Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: richiekgb ()
Date: December 14, 2010 12:14AM

I was sent some Interesting posts by Current ToV member and people who have "investigated before" - might explain things for KenW and the Cold Filter people.

Pyramid Scheme:

"Their present sales plan is as follows:

1. A person can become a member by purchasing The Vampire Bible for
$35.00 (hard cover) or $20.00 (soft cover). The Vampire Bible numbers
around 20 pages. Much like the Church of Satan and its supposedly
elite ranks, anyone is free to become a Lifetime Member and carry the
ToV Membership Card so long as their money is green.

2. The member must now pay $100.00 annually for Active Membership.
Active Membership will grant the member the ability to get graded,
purchase The Vampire Predator Bible and carry the title of Vampire

3. The Vampire Predator Bible (book 2 of 5) and the subsequent
Vampire Bibles use to be sold for $25.00 each in the past. It is
possible that figure has risen or fallen by a few dollars. After
purchasing The Vampire Predator Bible the member can have an
application for the degree of Vampire Predator graded for the price
of $25.00.

4. Here or elsewhere in the course of the member's membership he or
she may have purchased the official ToV ring or medallion for $50.00
each. The member may have also purchased several issues of their
monthly newsletter titled Lifeforce which is sold for $10.00 an
issue. Each issue usually numbers between 5 and 8 printed pages. The
paper utilized for Lifeforce is basic 20 lb. computer paper. The
annual journal called Bloodlines is sold for $50.00. Bloodlines
usually numbers 20 - 30 pages.

5. Moving along, the member will be encouraged to achieve the degree
of Vampire Priest/Priestess. To do so he or she must purchase The
Vampire Priesthood Bible. After studying the book the member will
have to pay a $25.00 application fee to enter the Priesthood of Ur
and sign an oath swearing their loyalty to the group.

6. Having achieved the degree of Vampire Priest/Priestess the member
will be encouraged to attain the next degree of Vampire
Sorcerer/Sorceress. To do so he or she must purchase The Vampire
Sorcery Bible. After studying the book the member will have to pay a
$25.00 application fee.

7. If it has been over a year since the member acquired Active
Membership, he or she will have to again pay $100 to sustain that
level of membership.

8. Having achieved the degree of Vampire Sorcerer/Sorceress the
member will be encouraged to attain the next degree of Vampire Adept.
To do so he or she must purchase The Vampire Adept Bible. After
studying the book the member will have to pay a $25.00 application

The above sales plan was for a member who was involved for over one
year actively. According to the outline above the member will have
given the ToV $400.00 - $585.00 or more over that period. Every time
an additional year of Active Membership is added also add $100.00 to
the sum. Given that the quality of their materials is appallingly
low, the ToV's profit margin must be incredible.
Rev. JP VanirSamhain [];

Then Cryonics Scam:

"My gripe with the Temple is that they advertise that they are into all this nightside occult stuff and get good people to join. I know some good Satanists who joined like me and were suckered.
Out of the blue you get told you need to purchase an expensive cryonics contract(which you have no interest in)to get to the "Higher Teachings."
Then they pressure you again and again to buy a 30k+ cryonics contract because if you dont then you are not "walking the walk" and not worthy of the "higher teachings."
This is Lesser Magic by Satanists on Satanists!
I quit at that point but others are persuaded to agree to a belief they did not have before(that cryonics is something they want.)
After two years of being part of the group and buying into the undead gods, life force, and being a vampire predator, you start assimilating the group-think even if you don't want to.
Suddenly you start thinking that maybe cryonics is good because the other vampires think so.
This is cult brainwashing.
The CoS has never once attempted to brainwash me or try to force me to accept beliefs I did not hold.

__ The ToV is pulling the old "bait-and-switch" on all who join.__

They have to!
If they were honest and mentioned cryonics on their main site they would get zero new members.

Don't be tricked by the false vampires.

Shame on Magus Gilmore for allowing Lesser Magic to be practiced on Satanists by permitting these con men to advertise on their turf.
Posted by Reynald in London on Sun Dec 12, 2010 at 07:02 AM"

Personal Experience

"in spite of all that follows im still a tov member and want to stay one. i have lots of good friends there and i want to keep them.

not everyone who joins believes the nightside stuff. some of us just want to have fun. and the tov is fun but nemo isnt. nemo is a pretentious nasty guy and hes gonna get a lot of good people in trouble.

the tov under nemo doesnt take its stance against illegal activity as seriously as the cos does. the cos ban and reports criminals even just weed smokers.

ive heard three different reports of drugs that nemo heard about personally but didnt punich. two because they paid to go up to the priesthood and one because they were a high up adept he didnt want to lose.

nemo is also against blood drinking but some members have done it and said so on lifeforce. the posts get deleted but the members stay in. one of them even posted again that he drank blood and hes still there and hes still got his status.

there are also REAL CULT things going on. members are pressured not to leave. there are oaths you have to take and after teaching you a belief in immortality in you they SAY YOULL DIE if you betray them. i bet gabriel can confirm that BIG TIME.

i was personally warned that if i stopped paying my dues theyd throw away my dna archive and make sure my cryonics contract got cancelled. and all the mystic stuff about being harvested but thats all fiction. the dna and cryonics are real. THESE ARE DEATH THREATS to keep members in. these threats come from adepts and order members.

they never come from nemo. at least i never HEARD them come from nemo but he definitely knows about them because i told him. he did NOTHING. im not afraid that will tell him who i am because i know it happened before over and over.

and threats go on. THREATS to lose your friends. to lose your LIFE. i know the cos doesnt do this. the church of satanism ISNT a cult. if you want to leave they say "fine go leave". they dont say youll DIE for it. the cos leaders are jerks sometimes but they never ever make threats. most of the tov is nice and friendly but its leaders are running a CULT. no question.
Posted by a vampire on Mon Dec 13, 2010 at 01:51 AM
i do think its compatible with the cos as a religion because you dont have to believe any of it. its one big ritual chamber where you believe and then stop in the real world.

if it had a leader who was harder on crime and forbids threats and bans oaths about dying it would be perfect. its even worth joining and definately worth reading the vamprie bible if youre into occult magic and satanic magic.

nemo and his order of prometheus want to run it like a cult with intimidation and allowing illegal stuff. im afraid of them and thats why i wont say my name here. they can take my friends and they can take my real scientific immortal life. i know lots of other vampires who feel exactly the same way.

please dont attack members other than nemo and the head honcoes. i dont even say im a tov member on satannet or the lttd forum. its just a neat thing and it is compatible. it just has a really nasty founder whos gonna take the tov and the cos down with him.
Posted by a vampire on Mon Dec 13, 2010 at 01:51 AM"

"Further rummaging on the interwebs reveals an old radio interview with the elusive Nemo:
[] - 2003-10-25 - h4 - AB - Nemo - Vampires [1of2].mp3
[] - 2003-10-25 - h5 - AB - Nemo - Vampires [2of2].mp3
This vampire cult business just gets weirder and weirder."

More Here - []

I love Arts quote - "Im trying to learn (natruely) as much as I can about Vampirism and im trying not to make too many jokes - But - Its really hard"!

I am going to be posting more about this on cryonicsfactsheet later.

'Scientology has Xenu.
The Temple of the Vampire has Cryonics.'

Should make a nice bumper sticker! grin

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2010 12:15AM by richiekgb.

Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: December 14, 2010 08:07AM

Reading up on some of richiekgb's earlier links, I came across this sales pitch that Nemo aka Lucas Martel aka George C Smith sent out to his members to introduce them to the concept of living forever through cryonics.

As there is an hilariously astute commentary (in bold) by 'zenaphobe' I thought it worth re-posting here:


UPDATE! Noobs are getting the TOV teachings wrong.

Found an e-mail Nemo sent to help the fledgling non blood drinking vampires understand some elementary truths they are not grasping.


Essay - The Dayside Path to the Undead Gods


by Nemo


I realize that this has been explained in Revelations, but every so often I will get an email that reveals to me that a new member doesn't understand this.

So here goes.

The proper long term goal of any Temple Member is to become like the Undead Gods whether you think they are real or not."

Uh oh, we must have noobs who can't grasp the concept of becoming similar in nature to imaginary beings. It's like Santa's helpers getting distraught over how they will fit down chimneys or guide flying reindeer through a foggy city. Seriously, just because you can't fly around the world in one night in a sleigh doesn't mean you can't be just like Santa!

"If you get this, then all the issues about feeling that we of the Temple are subservient inferiors to the Undead Gods drops away.

They are us, if we get our act together and master the same kinds of skills and abilities attributed to Them.

So what are the attributes that the Undead Gods have that you should also want?

1. Immortality.
2. Self Control.
3. Power over the World.

And before I discuss each one of these, I want you to also grasp something important.

You can accomplish all of these through the Dayside.

The Nightside is not even really necessary.

But back to the attributes:"

In case you didn't get that it goes something like this

Undead Gods= Gods
Temple members=Wanna be gods.
Temple members=Undead Gods once they get the mad skilz the Undead Gods have now.

It's so simple a dues paying rube can understand it.

I just wish Nemo could tell me how I too can be immortal.

Oh wait, look here,

1. Immortality.

You can't exactly be Undead if you are dead.

Immortality as the Temple uses this word is not living forever.

It is really just not dying or not staying dead.

Jesus Christ, where is the double take smiley? Orwell would be so proud of our little Nemo!

Immortality does not mean living forever? Someone call Websters, make sure they update the 2010 unabridged edition.

When words have definitions that are inconvenient, redefine them. Immortality means living forever in every case but this one.

So kids, listen up, undead means not being dead, immortality does not mean living forever, and immortality means not dying or if one does, not staying that way.

The Dayside of the Temple indicates that there are two ways to accomplish this involving science.

If the Temple is correct then setting yourself up for these methods offers you immortality.

That potentially makes you Undead.

Perhaps the Dayside of the Temple ought to have their collective heads examined, because the double speak is making mine hurt.

It seems we are still having trouble with definitions. Undead as it is usually understood means no longer being clinically alive and yet still able to animate ones body of flesh. There has to be some deadness in the picture for undead to have any meaning. But hey, since we are redefining words who cares right?

Note the the word "potentially" as it relates to undead, I guess actuality is too much to promise when the whole premise of your diatribe is to convince some yahoos to pay you money to learn how to be an undead god. Buyer beware!

Let's look at the next defining trait of the undead gods
"2. Self Control.

Immortality in eternal torment would not be very God-like.

For this reason alone it is extremely useful to gain increased control over your mind and emotions.

The development of willpower and choosing happiness over anxiety, depression, or ongoing rage, for example, are important parts of gaining control over your own mind."

How attractive are mopey and self defeated undead gods? I know that when I think "undead", the very first word that comes to my mind is "joyful". Maybe it's not just me.

So far this is starting to sounds like "Zen and the Art of Being Undead Gods" to me.

The Dayside secrets that deal with these issues are also here before you, outlining how to gain self control and make life truly worth living.

Things can and will go wrong around you from time to time.

Learning how to rise above the events around you and find happiness despite such setbacks when they happen is critical to being your own God.

A picture of a rotting and reanimated Anthony Robins springs to mind here saying, "Unleash the Undead God inside you!"

It sure sounds like being your own undead god is an awful lot of work.

Do gods have to stand in line at the DMV and deal with snippy people snapping their gum? Do they burn their toast and have fits of rage they need to quell?

Lemme guess, the word "god" has gotten a little tweak you haven't told us about yet?

And the last trait of an undead god,

"3. Power over the World.

Making external events happen the way you prefer them to is what technology is all about.

Tools enable us to master the environment and the Dayside of the Temple embraces the accelerating technologies that are even now rushing toward us."

So get your ass down to Best Buy and stock up on shit to make your undead existence a breeze.

These technologies that are rushing toward us do not happen to include an adamantium skeleton upgrade or anything cool like that do they? Heat vision lasik surgery? How about cerebral upgrades to channel the Force?

No? Well what can we expect?

Nanotechnology by itself holds immense promise to do for physical matter what computers have done for information.

Because we all know how we are just on the verge of nanobots for everyone! I heard Wal Mart is already resetting their shelves to make space for the do it yourself augmentation kits the FDA is giving the green light on.

Thus we look to the immediate future with a scientific hope that lifespans will be radically extended, health made the fundamental norm as diseases are wiped away, and the current-day concerns of limited resources and energy completely solved while opening the door to authentic space travel and completely viable virtual worlds where you can be, do, or have anything you can imagine.


Yea. It's just all going to be so cheap and easy to get your hands on it even though we can't even get free health care for all Americans. I am so sure that the health care industry is going to consider it a human right to be free of disease. Hell, we don't even have a flying car in every garage yet and we are on the verge of all this shit for nearly little or no cost?

Well, maybe if all the good little vampires keep paying their dues, we know one who will at least be able to buy organic like the undead gods do. (how do you think they stay so robust and healthy?)

To increase the odds that you will live to see this happen and be in the forefront of those who will benefit from the advances as they happen, the Temple promotes attention to personal survival, health, and accumulating wealth.

We are passing through the last bottleneck leading to God-like power over the material universe.

Staying alive and healthy is critical.

Vanilla Sky is almost here folks, be sure you have an inside line to tech support before all the welfare queens get theirs from the gubment.

Staying alive is critical to staying undead! Eat your fruits and veggies and brush three times a day if you want to obtain your unique godlike powers like everyone else who pays their dues.

Accumulating wealth will not only offer you more personal freedom but may very well assure you of being first in line to benefit from the very technologies that will uplift you from being "just human" to being an "Undead God" in the very simple terms I have attempted to outline here.

I am mentioning all of this to remove the nagging doubts that might block especially newer members from thinking that the Temple is only a Nightside religion.

The technologies being developed in the Dayside right now will cause everything that the Temple Teaches as the Nightside to be produced through scientific engineering.

Just to ease the doubts you geeks might be having of attaining immortality through draining peoples chi without their knowledge, we have contingency plans that involve becoming super rich to buy immortality.

Cast aside those "nagging doubts" you have after you "drain" someone of their life force and you still feel like a weakling, we are going to teach you how to go Trump on dat shit and buy some immortal bling. Ya know wha' I saying? Check it!

Now let me be exceedingly clear.

I am not suggesting that the Nightside is not real.

It just doesn't seem to convince people like it used to. Donations are dropping off. I can't make my car payment.

Am I being clear?

Frankly, any technology that becomes advanced enough will point to a direct effect by mind upon matter - what we call magic.

I also should point out that it would actually be pretty amazing if no one else before this time had been able to do just that.

$50.00 to the first person who can translate this into something coherent.

Finally, if you look at the oldest stories about humanity with an open mind, the story is presented there as clearly as can be put into words.

Superior technology gave mankind a helping hand in the creation of tools, agriculture, and more.

The Temple offers that these events not only did happen but that Those responsible never really stopped Their involvement.

Hopefully no one will ask for any proof of this, as the whole load of bunk rests on capitalizing Those and Their and he knows none of his rubes will have the balls to call him on his bullshit.

Could we be a little more specific? What stories do we need to read with empty minds to learn these ancient secrets?

However, all of THAT is and remains Nightside in nature, because these things cannot be proven to you directly.

If you want to probe beneath the visible surface of such things that is what the Nightside of the Temple is all about.

My post here is not about that.

I am not going to reverse twenty years of asking that members not just believe anything. Instead, I am asking you to test and prove everything.

That is the only way to knowledge that is reliable.

Once again we are left in the position that if none of this bullshit works, it is obviously our fault for not doing it right.

I am impressed though that he has managed to sell this crap for 20 years. If he has invested well, I bet he can get his head frozen when he dies in hopes he will not remain dead forever.

What I am trying to communicate is that every one of the Nightside skills attributed to the Undead Gods has a Dayside technological plan that you can achieve.

The Dayside Secrets are here for many reasons.

I would venture to be the primary reason the Dayside "secrets" are here is because the mumbo jumbo shit fails to manifest anything that can be verified and people can only be strung along for so long before they begin to see behind the curtain.

They all amount to the best ways for you to beat death and gain mastery.

Beat death = Undead.

Mastery = God.

The Undead Gods.

We are not here to worship "ghosts in the sky".

We are here to become Undead Gods ourselves.

You can do so with the Dayside alone if necessary given enough time with the progress of technology.

But you will need to make it through the current bottleneck to do so.

The Temple is here to help you do just that!

I think this is setting up a future wave of discontent among the ranks of rubes, because once they actually read how far away any of this technology is to making it into society they might realize they ain't got a chance in hell of living that long.

Sticking to the Nightside esoteric shit would be smarter since there is no possible way to prove it wrong.

Anyone dumb enough to send money every month to learn these "secrets" probably has nothing in the way of wealth and never will.

Your screwing yourselves out of money you could put in your 401K people!

Well, that's what is going on in the TOV and I am pretty certain this kind of appeal is probably driven by a slowing economy forcing some kids to decide if they want to be Undead Gods or get that sweet new iPhone at the mall.

After 20 years I wonder if Nemo believes any of his own bullshit?

Zenaphobe has magnaminously fried a few brain cells to come up with a theme song for the Order of Prometheus:

They need a theme song for Oops,

Sung to Brittany Spears "Oops I did it again",

"Oops they did it again,
they scrubbed the results
Got rid of your link
Oh baby, baby.

Oops they did it again
they drained all your chi
now don't you feel weak
oh baby, baby."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2010 08:22AM by Stoic.

Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: December 14, 2010 08:41AM

Zenaphobe again, having found two YouTube ads for ToV and declaring the second to be "Oprah meets Bela Lugosi":

The Undead Gods must be feeling the pinch in this economy because they are putting adverts on Youtube.

Here is a short, sweet plug for finding your way to vampireism


Notice that you have to get the approved manuscript to get authentic power. For a fee of course.

The second is a real tear jerker. It's like Oprah meets Bella Lugosi. Your search is over and you have found us.


It's a classic "Have you always known you were special, but feel like you are looking for something just out of reach?"

There is the warning to only go forward if you are really serious. Slackers need not apply.

The Temple used to operate in secret but in our desire for converts, we have come out of the darkness to find our lost brethren.

Naturally, the comments are disabled on the videos so disgruntled chi drinkers can't call them out on their BS.

It's nice to see the Undead Gods get into the Youtube after all these centuries. I hope they got their digital T.V. converters so they can keep up with the latest True Blood series.

Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: December 14, 2010 09:47AM

The 'Vanilla Sky' reference above is to a Tom Cruise remake of a Spanish movie (Open Your Eyes) that was panned by some critics. It was peripherally about a possible cryonic suspension, and I enjoyed the film, despite it being voted, in 2010, as being the most confusing movie of all time in a poll conducted by


Some of the critics on the film:

Peter Bradshaw of The Guardian and Gareth Von Kallenbach of the publication Film Threat compared Vanilla Sky unfavorably to Open Your Eyes. Bradshaw says Open Your Eyes is "certainly more distinctive than" Vanilla Sky, which he describes as an "extraordinarily narcissistic high-concept vanity project for producer-star Tom Cruise."

Other reviewers extrapolate from the knowledge that Cruise had bought the rights to do a version of Amenábar's film
A Village Voice reviewer characterized Vanilla Sky as "hauntingly frank about being a manifestation of its star's cosmic narcissism".

Re: Cryonics, Satan, Vampires, other scams.
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 14, 2010 11:47AM

The cryonics Satanists and cryonics Vampires are really getting worked into a frenzy.
What's it all about? Why so upset?
That seems to be what happens when companies try to conceal things, and then they leak out.

Someone must have had a long thought out masterplan, to use the Vampirism and Satanism religious sects, to sell cryonics contracts?

There is also some other recently posted material out there, apparently connected with more of this cryonics Satanist stuff.

Search Google for:

CryoGirl "I can destroy Cryonics"

CryoGirl "I can destroy Cryonics" youtube
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 14, 2010 11:54AM

The recent videos appear to have been removed from YouTube.

CryoGirl "I can destroy Cryonics"

Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: December 14, 2010 06:47PM

Ken W suggests:

'So if the folks posing here have solid evidence of David Styles engaging in fraud or illegal activities, I suggest to publicize them and let the ToV know. He can be expelled from membership (or if the ToV is harboring criminals and/or "in on it," the organization can be under fire legally).'

but according to David Styles, aka Lingua Scelesta, 'Villainous Tongue' himself, he is the Authorised Public Representative of the Temple of the Vampire.
Presumably he has been picked as the public face of ToV since he manifests the 'qualities' that the ToV venerates above all others and wishes to spread into the world.


What can you tell me about the Temple of the Vampire?
Some say it's a cult just out to get your money, but there are those who are pretty seriously into it and it's beliefs and tenets. They are pretty exclusive and standoffish. I haven't had an BAD experiences with them, but the members I've run across have had a supercilious, vampier-than-thou attitudes and just kind of felt...icky. They feel that anyone who isn't a Vampire is pretty much cattle to feed upon (psychic feeding, not sang feeding, of course), and anyone who isn't a member of their organization isn't a true Vampire...So basically, everyone is fair game.

They worship the "Undead Gods", which from what I can tell, are vampiric archetypes (ideal entities for those with a predatory nature to pattern after and aspire to), and have their own Vampire Bible, set of rituals, etc. I believe it's the only vampiric religion officially registered with the government.

A fellow who goes by the name of Nemo heads it, or used to; probably still does.

Beyond that, I don't know much. They're a hard-to-get-to-know bunch and don't interact much with the rest of the community, at least not on an organizational basis.

An Authorized Public Representative of the ToV contacted me with the following information:

The most easily accessible public source of information is Our website, which can be found at and is the only internet-based source of information regarding Our religion.
To clear up a couple of points raised in your words:

Yes, We are an Élitist group, and such is ipso facto certainly not for everyone.

Yes, We do consider everyone else to be "fair game" for Lifeforce Vampirism. You are also quite correct that the drinking of physical blood is neither practiced nor permitted within Our organisation.

The Undead Gods are the Advanced Members of this religion Who are no longer solely restricted to Their physical bodies. This is the goal with which the Temple assists those who are willing to make the required effort and also abide by Temple Law; see for further details.

Nemo is an administrator for the Temple, and is one of several.

Feel free to contact if you have any further questions.


Adept Linguascelesta
Authorised Public Representative
Temple of the Vampire

Note that strange use of Capitalisation when referring to the undead gods, Who are no longer solely restricted to Their physical........

Where have we seen that before, apart from Bernard Poolman's efforts?
In future I am going to refer to myself as Stoic, rather than stoic, instant elevation to undeadgod-like status
(and no dues to pay!).

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2010 07:07PM by Stoic.

Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Stoic ()
Date: December 14, 2010 07:01PM

From what I heard on the Cryogirl videos, she seems to be heavily enmeshed in the Satanic/Vampiric/Cryonics fear mythology, and does rather need a helping hand herself to disentangle from that morass.

As Old Villainous Tongue states: "We do consider everyone else to be "fair game" for Lifeforce Vampirism."

sorta like $cientology then?

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 12/14/2010 07:04PM by Stoic.

Cryonics "fair game" for Lifeforce Vampirism."
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: December 14, 2010 10:22PM

QUOTE: "Yes, We do consider everyone else to be "fair game" for Lifeforce Vampirism."

Right out of the Scientology manual.
Its the same pattern you see over and over again. Certain people see themselves as predators, and they see others as prey. They are the wolves, you are the lambs. They are the lions, you are the herd animal to be harvested.

It amounts to them using others for their own needs, and acting like a Vampire to suck the lifeforce, and mainly the moneyforce out of their bank account, trusts, estate, wills, purse, wallet...whatever you got, they want it.

Actually, in this way Vampirism and Cryonicism fit together hand and glove. No wonder cryonics and vampires/Satanism are such close bedfellows.

Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: December 14, 2010 10:40PM

I wonder if these folks are inspired by the writings, life and career of Aleister Crowley?

L Ron Hubbard got involved with Jack Parsons, a physicist at the Jet Propulsion Lab in Pasadena and who considered himself a disciple of Crowley.

Read Sex and Rockets: The Occult World of Jack Parsons

[People who consider themselves set apart and above the rabble (us!) see us as merely energy donors.

Will tell you something. Years ago, at a party, someone who practiced an honorable form of magic told us that when she was a teenager, she hung out briefly with a group of persons who practiced Crowley's lineage. She laughed and said, they had the best parties.

But she quietly removed herself when she sensed things were not good. She said, 'They had a very high rate of misfortunes. Accidents. Bad things happening, stuff like that.'

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