Larouche is the continuation of the Golden Rennaissance
Posted by: PhilOssifur ()
Date: May 18, 2009 06:15PM

The 15th C Golden Rennaissance was a revival of ancient Greek thought in Europe and it saved Europe from destruction. Larouche continues that tradition. The discovery of universal principles and their applcation to the uplifting of mankind is central to this way of thinking. The alternative is depopulation. i argue that cryonics must be part of the Renaissance program-- now spread worldwide over the last 600 years.

how cryonics has become a religion, and why is there such deception?
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: May 28, 2009 06:44AM

its very interesting how so many people involved in cryonics for many years, consistently put out FALSE information about cryonics to the public.

For example, the name Charles Platt comes up a lot.
Charles Platt says that a cryonics company cannot "own" the corpse, and then defines own to mean "sell" the body.

This is actually deceptive information he is putting out. Why is he doing that?
Of course, the cryonics company that gets a donated dead body completely CONTROLS what happens to that corpse, within the legislation of donated tissue for research.
So they decide what tests to do on the human bodies and their tissues, they decide what research will be done on the bodies, or if they will even be cut-up and sent to other locations or universities or corporate research labs, and they decide how to dispose of those bodies, whether by cremation or burial. They completely control that corpse.

They are not in "custody" of a "patient". Those words are completely meaningless, and are fluff words they use in cryonics, mainly for marketing purposes, but also to deny that death exists.

Its very strange how getting the basic facts out of almost everyone associated with cryonics is almost impossible.

There is another one, named Luke Parrish.
He actually goes as far as to say that its "moral" for all people to be forced to have their brains frozen even against their wishes!
QUOTE Luke Parrish: "But morally speaking, there's a good case to be made that all brains should be vitrified, regardless of their stated desires about post-death funerals and such."

He then says that dead brains are not dead. Why? Because he says so, with absolutely ZERO evidence whatsoever. So these guys go as far to literally deny there is anything called "legal death".

Its no wonder the entire cryonics operation has gone off the rails. When a person gets to the point where they literally deny death exists, without any proof, that is an extreme fringe religion.
The hardcore of cryonics believers are literally in the realm of extreme fringe religion. Mainstream religion doesn't deny the reality of bodily death. Only very few small fringe religions do so, and some of them have run into serious trouble.

Mix that in with the money, greed, power of attorney, assisted suicides, estates and wills, deceptive marketing, and its a recipe for disaster.

Other cryonics advocates are also advocating for assisted and voluntary suicide, which is a dangerous path when one adds in Estates, Wills, and power of attorney.
They also constantly beat the drum that your evil and greedy relatives will try to block your wishesafter death, which is also false. In almost every case, a person's close relative will follow their written wishes.

Buy why always try to point the finger at greedy relatives?
What about the greedy cryonics companies, trying to get their hands on the entire estates of people at death, and cutting out the entire famiily from their inheritance?

Its really amazing the amount of deception that is propagated within the cryonics organizations, much of it done in the name of marketing.
But when they get to the point of denying that death exists, without any proof whatsoever, that is now in the area of extremist fringe religion.
Add on top of the the deception, lies, greed, threats, personal attacks, and that is where the harcore professional cryonics advocates have crossed over into the cultish sphere.

For the hardcore true believers in cryonics, it really has become a New Religious Movement, based around the denial of death.

Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Anon1 ()
Date: June 07, 2009 01:23PM

So I just read an article in an Iowa paper titled “Cryonics firm sues Burlington family.” Reference: []

Hum, Alcor wants Mr. Richardson’s will enforced to the fullest extent of the law. Alcor bases their whole argument off of Mr. Richardson’s will? Are they (Alcor) schizophrenic or what? I have to ask, what about baseball great Ted Williams? In Mr. Williams will he indicates that he wanted “to be cremated and have his ashes sprinkled at sea off the coast of Florida where the water is very deep.” However Alcor absolutely refused to give up Mr. Williams’ body. Please reference this link for Ted Williams’ will: []

What in the hell is the difference? Oh, I know Alcor wants it both ways.

Mr. Richardson has been dead and buried for several months. What the hell is Alcor going to do with this guy? IT’S ALL ABOUT MONEY!

I certainly hope that the judge in Burlington sees through Alcor’s little game. I hope the judge has more guts than the judges in Florida and Arizona. Alcor seems to want to bend and twist the law in anyway they see fit in order to financially benefit themselves. I have to ask, how long is our state and federal governments going to allow Alcor’s shenanigans to continue? This particular cryonics facility as well as other is in desperate need of REGULATION.

I guarantee I will get a lot of mileage out of this one.

Re: Cryonics, Cult Movement or Ligit Science???
Posted by: Anon1 ()
Date: June 07, 2009 10:22PM

How I see it is that Alcor took advantage of a sick, elderly man. They got his money and for 5 years never made any other contact with him. Alcor should be charged with gross negligence and fraud. This should be referred to the US Attorney.

And really, what is the difference between this situation and the Ted Williams’ issue? Ted’s will states very clearly that he wanted to “be cremated and have his ashes sprinkled at sea off the coast of Florida where the water is very deep.” It seems that Alcor wants to decide how the law pertains to them on a case-by-case bases. This so-called “science” screams to be regulated. When are federal and state authorities going to wise up to Alcor’s charade?

greedy Cryonics companies, Alcor sues family Orville Martin Richardson
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 08, 2009 05:10AM


Alcor and the Venturist religion are going to use this as propaganda. That is their main reason for pursuing this, as has mentioned, the man has been buried for months.

They already are posting in the comments section of this article.
Their code words are...

"greedy relatives"

They are also pursuing their agenda of trying to make people extremely fearful of their own family..
One person from the cryonics companies, even possibly Alcor itself says this...


"Richardson made one big mistake. He trusted his relatives. Instead he should have disinherited them in a written and videotaped will and possibly get even a restraining court order against them. Anybody who trusts relatives is making a deadly mistake."

You see how they have now upped the salespitch?
Notice the careful use of language in that comment? That sounds the the Chief Venturist talking.
notice they use the word...DEADLY MISTAKE. Like cryonics is some sort of guarantee of anything, which it is not at all of course.
Notice the use of the VIDEOTAPED will, which is common language they are using now.
and notice again, how they are trying to reinforce negative beliefs in cryonics NOT TRUST YOUR FAMILY. They always use the term "relatives" as the word "family" is harder to use.
But what they are saying is YOUR FAMILY is your ENEMY. They know that have to install that belief in people first. They are trying to make people paranoid and fearful of their own family, and to make them turn against their own family.

So the Venturists and whoever is writing those comments, is quite skilled in modifying people's belief systems. They use the same patterns over and over.

They are going to try to use this example as a hammer, to try to convince cryonics believers to DISINHERIT their family, and get a restraining order against them.
On top of that, they are already telling people to give the Venturists Power Of Attorney.

So they have it all planned out.
Once they get the full power of attorney, and have the entire family disinherited, and also restraining orders against their family, then the Venturists literally take control of the entire estate, which could be worth millions in many cases. Now the Venturists or Alcor control it all.

If the family fights back, they use the money from the Estate to attack the family. So its risk free for the cryonics company.

All they have to do is find elderly people who may be ill, and use their powerful emotional persuasion and professional sales tactics to get the power of attorney, and then talk them into disinheriting their family, and talk them into getting restraining orders, etc, as they have mentioned.
Then they control everything.

That is the real reason they are going after this guys family. For the propaganda value.
Who knows what the will really says, and when it was changed, and who influenced the language used in the will?
That is up to the judge to decide.

But again, Alcor wins both ways, which is why they are going after the family.
If the judge says no, then watch them go absolutely berserk with more anti-family horror stories, which could be lies. No one knows what this mans wishes really were.
If there is a will, what if it was made under the influence of some slick cryonics salesman years ago?

The cryonics companies are getting more aggressive, and are even getting into the "bodysnatching" businesses, to try and increase their influence over people.

The only smart thing to do is to stay completely away from ANY involvment with these cryonics companies. Any involvement, and after your accidental death, they will create even more misery for your family, and try to take your entire Estate away from your children and spouse, and leave them penniless with nothing.

The greedy and manipulative cryonics companies are the real issue.

Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2009 05:25AM by The Anticult.

Re: greedy Cryonics companies, Alcor sues family Orville Martin Richardson
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 08, 2009 05:47AM

yep, the sordid cryonics propaganda compaign has already begun.
Its outrageous for them to try and talk about "civil rights". That displays their lack of honesty. When you are dead you are no longer a Person, that is a fact.
How can anyone take the cryonics promoters seriously, when they are so intellectually dishonest?
Until anyone can prove otherwise, legal death is legal death.

This is what makes this so outrageous.

This gentleman's funeral was publically announced when it happened, of course.
There was a public viewing and funeral Feb 20, 21 2009, with the local Veterans Honor Guard conducting Military Rites, and showing respect for this veteran and his life.



Even a basic Google alert for each of the people signed-up for cryonics would alert to what is happening. The cryonics people already use Google alerts to attack critics of cryonics.

Any decent person can see that what was done, is what was done, and its time to let this family grieve their loss, and celebrate the life of this man in peace.
But no, these greedy, abusive, and poorly run cryonics companies, like Alcor, months after the fact, are now trying to destroy this gentleman's family.
For what?
Money and propaganda, to try and use this as more anti-family propaganda in their media campaigns.

Name one cultish group on the face of this earth who would stoop to these depths?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2009 05:49AM by The Anticult.

Re: greedy Cryonics companies, Alcor sues family Orville Martin Richardson
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 08, 2009 01:25PM

another bizarre thing about cryonics that also makes it cultlike, is their misuse and warping of the meaning of words, even about life and death.
For example, it seems to be common practice to call NOT freezing a deceased person "murder". The person is legally dead, so obviously it is not "murder".

Meanwhile, some cryonics believers speak about taking living, healthy people, (even children) and then putting them on a table, and ending their life, for a "better cryo-preservation".
That is actually murder, or assisted suicide.

So in that sense, it definitely is cultlike, as some cryonics people do not even accept legal "death", and have reversed the meaning of life and death in their minds.

Meanwhile, all of their contracts show that the people are legally dead, and that the cryonics companies own the corpse and can use the dead tissue for research purposes.
So there is a a bizarre split between the facts inside their own contracts, and their "beliefs" which contradict their own contracts.

It really does bring to mind very extreme groups, where people have been conditioned to believe that "death" will bring them eternal life.
They have also reversed the meaning of death and life, with tragic consequences.
Solar Temple []
Heaven's Gate []

greedy Cryonics, Alcor, trust funds, Rudy Hoffman, David Pizer
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 08, 2009 02:02PM

David PizerHere is more advertising copy from the usual suspects in cryonics.
- David Pizer, 64, and wife Trudy
- Rudy Hoffman
- Tanya Jones, chief operating officer of Alcor

...its more about creating so-called multimillion-dollar "trust funds", and then turning them over to guess who?
This is what has been said all along, its about the cryonics companies getting their hands on MULTIMILLIONS per PERSON. That is the real game.

Notice all of the tricky language in this so-called "article", which is just a PR release, and more of the deceptive use of language about how these so-called trusts would be administered.
Notice also how many issues they avoid, like who owns the trust in the meantime? Alcor? The Venturists?

Also, see how they are framing your family as your enemy, and who is doing it.

and they say Rudy Hoffman has done 400 cryonics contracts? How much does he make from each contract and the trusts he is setting up?
QUOTE: "Hoffman has arranged life insurance funding for the preservation and reanimation of about 400 living cryonicists, roughly half of Alcor's entire clientele."

They also mention, again, that David Pizer is worth 10 million dollars, or whatever. If he is worth 10 million bucks, then why didn't he just pay out of his own pocket for his "friends" who were penniless and needed money to get cryopreserved? Seriously. 50K to someone worth "10 million" is nothing.
The so-called 10 million sounds like a complete bullshit story, frankly, to try and deflect from the greed factor.

Also, dead people cannot own assets. So what they seem to deliberately fail to mention in this advertisement, is that in fact you are simply turning your assets and estate over to Alcor or the Venturists, and then you have to "trust" that no one is going to spend that money after you are dead.

That is actually comical in its absurdity. They should also sell a piece of the Brooklyn Bridge as part of the package.

Frozen Assets by John Dickerson []
"Multimillionaires scheduled to freeze their corpses at Scottsdale-based Alcor's cryonics facility are now creating multimillion-dollar trust funds..."

"Hoffman recommends that his clients diversify their afterlife funds for safekeeping because, as Hoffman admits, post-mortem trusts have their vulnerabilities, namely surviving relatives.
Like explorers looting the pyramid graves of Egyptian Pharaohs, the living families of dead cryonicists often walk away from court battles with the bounty of the trust funds.
Not over these dead bodies. Hoffman and lawyers hope to set up enough legal booby-traps to prevent even the financial Indiana Jones's of the future from raiding their treasure."

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/08/2009 02:06PM by The Anticult.

Re: greedy Cryonics, Alcor, trust funds, Rudy Hoffman, David Pizer
Posted by: Anon1 ()
Date: June 08, 2009 07:57PM

Below are some excerpts from a recent posting from David Pizer. Of course he is taking advantage of the recent headlines about the Richardson case in Iowa to campaign for his little compound he wants to build to separate “our people” from their families. David would have done well in Waco a few years back.


“We cryonicists at present don't have a way of keeping track of our people on a daily basis. We don't have a way of protecting them from their relatives or others who don't want them suspended.”

“We need a physical community where older cryonicists can come to live among other cryonicists - where we can take care of our own as we get older. Where we can protect our own.”

“I was planning to help build such a community in Arizona and I was accumulating wealth to do so, however the recent economic worldwide financial reversal has slowed that down.”

“Anyone interested in being involved a project like this can contact me.”


Reference: []

Re: greedy Cryonics, Alcor, trust funds, Rudy Hoffman, David Pizer
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 09, 2009 03:38AM

wow, that's it right there. That's the another reason they are doing this.
To use it as a propaganda tool, to try and get Ventureville going again.

Its a perfect plan, if they can pull it off.
Get elderly people who are wealthy and vulnerable to move into their motels in a compound they would call Ventureville for cryonicists.

Then get the power of attorney over their entire multimillion-dollar estate, disinherit their children and spouse, get restraining orders against the family, and have as many insurance policies on the death of the person as well, as well as getting all of the assets transfered to various complex "trust" arrangements.

So then you would have the Venturists, in total control of the life of vulnerable senior citizens, while they are living in a private compound, with a "security" force to "protect" them. Of course, they would have to build a razor-wire fence too, to "protect" them from their evil familes who want to talk with grandpa.

And the Venturists, or whoever is in control, also gets a massive financial payout when this person dies.

These are the same folks who are also trying to promote assisted suicide.

It can't get much worse than that.
That is the Hotel Cryofornia, literally. Once you check in, you are never going to leave.

At this point, these cryonics companies are getting so aggressive, one cannot have any contact with them whatsoever, as they are very sophisticated in persuasion, and if they get any contact with a person, then its clear they will attack the bereaved family after death to get what they want.

There are countless scams who target senior citizens, and now cryonics has become one of them.

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