things to say about SRF.

i dont want to speak negatively about anyone, i suppose i just wanted to share my weak feelings that were stirred by this person. as of yet i have never come across anyone with such a serious mission to disrepute Master and SRF. i mean, even donald walters still excepts Yogananda as his Guru. this guy seems to be on a mission to pull apart Masters teachings. further investigation and reading of his writings truly prove his misguidedness, and blindness, but i must admit, it was kinda a slap in the face. but if anything it has made me feel, even at this moment a great appreciation and love for you all and our spiritual beehive SRF, my spiritual family... anyway, any thoughts?

Old 02-08-2011, 08:56 PM

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Posts: 86 X,

(Dissident being discussed)is not disturbed, he just doesn't believe in Yogananda's message at all. It's best that you avoid his website.

Don't be bothered for a second by what you read. Yes the quotes are from Yogananda. (dissidents use of sources is rather honest.) (Corboy bolded this for emphasis)However, they are out of context. You might want to look them up in context. They'll make more sense that way. Also, check out what Yogananda says about Mussolini in his letters to St. Lynn. He was in no way a supporter of the fascists.

Last thing: Yogananda understood Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin, etc *far* better than any historian. He knew what He was talking about. The fault lies in our flawed recorded history.

Old 02-08-2011, 09:44 PM
Registered User

Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 113 All I've read was from Sri Sailendra Dasgupta in his book "Paramhansa Swami Yogananda, Life-Potrait and Reminiscences". I've managed to find the passage:


From here they traveled to many parts of Europe, such as France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Holland, Switzerland etc. Hitler had begun to rise in Germany at that time and the scenes in that land at that time brought up feelings of great admiration in Yoganandaji. He used to say that the entire German nation was alive, and together with the "clack, clack" sounds of their boots resonating in unison. Little did he know that this so-called "beautifully arranged garden" would be obliterated to dust within a decade and fall into the horrific annals of history.
(Chapter 4 Changes; Return to India - "On the way Back to India with His Companions and Traveling in Different Countries")

Noting Yogananda's admiration of organization and great business men (such as St. Lynn, Henry Ford, etc), along with his emotional nature it is understandable that he could make such comments and have such feelings. He probably saw Germany's positive potential (as Masters tend to focus on our positive potential rather than negative, encouraging and making way for growth). So to be reading quotes of him saying good things about Hitler and the German army at that time is understandable and does not imply his support of the killing machine it had become.
Also noting Yogananda as being the reincarnated William the Conqueror could be some interesting food for thought here. Maybe some past memories/desires reawakening?
Aum Peace Amen.

Old 02-09-2011, 04:06 AM
supernal user

Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 2,649 (Name ommitted), absolutely do not read those sites, when Satan has not been successful in nipping a great spiritual work in the buds, he tries every other way to stop it, by subtle means(Corboy italics for emphasis) (Another dissident name mentioned here) and by more gross means (other critics), seeding doubts in devotees and would-be followers. One of the etimological meanings of the devil is 'slanderer'.

Hitler and his mentor, Mussolini, initially had the great skill to pull their respective nations from a serious situation of economical crisis, unemployment and poverty to social security and efficiency.

I can speak about Mussolini since I've had first hand accounts form parents and relatives. He was a very efficient stateman, head of the fascist party but actually, even though strangely, of socialist tendencies. He was the one who first issued many laws in favour of workers.

Mussolini was able to avoid the expansion of the anarchist movement, very strong at the beginnings of his century and was able to stop any diffusion of the destructive revolutionary communists after the October revolution in Russia. His history of statesmanship was undoubtedly very successful. This is the Mussolini admired by Yogananda. A dictator whose dictatorship at those times was necessary to avoid worse, far worse troubles.

Then Satan came along to tempt Mussolini (and Hitler). Here came hubris, overachievers have this tendency. They start thinking they are demigods, they can do everything. The idea of militaristic expansion in Africa first, then the ruinos alliance with hitler and the disaster of the war against Greece. Now Mussolini was but a puppet in the hands of Satan and Hitler, his former disciple now inspired by powerful demonic forces and become a tool of evil, bearer of total doom and ruin.

(Corboy note: This discussant ignores that from the moment Hitler became Chancellor, he enacted laws that put Jews, Gypsies, homosexuals and disabled persons at subhuman status.

Hitler early on arranged the assassination of early supporters such as Rohm, whom he feared would compete with him, and arranged for this night and day 'of the long knives' to take place, while he hosted a tea party at the Chancellery. His book, Mein Kamf, his early book, written in the 1920s is a nasty rant equating Jews with obscene subjects such as the spread of VD. Hitler had a corrupt mind when he wrote that book, long before he was in power. So SRF people have a poor grasp of history here.

There is more. Before Hitler became expansionist' in terms of adding territory and going to war, he was already doing plenty of evil at the expense of his own people. Disabled adults and children were medically killed by medical professionals at clinics and hospitals. It was made illegal for Jewish families to have pets and they were forbidden to feed thier own beloved dogs and cats or to have them gently put to sleep by a veterinarian. Families had to sit and watch their loved animals crying to them for food and suffer the torture of seeing those loving trusting eyes grow dim, those suffering voices rend their own souls.

AND THIS WAS ENACTED INTO 'LAW" by Hitler before he took his nation into war (End of Corboy history lesson)


"September 15, 1935 - The Nuremberg Race Laws. ... against Jews prohibiting
everything from performing in a symphony orchestra to owning a pet cat"

Hitlers Euthanasia Decree 1933, written on his personal stationary.


My belief is that great political figures at a certain time of their life are tempted by Satan and if they display some form of mental weakness they are soon influenced by powerful and evil demonic entities which derange their mental processes. this was very evidently what happened in the Hitler case. we know about the vision bro. Premamoy had during the Nuremberg trials.

So, wathever praise Yoganandaji told and wrote, he was undoubtedly referring to the first phase of the ruling of such dictators, where they displayed efficiency, mental power, discrimination in fighting the satanic communistic forces.
Do not let's forget that as soon as Yogananda had some clue of the influence of demonic forces on hitler he tried to counter-influence him by a direct meeting (it was 1936 I believe). But then it was too late. (If you see the dates given above, Hitlers Race Laws were enacted in 1935 and his Euthanasia decree enacted in July, 1933.

Hindenberg appointed Hitler Chancellor of Germany on January 30th, 1933. He signed that Euthanasia decree into law six months later. He was cruel from the start whatever the SRF people contend to the contrary. (Corboy)

Old 02-09-2011, 08:15 AM

Join Date: Jul 2009
Posts: 493 Dwapara Yuga and Yogananda


In the book 'Dwapara Yuga and Yogananda: Blueprint for a New Age', the author 'Poor Richard' dwells at lengths on the topic of reincarnations of saints and world leaders in history. Inspired by a lot of different sources, it is a quite extensive work on the topic. As to it's credibility, and proof, I am not inclined to comment. However, it fits well into the currently discussed topic of speculation on famous incarnations, a list of which, including Yoganandaji and Hitler is given here.

There also is a website blog, called 'Dwapara Yuga' that might be from the same source as the book mentioned above. 'Poor Richard' was a pseudonym chosen by Benjamin Franklin for some of his writings in the early 18th century.

Another book by Tara Mata, titled 'Astrological World Cycles' was also published under the name of Poor Richard, Texas, This might be hinting to 'Amrita Foundation' or rather an 'orbit' of them. Amrita became a spinn-off of SRF in Texas, not long after Yogananda's mahasamadhi. They still publish authentic material from the old days of SRF. In addition to this, see Anil Nerode's homepage, where he comments on their cooperation.

Maybe, someone else here knows more on who is behind the pseudonym or publisher named Poor Richard?
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Old 02-09-2011, 09:06 AM
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Maybe, someone else here knows more on who is behind the pseudonym or publisher named Poor Richard?

He's a devotee like anyone of us. You can email him through his website; I'm sure he'd be happy to discuss anything of interest to you. I've talked with him before and he's been very helpful.

If anyone wants to discuss the past lives of Hitler I'm game because that's a very interesting topic. I believe the Hitler-soul has played a sort of anti-Christ role for a while (but not in a grand, apocalyptic, end-of-times sense).
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Old 02-09-2011, 09:28 AM
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He's a devotee like anyone of us. You can email him through his website; I'm sure he'd be happy to discuss anything of interest to you. I've talked with him before and he's been very helpful. ...

Thank you, !

Old 02-09-2011, 10:44 AM
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Posts: 147 hey thanks alot everybody. what a tremendous help. X, you shed a considerable amount of light of the subject, i am grateful. that the devil uses all sorts of means to bring about doubt, and deceive Gods followers shouldnt of been a surprise to me, this was just the most blatant attempt ive yet seen in my mere two years on the path. Y, i see you are right in saying he (dissident)is not disturbed. however i did mean that in the most literal sense. that his preceptions and emotions are being disturbed by unseen forces. (Corboy italics for emphasis)you are very right, he simply doesnt believe in Master's teachings. he seemed to go against some of the most "common sense" teachings our Guru preached.

it wasnt the first time i have heard the belief that Master's teaching represented only a "christian veneer." that it was just to influence a larger amount of people in the west. what malarky. He who introduced Christ to me and so many others, and who stirred the love of Christ within our souls. it just baffles me.

Old 02-09-2011, 10:50 AM
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Old 02-09-2011, 02:59 PM

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I have relatives who were alive during Hitler, they lived in Germany.
Evidently when Hitler started his reign he was well liked, he did a lot of
good for German society, in the beginning.

(If one ignores the ethanasia laws (1933) The race laws (1935) and the Rohm purge. So I am sure many good things were written about Hitler at first before his reign of terror. I have not read what Yogananda wrote about Hitler. A recent tv show on Hitler said that he lost control to the Gestapo in the end, and was just a puppet

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Old 02-09-2011, 04:35 PM
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Posts: 86 1) I agree with X, if Hitler had simply vanished after his first few years of rule he'd have been remembered as a rather good leader. In his previous incarnation as Alaric the Bold (just my conjecture) he seemed to have had many good qualities too. (1933-1935 were his 'first few years Corboy)

2) Interesting: Master said "Hitler was a boy scout compared to Stalin." Hitler was not just less evil than Stalin, he was *significantly* less evil. But these days (at least in the western nations) Hitler is considered *the* most evil man in history, not Stalin. Ponder that and consider how our recorded history of what happened may not actually be an accurate depiction of what happened back in that earth-shattering time. (Corboy emphasis)

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on this subject today I recalled someone saying Hitler was Alexander the Great. I also recalled a large section of the chapter "An Idyl in South India" in AoY in which Yogananda recounts Alexander the Great's (who was educated by Aristotle) interests in spirituality and the Yogi's of India.

Considering Alexander the Great's past interest in spirituality Yogananda was hopeful for the emergence of a truly spiritual nation, that is if Hitler's past spiritual tendencies won out over his ego-inflating, blood-thirsty tendencies, for this soul obviously had enough charisma and inspiration to transform a broken nation into a patriotic well tuned machine.

This section of AoY has always been somewhat of a hinderence, a flow breaker, for me and I've not been able to understand why he put this section in, but today I have gained a new appreciation for it.
Aum Peace Amen.
Old 02-09-2011, 09:04 PM
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This section of AoY has always been somewhat of a hinderence, a flow breaker, for me and I've not been able to understand why he put this section in, but today I have gained a new appreciation for it.

****It is my opinion that nothing in Master's works is present without a reason. In fact, I believe one of the Kriya gurus may be responsible for the eventual liberation of Hitler's soul (as this soul seems to have an enduring connection to Christ and Christianity).

(Note this is one members personal opinion. However note that this is not considered at all out of line in this discussion, compared with the dismay elicited by dissidents who exercise their First Amendment Rights)Corboy
Old 02-09-2011, 10:50 PM

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Interesting: Master said "Hitler was a boy scout compared to Stalin." Hitler was not just less evil than Stalin, he was *significantly* less evil. But these days (at least in the western nations) Hitler is considered *the* most evil man in history, not Stalin. Ponder that and consider how our recorded history of what happened may not actually be an accurate depiction of what happened back in that earth-shattering time.

Recently, such an understated view of Stalin has been reviewed, especially after 1990, when the historical documents in the Soviet archive of state became available. As it happens, Stalin was very skilled in concealing all, or most his nefarious actions. When he ordered the killing of thousands, or tens of thousands of Polish POW's, he had them buried and blamed the Nazis. When he ordered the killing of his friend and lieutenant Sergey Kirov, turned an opponent, he arranged his killing, then ordered the killer and anyone else involved in the plot to be killed to make any connection to him impossible. Then bore the (ex) friend's grave on his shoulder during the state funeral and named many cities in his honour.

At the slightest hint of a rebellious behaviour from social or etnic group, that same group was finished, Stalin's mass killings and deportations have become famous. He killed millions of Ucrainians simply by raising the taxes on cereals, confiscating all the food and letting them starve to death in the freezing Russian winter.

On and on like this, even the closest friends and assistants of Stalin lived in resigned terror. They never knew when their moment of being jailed would come.
It's very interesting how Satan threaded multiple plots in that time to spread doom in whole continents.

While he failed with Hitler and the Japanese, he was eminently successful with Stalin.
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Old 02-10-2011, 04:43 AM

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"We know of the vision, Br. Premamoy had during the Nuremberg trials."

Dear X- can you please elaborate on that a little, or give the source?

Thank you.


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Old 02-10-2011, 05:46 AM

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He killed millions of Ucrainians simply by raising the taxes on cereals, confiscating all the food and letting them starve to death in the freezing Russian winter.

This book review offers a few stunning details on the devil/evil that was Stalin:


Yogananda could see Stalin's soul and all of his actions. He spoke from a state of omniscience.

Old 02-10-2011, 01:35 PM

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Dear X- can you please elaborate on that a little, or give the source?

Thank you.


X, this is a reference whose source I cannot trace, I do not know what talk or SRF magazien issue it comes from, but I have no difficulty whatsoever in considering it reliable.

The Nuremberg rallies where annual gatherings of the nazist party: (Corboy--interesting tern 'nazist'???


Brother Premamoy was a spectator at one of such gatherings. He recounts that while Hitler was speaking, he could clearly see a huge and dark demonic figure looming over him and infusing evil power into him .

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Old 02-10-2011, 01:43 PM

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Originally Posted by suraj97 View Post
1) ....if Hitler had simply vanished ... In his previous incarnation as Alaric the Bold (just my conjecture) he seemed to have had many good qualities too.

Alaric the Visigoth ?

Why that?

Old 02-10-2011, 03:44 PM

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Alaric the Visigoth ?

Why that?

Yes, *that* Alaric. This comes from the book "Experiencing Reincarnation" by James Perkins. The author experienced a series of remarkable dreams in 1938 that led him to believe that Hitler was in fact Alaric reborn. He describes his vivid dreams and some strong similarities between the two leaders. I'll copy the relevant section and upload it. I'll post the link when I'm done.

Apparently a great book/source about the fall of Rome and Alaric in particular is R.A. Lafferty's The Fall of Rome. That's a book I'm really looking forward to reading.

Side note: Hitler also believe himself to be the Roman Emperor who ruled during the time of Christ (Tiberius).

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Posts: 86 Here's the excerpt from that book. It's about 50mb because I used a series of photos instead of scans. Hope that's not a problem.


Old 02-10-2011, 05:44 PM
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Location: Posts: 147 wow, what interesting info. love where the thread has gone to. X, i love your unquenchable interest in past lives, its most interesting and entertaining. im enjoying and learning from all you have to say. X, as always, your input and is most appreciated and assimilated. not meaning to give empty flattery my friends.
what a vision of Bro. premanoy! to think evil does manifest at such a tangible force as that...
Old 02-11-2011, 11:42 AM
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Originally Posted by XView Post
Y, this is a reference whose source I cannot trace, I do not know what talk or SRF magazien issue it comes from, but I have no difficulty whatsoever in considering it reliable.(Corboy emphasis)...
Brother Premamoy was a spectator at one of such gatherings. He recounts that while Hitler was speaking, he could clearly see a huge and dark demonic figure looming over him and infusing evil power into him .
Must have been the creepiest of visions.

Thank you much, buddy, now that you mention it, I can remember having read it many years ago.

Old 02-11-2011, 02:21 PM
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Here's the excerpt from that book. It's about 50mb because I used a series of photos instead of scans. Hope that's not a problem.


The problem was that, clicking on the file dowload icon, nothing happened!

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Yes, *that* Alaric. This comes from the book "Experiencing Reincarnation" by James Perkins. The author experienced a series of remarkable dreams in 1938 that led him to believe that Hitler was in fact Alaric reborn. ...

All right, I understand what you do, picking up clues from various sources, well that's a strategy, even though you should be cautious and apply maximum discrimination, this field is rife with hoax.

I would rather concentrate on the single sure-fire reference I've got, the WTC one.

The more I concentrate about it though, the more I'm convinced that during those episodes the Avatar looses completely the memory of his own exalted state. I've yet to study in detail the life of WTC (William the Conquerer) but it is evident it's a story of single-mindedness and application of will power, strategy and diplomacy, all bent toward the duty that God assigned to Yogananda-medieval-king and that was firmly planted into his subconscious. In that case the duty appeared to be ending the chaos and anarchy in the British Isles and putting all the territory under one ordered ruler.

There is much to be learnt from that, either from the unfoldment-of -the cosmic-drama perspective and the actual significance of warfare. Maybe I'm going to add something else but not in this thread.

(Corboy note: Apparently within SRF devotee circles, some do believe that Yogananda was William the Conquerer in a previous lifetime. See here.


Old 02-11-2011, 05:41 PM
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All right, I understand what you do, picking up clues from various sources, well that's a strategy, even though you should be cautious and apply maximum discrimination, this field is rife with hoax.
1) You are absolutely right. I do reject most of what I find.

2) The WTC incarnation seems so strange to me. Surely some other (non-liberated) soul could have played that part. Why did an avatar have to do it? If all it required was great focus, will, strategy, etc -- there are other men in history who have have had these things. Instead He could have incarnated as a great sage somewhere, guiding his disciples to speedy spiritual liberation. Did Yukteswar really need to incarnate as Lanfranc? Wouldn't He have been better utilized by God in a more "spiritual" role?

My best guess is that the WTC incarnation provided a good environment for PY to bring many of His disciples with Him to work out their worldly karma (some examples: Daya, Kriyananda, Anandamoy, Paulsen, etc). PY incarnated in that situation to watch over them. Other than that no real reason to make an avatar play the role of William.

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Posts: 2,649 On the strangeness of THE WTC reincarnation: your hypothesis is a good one.
Another conjecture could be that, for reasons unknown to us, the creation of the United Kingdom was a very important move in the global chessboard (God versus Satan). If so, God could not have delivered this role to none but a very trusted, liberated soul.

Have you seen how great statesmen at a certain point make themselves influenced by the powers of evil? Imagine this, if the UK was left in a state of anarchy, that might have favoured some particular ruinous plot of Satan. In such a case are you going to send forth some evolved soul with specific leading skills or are you going to send forth the best of them all, someone who you know will never deviate from the goal-seed planted into his subconscious.

On the Yukteswar-Lanfranc hypothesis: I too nurture some doubts but again, if that move was extremely important, then God might have sent forth not one, but two of his best men.
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Old 02-12-2011, 05:05 AM
Thisbody, this is a reference whose source I cannot trace, I do not know what talk or SRF magazien issue it comes from, but I have no difficulty whatsoever in considering it reliable.

(deleted some references to downloading problems)

Another discussant:



Brother Premamoy was a spectator at one of such gatherings. He recounts that while Hitler was speaking, he could clearly see a huge and dark demonic figure looming over him and infusing evil power into him . Must have been the creepiest of visions.

Believe it or not. Philippine National Hero Dr Jose Rizal was rumoured to be the father of Adolf Hitler. The latter`s mother was seen using a pen alleged owned by Dr Rizal during the former`s soujorn in Germany.

Here`s a poem written by Dr Rizal.

To the Flowers of Heidelberg

Go to my country, go, O foreign flowers,
sown by the traveler along the road,
and under that blue heaven
that watches over my loved ones,
recount the devotion
the pilgrim nurses for his native sod!
Go and say say that when dawn
opened your chalices for the first time
beside the icy Neckar,
you saw him silent beside you,
thinking of her constant vernal clime.
Say that when dawn
which steals your aroma
was whispering playful love songs to your young
sweet petals, he, too, murmured
canticles of love in his native tongue;
that in the morning when the sun first traces
the topmost peak of Koenigssthul in gold
and with a mild warmth raises
to life again the valley, the glade, the forest,
he hails that sun, still in its dawning,
that in his country in full zenith blazes.
And tell of that day
when he collected you along the way
among the ruins of a feudal castle,
on the banks of the Neckar, or in a forest nook.
Recount the words he said
as, with great care,
between the pages of a worn-out book
he pressed the flexible petals that he took.

Carry, carry, O flowers,
my love to my loved ones,
peace to my country and its fecund loam,
faith to its men and virtue to its women,
health to the gracious beings
that dwell within the sacred paternal home.

When you reach that shore,
deposit the kiss I gave you
on the wings of the wind above
that with the wind it may rove
and I may kiss all that I worship, honor and love!

But O you will arrive there, flowers,
and you will keep perhaps your vivid hues;
but far from your native heroic earth
to which you owe your life and worth,
your fragrances you will lose!
For fragrance is a spirit that never can forsake
and never forgets the sky that saw its birth
Attached Thumbnails
Click image for larger version Name: rizal.jpg Views: 15 Size: 5.8 KB ID: 2318
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Originally Posted by X View Post
Different link:


Thanks, downloaded and read it, the part on Hitler and Alaric is very good, the other stuff is also interesting, up to a certain point though
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Originally Posted by suraj97 View Post

Interesting: Master said "Hitler was a boy scout compared to Stalin." Hitler was not just less evil than Stalin, he was *significantly* less evil. But these days (at least in the western nations) Hitler is considered *the* most evil man in history, not Stalin. Ponder that and consider how our recorded history of what happened may not actually be an accurate depiction of what happened back in that earth-shattering time.

Indeed. But to let this truth become widely appreicated would conflict with the Zionist agenda of justifying the existence of their power entity in and around Jerusalem by making people believe that the racist killing of Jews was the worst inhuman barbarity of all time. The truth does not suit the Zionist/Pentagon alliance.
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Old 02-13-2011, 05:50 PM
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Originally Posted by pachiaammos View Post
Indeed. But to let this truth become widely appreicated would conflict with the Zionist agenda of justifying the existence of their power entity in and around Jerusalem by making people believe that the racist killing of Jews was the worst inhuman barbarity of all time. The truth does not suit the Zionist/Pentagon alliance


A truly extraordinary book (and further supports Yogananda's statement):

But to be clear I hold Hitler to be a murderous thug and a force for evil. I'm not trying to make him out to be a "good guy" or trying to say he was right about what he ended up doing. (And of course I don't hold Churchill and FDR to be wholly "good guys" either.) I'm just trying to say that what almost *everyone* believes to be true about Hitler is simply not true. Master knew the truth about what Hitler did and did not do. Master's judgement was 100% right.

Random side note: Like I said before I believe Alaric to be a prior incarnation of Hitler. Here's a little excerpt I found online from Lafferty's book. I think this shows his link to his previous life as Alexander the Great (the whole Greek connection).

"Sometime in this period Alaric did penance for forty days in reparation for his murderous raids in Greece. He was subject to remorse, for which reason he cannot be ranked among the great military leaders of the world. And in this period also, the Goths became un-Gothed to a great extent. They caught the Greek fever and discovered sudden new talents in themselves. They borrowed stringed instruments from the Greeks--they had had only horns and bull-roarers before--and went music crazy. It has been mentioned that rhyme in verse and song appeared at the turn of that century for the first time ever in the world. Nobody knew where it came from, but all the peoples took it up at the same time. The Goths made ballads in rhyme, in their own language and in Low Latin; and these became almost the signature of that rural Gothic springtime in Epirus that lasted four years.

When the impulse seized the Goths next, after martial interludes of more than five hundred years, they would be the troubadours of Languedoc in South France."

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don't lets forget he praised Hitler when his achievements were not bad ones. Having defeated the violent communists who shot at priests and at holy statues pulled out of the churches was not too shabby.

And when Churchill saw hitler coming? When it was too late or early? Before or after his mind was totally influenced from the minions of Satan?

Of course as you say Avatars are not infallible , evidently taking up a body and mind sometimes takes its toll from pure discrimination. Yogananda didn't see the Judases in at least 2 of his disciples as well. Probably there is a direct intervention of Satan in these events.

Last edited by X

For speculations concerning Yogananda and William the Conquerer go here.


Re: Self-Realization Fellowship
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 28, 2011 11:26PM

A wee question. When new members are brought in to SRF have they been told about these opinions within SRF?

If not, they have not been given enough information to make an informed decision on whether this is a community they want to support and entrust their hearts to.


02-13-2011, 03:47 PM #32

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Originally Posted by X

Interesting: Master said "Hitler was a boy scout compared to Stalin." Hitler was not just less evil than Stalin, he was *significantly* less evil. But these days (at least in the western nations) Hitler is considered *the* most evil man in history, not Stalin. Ponder that and consider how our recorded history of what happened may not actually be an accurate depiction of what happened back in that earth-shattering time.

Indeed. But to let this truth become widely appreicated would conflict with the Zionist agenda of justifying the existence of their power entity in and around Jerusalem by making people believe that the racist killing of Jews was the worst inhuman barbarity of all time. The truth does not suit the Zionist/Pentagon alliance.
"If you keep your destiny in mind, every moment in life becomes an opportunity for moving closer to it."


Re: Self-Realization Fellowship
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 29, 2011 12:18AM

Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany by Hindenberg in January, 1933.

Hitler signed the racial hygienistlaw which mandated sterilizaton of disabled and mentally retarded persons in July 1933-on his own stationary.



The idea of enforcing "racial hygiene" had been an essential element of Hitler's ideology from its earliest days. In his book Mein Kampf (1924), Hitler wrote:


He who is bodily and mentally not sound and deserving may not perpetuate this misfortune in the bodies of his children. The völkische [people's] state has to perform the most gigantic rearing-task here. One day, however, it will appear as a deed greater than the most victorious wars of our present bourgeois era.[14]

The Nazi regime began to implement "racial hygienist" policies as soon as it came to power. The July 1933 "Law for the Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring" prescribed compulsory sterilisation for people with a range of conditions thought to be hereditary, such as schizophrenia, epilepsy, Huntington's chorea and "imbecility". Sterilisation was also mandated for chronic alcoholism and other forms of social deviance.[15] This law was administered by the Interior Ministry under Wilhelm Frick through special Hereditary Health Courts (Erbgesundheitsgerichte), which examined the inmates of nursing homes, asylums, prisons, aged care homes and special schools to select those to be sterilised.

It is estimated that 360,000 people were sterilised under this law between 1933 and 1939. There were some suggestions that the program should be extended to people with physical disabilities, but such ideas had to be expressed carefully, given that one of the most powerful figures of the regime, Joseph Goebbels, suffered from congenital club foot. Philipp Bouhler himself was mobility impaired as a result of war wounds to his legs. After 1937, the acute shortage of labour in Germany arising from the crash rearmament program meant that anyone capable of work was deemed to be "useful" and was exempted from the law, and the rate of sterilisation declin

Hitlers Nuremberg race laws were signed September 15th 1935--just short of two years after he was appointed chancellor. Jewish families could not own or keep their pets. They were to leave the country--forbidden to leave their own tormentor. Musicians were forbidden to perform in symphony orchestras.



Although Jews made-up less than one percent of Germany's overall population of 55 million, Hitler considered them by nature to be the "mortal enemy" of the German people. But within Hitler's bureaucracy, radical and moderate anti-Semites strongly disagreed as to what legal (or illegal) actions should actually be taken against the Jews. This bureaucratic in-fighting resulted in complete stagnation concerning the development of a coordinated Reich policy of anti-Semitism.


For more detail here is how these anti Jewish laws were enacted.



Anti-Jewish decrees
The persecution of the Jews began systematically almost as soon as Hitler came to power. The Nazis established many new anti-Jewish laws. These were introduced slowly at first, so that the civilian population would not realise the extent of the Nazi party's anti-Semitism. Below is a chart showing a small selection of the 2,000 Nazi anti-Jewish decrees passed between 1933-1945. It is uncertain whether Hitler planned to murder the Jews when he came to power. Originally it seems he intended to force them out of Germany but this eventually led to a plan to exterminate the Jews.

Action Public burning of books by Jews and anti-Nazis (Freud, Einstein, Thomas Mann)
Random attacks on Jews and Jewish property
Police and the courts no longer protect Jews
April boycotts of Jewish shops - for one day, Germans are told not to buy from shops and business owned by Jews
SA stand by shops to discourage people from going inside
'Kosher'- ritual slaughter of animals banned
Department of Racial Hygiene ('ethnic cleansing') established


Jewish students excluded from exams in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and law
Jews excluded from military service (If you were a patriotic German or Austrian this was a crushing rejection. Many German Jews served with distinction during World War I
Friz Haber, Jewish and a chemist, created a way to extract nitrogen from air and this made it possible for German munitions to manufactor nitrates artificially for explosives, which enabled Germany to continue the war effort 1914-1918, after being cut off from supplies of saltpeter. This contribution was forgotten and Haber fled Nazi Germany.)

Nuremberg Laws deny Jews many basic civil rights
Law for 'The Protection of German Blood and German Honour' forbade mixed marriages

Jews no longer allowed to vote and lose German citizenship
Benefit payments to large Jewish families stopped
Jews banned from parks, restaurants and swimming pools
Jews forbidden to use the German greeting 'Heil Hitler'
Jews no longer allowed electrical/optical equipment, bicycles, typewriters or records
Passports for Jews to travel abroad restricted
Many Jewish students removed from German schools and universities

Special identity cards issued to Jews
Jews excluded from cinema, theatre, concerts, exhibitions, beaches and holiday resorts
Jews forced to add the names Sarah or Israel to their own
Kristallnacht (9 November) - a night of terrible violence in Germany. German and Austrian Jews are murdered, synagogues burnt and desecrated and shop windows destroyed. Thousands of Jews are arrested
Jewish children expelled from German schools (many attempted suicide)
Jews' passports stamped with a red letter 'J'. Some have passports removed to prevent them leaving the country. (You cant even leave the nation that is tormenting you)

A central office for Jewish emigration set up
Jews evicted from their homes without reason and notice
Jews' radios confiscated
Jewish curfew established

Jews' telephones confiscated (which means you have to walk the streets the deliver messages or summon a doctor and that means there you are, Jewish and facing the anti Semetic public)
Jews no longer receive ration cards for clothes (Think of the consequences of this in a European winter and when your health is impaired due to stress and poor nutrition)

Jews over 6 forced to wear a Yellow Star of David with 'Jew' written on it
Jews Forbidden to use public telephones (!!!)
Jews forbidden to keep dogs, cats and birds
Jews forbidden to leave the country

Jews hand over fur coats and woollen items
Jews not allowed to receive eggs or milk
Blind or deaf Jews no longer allowed to wear armbands identifying their condition in traffic
All schools closed to Jewish children

Continuous deportations (to concentration camps. And yes, these existed)

Hitler showed he was already evil six months after being appointed Chancellor.

May Israel and our Jewish brothers and sisters thrive--as Jews, as human beings, whether secular or observant--and may the Jewish Story continue--and not to be swallowed up in anyone elses salvation narrative, either.

Re: Self-Realization Fellowship faked incorruptible body deception
Posted by: Tormod ()
Date: August 31, 2011 12:01AM

Facts first, at any rate:

SRF got a notarized letter from a mortuary director, and excerpted the parts of it they found it fit to present. I don't think there was anything wrong with that. They also presented "the whole truth" - the whole report - in Self-Realization Fellowship's "Paramahansa Yogananda in Memoriam" (Los Angeles: SRF, 1958, p. 121-24. In other books they made do with excerpts. Some parts of the whole report might interest many, for they hardly support a goofy credibility in that the SRF excerpt tells the whole tale. Here is the complete notarized letter to SRF, and verbatim:


Forest Lawn Memorial-Park
Glendale 5, California

May 16, 1952

Self-Realization Fellowship
3880 San Rafael Avenue
Los Angeles 65


The absence of any visual signs of decay in the dead body of Paramhansa Yogananda offers the most extraordinary case in our experience. Had the muscle protein and blood stream of the deceased not been comparatively free of bacteria, deterioration of the body could have set in as early as six hours after life had departed. No physical disintegration was visible in Paramhansa Yogananda's body even twenty days after death.

The body was under daily observation at the Mortuary of the Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Association from March 11, 1952, the, day of the last public rites, until March 27, 1952, when the bronze casket was sealed by fire. During this period no indication of mold was visible on Paramhansa Yogananda's skin, and no visible desiccation (drying up) took place in the bodily tissues. This state of perfect preservation of a body is, so far as we know from mortuary annals, an unparalleled one.

Officials of Forest Lawn viewed the body of Paramhansa Yogananda an hour after his death on March 7, 1952. The body was then taken to his home on Mount Washington in Los Angeles, where many friends gathered to gaze at his form.

For protection of the public health, embalming is desirable if a dead body is to be exposed for several days to public view. Enbalming of the body of Paramhansa Yogananda took place twenty-four hours after his demise. In normal room-temperature, the enzyme action of the intestines of deceased persons causes distention of the tissues in the abdominal region about six hours after death. Such distention did not occur at any time in the case of Paramhansa Yogananda. When

[Page two:]

our Mortuary received his body for embalming, it presented no signs of physical deterioration and no putrefactive odor -- two very unusual absences when a death has occurred twenty-four hours earlier.

Paramhansa Yogananda's body was embalmed on the night of March 8th, with that quantity of fluid which is customarily used in any body of similar size. No unusual treatment was given.

In cases of persons that are embalmed and exhibited to friends for a period of two or three weeks, it is necessary, to insure presentability, for the embalmer to apply, on the face and hands of the deceased, a creamy pore-sealing emulsion that temporarily prevents the outward appearance of mold. In Paramhansa Yogananda's case, however, no emulsions were used. They were superfluous, inasmuch as his tissues underwent no visible transformations.

After embalming on the night of March 8th, the body of Paramhansa Yogananda was returned to the Self-Realization Fellowship headquarters on Mount Washington. At the final public rites there on the-afternoon of March llth, the glass sealer lid of the bronze coffin was fastened securely and was not again removed. His body was never touched again by human hands.

The body in the casket was taken about 10 p.m. on March llth to our Mortuary for daily observation. The reason for this procedure was the hope of Self-Realization Fellowship officers that two disciples of Paramhansa Yogananda's from India might arrive in Los Angeles sometime in March, when they could be brought to the Mortuary to view the body.

In any sealed casket, into which air cannot enter and from which air cannot escape, the internal moisture of the dead body, whether embalmed or unembalmed, soon forms a white mold on the skin unless the protective cream, not used in this case, is used. The natural characteristic of the muscle protein is to break down into amino acids and then into ptomaine acids. When ptomaine acids become active, deterioration of tissues is rapid. Paramhansa Yogananda's body was apparently devoid of any impurities by which muscle proteins could be resolved into ptomaine acids. His tissues remained intact.

At the time of receiving Paramhansa Yogananda's body, the Mortuary personnel at Forest Lawn expected to observe, through the glass lid of the casket, the usual progressive signs of bodily decay. Our astonishment increased as day followed day without bringing any visible change in the body under observation. Paramhansa Yogananda's body was apparently in a phenomenal state of immutability.

On the late morning of March 26th, we observed a very slight, a barely noticeable, change -- the appearance on the tip of

[Page three:]

the nose of a brown spot, about one-fourth inch in diameter. This small faint spot indicated that the process of desiccation (drying up) might finally be starting. No visible mold appeared, however.

The hands at all times remained normal in size, revealing no signs of shriveling or pinching at the fingertips -- the place where desiccation is ordinarily seen very early. The lips, which wore a slight smile, continuously retained their firmness. No odor of decay emanated from Paramhansa Yogananda's body at any time. Although the casket was closed by the heavy glass lid, it was not hermetically sealed. Any odor from the deceased, had it been present, would have been immediately detected by persons standing near the coffin. The volatile nature of odors renders it impossible to conceal their presence, except in rare circumstances that did not here obtain.

As word had been received that the two disciples from India would not be coming to America until 1953, the officers of Self-Realization Fellowship agreed, on March 27, 1952, that entombment of Paramhansa's casket should now take place. The inner glass lid was therefore sealed by fire to the lower part of the casket; the massive bronze cover was then placed on top and secured with mastic sealer and with bolts. The process of sealing by fire was accomplished on March 27th and 28th. The casket was removed on March 28, 1952, to a crypt in the Great Mausoleum in Forest Lawn Memorial-Park, to remain there until such time as permanent enshrinement of the body can be arranged for by the Self Realization Fellowship.

The physical appearance of Paramhansa Yogananda on March 27th, just before the bronze cover of the casket was put into position, was the same as it had been on March 7th. He looked on March 27th as fresh and as unravaged by decay as he had looked on the night of his death. On March 27th there was no reason to say that his body had suffered any visible physical disintegration at all. For these reasons we state again that the case of Paramhansa Yogananda is unique in our experience.

On May 11, 1952, during a telephone conversation between an officer of Forest Lawn and an officer of Self-Realization Fellowship, the whole amazing story was brought out for the first time. Previously the Fellowship officer had not known the details, as he had not been in touch with the Mortuary Director but only with the Administrative Department of Forest Lawn. In the interests of truth, we are glad to present this written account for publication in Self-Realization Magazine.

Yours sincerely,
Harry T. Rowe, Mortuary Director

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On the 16th day of May, 1952 before me, Maxine Chapman, a Notary Public in and for said County and State personally appeared Harry T. Rowe, known to me to be the Mortuary Director of Forest Lawn Memorial-Park Association, Inc. and acknowledged to me that as such Mortuary Director he signed the foregoing letter dated May 16, 1952 addressed to the Self-Realization Fellowship at 3880 San Rafael Avenue, Los Angeles 65, California.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official seal this day and year first above written.

[M. Chapman]
Notary Public in and for said
County and State

Re: Self-Realization Fellowship faked incorruptible body deception
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: August 31, 2011 01:02AM

One more reason to avoid wanting to become a guru--they might not leave your body alone even after you die.

This shows how atypical Yogananda was. There is nothing in Hinduism to support incorrputability of the body as a sign of holiness. Thats from the Christian and Muslim traditions.

What is normative in Hinduism is cremation. A corpse is a source of ritual pollution until cremated, unless that of a holy person or an infant. Deceased bodies of the latter two are placed in a river, not buried.

The Indian love affair with authoritarianism/dictatorship--a modern description:

It may not be such a surprise that Yogananda approved of dictatorship.

Sarah Macdonald, in a recent travelogue, described her experiences as a journalist while at one of the Allhabad Kumbmela festivals:


The Hindu religion is a guru's gig, where ego is a dirty word and only supplication to a master can kill it. The closest thing I ever get to understanding the guru thing is my constant ability to fall in love with lead singers and bass players...I am not willing to touch the feet of any sadhus Ive seen so far. Its hard enough for me to surrender to a faith let alone to a fallible human...

"Besides, I am finding the guru mentality all too manifest in other areas of Indian life. I join Neeraj and Titi (two other reporters covering the Mela) at the media tent, where they are still awaiting a press pass...As we fill out more forms in triplicate, the press infomormation bureau officer sits behind a huge table revelling in his own authority to forbid filming.

(Corboy note: Suketu Mehta, author of Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found, sums this us: "India is the country of 'No'." )

"Not that we believe in censorship but we have had to start checking some stories and changing bits"

I try to speak. He shows me the hand.

"Madam, even though it is impossible for us to be offended, because we respect all opinions and criticisms, the Western media has offended us by showing naked sadhus."

Macdonald writes,

"I can't get a word in to tell the Raja of Red Tape that the local media has featured more racy bits than the international press. As (the Press Information Officer speaks), four men watch, drinking in the glory of their Goebbels.

"They prostrate themselves before him, vigorously nod and fall over with laughter when he tries to be funny. They're unpaid crawlers, men with not enough work and too much time *who just love to sit at the feet of someone more successful than themselves.*

"Indians adore authority.

"To these guys, this middle ranking offical is a Buddha of bureaucracy and a priest of paperwork.

"To me, he is a dickhead of the highest order."

Holy Cow! An Indian Adventure by Sarah Macdonald.

Suketu Mehta, another journalist, born in Mumbai, says in his book, Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found

"India is the country of "No".

Anyone, a god, a guru, a gang boss, bureaucrat, or patron with some sort of clout who can turn a No into a Yes--thats what is sought for and worshipped.

The real God in India is the Great Fixer, the one who converts the No into the Yes--at least for you.

One police officer interviewed by Mehta, who had an important job and was under heavy stress, was offered a lucrative position as head of security for a tycoon. He turned the offer down.

Mehta asked him why.

The police officer replied, that in his stress filled current job, he was an important man in his own right. People waited for him

As an employee of the tycoon, he would have had an excellent salary and much less pressure. But, he would have become a member of the tycoons retinue and had to wait on him.

The police officer preferred the real power of having others wait on him, wait for him, even though he paid a severe price in tension.

Being powerful enough that people wait for you and tolerate your whims--that is success in India.

Now..does that appear to be a culture that has the resources to assauge the spiritual malaise of those of us fortunate enough to have been born in relatively functional participatory democracies--and in nations that passed through the Middle Ages, Renaissance, Baroque periods, Enlightenment and then industrialisation in manageable stages and produced sizeable middle classes with inherant respect for objective rule of law--and the ability to examine power objectively, understand power in secular ways, not as a spiritual force that can never be questioned at all?

All India and its gurus can do is turn us into peons and despots. A few may be selected in a guru's little theatre for roles as neo-Brahmins, but there are very many more slots for peons and peasants, and very few slots for Brahmins.

Even then, the guru is very likely, along with his (or her) Indian associates, smirking silently and gleefully at all the earnest pale face Westerners squatting and bowing humbly, thinking this is bliss, when to Indian eyes, this means accepting the insulting position of subserviant slave--one who waits, one who grovels.

In India, the poor know what is being done to them. What is hilarious for Indian gurus and thier Indian handlers is that Westerners are not even aware they are being insulted
and made fools, and think its holy.

This cultural disconnect is the equivalent of the western disciples being conned into allowing a Kick Me sign pasted to their rear ends whilst believing they've been given the US Congressional Medal of Honor or the Victoria Cross.

Western women are seen as outcastes-barbarians, with whom its quite all right for an Indian male to use for sexual release and social prestige, whilst despising the women for being slut enough to permit this.

Mehta tells us that social and political systems had broken down so badly in Mumbai and elsewhere in India that the best and brightest were quite often, making plans to leave India altogether. They had no safety from Indias laws and institutions. Gangs ruled.

Anyone who wanted to finance a film project in Bollywood was not able to get money from banks or the financial system--a film project was considered too risky an investment.

The only source of money for films came from the underworld. Powerful stars and directors were ordered by the gangs to take or drop certain projects--or else their own families would be targeted.

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