I was the one who started that post, after I noticed disgusting behavior and oppinions on their website.
I left the group when I read a post a girl made, who was only 15. (I'm 18). She asked if she should quit school because of 2012, and she said to her mother "you're just my Earth mother".
Gnosticweb also claims that gay people are "malignant creatures. All doors are closed for these creatures"
One of the users there said that gay people seemed nice and friendly on the outer shell, but that inside they were damned. They seemed so happy, but really °the path to hell is lined with roses"
i made a post saying "angels can fly because they take themselves lightly", but they didn't understand.
I made another post
I said (near the end of the post) that Ariel the Little Mermaid wanted to become a human, just like they wanted to become °spiritual beings". She sold her voice to a witch in the process.
They're really hypocritical, because they said that the egos make us follow blindly, and that we mustn't go along with the egos.
I lost my patience and bombarded their youtube sites and forums with cult warning messages. They all got deleted. And I have made and had deleted about four accounts
They even moniter the comments for their youtube videos, pretty much every day.
It makes me sick. The bad thing is that many of the users there are kids.
I looked on the forums and there is only 1 message remaining there asking "are you guys brainwashed", and they carefully said that Gnosticweb has no cultish behavior.
I've heard of Eckankar. Is this worse?
Frankly, I think I've seen the bad side of the New Age Spectrum
I have jumped from Osho to A Course in Miracles to hypnosis to What the Bleep Gnosticweb. I had to conquer solipsism syndrome and depersonalization/derealization after this, because of all the nonsense.
I also have dealt with James Randi's harsh oppinions as well, but I don't want to be either extreme (too skeptical or too superstitious). I think this is a good place to post this. But I think I can unleash a storm of Randi skeptics onto Gnosticweb and see what happens.
Edited 3 time(s). Last edit at 02/04/2009 05:52PM by Free_955.