Gnosis enabled me to break out of a life of .......
It should be stated that Aun Weor's notion of "Gnosis" has no direct linage to the historic Gnostics (a term I believe was coined by modern academics to give references to those historic religious sects).
Quite often Aun Weor supporters make statments like "we Gnostics" "the Gnostic...." etc. (implying that they are historically connected to ancient Gnostic sects).
Gnosis enabled me to break out of a life of depression, anxiety, drugs and eating disorders and to experience something much greater in life. So despite the fact that I am no longer part of it, I can only be thankful for what it gave me. Therefore, since I have no grievance to express I have no place here.
I wish you well.
Now havnt said that. I'm sure every cultish organization has had some members that benefit in small way or another. Even after watching documentries from the testamonies of surviving members of Jim Jones's The People's Temple, to Heavens Gate, to David Koresh's Branch Dravidians, to the Solar Temple a.s.o. .... have made statements that they had benefitted in some way or another. It still doesnt water down the fact that these organizations had distructive aspects to them.
(note: I have seen Solar Temple footage of them wanting to end war, help people get off drugs etc.
Heavens Gate wanted to stop war, help humanity etc. Jim Jone's People's Temple at one time held public soup kitchens and did alot of good deeds to help poverty stricken people. They certainly did good. Its rather a
common myth that distructive organizations cannot do any good deeds. This doesnt mean we should automatically dismiss any criticism of these groups, dissenting voices or that impossible for them to have any distructive elements to them. )
Edited 4 time(s). Last edit at 06/21/2009 10:42PM by Keir.