(damages) Nicole Daedone, Reese Jones, cynical sex-cult viral marketing to vulnerable people for profit
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 15, 2014 09:18PM

Another warning sign from the One Taste "marketing" is how they have dealt with the allegations that One Taste by Nicole Daedone, Reese Jones, and others, are using manipulative and "cultic" techniques to lure people in, and exploit them.

Instead of looking at it objectively, the One Taste owners have decided to use it as viral marketing.
so One Taste has cynically embraced "sex-cult" label for themselves, and use it to drive recruitment and profit.

Many sects and cults do this, where they try to reframe the word "cult", or use it as a way to deflect.

Its a toxic-brew when New Wage entrepreneurs like Nicole Daedone combine high-pressure manipulative cultic persuasion techniques (aka MindF*cking), and fuse that with the lust for profits, using sex as the mechanism of cash extraction and promotion.

Experience has shown that even though One Taste has grown, and appears to even be franchising its operations, that its not going to end well. Even now you see people being damaged, hurt, exploited. Its an unbelievably toxic-brew to combine those powerful group persuasion techniques, with sex, in the way they are doing it.

Is Reese Jones still bankrolling the operation? Is Reese Jones involved in profiting financially from One Taste?

One hopes people will stay away from these potentially damaging groups like One Taste. Because even basic common sense tells you a lot of people are going to get hurt, and suffer very serious personal damages.
And who is going to be held accountable for that?
Who is going to pay the piper, for the DAMAGES suffered?

Re: Victor Baranco, Lafayette Morehouse,Nicole Daedone, One Taste - cults?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 15, 2014 11:58PM

Another point.

If you become involved with OT, how can you be sure your confidentiality
will be protected?

Later in life, you may be offered job opportunities that require
security clearances.

You may be engaged to be married and your past flirtation with One Taste
might become an embarassment.

Another point. Suppose you yourself are famous and or have
brag worthy connections or trade secrets in the technology field
or in government circles? Or you are a journalist or editor
with custody over a breaking news story.

What if your lover or spouse, or your administrative assistant becomes involved
with One Taste?

Will they refrain from bragging about their connections to you?

If they are asked about their connections to you, will they be
able to say, 'I cannot discuss this?'

One Taste, Nicole Daedone, Reese Jones, cynical sex-cult viral marketing, COVERT VIDEO RECORDINGS?
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 16, 2014 12:37AM

also, these days another can buy a tiny micro-camera the size of a pen, and use it to record anything.

And One Taste is deliberately using viral marketing of the "sex-cult" angle, so that is going to attract people to pay to engage in the One Taste "group sex". Of course, One Taste doesn't call it that, they try to reframe what they do as some New Agey sex therapy, which it isn't.
So One Taste is doing underground viral marketing as a "sex cult", so what are the chances that some people with "issues" in that area of life, will pay their money to get in on the action?
Very high of course.

So people are there on their backs, and some stranger could be recording video of them?
That could be uploaded to various websites, where it will be forever.

It would be interesting to see the WAIVER that One Taste forces people to sign, are they signing away their rights for psychological malpractice and damages from One Taste?

And to engage in the One Taste sex quackery in a group of strangers...its nuts, its very dangerous, it could ruin your entire life in many ways.

Of course someone with that proclivity could record covert video, and then upload it.

So One Taste is just a bunch of New Age nonsense, using sex as a weapon to make profits. Its a giant rip-off, and the complaints are building.

If a person has sexual issues, then why not go to a registered and licensed actual sex therapist?

Re: Victor Baranco, Lafayette Morehouse,Nicole Daedone, One Taste - cults?
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 16, 2014 09:53PM

There are many bars and clubsin technology savvy cities that now prohibit patrons from bringing in gadgets such as "Google Glass".

Even many strip clubs are prohibiting their use.


Privacy is like money. Never more valuable than when lost.

10 Places You Can't Use Google Glass - MashableApr 25, 2013 ... Strip clubs already ban recording devices for obvious reasons. Since it's difficult
to tell when someone is recording a video or taking pictures ...
mashable.com/2013/04/25/google-glass-banned-places/ - 53k - Cached - Similar pages

Top 10 Places that Have Banned Google Glass | Search Engine ...Aug 7, 2013 ... Google Glass hasn't even hit shelves and it's already getting banned. ... states
and Washington D.C. who have already prohibited texting while driving. ......
camcorder where ever they go, except a strip-club or movie theater.
www.searchenginejournal.com/top-10...that...google-glass/66585/ - 274k - Cached - Similar pages

Tracking: The Ban On Google Glass | Fast Company | Business + ...Google Glass, the smart-computer headset, has garnered as much media
attention for ..... 39 states and Washington, D.C., where texting while driving is
prohibited. ... naked - Think everywhere from department stores to your gym to
strip clubs.
www.fastcompany.com/3009432/.../tracking-the-ban-on-google-glass - 171k - Cached - Similar pages

Drafthouse Cinemas Bans Google Glass, Will Others Follow?4 days ago ... So far we have watched as Casinos, Bars… Adult entertainment clubs and even
art galleries have outright prohibited the wearing of glass ...
www.decryptedtech.com/.../drafthouse-cinemas-bans-google-glass-will-others -follow - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

Even many strip clubs now prohibit patrons w Google Glass
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 16, 2014 09:54PM

There are many bars and clubsin technology savvy cities that now prohibit patrons from bringing in gadgets such as "Google Glass".

Even many strip clubs are prohibiting their use.


Privacy is like money. Never more valuable than when lost.

10 Places You Can't Use Google Glass - MashableApr 25, 2013 ... Strip clubs already ban recording devices for obvious reasons. Since it's difficult
to tell when someone is recording a video or taking pictures ...
mashable.com/2013/04/25/google-glass-banned-places/ - 53k - Cached - Similar pages

Top 10 Places that Have Banned Google Glass | Search Engine ...Aug 7, 2013 ... Google Glass hasn't even hit shelves and it's already getting banned. ... states
and Washington D.C. who have already prohibited texting while driving. ......
camcorder where ever they go, except a strip-club or movie theater.
www.searchenginejournal.com/top-10...that...google-glass/66585/ - 274k - Cached - Similar pages

Tracking: The Ban On Google Glass | Fast Company | Business + ...Google Glass, the smart-computer headset, has garnered as much media
attention for ..... 39 states and Washington, D.C., where texting while driving is
prohibited. ... naked - Think everywhere from department stores to your gym to
strip clubs.
www.fastcompany.com/3009432/.../tracking-the-ban-on-google-glass - 171k - Cached - Similar pages

Drafthouse Cinemas Bans Google Glass, Will Others Follow?4 days ago ... So far we have watched as Casinos, Bars… Adult entertainment clubs and even
art galleries have outright prohibited the wearing of glass ...
www.decryptedtech.com/.../drafthouse-cinemas-bans-google-glass-will-others -follow - 41k - Cached - Similar pages

OneTaste SF Nicole Daedone. Secret video recordings? a "lurky peepshow" with "psychic vampires".
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 17, 2014 12:13AM

As well, OneTaste is marketing to and targeting the silicon valley tech community as paying customers. After all, they have all the money to burn.

and go figure, various reports are saying most of the paying "customers" are "middle-aged men".
Who would have thought that middle-aged men, with excess money from the tech boom, would pay for sexual access?

Same demographic as Reese Jones the alleged "boyfriend" of Nicole Daedone, .

You can see the most recent reviews at Yelp for OneTaste SF.
A middle-aged man gives it 5 Stars! Imagine that...and he has paid to take the OneTaste OM "course" many times! wow! Who would have thought a middle-aged man needs to repeatedly take a course with "female clitoral stroking" by middle-aged men wearing plastic gloves?
Do they serve beer and wings with that? That would also drive more business to OneTaste, have a beer/wings Tuesdays, and put the World Cup on a bigscreen too. Paradise for middle-aged men with tech money to burn.
Maybe they can charge it as Adult Education for a tax deduction? Most likely that is exactly what they do, charge their companies, or its a tax write-off as a "meditation course". They have all the angles covered.

then the very next review from a woman gives OneTaste 1 star, and tells the truth that its about money, a sales-orgie with you as the Mark, sexual kicks and pickups for middle-aged men, and "emotional manipulation and starry-eyed fellow culties".

and below another recent review pointing out its a "lurky peepshow" with "psychic vampires".

Now which reviews sound more truthful, the truthful ones, or the marketing message from the OneTaste Sex-Corp Inc?
The only thing new with the sex-cult angle from OneTaste, is that they have turned it into a franchise corporation like Arby's.
OneTaste Sex-Corp Inc.


-- Moss St
San Francisco, CA 94103
United States
b/t Folsom St & Howard St in SoMa

OneTaste is a company that teaches genital stroking in a technique called Orgasmic Meditation. They have events called "Turn Ons" which are modeled after the Mark groups of the 60s by the sex commune Morehouse. (They were called Mark groups because the people who attended the events are 'marks' to be conned.) If you go to one of these events to 'learn' you will get the hard sell a few days later from their staff.

No matter how eager these OneTaste people seem to be your friend, no matter how much they seem to have something you want, they are salespeople first and will drop you like a hot potato if you don't buy expensive workshops and coaching sessions from them. I was involved with this group for over a year, took 2 classes and even some private coaching sessions from them. And this was the #1 complaint from many people. Many leave. Bad for business.

OneTaste has a sex class for about $6000 and their coaching program costs in the $15,000 range. The basic OM class is about $195 at last I heard. You take this one-day class, the "How to OM" class, to learn their technique of female clitoral stroking. It's like learning a new form of sex. This part is actually cool. Orgasms, what's not to like?

The uncool part is that the staff and coaches are focused on liberating you from your money and protecting their status in the organization, and if you criticize them you will be kicked out. This is getting into the culty part. OneTaste promises women better orgasms, but getting past all the sales, emotional manipulation and starry-eyed fellow culties is a big turn off. It's a good place for older, or shy men, to pick up on women who would not normally consider becoming sexually involved with them. The gender balance can be a little skewed older, white male.

Bottom line: Look elsewhere to expand your sexual education. Don't put your faith in sex gurus or their acolytes. Their main goal is to make money teaching sexual techniques with a veneer of psuedo spirituality. Trust yourself. Remember that the teachers are salespeople first and foremost, not your friends. Also remember that as soon as you quit paying for expensive classes, or quit recruiting new customers for them, you will be of no interest to them.

There are other groups all around the Bay Area doing the same thing, with more care and honesty. Find them.


First to Review

lurky lurky peepshow peeps

psychic vampires.....

hooray 4 the sexy circus

NOT Buddhist
not spiritual just decadence
(wow, amaze balls!)


A possible incentive for the fellas
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 17, 2014 05:51AM

Possible incentive for the fellas.

A guy who cannot get laid except with sex workers risks being busted as a
a john.

Especially in San Francisco. The city has classes where guys arrested for soliciting have to face former prostitutes and learn the sordid realities
behind why many women and girls are in that line of work. Fantasy killer,
right there.

But..with OT, one doesnt get arrested and one can preserve the fantasy
that one is an avante garde fella.

Bragging rights with other men, too.

This last cannot be underestimated.

One can even feel sophisticated about it.

An interesting angle for CPAs
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 17, 2014 05:53AM


Maybe they can charge it as Adult Education for a tax deduction? Most likely that is exactly what they do, charge their companies, or its a tax write-off as a "meditation course". They have all the angles covered.

Accountancy & Accountablity 4 Travel Entertainment
Posted by: corboy ()
Date: June 17, 2014 06:03AM

Expense accounts. Most companies are no longer tolerant.


If it is your individual 1040 report -- then you'd better 'eat' the

CPA's are accountable to a strict code of ethics.

onetaste san francisco cult, Victor Baranco Scientology level scam, Eleanor Rigby
Posted by: The Anticult ()
Date: June 18, 2014 03:27AM

In Google, if you start to type in the words...

OneTaste San Francisco...

Google then gives you the word...



Because that is the top search, and the top word used in articles on OneTaste.
Everyone suspects its a type of sex-cult.

Again, which is why OneTaste are themselves using those terms to target their Marks, people who think that a "sex-cult" would be cool and hip. Without thinking of the terrible downsides of such a corporate profit-seeking sect.

There seem to be dozens of "bloggers" who have attended OneTaste, and written a story about it, generally these folks have absolutely ZERO knowledge of sects, cults, persuasion, hypnosis, Mindf*cking, or know anything about it.
They literally have ZERO knowledge, awareness, or education in that area.
They just swallow the OneTaste load of BS, hook, line and sinker, without any critical thinking at all. None.
Its almost unbelievable how credulous and unaware these alleged "bloggers" are.

But one assumes that is why various white-collar cults earn billions a year.
Public education in this area is beyond appalling. The bottom line is that there needs to be massive public education in this area, and the general public needs to wake-up and realize some of the Tech being used on their minds by these groups.

And here we have another one below, done by a seemingly regular person, who has no clue of how sophisticated the OneTaste system is, but at least her common sense kicks in, and she goes home. But OneTaste throws out the HOOK of "pleasure" and these fish come to bite into the hook, and then the OneTaste saleswomen try to reel them in.

In this article below, one of the participants very clearly states how the OneTaste intro nights, are just glorified pickup markets.

The song that comes to mind reading all these bloggers, is that old Beatles song Eleanor Rigby..."All the lonely people. Where do they all come from?"
Instead of trying to find fulfillment in a relationship, OneTaste is marketing sex through anonymous manual physical manipulation as "enlightenment".
This is pure Victor Baranco, a way for him to set up a harem for himself and make money doing it. Victor Baranco's American Dream...to get rich setting up a harem for himself.

OneTaste has now implemented LEVELS like Scientology. So the OneTaste scam is growing, and getting more sophisticated.
They lure naive people in for the intro level at $15, and the next thing you know, if they bite into the hook, they are getting scammed for tens of thousands of dollars.

Nicole Daedone must also wonder..."All the lonely people. Where do they all come from?"
But like her mentor of 7 years ole Victor Baranco, she's turned their emotional pain into her personal financial corporate profit.


A Peek Into OneTaste's Orgasm Empire
OneTaste promises women a better orgasm, but the path to enlightenment is kind of a turn-off.
By Whitney Phaneuf

"The gray-haired woman said she had been going to OneTaste for two years, and just signed up for the level-seven workshop, an advanced course in OM. The twentysomething said she was on level five, and still searching for what she wanted from sex and love. Terms like "manifest" and "gratitude" filled the conversation.

Later, when I told the gray-haired woman that I planned to attend one of the weekly intro classes, perhaps on Monday in Berkeley, she said she would be there and also at the San Francisco class on Wednesday. "If you're level seven, why are you still attending the intro classes?" I asked. She smiled. "It's usually a one-to-one, male-to-female ratio, if you can imagine, in the Bay Area," she said, adding, "and the men are all there to learn about the female orgasm. It's a great place to meet new sexual partners."


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