This action would appear to contradict the terms of use that are posted on which can be viewed here [].
"The Right to Freedom of Religious Expression
Absolute Publishing Press and Belzebuub value the freedoms of religion, belief, speech, thought and expression. Absolute Publishing Press and Belzebuub, and all visitors to the Belzebuub website, have the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion. This right shall include freedom to have or to adopt a religion or belief of their choice, and freedom, either individually or in community with others and in public or private, to manifest their religion or belief in worship, observance, practice and teaching, as constituted by international declarations.
Visitors to the Belzebuub website are free to choose their own religious ideas, beliefs and viewpoints, and take full responsibility for the choices they make."
These internationally recognized principles should exclude the treatment that Thistle and others receive. I didn't even real try to make a fuss and just left as I knew what kind of organization was dealing with and how fanatical they were.
However they cover their asses with the next statement they made and pretty well make their Freedom of Religious Expression null and void.
"As a condition of using the site, all visitors must also respect the free will of Absolute Publising Press, Belzebuub and every person participating on the Belzebuub website to hold their own religious ideas, beliefs and viewpoints, and allow them to practice and express them freely. The only limits on these freedoms are those dictated by law, and those necessary to protect the rights of other members of the Belzebuub website community and to ensure the proper functioning of the Belzebuub website.
In accordance with international declarations, Absolute Publishing Press and Belzebuub reserve their right to express and teach their own religious and metaphysical beliefs, practices and viewpoints. By using this site, you agree to respect this right.
Any visitor that does not uphold these values and terms, shall have their Belzebuub website user account suspended and/or blocked accordingly."
This second part of their terms of use violates the first part. The first statement reflects international law, and the law of most of the nations were students come from. As John Locke stated it is your duty to go against an immoral law and the second part is an immoral law as it conflicts with your freedom of religion.
The only reason they are allowed to legally do this is because they are a company and companies only get in trouble with such laws as long as they are not found to be discriminating. However it is another example of the dishonesty of the organization.
So as a participant on their websites you have freedom of religion unless that your religious, moral or spiritual believe makes you concerned about what they are doing or saying. If you have those concerns you are excluded from participation are quickly as possible.
You will notice that the rest of the terms effectively attempts to remove the organization of any responsiblity for the danger the student faces doing the practices, including death. This is almost the same terms we see at Gnosticweb. How can a man who preaches about responsibility take no responsibility for his actions?
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2009 11:49PM by notanantiGnostic.